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Entrepreneurship Education and Training

Unit - 2: Methods and Media for Teaching of Entrepreneurship

Methods of teaching entrepreneurship education:


 Entrepreneurship education is the genuine intervention by administrators and

educators in the life of the participants to overcome challenges in the corporate
global business environment.
 One of the most significant elements of entrepreneurship curriculum design is
teaching-learning methods, which plays a key role in studies and researches related
to such curriculum. It is the teaching method, and systematic, organized and logical
ways of providing lessons that should be consistent with entrepreneurship goals and
contents, and should also be developed according to the learners‟ needs.

Teaching-learning methods of entrepreneurship curriculum classification:

Teaching-learning Elements
Direct teaching-learning Inviting guest entrepreneurs – Mentoring - Official speech-
methods seminars, Video watching and recording - Training in
extracurricular activities -Training in specialized lessons -
small businesses mentoring –Entrepreneurship tutoring

Interactive teaching- Process-oriented learning - Learning from mistakes -

learning methods Interviewing entrepreneurs - Bilateral learning - Group
discussion - Networking – Discussion - Problem-oriented
learning - Active learning

Practical-operational Role-playing - Training workshops - Site visiting - Class

teaching learning practice - Research projects – Internship - Business
methods planning - Starting business - Studying nature - Investment
projects - Practical experience
Methods of teaching entrepreneurship education:
1. Project method
2. Group discussion method
3. Lab method
4. Heuristic method
5. Survey method
6. Servicelearning method
7. Question method

Project method of teaching has evolved from the philosophy of pragmatists. It is an
experience centered strategy related to life-situation. This teaching strategy focus on;

To socialize an individual.
To achieve cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives.
This teaching strategy is based on the following principles:

 Principle of Utility: Choose those projects/ new business ventures of business which
are closer to the social life.
 Principle of readiness: Involve the learners in finding the solution of the problem
with their active participation.
 Learning by Doing: Learner performs certain tasks and experiences new things.
This adds to his knowledge and results in learning.
 Socialization: It develops the feeling of cooperation and group work.
 Inter-disciplinary Approach: To involve the knowledge of different subjects in
solving the social problems.

Types of project method of teaching:

According to Kilpatric, “A project is a whole-hearted purposeful activity proceeding in
a social environment”.

Kilpatric has classified the project method in four types.

 Constructive: When learners have to construct some things related to social life.
e.g. charts, models, maps, parcels etc.
 Artistic: These projects are generally allotted in the aesthetic fields of life. e.g. in
music, drawing, painting art and culture.
 Problem-Solving: These projects are given to solve the problems related to any life-
situation or related to any subject e.g. how to operate bank accounts? Or how to send an
email or letter. These general problems if solved, will make a child efficient for social-
 Group-Work: A team of students is assigned a work to be performed. e.g. to develop
a garden in the college (Mini Project venture).

Basic elements of project method of teaching strategy

There are four basic elements of this teaching strategy which make it purposeful.

i. Spontaneity,
ii. Purpose,
iii. Significance, and
iv. Interest (Motivation.)

Advantages of Project Method of teaching:

 It helps in developing social norms and social values among the learners.
 It provides invaluable opportunities for correlation of various elements of the
subject matter and for transfer of training or learning.
 It helps in growing knowledge very effectively as a result of their close cooperation
on social participation in the spirit of democracy.

Disadvantages of Project Method of teaching:

 The project cannot be planned for all subjects and whole subject matter
cannot be taught by this strategy.
 It is not economical from the point of view of time and cost.
 It is very difficult for a teacher to plan or to execute the projects to the
learners and supervise them.

2. Group discussion method:

Group discussion is formed by combining two different words i.e. group and discussion. Here,
group means a number of people or things that are put together considered as a unit whereas the
word, “discuss” is derived from the Latin “discutere”, which means to shake or strike. Thus
“discussion” refers to examine the topic thoroughly to reach a conclusion. Collectively, it is
called Group discussion which means the exchange of ideas by participated candidates on a
specific subject or topic. The whole concept is to bring collectively a unit of people on a
common platform to share their ideas.

Group Discussion is conducted to evaluate following skills of students:

Effective Communication.
Quality of Language.
Listening Skills.
Assertive Attitude.
Paraphrasing Skills.

The Types of Group Discussion:

Generally, group discussion categorized into two categories i.e.

i. Topic-based group discussion and

ii. Case-based group discussion as discussed below.

