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SUBJECT: Mathematics 2


TIME&DATE: 1:00-2:30(Tuesday)

At the end of the lesson the students will able to...

A.Content Standard

Demonstrate understanding of subtraction and multiplication of whole numbes up

to 1000 including money
B. Is able to apply subtraction and multiplication of whole numbers up to 1000 including
money in Mathematical problems and real life situations.
C. Learning Competency

Visualize multiplication of number 1 to 10 by 2,3,4,5 and 10(M2NS-IIh-41.11)

Multiplies mentally 2,3,4,5 and 10 using appropriate strategies (M2NS-II-42.1)


Topic: Number and Number Sense
Reference: Curriculum Guide
Instructional material: Pictures,scotch tape,pentil pen,pencil,visual aid
Methods of teaching:Lecture,discussion,oral questioning,activity,games
Values Integration: Cooperation and Unity
Subject Integration:English,Math,and MAPEH



A. Preliminary Activities
(The pupil will pray )
•Stand up and let us pray! •Good morning,teacher!

•Good morning, students! •None,teacher

•How's your day?

3.Checking of Attendance
Teacher our last topic yesterday is all
•Is there any absent today? about number and number sense
•Teacher,only 10 peso left to you,because
•Very good!
if you subtract 20-10=10!

B. Review

•Class do you remember our last topic yesterday?

•Okay, good! (Answer)

1.)10 4.)50
•Let see if you still remember class,what if my
2.)150 5.)25
mother give me 20 pesos to buy sugar to the store
which has a total of 10 ,how many peso were left
to me?
•Yes teacher!!!
•That's correct!

C. Motivation

•Class , do want a game?Okay,lets play a game

called," PASS ME THE BOX"the students will pass
the box to their classmate while the music starts
playing and if the music stop to one student will
get the paper inside the box and answer it .Is that Group1
clear children?
1. Minuend
1. )25-15=? 2. product
2. )30x5=? 3. difference
3. )15x2=? Group2
4. )100-50=?
1. difference
5. )40-15=?
2. multiplicand
•Did you enjoy the game class? 3. multiplier

D . Presentation of the Lesson


Okay class,do you want some more activity?

•Yes teacher!
I will group you into two ,this table are the group 1
and this table are the group 2. You're going to do is
you need to determined if those underlined
•The number 1 answer is minuend,second
numbers is
product,and number 3 is difference
plier or a product. Do you understand? Okay you
•Here are the group 2 answers: Number 1
may now start !
is difference,number2 multiplicand and
GROUP-1 number 3 is multiplier
(Students clap their hands)
1. )32-11=21 (underlined number 32)
2. )8x7=56 (underlined number 56)
3. )68-11=57 (underlined number57)
•Teacher,its about the number and
GROUP-2 number sense focus on subtraction and
multiplication and their parts.
1.)23-4=19 (underlined number 19)

2.)6x4=24 (underlined number 6)

•There are 5 slices of pizza left
3.)3x2=6 ( underlined number 2)

•Are you done class?
•May I ask one representative in your group to •There are 5 pizza left!
present your output?
•Very good group 1!

•Okay,very good ! Teacher!(hands up)
Let's give a very good clap to both group 1 and 2!!!

•Based on the activity that we do, what do you

think our topic today?Anyone?
•Okay,very good !
•Yes teacher!
•Our topic for today is all about the number and •(one student raise her hand)
number sense focus on subtraction and •Teacher example,I brought in two dozen
multiplication. donuts for my birthday,and I said"I have
First,is what is subtraction? 24 donuts "then I will multiply 2x12=24
Subtraction it is the operation or process pf finding
the difference between the two numbers or
quantities.For example,I have here 8 slices of pizza (Children clap their hands)
but the hungry Peppa pig eats the 3,how many (Everyone)
slices of pizza left?
•Okay,good! •Multiplicand,multiplier and the product
There are three parts of subtraction namely
first,the minuend are the numbers which we
subtract the other number,subtrahend this are the
numbers which is subtracted from the minuend
and last is difference is the result obtained after
performing subtraction.
•Do you understand class? (Pupil1 raise her hand)
•Okay,lets proceed to multiplication .Anyone
kindly read? •Teacher,its about subtraction and
•Yes ?Okay thank you! multiplication.
So,multiplication is the method of finding the
product of two or more numbers. For example,if 5 (Pupil 1)
baskets contain 4 apples each,then to find the •Subtraction is when you take one
total number of apples we can use multiplication number away from another number.
and solve it as 5x4=20 apples.
•Did you got it children?
•Okay let see if you got it,can you give me an
example in real life situation where we use
multiplication ?Yes Marideth?

1. )C
•Okay,very good! Lets give her a very good clap! 2. )E
•Lets come now,to the parts of multiplication , first 3. )A
the multiplicand is the first number,the multiplier 4. )B
is the second number and the product is the 5. )D
answer. Again class what are the parts of
•Okay ,very good!

•Class,lets make a review of our overall discussion.
Anyone what is our topic that we discuss today?
•Yes Ronalyn ,stand up!

(All of them hands up)

•Okay ,thank you!

•And what is subtraction?

•Okay,thank you!
•Lets have now another exercise
Match the correct set of answer.Get 1/4 sheet of 3.)40
1. )300-150=? 5.)45
2. )50-30=?
3. )100-95=?
4. )5x5=?
•Yes teacher!
5. )8x2=?

•Let check if your answers are correct!

•Who got the perfect score?


Solve the equations(I will give you 5min to finish

the work)

1. )85-60=
2. )57-39=
3. )20x2=
4. )25-10=
5. )15x3=

•Are you done class?

Pass it to the front without standing!

•Class are you learning?

Okay,thats good!


In 1/4 sheet of paper solve the following problem.

1. )20-12 =
2. )4x6=
3. )8x5=
4. )10-6=
5. ) 25-10=

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