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Journal of CO2 Utilization 15 (2016) 83–88

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Synthesis of methanol and dimethyl ether from the CO2 hydrogenation

over CuZnO supported on Al2O3 and Nb2O5
Renata J. da Silvaa , Allan F. Pimentelb , Robson S. Monteirob,c , Claudio J.A. Motaa,b,d,*
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de Química, Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149, CT Bloco E, 21941-909 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Química, Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149, CT Bloco A, 21941-909 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Catalysis Consultoria Ltda., Av. das Américas 7837, 22793-081 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
INCT Energia & Ambiente, UFRJ, 21941-909, Brazil


Article history: We report the synthesis, characterization and catalytic evaluation of CuZnO catalysts supported on Al2O3
Received 27 October 2015 and Nb2O5, as acidic materials, to study the CO2 hydrogenation to methanol and dimethyl ether. The
Received in revised form 8 January 2016 catalysts were prepared by precipitation or impregnation of the metals over the supports. They were
Accepted 31 January 2016
characterized by different techniques, such as XRF, BET area, TPD of n-butylamine, XRD and TPR. Catalytic
Available online 11 February 2016
tests were performed in an automated catalytic unit coupled to a gas chromatograph with FID and TCD
detectors. Different conditions of temperature and pressure were studied. It could be observed that the
choice of the synthesis method affects the activity and selectivity of the CO2 hydrogenation, at the
Dimethyl ether
conditions used in this work. The catalyst prepared by impregnation of the metals over the Al2O3 support
CO2 hydrogenation was the most active and selective to dimethyl ether. This result can be explained by the better and lower
Al2O3 temperature reducibility of CuO particles along with higher density of acid sites and strength of the
Nb2O5 alumina support.
ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction commodities such as formaldehyde and acetic acid [15,16]. DME

may be used in diesel engines to replace the petrodiesel.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and utilization for the manufac- Furthermore, it is considered greener than diesel, because it is
ture of high value-added products is gaining increased importance, virtually free from sulfur and aromatics, emitting less CO, SOx and
due to the necessity to reduce the emissions of this greenhouse gas particulates. Presently, methanol is synthesized from syngas, a
in the atmosphere [1–8]. The hydrogenation of CO2 is a synthetic mixture of CO and H2, which in turn is produced from natural gas or
route of special interest, as it may be used to synthesize fuels and coal. DME may be produced through the acid-catalyzed dehydra-
chemicals, thus constituting an important area of research widely tion of methanol or directly from syngas, using bifunctional
explored in recent years [9,10]. In this context, the hydrogenation catalysts [13]. Additionally, methanol and DME can also be
of CO2 to methanol and dimethyl ether (DME) appears as an produced from the catalytic hydrolysis of chloromethane over
excellent option, as these products might find applications either metal-exchanged zeolites [21–23], thus avoiding the production of
as fuels or chemicals [11–14]. syngas, which is highly energy demanding.
Methanol is an important raw material [12,15,16]. It can be used There are many studies on the CO2 hydrogenation to methanol
directly as fuel or in the production of biodiesel [17]. The Methanol [13]. An industrial plant has been built in Iceland producing
to Gasoline (MTG) process [18] has been commercialized in the hydrogen from geothermal energy. On the other hand, the direct
1980’s. Nevertheless, the process was adapted to produce ethene conversion of CO2 to DME is still poorly studied compared with its
and propene, the so-called, Methanol to Olefins (MTO) [19,20], due direct production from syngas [10,24]. The synthesis of methanol
to the higher added-value of the olefins compared with gasoline. from CO2 often uses CuZnO unsupported catalysts, together with
Methanol is also used in the production of important chemical different promoters [10,25–29]. The commercial catalyst for the
methanol synthesis from syngas is constituted of 50–70% CuO, 20–
50% ZnO, and 5–20% of promoter, in this case, Al2O3 [28]. Other
oxides, such as chromium, magnesium, rare earths, gallium or
* Corresponding author at: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de
zirconium can be used as promoters too [26,30,31].
Química, Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149, CT Bloco E, 21941-909 Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil. The CO2 hydrogenation to methanol is limited by thermody-
E-mail address: (C.J.A. Mota). namics [32], with the equilibrium being favored to the products at
2212-9820/ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
84 R.J. da Silva et al. / Journal of CO2 Utilization 15 (2016) 83–88