Topic-Based Group Discussion: In this discussion, a topic is provided to the candidates about
what they have to perform in the discussion. This logic has been drawn from the actual work
scenarios. In this discussion, the given topics are of three kinds i.e. Factual topics,
Controversial topics and Abstract topics (related to intangible things).

Case-Based Group Discussion: Instead of the topics, small cases are handover to the
candidates which leads to the questions and they have to discuss those questions. This will
help in finding out the problem-solving abilities of the candidates.

Purpose of Group Discussion:

There are several purposes for group discussions. Some of them are listed below:

 To reach a solution on an issue of concern.

 To generate new ideas for solving a problem.
 To train ourselves in various interpersonal skills.

3. Lab method:
The goal is for students in entrepreneurship as learners, to gain experience with fast-
paced startup companies and to apply their academic knowledge to the problems faced by
entrepreneurial firms in a context of uncertainty, extreme time pressures and decision making
based on limited information.

Startups are typically tech-intensive, intellectual property-based, Popular sectors include

software, hardware, robotics, cleantech and life sciences. (On the basis of current technological

E-Lab students work with startups in a wide variety of industries, including

software, hardware, robotics, cleantech, life sciences, and others.

How e-lab works:

Teams of science, engineering, and educational management students participate
actively one day a week with the top management of high-tech startups. The students gain
hands-on experience about starting and running new ventures. The companies gain assistance
with an urgent aspect of their businesses; examples include choosing initial markets,
approaching initial customers and communicating the value of the product.
The E-Lab process begins well before the start of the semester. Companies apply to
become hosts by registering candidate to e-Lab projects on this website. The course teaching
assistants work with the companies to identify projects that will fit well in the course and bring
substantial value to the host companies.

By encouraging students to take a look at the company’s profile before the first class,
because the projects will be pitched to them during that class.

Then, in the following week, students submit their top company preferences. Colleges
form them into teams and match the teams to startups based on their interests.

4. Heuristic method:

The term heuristic refers to problem-solving. The heuristic method of teaching is based
on the psychological principles of trial and error theory. Logical thinking and imagination are
prerequisites for the heuristic method of teaching strategy. The heuristic method of teaching is
an economic and fast strategy. In the Heuristic method, the student must be an independent
discoverer. So, there is no teacher help or guidance in this method. In this method, the teacher
poses a problem to the students, then stands aside while they discover the answer. It develops
the habit of inquiring and investigating among students.

This develops the habit of self-study and self-direction. It develops a scientific attitude
in students by making them honest as they learn to come to decisions through real experiments.
This is a psychologically healthy learning system, as it is based on maximum learning by doing.
It forms in students the habit of diligence. In this method, most of the work is done at school
and so teachers don’t have to worry about giving them tasks to do at home. It allows individual
attention by establishing cordial relationships between teachers and learners. It helps to achieve
cognitive, emotional, and psychological goals, i.e. it helps in overall development. Students are
put in a situation to learn for themselves. It develops learners‟ confidence and self-control.
Teachers are always available to give personal advice regarding the solution to the problem.
Thus, the interaction between the teacher and the learner takes place in a cooperative and
supportive environment.

Heuristics provide the entrepreneur with cognitive problems solving tools or shortcuts
when they need to make a decision or solve a problem. Heuristics are based on previous
experiences, and become rules of thumb or golden rules that an entrepreneur follows when a
quick decision is required.

Entrepreneurs tend to use heuristics in their decision making far more than their
managerial counterparts, which results in them coming up with more innovative ideas. It is
important to understand the entrepreneur's ability to use heuristics in decision making as they
regularly encounter uncertainty when pursing a new venture. When an opportunity for a new
venture presents itself, an entrepreneur who chooses to base his decisions on factual-based logic
may become overwhelmed and cost-averse, whereas the entrepreneur who uses heuristic-based
logic will be able to exploit opportunities and avoid any barriers that may occur.
Advantages of Heuristic Teaching Method:
It helps in achieving cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives i.e. it helps in all round
development of the child.
Students are put into the situation to learn by self-experience. It certainly develops self-
confidence and self-reliance in the learners.
It helps in developing scientific attitude and creativity in the learners.
Teacher encourages the learners to explore the environment in search of the solution of the
problems. By doing so, some new knowledge is discovered by them.

