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2024 – Spring I

Student Name: __________________________________

Student ID: _____________________________________

FINAL TEST (60 minutes)
Exercise 1(6 points) – use functions
Write C program:
a. Input and output an array has n items (2)
b. Find maximum item, index and value (1)
c. Sort descending array and output (1)
d. Sum of all prime items (2)
e. Does array have all prime items (1)
f. Sort ascending negative items, descending positive items (1)
a. Array: 7 5 -3 -1 8 -2
b. Maximum = 8, index = 4
c. Sort: 8 7 5 -1 -2 -3
d. Sum = 12
e. No
Orignal: 7 5 -3 -1 8 -2
Sort: 8 7 -3 -2 5 -1

Exercise 2(2 points)

a. Input an interger number (n) from user. If n<0, reinput until n>=0.
b. Display all perfect numbers <= n
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