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Hyderabad Campus
Second Semester 2021-2022
ECE/EEE/INSTR F341: Analog Electronics
Midsem Exam (Open Book)
Time-: 16:00 – 17:30 Max Marks-: 60 Date: 12-03-2022

Instructions: - There are four questions. Marks for each question are indicated on right side.
Read the questions carefully and write the answers neatly. Answer all the questions.

1. (a) In the differential amplifier as shown in Fig-1a, the transistors are biased at ICQ = 0.1 mA and each
transistor has a β = 200. The amplifier is to be designed for differntial gain of 30 dB and CMRR = 60
dB. Determine the values of RC and RE. What is the input impedence of the amplifier? Assume VThermal
= 26 mV at room temprature.
(b) If the inputs to the differential amplifier comprise of
V1 = 10 sin (100 πt) + 5 sin (2000πt) mV
V2 = 10 sin (100 πt) - 5 sin (2000πt) mV
components, the signal at 50 Hz is the intereference signal and that at 1 kHz is to be processed,
determine V01(t), V02(t) and V0 = V01(t) – V02(t).
(c) In Fig-1b, a transistor array is used with βdc = βac = 100 and VBE = 0.7 V. Find the collector current
of each transistors. [6+5+5]

Figure-1a Figure-1b

2. (a) Find the transfer function of the circuit shown in the

Fig.2a and identify the operation performed by the circuit.
Find Vo(t) if VS(t) = 100 sin (16000πt), given R1 = R = 1 kΩ,
RF = 10 kΩ, C = 31.8 nF.
(b) A low-pass filter circuit has cut-off frequency of 2 kHz
and starting stop band frequency of 4 kHz. What will be the
minimum oreder of Butterworth LPF if the desired pass-band
attenuation to be 2 dB and the stop-band attenuation to be 40
dB. What will be the actual stop band attenuation of the
designed filter. [9+5] Figure-2a
3. (a) Calculate the output of the circuit shown Fig-3a if R1 = R4 = R5 = 1 kΩ, R2 = 2 kΩ, R3 = 4 kΩ,
V1 = 2 V DC, V2 = - 4 V DC and V3 = 8 V DC.
(b) (i) Find the output voltage of the practical differentiator circuit shown in Fig-3b. Assume RFCF =
RC and C ≫ CF.
(ii) Find the transfer function of the circuit shown in Fig.3b
(iii) Determine the output voltage if R = 1.5 kΩ, C = 0.1 µF for the input signal Vin = 3 sin (400πt)
V if the 0 dB gain frequency is 1 kHz.
(iv) Sketch the input and output voltage waveforms of (iii) on the same scale. [6+5+5+3+3]

Figure-3a Figure-3b

4. Four strain gauges R1 = R2 = R3= R4 = R are used in the Wheatstone bridge configuration for analog
weight measurment as shown in Fig-4. These strain gauges are configured in such a way that when
weight is applied (under unbalnced condition), the resistances of R2 and R4 increase by ΔR while the
resistances of R1 and R3 decrease by ΔR. Find the expression of Vab and Vo. If R = 100 Ω, ΔR is 0.1%
of R, Vdc = 5 V, then calcualte the output volatge (Vo). [8]


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