Teacher is always ready to provide individual guidance regarding the solution of the problem.
Thus, interaction between the teacher and the learner takes place in a cooperative, conducive

Disadvantages of Heuristic Teaching Method:

 It cannot be used at primary level of education.

 Higher intelligence and divergent thinking is required in the learners. But, there are some
students who are below average and fail to succeed in discovering the solutions of the
problems. It frustrates them.
 In true sense, none of the teachers have patience for providing individual guidance to the
learners. And learners, too, feel hesitation to approach the teacher for seeking his help.
 The Survey method is the technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who are
thought to have desired information. A formal list of questionnaire is prepared. Generally, a
non -approach is used. The respondents are asked questions on their demographic interest
 Survey consists of a predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample. With a
representative sample, that is representative of the larger population of interest, one can
describe the attitudes of the population from which the sample was drawn.

Sl Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly

no Statement disagree nor disagree agree

1 education should have
high priority in higher
2 education should be
embedded as a
specific, stand-alone
course / program in
higher education.
3 education should be
integrated into existing
subjects in higher
education (e.g. as a
Entrepreneurship should
4 be embedded as an
explicit goal in higher

Advantages of Survey Method:

Relatively easy to administer.
Can be developed in less time (compared to other data-collection methods).
Cost-effective, but cost depends on survey mode.
Can be administered remotely via online, mobile devices, mail, email or
telephone. Conducting remotely can reduce or prevent geographical dependence.
Capable of collecting data from a large number of respondents.
Numerous questions can be asked about a subject, giving extensive flexibility in data
With survey software, advanced statistical techniques can be utilized to analyze
survey data to determine validity, reliability, and statistical significance, including
the ability to analyze multiple variables.
A broad range of data can be collected (e.g., attitudes, opinions, beliefs, values,

behavior, factual).

Standardized surveys are relatively free from several types of errors.

Disadvantages of Survey Method:

 Unwillingness of respondents to provide information- This requires salesmanship on
the part of the interviewer. The interviewer may assure that the information will be
kept secret or apply the technique of offering some presents.
 Inability of the respondents to provide information- This may be due to lack of
knowledge, Lapse of memory.
 Inability to identify their motives and provide “reasons why?” for their actions.
 Symantec difficulties are there - it is difficult, if not impossible, to state a given question
in such a way that it will mean exactly same thing to each respondent. Similarly, two
different wordings of the same question will frequently produce quite different results


 Service learning has been identified as a suitable approach to teach

social entrepreneurship.
 However, in order to design service learning in an appropriate way, it is necessary to
better understand why students want to become a social entrepreneur as opposed to a
traditional entrepreneur. Thus, this study aims at identifying distinct student motives for
preferring social entrepreneurship.
 According to researches, reasons typically mentioned by students who prefer a
social entrepreneurship career over a commercial entrepreneurship career belonged to
the following categories: impact, personal motives, and considering social and
economic aspects.
 From this understanding, possible recommendations for the design of service learning
in social entrepreneurship programs. These recommendations will contribute to a
student- oriented design of service learning that incorporates students‟ own motives.
 Service Learning is a pedagogy that combines classroom instruction, engaged student
learning, meaningful service in the community, and personal reflection.

Bloom’s Affective Domain Taxonomy:

Category Description

Receiving Has an awareness and a willingness to receive an experience

Responding Motivated by other people or the situation to be responsive to

learning activity; active, emotional involvement in learning

Valuing Elevated perceived importance of subject matter; internally

motivated to learn; proactive in seeking additional information;
preference and commitment to certain values

Organization Committed to abstract thoughts and ideals; development of more

inclusive frameworks used to make decisions and judgments;
generalization of dominant values.

Characterization Individual characterized by a value system; exhibit habitualized

behaviors based on value system; a lived philosophy of life.

Advantages of service-learning method:

The integrative characteristics of the service-learning focuses on a holistic approach as it

assimilates classroom program learning goals, supervision of the mentors, community
developmental projects and concomitant prior issues of the community. Therefore, students
have to actively participate by considering themselves as both learners and community

The strength-based facet of the service-learning makes use of available resources and
community strengths, and transforms the organizations and the community members as co-
educators of students. The capacity and expertise that lie in every community help the
students learn the basic objectives embedded in the projects and plan strategies based on
community’s unique strengths.

