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Interactive Communication

Professional Communication Lab Skills

Table of Contents

I. Spoken Skills
● Introduction
I. Group discussion
II. Conversational skills
1.1 Extempore
1.2 Spell-Act
1.3 Know yourself
III. Communication Skills for Seminars/Conferences/Workshops with emphasis
on Paralinguistic/Kinesics.

IV. Presentation Strategies

 Official/Public Speaking practice sessions based on suitable Rhythmic Patterns.

V. Argumentative Skills

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Practical Session:1


Language laboratory is a very helpful tool for practicing and assessing one's speech in
any language. It provides a facility that allows the student to listen to model
pronunciation, repeat and record the same, listen to their performance and compare with
the model, and do self-assessment.


The objective of a group discussion is to evaluate certain attributes in a candidate that

can be otherwise difficult or time-consuming to ascertain. Panelists or evaluators in a
group discussion will look out for communication skills.

Theory and Concept:

A group discussion can be a very stimulating communication activity for those who have
the skill. It is a very useful activity in organizations. It helps in understanding a situation,
exploring possibilities, and solving problems because it allows multiple points of view. It
also gives a sense of participation to all those who participate in it. A meeting is an
education for all persons who take part in it, including the leader/ chairman. Participants
get an overview of the organization and the different aspects of its activities. The
discussion enables the participants to see and appreciate other people’s points of view.
● The business meeting has been described as continuing education in business
● Group Discussion is a modern method of assessing students' personalities.
● It is both a technique and an art and a comprehensive tool to judge the worthiness
of the student and his appropriateness for the job.
● The term suggests a discussion among a group of persons.
● The group will have 8 & 12 members who will express their views freely, frankly in
a friendly manner, on a topic of a current issue.
● Within a time limit of 20 to 30 minutes, the abilities of the members of the group
are measured.
● Topic may be given to judge your public speaking talent.
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● Discussion revolves around a specific subject.
● The examiner does not interfere once he announced the topic.
● Maintain cordiality and free expression of thought and opinion.
Advantages of Group Discussion:
● Stimulation of thinking in a new way.
● Expansion of knowledge
● Understanding of your strength and weakness.
● Your true personality is revealed and qualities of leadership crystallize
Skills and Competencies:
● Language skills
● Academic knowledge
● Leadership skills
● People handling skills
● Teamwork
● Problem-Solving Skills
● General knowledge.
Effective Group Discussion:

● Effective discussion requires a participant to first set a plan or agenda to guide the
● To be mindful of the opinions and participation of others, and to stay focused by
keeping to the agenda.
● It involves listening and speaking, initiating and responding, and staying on topic.
● And the challenging discussion that is not on topic

Pre-Requisites for a Group Discussion:

● Topics given by panelists

● Planning and preparation
● Knowledge with self-confidence
● Communication skills/ power of speech
● Presentation
● Body Language and personal appearance

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● Being calm and cool

Topics for a Group Discussion:

● P-politics
● E -economy
● S- social
● T- technology
● L- legal
● E- environmental

Effective Group Discussion Skills:

● Plan a discussion or set an agenda

● Respond constructively to the ideas of others
● Identify behaviors that promote and hinder discussion
● Use the score sheet to diagram the interactions that take place in a group discussion
● Involve others in a discussion
● Challenge off-topic discussion
● Score performance in a discussion
● Involving others
● Balancing your viewpoint with those of others
● Being sensitive to others
● Building consensus
● Knowing when to listen, when to speak, and how much to say
● Taking responsibility for making the group work

Effective Group Discussion Skills:

● Displaying confidence or expressing a lack of confidence when genuine doubt exists

● Contributing vs. Participating
● Active listening
● Taking turns
● Staying on task

Checklist for Self-evaluation:

❖ I quietly reflected on the purpose of the discussion before speaking.

❖ I gathered and looked at all the resources before speaking.
❖ I made sure all my speaking was directed at setting the agenda and not just the
❖ I worked quickly to set the agenda.

