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# Sent - technical _deseriptton of & typical eee Plant + * Various Piprchetaaical featuyes O12 used te describe a omeccy| plent. + The dlescxiption hos to be brief 5 in @ simple and Scientific longuage ond presented in 0 Phopen Sequence. ° The Plont is described beginnin with ig — hebit, Vegetative Chonoctens> stoot , stem and Leaver and ‘then floral chonoctens inflorescence and flower ponts. o After describing ports of @ plent, ° floral diagram SS anc a floral formula Ste presented. *Foltouing syrafools oe used in floral formule % Bracteste = Br Eprocteate = Ebr Rene merphic = CD Zygomorphic = i oa O ee a eases (© scaned with one Seamer Een or Eptk y Kn > Poly sepelovs cancinen Kon) 3 Gamesepelous condition. pala. = eo Cn > Poly petalovs condition Cony Gramepetolous condition. . ee i Pr = Poly phyllees / Pelyte palous Perianth= P. condition Pon) > Grartophyllous / Game te pelous condition , y An Polyandrous condneu PFA séeir -A ‘= Ron) 7 Cohesion condition, (© seaned wih OnE camer Superior Sa i Hypogynous flowen = G Tnferior ern = Epigymovs flower = Gt © half infexi ae a ee Eptphylioes / Epttepateus — BA Stamens Epipetalour eens. ..= © A Tae SAG Gynandoovs Stenens information aloovt the their eruenqenens * A Floral Bie provides mo, of ports efit lewee and the relation they have With one anothen. with Mespect to the +The positon of the Mother ants n top of the flower 1s “epresented by a dot o loyal dsagrom. * Calyx, corolla » andtoecium ond gyneecium ore dbowsn in Successive whorls , Calyx being the Ovtexmost ond Gynoecium being in “the centre. (© seaned wih OnE Samer : Ploral fermule alo show cohesion and adhesion, within pats ef whorls and between whorls. # Description of Some imper-tant farnilies ¢ 1 CRuetCernce [LBRAsstcacene] = Mustard toons Mya Gleneteccharsctxs ? )Toflorescence + ‘Wpical raceme. Ex- Mustard , Radish et. Exceptions t 1s Corymls type of inflorescence ig found in Tberts amana = Candytf+ Cehandani) 4 The edible Compound Corymle inflorescence. ig found in Cauliflower. (© scanned with OREN Same i) lonseu Ebro teate, bigexual or hermaphrodite , ttranenous. £ Actinomorphic foot Sonjetimes “Ygemerp< oe Thenris wana ( Candytuft = Chandant) nTNurGalese © Sepals — ie polysepalour sepals one G@rranged in two wherbaQ oute. £ 2 innen, imloricate derdtivetion, W Covollas Petal 74%, Poly petalous 5 Valyate aantivation ond Cruciform [cross form. i y Andsoeciom ~ Stavien > 6, Orranged in two whorls In which too ovten Stavjend ae malt and. innen four are Long, This condition te Rnown Os— tetvadynamous 7 Pelvandnous Condition is found, ~ Anthers Ore chthecevs. (© scaned with on Scam v) Gyneeciom ~ OTe ee ca 1 Syneompeus ‘ * The very is Uniloculen in the be inning bot it beconjen Wileculon Sater on due to the formation of q falke Sept Creptom). Replom ts developed from the thalamus Inplace of wall of the eae * Plocentation is parietal. a on a lo care Drom wy 4 vit) Prtt> Uscally sikqua Ex~ Hostord Sctteula frtt is found in fanp Capsella » Thenis (Chandari). The small broad Flat siliqua foit is Rnown aa dikicala. pee vil) Seeds + Vou- endlaspermic "OF seamed with ONE Scammer 2. Papacenc Pari : * Tris family wes eantien Callech Papilltencideae , a subfamily of rem Lequminesce . = FA is dishibuted abt over the world. © Tew elope: ond chenbs: jane fobnd. thy this Fem Be Sue etestve: 10, aby cbiade(phous (4) + 4 Rlajent wf mine flamers one fused together to form a founch While the posterior gone if free ¥ Anthea clithecous vi) Giynoectom * Monocaxpellary > Uniloculan With man oveles, Superior VPP xe She Sengle and : ag Miia, vil) Prot + tl ye timen iso fs also found. ‘ 1 eae fea (around at) ‘OP Seanad wih OREN Sane F.. importance 2 ' Re Many Plants belonging to the fornity ane Sowwes of 4 * Pulses (Gram, anhan » Sem eet Tee "Edible oil (Seyabean rgroundinot) . Dye CTheligofena) * Gree (Sunhemp) * Rodder (sesbanica. , Trifolium) Ormanjentale CLopin ) sweet pea) @ Medicine (Htett Nultatht) 