The contextualized approach of service learning focuses in providing an opportunity to the

students in inculcating the knowledge and understands the issues that reside in the context of
the community. By understanding the issues students connect the underlying theories taught
to them in the class, to the practical knowledge, as evinced from the communities.

The life-long approach of the service-learning is sustainable and remains forever. The
outcome of this educational tool is meaningful, distinctive and influential. While
synthesizing the theory and practice, students are able to inculcate civic sense, enhance self-
awareness, build
relationships, identify social issues, and develop their analytical skills to solve the problems.
In this way, service learning prepares a base for interpersonal growth.

Disadvantages of service learning method:

 Takes more effort (for students and teacher) to implement.

 Can be more costly (transportation, uniforms, materials, etc).
 Students may lack the skills or desire.
 Time-intensive.
 Community partners sometimes feel used.
 Semester ends and everyone leaves.
 Learning is stressed over service.

7. Question method:
 One of the most frequently used teaching methodology in the
entrepreneurship education is Question method.
 In entrepreneurship education with regard to what is taught and how it is taught.
Instead of asking what entrepreneurship education is and what it does, we
should know what ideally it should be and should do.
 There is a logical progression between existing approaches – paradigms – to
teaching entrepreneurship, and that a fourth „new‟ paradigm, „everyday
practice‟, constitutes the foundation for all other entrepreneurship education
because it establishes the core entrepreneurial competence.

Question Paradigm Value to be created

How do we install Facilitating entrepreneurship Indeterminate: depends

an entrepreneurial as an everyday practice. on the students and their
spirit in students? everyday practices.

How do we train Training students to create Economic value (through

students to start new new ventures. new ventures).

How do we train Training students to Economic value

students to transform ideas and (through growth
create high- knowledge into ventures).
growth firms? economic growth.
How do we train Facilitating Social value.
students to solve a entrepreneurial energy
broad number of for social change.
societal problems

Advantages of Question-Answer Method of Teaching:

 While asking questions, the teacher keeps in mind the abilities, needs and interest of the


 It involves the learners‟ participation towards the subject matter and in teaching acts.

 It helps in achieving cognitive objectives and bringing knowledge at conscious level.

 Classroom verbal interaction is encouraged.

 It is a useful strategy at all the levels of education.

Disadvantages of Question-Answer Method of Teaching:

It is difficult to prepare good questions, and arrange them logically.

The whole content-matter cannot be taught by this strategy.

The teacher wants the structured answers from the learners. There is no freedom for
imaginative answers.


Teaching-learning methods of entrepreneurship curriculum which can help the instructors to

select an appropriate method of teaching entrepreneurship in class and make sure that the
teaching process is on the right path. Since the pattern uses reliable data; quantitative and
qualitative validation methods, it is credible and its findings can be relied. Moreover, due to
comprehensiveness, the pattern includes all the effective teaching methods of entrepreneurship
education system. It is also proportional to diversity of educational opportunities in academic
centers for meeting the employment needs of learners. Using any of these models, instructors can
select an appropriate teaching method, and design their educational activities in accordance with
it. Also, by utilizing these teaching methods, learners can participate in more challenging
educational activities, and consequently gain experiences which provide some insights
into discovering and creating entrepreneurship opportunities. Moreover, it enables them to start
and manage their businesses successfully and also take advantage of these educational
Media for teaching of entrepreneurship:

“The creation and ownership of a small enterprise or organization whose activity adds at least one
voice or innovation to the media marketplace”.

Entrepreneurship and start-up activities are seen as a key response to recent upheavals in the
media industry: Newly founded ventures can act as important drivers for industry transformation
and renewal, pioneering new products, business models, and organizational designs. In principle,
media students represent a crucial population of nascent entrepreneurs: individuals who will
likely become founders of start-ups. However, their willingness to start a new business is
generally considered to be rather low, and for journalism students, the idea of innovation tends to
be conservative, following traditional norms and professional standards. The main barriers to
entrepreneurial intention is that students feel they lack knowledge and training
in entrepreneurship.

In the last 10 years, a wide variety of entrepreneurship education courses have been set up in
media departments of colleges and universities worldwide. These programs have been designed
to sensitize and prepare communications, media and journalism students to think and act
entrepreneurially. Entrepreneurial competencies and practices not only play a crucial role for
start- ups, but, in times of digital transformation, are increasingly sought after by legacy media
companies as well.