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❖ I looked for facts that I thought were significant to understanding the issue.
❖ I looked for facts that were missing.
❖ I determined why we were having the discussion.
❖ I identified what were trying to do - the purpose of the discussion. Were we to
create something, • write something, speak about something, etc.?
❖ I made a list of all questions to be answered.
❖ I put all the questions in the order that they should be discussed.
❖ I numbered the agenda items.
❖ I timed the items on the agenda to guide us through the discussion
❖ I kept notes during agenda setting & discussion

Many companies and institutes are making group discussions as the first criteria for
screening the candidates for face-to-face interviews. And there is a reason too for
giving huge importance to Group Discussion.

First thing Group Discussion is used for mass elimination!

And second thing group discussion selection criteria are based on actual company

Communication and Group Discussion skill are two relevant soft skills that are a must for
software testers.

Why group discussion should be the first criteria for selecting software
Software tester requires communication with different people like team members, managers, and
customers. So, interpersonal skill is very important for the tester. Yesterday one of our readers
mailed me about her problem. She is very good at work but when it comes to taking credit for her
work, someone else is taking the credit. Why this is happening? She is lagging in interpersonal
skills. Lagging in communication. She might be proficient in many skills, but what if she isn’t
able to communicate her thoughts in front of her seniors or evaluators? Simply, she will lose the
credits for her own work!

Making a good impression while speaking in meetings or interviews is the basic skill every
professional should have. Let’s see how you can make this impression.

What skills are judged in group discussion?

● How good you are at communication with others.

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● How you behave and interact with the group.

● How open-minded are you?

● Your listening skill.

● How you put forward your views.

● Your leadership and decision-making skills.

● Your analysis skill and subject knowledge.

● Problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

● Your attitude and confidence.

Following are some tips for Group discussion:

1) Keep eye contact while speaking: Do not look at the evaluators only. Keep eye contact
with every team member while speaking.

2) Initiate the GD:

Initiating the GD is a big plus. But keep in mind – Initiate the group discussion only when you
understood the GD topic clearly and have some topic knowledge. Speaking without proper
subject knowledge is a bad impression.

3) Allow others to speak: Do not interrupt anyone in-between while speaking. Even if you
don’t agree with his/her thoughts do not snatch their chance to speak. Instead, make some notes
and clear the points when it’s your turn.

4) Speak clearly: Speak politely and clearly. Use simple and understandable words while
speaking. Don’t be too aggressive if you are disagreeing with someone. Express your feelings
calmly and politely.

5) Make sure to bring the discussion on track: If by any means the group is distracting
from the topic or goal then simply take initiative to bring the discussion on track. Make all group

aware that you all need to come to some conclusion at the end of the discussion. So stick to the

6) Positive attitude: Be confident. Do not try to dominate anyone. Keep positive body
language. Show interest in the discussion.

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7) Speak sensibly: Do not speak just to increase your speaking time. Don’t worry even if you
speak less. Your thoughts should be sensible and relevant instead of irrelevant speech.

8 ) Listen carefully to others: Speak less and listen more! Pay attention while others are
speaking. This will make coherent discussion and you will get involved in the group positively.
You will surely make people agree with you.

9) No need to go into much detail: Some basic subject analysis is sufficient. No need to
mention exact figures while giving any reference. You have limited time so be precise and convey
your thoughts in short and simple language.

10) Formal dressing: Do not take it casually. No fancy and funny dressing. You should be
comfortable speaking in a group. Positive gestures and body language will make your work easy.
Follow these 10 simple rules to easily crack the GD. Do’s & Don’t. Guidelines:- As a student and
later as a professional you may have a take part in a group discussion. Try to cultivate trails and
sharpen the ones you already have.

Do’s for Group Discussion

1. Define the topic.

2. Analyse the scope.

3. Initiate the discussion.

4. Listen to the views of others.

5. Intervene forcefully but politely.

6. Summarize the views of others before presenting your point of view.

7. Be brief.

8. Concede or agree to others’ points.

9. Speak with proper pronunciation.

10. Summarize at the end.

11. State the conclusions reached.

Don’ts for Group Discussion:

1. Don’t be assertive.

2. Don’t monopolize or dominate the discussion.

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3. Don’t make personal remarks.