Ka target, operating at 40 kV and 30 mA. Standard powder

CO2 + 3H2 CH3OH + H2O diffraction patterns were gathered for 2u angles ranging from
5 to 80 at a scanning speed of 4 /min. Temperature Programmed
Scheme 1. Synthesis of methanol from CO2 hydrogenation. Reduction (TPR) was carried out at a home-made system, using a
mixture of 1.7 mol% of H2 in Argon. The acidity of the catalyst was
high pressures and low temperatures (Scheme 1). We have shown determined by temperature programmed desorption of n-butyl-
that the traditional CuZnO catalyst, promoted with Al2O3, operates amine, following a procedure described elsewhere [41].
on the thermodynamic limit at 270  C and 50 bar [33,34]. However, CO2 hydrogenation reactions were carried out in a PID high
the catalytic activity is significantly reduced when lower temper- pressure automatic flow unit, coupled with an Agilent 7890A gas
atures are used, which suggests the existence of kinetic limitations chromatograph equipped with Flame Ionization (FID) and Thermal
for this type of catalysts [33,34]. Conductivity (TCD) detectors. An on-line system was used to
CuZnO supported on different solid acids, such as g-alumina, analyze the products of the reaction on a Plot/Q column
ZSM-5 or other zeolites have been used in the direct synthesis of (30 m  0.320 mm  20 mm). A stainless steel reactor was loaded
DME from syngas [35,36]. A bifunctional catalyst must be used to with 500 mg of catalyst and 500 mg of inert SiC, both sieved to 32–
perform the hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol and, in the 115 mesh, to form a fixed bed. The catalysts were initially reduced
sequence, the dehydration of methanol to DME (Scheme 2), which under a mixture of 10 mol% H2 in N2 in two steps. Initially, the
is performed by the acid sites of the catalyst [37–39]. Although it is temperature was increased to 140  C at a rate of 1  C min 1,
of great importance to control the temperature of the system, the remaining at this temperature for 5 h. Then, the temperature was
production of DME from methanol does not have severe set to 270  C, using the same previous rate of 1  C min 1, and
thermodynamic limitations [24]. remaining at this temperature for 2 h. After reduction, the
Here, we report the synthesis and characterization of CuZnO temperature was set to the desired value (250 or 270  C) and
catalyst supported on acidic materials (Al2O3 an Nb2O5) to study the system was pressurized (30 or 50 bar) with a 1:3 molar mixture
the CO2 hydrogenation to methanol and DME. of CO2 and H2 (25 vol.% CO2 and 75 vol.% H2), respectively. The
space velocity was kept constant at 10 h 1 and the reaction was
2. Experimental monitored for 8 h, without presenting any significant deactivation.

The catalysts were prepared by precipitation or impregnation of 3. Results and discussion

