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Student name: Phi Vo Duy Uyen

Course name: Grammar/Writing IV

Course number: EAP0485

Instructor's name: Ms. Nhan Nguyen

Date of submission: November 4th, 2023


Think about an activity or hobby that interested you in the past, but one that you never

did. Write about:

· What was the hobby or activity?

· When did you first learn about it?

· How did you feel about it?

· Why didn't you do it?

· How you feel now, not having done it?

· Would you still like to try it?

● If you need ideas for wording, see Useful Words and Phrases in the

Writer's Handbook

● Please make sure you read and follow EAP04 elements and guidelines

Your Answer:

One hobby that has always stimulated my interest is performing guitar on stage. I was
first fascinated by skilled guitarists performing when I was in secondary school. By accident, I
had my first chance to show up on stage when I was in grade 9. The prospect of sharing my
music with audiences and experiencing the energy of performing was incredible. I felt a strong
motivation and desire to take the stage with my guitar in hand. However, I found myself
distracted by other commitments and responsibilities with my family, leaving my passion for
pursuing new achievements. As time went by, the dream of becoming a guitarist lingered in my
mind, and sometimes flashed back in my heart with an unspeakable feeling. Not having taken
that opportunity to become a musical artist leaves me with a sense of unfulfilled potential.
Despite the time changing, the desire of performing guitar on stage as an artis remains as
strong as ever, and I believe that someday, I will be able to take steps to finally bring this dream
come true after I have finished all my duties with my family.

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