By outlining and evaluating the Media Entrepreneurship program, which aims to promote good
practices of entrepreneurship education in communications, media and journalism, and to reject
on the limitations of such programs.
Pedagogical approach:

Media Entrepreneurship is an interactive and experiential start-up simulation focused on

the process of taking a media venture from a concept to a successful business. Besides the
transfer of knowledge and skills, the program also aims to encourage participants to work in an
entrepreneurial context. This includes setting up their own business based on the ideas developed
in the simulation, or at a later point in time. The pedagogical approach is structured around the
following five learning components:

1. Development of a business model:

In teams of five, students conceive their own media product and a viable business model for a
complex and changing environment.

2. Classes:

Face-to-face teaching in workshops and a Moodle-based eLearning environment allow students

to develop a clear understanding of challenges in the media industry, identify business
opportunities and learn to build a successful media start-up. Teaching is based on entrepreneurial
concepts and tools, such as business Model Canvas, the Lean Startup approach and Design
thinking methods. Taking these methods as a basis, lessons not only focus on agile product
development, iterative business model generation but also on opportunity recognition and
exploitation, customer-driven ideation, growth and scalability as well as entrepreneurial finance.
All of this happens over a period of four months, which reflects the entrepreneurial process itself.

3. Coaching:

During the program, every student team is coached intensively by an experienced expert from
the media industry, guiding their paths and providing hands-on knowledge.

4. Field trip:

Combining theory and practice, student teams head to international start-up hotspots to connect
with entrepreneurs and financiers, receiving real-world feedback on their business models.

5. Final pitch:

After developing and implementing their business model, the teams pitch to a jury of leading
media industry experts and investors who give feedback and decide whose idea they would
invest in. The program is designed for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates, thus
promoting cooperation between students with different levels of experience.

Need of media for teaching:

Media entrepreneurship revolves around creating a new venture and the consideration of
launching a startup, primarily grouped in three areas: Desirability (is this what people want?);
Feasibility (can you actually build/deliver it?) and Sustainability (How will you get it launched
and keep it going?),”

Media entrepreneurship offerings were intended to build their students‟ digital and innovations
skills so they could be effective players in the emerging media landscape.

“It is not necessarily about starting a company,” but to focus on entrepreneurial thinking: How
can we do things differently to meet the needs of our audiences, using the tools and platforms
that are appropriate?”

Some of the educators teach media entrepreneurship as a stand-alone undergraduate or

graduate class. Others incorporate the teaching of media entrepreneurship into classes on
innovation or multimedia production skills.

“The prime reason why schools are launching „media entrepreneurship‟ courses is that they
and their students want to continue practicing journalism despite the implosion of legacy mass
media news organizations”.

Media entrepreneurship education teaches students crucial life skills, such as:

How to collaborate and work with a team

How to speak in public and prepare an effective presentation
How to collect and analyze data
How to use social media as an advocacy tool
How to solve real, complex problems that don’t have a definitive answer
How to use curiosity and creativity to find an innovative approach to difficult problems
Students learn to understand the product development cycle, come up with their own
unique business proposals, and deliver multiple pitch presentations.
Entrepreneurship education does not just benefit those entering the fields of science,
technology, and business and also students of art, music, and humanities can develop
their imagination and learn how to apply creative thinking skills to real-world problems.

Media entrepreneurship programs can play a key role in preparing students for many
different futures such as Integrating research, writing, digital, and business skills, as
media entrepreneurship programs do, opens the doors to careers in startups, nonprofits,
the diplomatic corps, commercial enterprises, the political arena, and tech giants, in
addition to law and medical school.
Classification of media:

Electronic media:
Electronic media definition – Electronic media is the media that one can share on any
electronic device for the audiences viewing, unlike static media (Printing) electronic media is
broadcasted to the wider community. Examples of Electronic media are things such as the
television the radio, or the wide internet.

The purpose of using electronic media:

The purpose of using electronic media can be for many reasons, one of the reasons is that you
can use it to market yourself and anything else from businesses to products and so on.
Electronic media is an efficient way to communicate to one another, either by the use of media
devices and networks or social media sources such as Television or the Internet these are a few
of the many ways you can use electronic media to your advantage.

The different types of electronic media

There is a wide range of electronic media that broadcast: a variety of different things like
advertisements and promotions. Different Electronic media types are below:

• Television
• Radio
• Internet
• Shops

 Television is one of the most used electronic media devices because franchises can
pay for advertisements to show millions of people, thus bringing in more business for
the franchise owner.