4. Don’t jump to conclusions.

5. Neither raise your voice too high nor speak too softly.

6. Do not use aggressive gestures.

7. Sit in a relaxed, alert position

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Practice Session: 2
Learners will be able to connect with the other learners, besides
developing their self-confidence. It will boost their motivation to
share and communicate.
Theory and Concept:
You may need to introduce yourself in various contexts, such as
meetings, conferences, seminars, getting to connect to a hobby group,
your new class at the commencement of the semester, and many more. The immediate purpose
of self-introduction in these contexts is to make strangers feel at ease, establish a sense of
belongingness, and express solidarity. Therefore, the speech should be precise and brief.
Some Basics of an Effective Self Introduction: The following steps should be taken to
ensure an effective self-introductory speech, which will elevate your level of speech:
● Stating your name
● Placing yourself: where you are from, the place where you study/work, the position you
currently hold.
● Background: what you can share that is related to the group's core purpose (your
experience, a particular skill, or educational qualification).
● Interest, passion, or goal: what particularly interests you, what drives you, and what goals
do you have to achieve?
● Sharing personal details: hobbies, pets, peeves, etc.
● Unity: what you share in common with someone else in the group.

Nervousness: how to cope with it?

If a self-introduction speech is sprung on you with very little warning, use the few minutes you
have before it is your turn to organize your thoughts.

If you're inclined to be tongue-tied or awkward don't listen to what others are saying before
you. It seems quite rude, but the situation calls for self-preservation. If you listen, you'll get
mesmerized by their speeches and unable to plan for yourself which will heighten your anxiety.

Grab a piece of paper the moment the introduction is announced and start jotting down ideas.
Start with the basic information - your name, where you are from, etc. and then add more from

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the list above. From those additional points select one to focus on. Make your comments personal
well as relevant to the group.

Topic: Me

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Practice Session: 3

Conversational skills
Communication Skills for Seminars/Conferences/Workshops with emphasis on

● Extempore presentation
● Spell Act
● Know yourself (Strengths and Weaknesses)


Learners will be able to interact well with others in order to

accomplish everyday conversations effectively.

Theory and Concept:

Communication takes place when one person transfers some
information to another person. It also includes the exchange of
thoughts, opinions, sentiments, facts, and information between two or more persons. Feedback is
an essential part of communication as it assures that the message has been properly conveyed.

The essential features are

❖ Clearness and integrity of message to be conveyed

❖ Adequate briefing
❖ Accurately plan the objective
❖ Reliability and uniformity of the message
❖ Feedback
❖ Correct timing
❖ Proper medium
❖ Use of informal communication

Key Terms:

Workshop: A period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject, in which a group
of people shares their knowledge and experience.
Seminar: A class at a university or college when a small group of students and a teacher discuss
or study a particular topic.
Conference: A large official meeting, usually lasting for a few days, at which people with the
same work or interests come together to discuss their views.

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Paralinguistic features: Communication through ways other than words, for example, tone of
Kinesics: Non-verbal communication by means of gestures, posture or other body movements

The following are some important guidelines to make communication effective:

❖ Try to simplify your thoughts before communicating your message

❖ Analyze the intent of the message
❖ Plan communication and have a discussion with others
❖ Congruity of verbal and non-verbal cues
❖ Take feedback
❖ Preparation
❖ Seek not only to be understood but understand

Topics you need to speak on:

● My promise to myself
● Any good thing about Jaipur
● Food at your Institute’s canteen
● My favorite Institue at Greater Noida & Why?
● Orientation programme 2023
● Is my country changing?
● My plan for 2026
● Is I really respecting myself?
● Is I am a self-confident person or not?

Effective communication is paramount in seminars, conferences, and workshops where

participants share ideas, collaborate, and engage in intellectual discourse. Beyond verbal
expression, paralinguistic and kinesics elements play a pivotal role in conveying
messages and establishing a strong connection with the audience. This guide explores the
significance of communication skills in professional settings, with a special emphasis on
mastering paralinguistic and kinesics cues.

Understanding Paralinguistic Elements:

1. Tone and Pitch:

 Vary your tone and pitch to add dynamism to your speech.

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 Use intonation to highlight key points and maintain audience interest.