Cu(NO3)23H2O (99% purity) and Zn(NO3)26H2O (98% purity), both
from Sigma–Aldrich, over g-alumina (Al2O3), Puralox MP2218 from Table 1 shows the results of chemical and textual character-
Evonik, and calcined niobium oxide (Nb2O5), obtained from izations of the prepared catalysts. Except for the CuZnO/Nb2O5 (p),
amorphous hydrated niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5nH2O—72.6% mostly catalysts presented atomic ratios of these metals close to 1.
Nb2O5) supplied by CBMM (Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia The BET area of the supported catalysts was lower than the original
e Mineração, Brazil), as solid acid supports. Prior to impregnation alumina and calcined niobium oxide supports. Calcined niobium
or precipitation of the metal precursors, the hydrated niobium oxide showed a much lower BET area, which is attributed to the
pentoxide was calcined at 550  C for 2 h in order to stabilize the high temperature thermal treatment used to stabilize it from an
structure and avoid the possible formation of metal niobates, due amorphous hydrated niobium pentoxide [42]. However, there was
to strong metal-support interaction [40]. The alumina support was no significant difference in the areas for the precipitated or
used without any previous thermal treatment. impregnated catalysts considering the same support.
In the precipitation method, 1.9 g of copper nitrate and 2.3 g of Table 2 shows the results of total acidity and acid strength
zinc nitrate (metal atomic ratio of 1:1) were dissolved in 500 mL of distribution of the catalysts in comparison to the original supports.
deionized water and put in contact with 10 g of alumina or the The alumina support has more acid sites than the calcined niobium
calcined niobium oxide. The system was subjected to stirring and oxide and this property was reflected on the prepared catalysts.
1 mol L 1 solution of NaOH (99% purity) was added dropwise until Except for the CuZnO/Nb2O5 (p) catalyst, the total acidity
pH 7. At the end, the system was aged for one hour at room increased with the presence of the metals. This may be explained
temperature before filtration, washing and drying. The catalysts in terms of the adsorption of the probe molecule onto the metals
prepared by precipitation are denoted with (p). surface.
In the impregnation method, the solution containing the copper XRD analyses show that the synthesized catalysts present the
and zinc cations was put in contact with the alumina or niobium same diffraction patterns exhibited by the original supports
oxide support and vigorously stirred for 24 h at room temperature. (Figs. 1 and 2). Prior to calcination, Nb2O5 is an amorphous
Then, the water was carefully evaporated on a rotary evaporator at hydrated niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5nH2O). Its thermal treatment
60  C and reduced pressure. The catalysts prepared by impregna-
tion are denoted with (i).
All catalysts prepared, either, by precipitation or impregnation
were calcined at 550  C for 2 h prior to the catalytic runs. Table 1
Chemical and textural characterization of the catalysts.
The catalyst composition was obtained by X-ray florescence
(PW2400 Philips equipped with Rh tube 3 KW). The textural Catalyst Metal (wt%)a BET area (m2/g)b
characterization was carried out by N2 physisorption on a Cu Zn
Micromeritics ASAP 2020 equipment. X-ray diffraction was
CuZnO/Al2O3 (p) 3.7 3.0 171
performed on a Shimadzu 6000 instrument equipped with a Cu CuZnO/Al2O3 (i) 3.7 3.2 168
CuZnO/Nb2O5 (p) 3.1 4.7 30
CuZnO/Nb2O5 (i) 2.6 2.8 32
Cu.ZnO Nb2O5c – – 42
2 CO2 + 6H2 2 CH3OH + 2 H2O Al2O3 – – 206
+ a
"H " Determined by XRF.
2 CH3OH CH3OCH3 + H2O b
Determined by N2 Physisorption.
Calcined at 550  C.
Scheme 2. Synthesis of DME from CO2 hydrogenation over bifunctional catalyst.
R.J. da Silva et al. / Journal of CO2 Utilization 15 (2016) 83–88 85

Table 2
Acid strength distribution of the catalysts measured by n-butylamine thermodesorption. Values in mmol g of catalyst.

Catalyst Medium acid sites (150–299  C) Strong acid sites (300–550  C) Total acidity
CuZnO/Al2O3 (p) 0.28 0.50 0.78
CuZnO/Al2O3 (i) 0.44 0.29 0.73
CuZnO/Nb2O5 (p) 0.04 0.12 0.16
CuZnO/Nb2O5 (i) 0.16 0.11 0.27
Nb2O5a 0.09 0.16 0.25
Al2O3 0.29 0.35 0.64
Calcined at 550  C.

