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EEE/ECE/INSTR F341: Analog Electronics

Midsem (OPEN BOOK)

Date: March 4 2021

Time: 11.00 to 12.30 pm (90 minutes)
Submission time: 12.30 to 12.45 pm
Submission: File upload as a single pdf
Marks: 60
(i) Write/solve the problems neatly in A4 sheet using blue/black pen. Write the question
numbers legibly and properly.
(ii) Write your name, institute ID and sign in the A4 sheet.
(iii) Scan all the answers and upload a single pdf containing all answers in Canvas (only pdf
file will be accepted). An assignment is already created in canvas for submitting the pdf.
Login in canvas and upload pdf.
(iv) Partial marks will be awarded for writing down appropriate steps. However, providing only
the final answer will attract a straight 0, even if the answer is correct.

10M x 6 = 60 Marks

1. (i) Given that the circuit shown below yields Io = AVi – (1/Ro) VL, find the expressions
for A and Ro. Also find the relation between the resistances that yields Ro = ∞.
(ii) In the amplifier shown in below Fig. R1 = 30 kΩ, R2 = 120 kΩ, R3 = 20 kΩ and R4
= 30 kΩ, and the op-amp be powered using power supply of ± 15V and has a swing
of ± 13 V.
(a) If v2 = 2 sinωt, find the range of values of v1 for which the amplifier still operates
in linear region
(b) If v1 = Vm.sinωt and v2 = -1V, find the maximum value of Vm for which the output
of the amplifier still operates in linear region.
(1 +1+ 1= 3M)
2. (i) The instrumentation amplifier in the figure below is used to amplify the output of a
balanced microphone. The output of the microphone is 12 mV differential and a
common mode hum signal is induced into the lines at 10 mV peak (0 mV differential).
If the system has a CMRR of 40 dB, what is the output signal at Vo? (6M)
(ii) Determine the Rin for the circuit shown in Fig. (4M)
3 (i) Consider R1C1 = R2C2 in the circuit in Fig. C1= C2= 10 nF (4+2= 6M)
(a) Determine the transfer function of the circuit.
(b) Determine the values of R1 and R2 for a gain of 20 dB at 100 Hz.
(ii) A triangular wave of ± 1V peak amplitude, 1 kHz is applied to the input to the circuit shown
in Fig. Draw the input and output waveform and determine the frequency of the output.
(3+1 = 4 M)
4. (i) Derive the expression for Vo for the dual opamp INA as shown in below Fig.
(ii) Specify suitable values for the resistances such that the gain of the INA can be varied
over the range 10 V/V ≤ A ≤ 100 V/V by using 10 k𝛀 pot. (5+5= 10 M)
Hint : Assume R2 = R1 and the 10k𝛀 pot be in series with RG to vary gain.
5. (i) Find vN, vP and vo for the circuit shown in figure, if is = 2 mA.
(ii) A resistance R connected in parallel with is = 2 mA in the circuit shown in figure
will cause vo to drop to half of the value obtained in (i). Determine the value of R .
(5+5= 10 M)
6. An opamp is connected in closed loop with gain of +50 utilising a feedback resistor of 1M𝛀
(i) If the input bias current is 80 nA, what output voltage results with the input grounded.

(ii) If the input offset voltage is ± 5mV and the input bias current is as in (i), what is the largest
possible output that can be observed with the input grounded.

(iii) If bias current compensation is used, what is value of required resistor? Draw the circuit
of the amplifier including bias current compensation resistor.

(iv) If offset current is no more than one tenth of the bias current, what is the resulting output
offset voltage due to offset current alone.

(v) With bias current compensation as in (iii) in place what is the largest dc voltage at the output
due to combined effect of input offset voltage and offset current. (2+2+2+2+2= 10 M)

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