 Ensure that your tone aligns with the content and purpose of your message.

2. Pace and Rhythm:

 Control your speaking pace to facilitate comprehension.

 Adjust rhythm to create a natural and engaging flow in your delivery.

 Be mindful of pauses for emphasis and audience reflection.

3. Volume and Projection:

 Project your voice effectively to reach all corners of the room.

 Use volume strategically to convey enthusiasm or seriousness.

 Practice modulation to prevent monotony and maintain audience


Mastering Kinesics Elements:

1. Body Language:

 Cultivate open and confident body language to establish rapport.

 Maintain eye contact to convey sincerity, credibility, and attentiveness.

 Gesture purposefully to accentuate key points and enhance clarity.

2. Posture and Movement:

 Stand tall with a straight posture to exude confidence and authority.

 Move purposefully to engage the audience and emphasize key concepts.

 Be aware of your physical presence, ensuring it aligns with the message.

3. Facial Expressions:

 Utilize facial expressions to convey emotions and connect with the


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 Smile genuinely to create a positive and approachable atmosphere.

 Adjust expressions to match the tone of your content.

Practical Tips for Application:

1. Rehearse:

 Practice your presentation, paying close attention to paralinguistic and

kinesic elements.

 Record yourself to identify areas for improvement.

2. Receive Feedback:

 Seek feedback from peers or mentors to gain insights into your

communication style.

 Use constructive criticism to refine your delivery and non-verbal cues.

3. Audience Adaptation:

 Pay attention to the response of your audience and adapt your

communication style accordingly.

 Be flexible in adjusting paralinguistic and kinesics elements based on

audience dynamics.

Mastering communication skills in seminars, conferences, and workshops involves a

holistic approach that goes beyond verbal expression. By understanding and refining
paralinguistic and kinesics elements, speakers can create a lasting impact, foster
engagement, and establish a meaningful connection with their audience. Continuous
practice, self-awareness, and a commitment to improvement are essential in becoming a
proficient communicator in professional settings.

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Practice: 4
Presentation strategies


Learners will be able to make and deliver presentations using audio-visual aids and key strategies
in order to make an impact.

Theory and Concept:

Speaking is a productive skill in the oral mode. It, like the other skills, is more complicated than
it seems at first and involves more than just pronouncing words. Speaking must be correct at all
levels. It must be correct in tone, style of expression, spelling, grammar, format, content, etc.
Efforts must be made to avoid errors.

The following points are important to be remembered:

❖ Ask “Why to deliver a presentation?”

❖ Organize your presentation into introduction, main body, and conclusion.
❖ Consider the time and the audience
❖ Remember, “PowerPoint makes presentations, it doesn’t deliver it.”
❖ Make sure your slide corresponds
❖ Use colors and animation wisely
❖ Use pace-breakers: humour, pictures, audio-note, videos, questionnaires, etc.
❖ Don’t parrot the slides
❖ Use proper body language
❖ Be calm and relaxed
❖ Pronounce well
❖ Use stress and rhythmic pattern

The following elements of voice dynamics should be taken into account for effective speaking:

❖ Pitch of the voice

❖ Volume
❖ Quality

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❖ Modulation
❖ Intonation


Answer these questions:

A. What do we understand from the presentation?

B. Practically explain the approach to how you organize your presentation.
C. Why is an understanding of the locale and audience important?

Official and public speaking demand effective communication skills:

 Incorporating rhythmic patterns can elevate the impact of your speech.

 Rhythmic patterns enhance engagement, clarity, and memorability.

Understanding Rhythmic Patterns:

Pacing and Tempo:

 Vary your pacing to maintain audience interest.

 Adjust tempo based on the content – slower for emphasis, faster for

 A well-paced speech prevents monotony and aids comprehension.

Pauses for Emphasis:

 Integrate strategic pauses to highlight key points.

 Allow the audience time to absorb information and reflect on critical concepts.

 Pauses build anticipation and add rhythm to your speech.

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Repetition and Refrain:

 Use repetition for emphasis and to reinforce essential ideas.

 Employ a refrain or recurring phrase for a rhythmic and memorable effect.