3) SOLANACERE = Rotate Pamil Gt 1s distrboted in trophics, subtophes & even demperate Zones, tative Chayactens > » = ‘Tap root aa 1s eee ance VW Stem 2 Stem henbaceour 1 woody , Genial , erect, Catindstical ) branched » Soicl & or hellow , at or gtebrevs (Smooth). Bicollateral vosculax loundles are present in stem. WD _Leof: Leaves aye Simple patel pinnatety Compound and exstipulote , alternate venation reticulate . © scaned with on Scan (c) (d) Solanum nigrum (makoi) plant : (a) Flowering twig (b) Flower (c) LS. of flower (d) Stamens (e) Carpel (f) Floral diagram i ® By Plovall Chranaotenn + \ Inflorescence » Solitary axillary , or i cymose inflerescence as in Solonum - Monochagical cyme Is ef foo type. 1 Ly Helicoid cyme. > Sp+ of Solanum Scorpioid cyme,> Sp. of Atrepe plants Exception > Qolitary fenminal thflerescence ts found in Qatuna. W Blowers Flowers ane brecteate. | ebrocteate , bisexual , Complete , hypegynous 1 Pentamencus and Octinomorphic . mn xs Sepals 3, qamese palous Conited J, Valvate Gentuaton & Pemstent (eg tomoto, bring aL) W) Corella* Petal 35 » Gamepetalous united), Gestvation~ Valuate . W Andyoecium? Staviens>S , Potyandroos , epipetolous Stamens. (© scanned with OREN Same iy @& vi) Gy nse cium *. Bicarpetlary 5 Syncanpous 5 ovary n, | + Superior, bilocolan, and axite Plecentotien, Swollen Gpeciat fectinu ! Gractkomen placenta with mene Oveles and Oblique Septem. Ovanies avranged obtiqu on thalomus, Canpel Woven at 245° in clocke - wise direction , Pestenior Conpel tums on right side and antenior Canpel tuins on left side, Vid Batt: Pleshy frit 4 bevy Cromate, brinjal) Sometimes Capsule (Datura) vill) Secay * ore and endospenmic [endlospenmoun 1) Plorat formula? aS Br fEbr BT keg Cay M5 Siwy tonomic importante nts oer ingi tay his Beat) Me sowice of 5 4) LILIACEAE = Ly Parity. * Plans of ts Forily are disiibuied world wide * Monecot forily * Penianth, is present in yrs family, 9 means there Mo difference bee in blw Calyx 4 corolla. Of Potent Green in Colour. then it 6 called 2 Sepaloid 2s in onion Yt peranth 1s Coloused, other thon green , then it is Rnown a7 Petolord os tn Code ame erative. Chonacten* Perenmiat herbs with endexground buliss /corms / Mhizomed, D Root : Uesellt Odventitiows | florows . (irearcalated stoots e fond In Awa aashlsats ii) Stem: The aerial stem is present in few plants. [Dracaena Yucea. , Smilex et] (© seaned wih fw omer * Major of the plants hove Ce stem, ey J is of paler typer * } Boros. 9y- Onion , Kraxtic W corm. Q7 Colchicum W RHizoneE ¢q+ Aloe * Modification of Stem Cladede. peste Ey Rusces | ti) Leaves : Mostly basal 5 Linean , altennote, e xstipolate worth Porellel veneton . o Eyce phenally Yekeulete venerton 1s found in Smiter. od Inflorescence 3 Solitary [ Cymose 5 Often Umbellate clusters. : Scaplyerous umbel or Cymose umbel or Umbellode Clusiou. qa Onion, once “In this type of Inflorescence.) the avis called, Scape rises from the underground stem and on its top, Closter of flowers clevelop » this bench (cluster) of flower loots Like an umlsel. But, treety 1s net umbel- The flowers aye arranged in compect weaarerteadkind Wonochosial Scorpioid cyme orden. WD Plowen: Brocteate , bisexual , complete > actinemorphic hypegynous ond himenous- i) Penianth: Tepals + 6, arranged tn too Whorls (3+ 3) Often united Into tube > Valvate aesthvation. Ww) Andsnoeciom } G stawens » epiphylicvs (epitepatoun), Crecnies in two Whoerls (33) 1 poly androus (© scanned with OREN Same Y Gyyneeciom: “Trteasupellary ¥ (ee 7 superior Ore Aitocalan With many ovules , axile plocentation, Superior eee vi) Auth : Gpeute (onion) Randy berry Cuity) vib Seeds > Endospenmic 1 Endospenmovd Vii. Porat formula» yo br @ og Prasad A a3 Ges) Ktomonic Seportence : Many plants belonging to this ar ante «Good Ornenjentalo C4ulip , gtertosa) * Sounce of medicine (Aloe) 2 petesaio © CAspanagua) * Colchicine (Colchicum autumnale) (© scaned ithe scan He Place ntation_, + The Ovules oe attached on ovary walls on one or more cushion - Gke stetwje called Plocenta+ “The Orrangement ‘of ovules tc within “the ovstey ts Rnown ab “Placentetion | * Types of Placentation t © Hovginel © Basak | © Azile © Sper ficial « = @ Parietal © Free central or central o Of Magne ‘OF seamed with nn Sa ® Marginal ~ #94 ts found Ww Monecanpellany gyreceee: °3n this type of Placentaton » Plocente rms BAI dine ventral aide of te Overy ond Oye bexrne on Anis nidge forming tise (rowe « €r4 in pea. @ Axile is found in neticanpellara, ee is type of Pplacentefon Syncanpous ganeeeen* Dvoxry is Mv ltleculax j Ovules aye borne on | Nemben of chamber ae equal to the no- of Compe | fused and tne central outs, lemon ) tomate Ex- China nose, Plocentoton 1s found tn ynilocolan Te owles oe developed on the Bgncaripeus ovary. or on “peripheral pant - walt of the ot Ex Mustard + praetor ; [Central + “plocentation fs founal in Syncanpors Gyneccivm - ) we ol Y (septa one absent) ancl the @ Basal » Ov ic uniloculan, and placente base of Overy and & Single ot dhe bare of oad a" Menge develops ot the ovule is ottachedl © sapeatierel > Placentaton is fend in metticanpelland 1 gyn canpous mu [tbocolan Guroceum» The owles aye o the atk entire innen Surface of the wall of toeek = locvit . trached on al” Ppt Cwater uu) © scaned with on Scam | fom by—amang_Arg { Te en ee ‘a s. Compe | ae = = Diet J Ond_ Caribe ea to be the ‘walt Adyainicd 7 (Cbecaule_it Combnikel bout /13 Sub pm. on Cotixaax cen 4,200 Coen a inte is re vg ~_ Choraceyk'= | sae = Mobily Onnwah,n1o2ely biennial hes, Abas here oa | Roy Floreih: Tottonds a ei al head, hessile Cie @edicat abhew) Qrocreare, {gjomos}hic, pig cMrouk. tig op Cie i | t) LPs Hep in dibfeatal), eas © seaned wih new [Camtin| Pas, | . . _— ~ Conan’ (et {4 , Lone, , Milwole Oehlivalion, liga Oety, _ Une. lo tp a ny Vike Atructure) take _ Axanaccium: Abkent — ee 8 nu Cutan Giant, Hence _ONOSY a | oral Mlocentailon, L e ——2-dac he am Se ixarieat bide Achar, AUbolna, menus, Chi sy mows. Calyx. -Abhent On In! the fom a (hi,bus Coxatia Pera we. jpn a a Sy ngeneion, = Arieceisn'- Siomen Jc as ee Spa = in a FDusc ibs Eastin fhe it { ! 7 ASN _ Worn Pon on rin ae bent) —__— Floral Diagram of Ray floret Floral Diagram of Disc floret _ — Floral formule 8% 2Kss)se5em Sos Ae Sa Floral formula: Br ®@ F Kes peony luayandscore com —— Economic npananes S ~__|t Food ; yivol Dewuce) and — | UAed Od vegetables - fa. Medanes ‘= Carthamus ne soriut. fy Oxnamensal Olon hon - Helin au Annus {Sinft ta) To ge tus Gtec Crmasitde) uy Cmacigal) | : ly. Commercial uke ot! in Waehaces | Vem @Echbia - = ~ wyeet OL A set Bian Beaeni | 0 “ih Tae aaa on \y rt < Annual, Fiend _henh or [ink Mca Raat = Top soot by ler oe - v lindwcal-. ij Lcavieh i= SHihuloe Alteanase Ohy lotaxy, apie, Ooi, (dericwlase 2s \ehetian Floral Characterke Tablcichcence Soldary, Oxillasy Ga Ftnminal, Wacemute oy Cyware t (Anucteare ox @bracteate , Butexual, Actinomerdhic. numba - yx to (Not Puhed aio: Doral five. Tasins aiiied Qebtivasien ium! Numenovs Stomen, mmonoadetbhaos ( LPP) i tacorpelinry Sy nCoabows» nul weal Oy aie sae © scanned whofe Same economic im}orionce pie Bi oes Od Vegetables. Catton — ——- Oract a 4 Cromneae (Woo.ceae) —~Honaeo londcot aia —- - SNA AN. Comment. Known oJ Ora fein te = Now pean ani of the syidjnae mi Ae -?s fea Qnoaucts CAe: I laced in nt Pani ea oe Rice, Nowon, Kolyact ){illers etc) Habit: Hebi , Annvals or Veremials ox. Moral: Acme tmal — Dike se (Soch ob bambao) Qoor= Aavenivon, Hina by biinordia: Stem: lpn Y und oe m Ou nila tain SL Set — | tony, Crack ata {am inhide 2. semien in_ Ca nate vee hata fo i Leavers Alteano be, Aimple evict With an Vengo. a ea ve ‘ a a Ol, Called Wa en whith Note! Bracs 7 haa ‘Ynto_Glumes_\n_the te fom a} @oaceal _ Glumes Qe ep Baa) > ose —Antroedun = Ubvoby € Slomen 3-2 Sly G28. lament Lon —Wpannlala SUPERIOR PALES GYROECIUM WITH FEATHERY STIGMA, Re Sapa val |» Ceveas - wheat, Maine, Kice Barley. Zea pinay . 9. Mien — fd oira,

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