at 550  C for 2 h turned it into the crystalline form as shown in precursors solution during the drying process of solvent removal
Fig. 2 [43,44]. [46]. Large aggregates might have a weaker interaction with the
Figs. 1 and 2 also show the XRD patterns of bulk CuO and ZnO, support and then the reduction is facilitated.
showing that there is no conclusive evidence for the presence of Conversely, on Nb2O5-supported catalyst, the reduction tem-
crystalline phases of these oxides in the supported catalysts. Both perature peak has shifted to higher temperatures. CuO was much
preparation methods, by precipitation or impregnation, were more difficult to reduce when supported on calcined Nb2O5. Nb2O5
successful in generating well-dispersed amorphous or poorly is a well-known reducible metal oxide support in the presence of
crystalline undetectable small particles of copper and zinc oxides. metal particles and strongly interacts with them. Even with the
This fact may be explained by the low amount of metals on the previous thermal treatment, aiming the stabilization of its
catalysts, in the range of 3 wt.%. structure, calcined Nb2O5 still strongly interacts with the metal
Fig. 3 shows the TPR profiles of the prepared catalysts, as well as particles on the surface. For reducible oxides, such as TiO2, CeO2
of the bulk CuO as reference. The reduction profile of CuO is and Nb2O5, the literature describes a phenomenon known as a
characterized by a broad peak ranging from 200 to 400  C, which strong metal-support interaction (SMSI) [47], which might be the
encompasses the two-step reduction of copper oxide, namely, Cu+2 main cause for shifting the CuO reduction peak to higher
to Cu+1 and Cu+1 to Cu [45]. ZnO does not reduce at this temperatures.
temperature range and its TPR profile is not shown. H2 consump- Fig. 4 shows the results of CO2 conversion over the supported
tion was observed above 800  C for the catalysts supported on catalysts. As expected, the conversion increases with the increas-
Nb2O5 and may be ascribed to the reduction of the support. ing of the pressure as predicted by thermodynamics. The catalysts
CuO reducibility seems to be influenced by the nature of the were also more active at raising temperatures with increased
support and the preparation method. On Al2O3-supported performance at 270  C, which indicates that at such low
catalysts, the reduction temperature peak has shifted to lower conversions the reaction still responds to the temperature, because
temperatures, which was much more pronounced on the the reaction is far from the equilibrium. The most active catalyst
impregnated catalyst. Impregnation technique for supporting was the CuZnO/Al2O3 (i), showing 9% conversion at 270  C and
metal particles tends to produce more aggregation of metal 50 bar. The catalysts supported on Nb2O5 were significantly less
clusters, as the result of the increasing viscosity of the metal active, as well as the CuZnO/Al2O3 (p).

Fig. 1. XRD pattern of the catalysts supported on Al2O3.

86 R.J. da Silva et al. / Journal of CO2 Utilization 15 (2016) 83–88

Fig. 2. XRD pattern of the catalysts supported on Nb2O5.

As discussed earlier, TPR profiles showed that the nature of the immediate underneath sub-surface layers. The number or density
support and the preparation method strongly affected the CuO of available Cu active sites as shown by the TPR profiles might
reducibility. Other important point is the fact that for all catalysts, dramatically change, as the shifting to higher or lower reduction
the pre-activation reduction temperature was limited to 270  C for temperatures seems to be governed by the nature of the support
2 h, in order to avoid metal particles sintering at much higher and the preparation method.
reduction temperatures. This careful procedure prevented the The easiest reducibility of CuO on the Al2O3-supported and
complete bulk reduction of CuO particles, with the generation of impregnated CuZnO catalyst showed that not only surface, but
Cu active sites only on the surface and, to some extent, to the possibly bulk CuO reduction has occurred. That might explain its

Fig. 3. TPR profiles of Nb2O5- and Al2O3-supported CuZnO catalysts. Bulk CuO is also shown as reference. The dotted line represents the pre-activation reduction temperature
(270  C) of the catalysts.
R.J. da Silva et al. / Journal of CO2 Utilization 15 (2016) 83–88 87

Fig. 4. CO2 conversion over CuZn-based supported catalysts. ( ) CuZnO/Al2O3 (p); ( ) CuZnO/Al2O3 (i); ( ) CuZnO/Nb2O5 (p); ( ) CuZnO/Nb2O5 (i).