 Repetitive elements enhance retention and emphasize key messages.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Rhythmic Patterns:

Script with Intention:

 Script your speech with rhythmic patterns in mind.

 Identify sections where pacing, pauses, or repetition can be effective.

Practice with a Metronome:

Use a metronome to practice maintaining a consistent pace.

Experiment with different tempos to find the rhythm that suits your style.

Embrace Natural Speech Patterns:

 Align rhythmic patterns with your natural speech tendencies.

 Avoid artificial or forced rhythms that may appear unnatural.

Dynamic Transitions:

 Use rhythmic transitions between ideas or sections.

 Smooth transitions maintain the flow and captivate the audience.

Engage with the Audience:

 Adapt rhythmic patterns based on audience reactions.

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 Gauge the energy in the room and adjust your delivery accordingly.

Benefits of Rhythmic Patterns in Official/Public Speaking:

Enhanced Engagement:

 Rhythmic patterns captivate the audience, keeping them focused.

 Engaged listeners are more likely to retain and recall information.

Improved Comprehension:

 Well-paced speeches aid understanding and information retention.

 Strategic pauses provide the audience with time to process complex concepts.


 Rhythmic patterns make your speech more memorable.

 Repetition and well-timed pauses help imprint key messages in the audience's

Official and public speaking is not just about the content; it's about how the message
is delivered. Incorporating rhythmic patterns adds a layer of sophistication,
engagement, and memorability to your speeches. By practicing with intention and
embracing your natural speech patterns, you can elevate your communication skills
and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

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Practice: 5
 Developing Strong Argumentative Skills

 Effective argumentative skills are essential in various aspects of life, from academic
debates to professional discussions.
 The objective is to equip individuals with the ability to present compelling arguments,
critically evaluate information, and persuasively communicate their viewpoints.
Key Objectives:
1. Constructing Coherent Arguments:
 Develop the ability to articulate clear and well-structured arguments.
 Identify and organize key points logically to enhance overall coherence.
2. Critical Thinking and Analysis:
 Cultivate critical thinking skills to assess information objectively.
 Learn to analyze evidence, identify biases, and evaluate the validity of sources.
3. Research Proficiency:
 Acquire research skills to gather relevant and credible information.
 Utilize various sources to support and strengthen your arguments.
4. Effective Use of Evidence:
 Understand how to incorporate relevant evidence to bolster your claims.
 Differentiate between anecdotal evidence and empirical data for stronger
5. Persuasive Communication:
 Master the art of persuasive communication to influence others.
 Develop techniques to appeal to emotions, logic, and credibility in your arguments.
6. Refutation and Counterargument:
 Learn to anticipate and address opposing viewpoints.
 Strengthen your arguments by addressing potential counterarguments effectively.
7. Adaptability in Communication Style:

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 Recognize the importance of adapting your communication style to different
 Tailor your arguments to be accessible and compelling to diverse groups.
8. Confidence in Public Speaking:
 Build confidence in presenting arguments in public settings.
 Practice effective public speaking techniques, including body language and vocal
9. Ethical Considerations:
 Understand the ethical aspects of argumentation.
 Avoid fallacies and misleading tactics, ensuring integrity in your communication.
10. Continuous Improvement:
 Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement in argumentative skills.
 Seek feedback, reflect on experiences, and refine your approach over time.
Benefits of Developing Strong Argumentative Skills:
1. Enhanced Critical Thinking:
 Improved ability to analyze information critically and make informed decisions.
2. Increased Persuasiveness:
 Greater effectiveness in persuading others through well-constructed arguments.
3. Better Problem-Solving:
 Apply argumentative skills to solve complex problems and make sound judgments.
4. Professional Advancement:
 Valuable asset in professional settings, contributing to leadership and decision-
making roles.
5. Engagement in Debates and Discussions:
 Active participation in academic, professional and community debates.
The objective of developing strong argumentative skills is to empower individuals with the tools
to express themselves persuasively, engage in meaningful discussions, and contribute effectively
in various domains. By focusing on constructing coherent arguments, critical thinking, and
continuous improvement, individuals can elevate their ability to communicate, influence, and
navigate complex scenarios successfully.

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