 The Radio is similar but does not give the audience visuals, just sound. This method of
electronic media can be effective and much more affordable than Television but does not
engage the listeners as much as visual ads.

 The Internet is one of the most profitable electronic media devices, with a single click of
a button ads will fill the webpage and is definite to catch a few glimpses for fellow web
surfers. This not only spreads through electronic media but can profit the creator of the
web page throughout time.

 Shops have electronic media in most places, whether it be on an electric billboard or

ATM screen electronic media is sure to be in almost everywhere you go.

Advantage of selecting electronic media:

 This depends on what type of business you have and whether you wish to use
Electronic media or not, most or almost all business use Electronic media in some
way to attract
new or more customers, just say you choose to advertise using Facebook which is a
basic Electronic media module which you can use to your advantage, businesses
usually use the “check-in” method where if you check into their store they will give
you something in return, either a discount or some points on a membership card, this
generates more customer flow to the store and in turn allows more profit to be made.

 Electronic media is the basis of e-commerce marketing, firstly you will need a
method of approach whether you would like to use online marketplaces or
social/mail like places to promote your business, then soon after obtaining online
contacts you will be seeing customers showing up to your business or buying from
your online market.

 Electronic media is a way for your business to be heard but not only heard, seen too.
As your Business becomes its own entity online, you have a brand and your brand has
a face, if managed well it is sure to increase revenue. If not, then your business may
struggle to get back up from the floor with many other competitors.

New Terms:

Broadcasting: To transmit or sent information through the use of various electronic media
devices. Media: The wide world of mass communication through electronic media.

Digital media:
 Entrepreneurship education should catch up with the current developments in
today’s digitally interconnected and virtual world. As all forms of conducting
business become digital, essentially entrepreneurship needs a new digital
competence-based learning approach.

 Entrepreneurship is synonymous to the discovery and utilisation of opportunities.

Consequently, an important dimension of an entrepreneurial orientation is
innovativeness. Today’s digital age provides entrepreneurs with new tools to innovate
and succeed. It is important to highlight that entrepreneurs can gain a great deal if they
are engaged in digital communications and digital media.

 During the last decades, the business landscape in general, and the practice of
entrepreneurship and marketing in particular, have undergone numerous changes.
Such changes are primarily driven by the technological advancements, which have
paved the way for new, innovative digital channels of communicating, interacting, and
creating value with customers. Open innovation and customer involvement can
thereby be realized.

 Consequently, through co-creation, we can achieve an effective innovation process

whereby customers can get real added value. Digital media plays a central role in this
development. Simultaneously, entrepreneurship education needs to embrace and
capitalise on this new reality and the opportunities that it presents.

 The fundamental elements of Digital media include social media marketing, content
marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), E-mail marketing, web design, and
online advertising. In particular, social media marketing is seen as a key component of
DM, and it relates to the use of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube and Twitter, as well as websites to promote a product/brand and engage

 Essentially, social media enable not only company-to-customer interactions but also
customer-to customer communication and interaction. Hence, it has empowered
customers who can now engage in content generation and can potentially influence
other customers through Electronic Word of Mouth. This changing role and
empowerment of customers positively influences customer engagement, customer
relationships and value creation through co-creation.

 The nature of entrepreneurship calls for students to be innovative, to take

initiatives and to make their own decisions, whilst the traditional educational
setting teaches students to mainly follow rules.

 Traditional classroom-based lectures can be easily adapted and replaced by rich

media technology, online presentations, and online interactive tutorials. Change is
not hard to be achieved when necessity arrives. This is best evidenced with the
recent lockdown experience with the corona virus pandemic (COVID19), whereby
digital learning became universal in a matter of days.

 Telelearning, for example, can concentrate on specific knowledge facts by

providing illustrated examples in entrepreneurial challenges. This development is in
line with the

 emergence of the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) which are rapidly
changing the way in which students can obtain digital information, thus generating
new opportunities for learning and skills development.

 A new stream has been added to entrepreneurship education to reflect the

importance of digital skills, named „digital entrepreneurship‟. In fact, the teaching
of digital entrepreneurship is not only currently appropriate but also fits well in
many of today’s educational environments and it is directly related to students”
educational needs.

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