higher activity expressed in terms of CO2 conversion, due to much pressure. CO was the major product with selectivity varying from
higher availability of Cu active sites. For catalyst prepared by 61 to 83% depending on the promoter used. Methanol selectivity
precipitation technique and for Nb2O5-supported CuZnO catalysts, was within 13 to 36%, whereas methane was also formed in minor
the pre-activation reduction temperature was not high enough to amounts. DME was not observed and this may be due to the much
generate a higher density of Cu active sites resulting in a much higher space velocity used, in the range of 1400–5000 h 1. The
lower activity for those catalysts. amount of Cu was about three fold higher than the one used in this
Table 3 compares the effect of temperature and pressure on the study, which may explain the lower CO2 conversion observed in the
selectivity. The formation of DME was observed only over CuZnO/ present study. Nevertheless, the much lower space velocity used in
Al2O3 (i) and CuZnO/Nb2O5 (i). Comparing the Al2O3-supported the present work favored the formation of DME in the case of the
catalysts, CuZnO/Al2O3 (p) produced only methanol, whereas most active catalyst, prepared by the impregnation of Cu and Zn
CuZnO/Al2O3 (i) produced methanol and DME. This is a conse- over Al2O3. Therefore, besides the preparation method, the
quence of the higher conversion observed over the later catalyst. adequate choice of experimental conditions is crucial to perform
The same behavior was also observed for the catalysts supported the two consecutive reactions: methanol formation from CO2
on Nb2O5, with CuZnO/Nb2O5 (i) showing formation of DME at the hydrogentaion and its dehydration to DME. A low space velocity
more severe reaction conditions. provides more contact between the formed methanol and the
It is possible to observe that the DME production is limited by acidic support to catalyze the methanol dehydration to DME.
the activity of the catalyst. Thus, the DME selectivity increases for Oyola-Rivera and collaborators also studied the CO2 hydro-
higher conversions of CO2. Therefore, it is necessary to produce genation to methanol and dimethyl ether at 270  C and 17 bar of
sufficient amounts of methanol, which upon contact with the acid pressure, using Pd-based catalyst supported on Ga2O3 [37]. They
sites of the support, can be dehydrated to DME. In the present reported DME selectivity varying from 4 to 53%, whereas the CO2
study, it seems that the acidity of the catalysts is well adjusted to conversion varied in the range of 5 to 14%. Apparently, the nature of
dehydrate the alcohol, as the acidity of the Al2O3 supported the Ga2O3 phase has a great influence on the selectivity to DME.
catalysts were the same, but only one of them produced DME, The main problem is the high costs of gallium, which may impair
indicating that the production of methanol is the major factor its industrial utilization.
controlling the selectivity. Temperature and pressure have little Our present results indicate that it is possible to hydrogenate
effect on the selectivity. It would be expected that DME selectivity CO2 to methanol and dehydrate it to dimethyl ether over
increases with temperature, as dehydration is endothermic. traditional CuZnO catalysts supported on acid meterials. The
Nevertheless, for CuZnO/Al2O3 (i) the selectivity to DME did not proper choice of the preparation procedure and space velocity
significantly increase with temperature. This may be explained by seems critical for the production of DME. It is not completely clear
the overall low conversion of the catalytic system, which impairs a why impregnation of the metals leads to a better reducibility of the
more precise evaluation of the effect of this parameter. On CuZnO/ CuO supported on Al2O3, but a combination of weaker interaction
Nb2O5 (i), the increase in temperature led to the production of with the support and the presence of large metal clusters might be
DME, although in low selectivity. the reasons for such behavior. Additional experiments must be
Recently, a study of CO2 hydrogenation over Cu supported on carried out to study the interaction between the metal oxide
Al2O3 with different promoters was carried out [48]. Authors particles, as well as with the support.
observed conversions in the range of 9–12% at 250  C and 20 bar of

Table 3
Effect of temperature and pressure on selectivity.a

Catalyst 250  C/30 bar 250  C/50 bar 270  C/30 bar 270  C/50 bar

(%) MeOH (%) DME (%) MeOH (%) DME (%) MeOH (%) DME (%) MeOH (%) DME
CuZnO/Al2O3 (p) 100 – 100 – 100 – 100 –
CuZnO/Al2O3 (i) 65 35 76 24 65 35 69 31
CuZnO/Nb2O5 (p) 100 – 100 – 100 – 100 –
CuZnO/Nb2O5 (i) 100 – 100 – 100 – 95 5
Reaction performed for 8 h and WHSV = 10 h 1.
88 R.J. da Silva et al. / Journal of CO2 Utilization 15 (2016) 83–88

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