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Key Book

‫اہللاعتیلٰےکآخریروسلرضحتدمحمروسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‪571‬وسیعیںیمہکمرکمہمںیمدیپاوہےئ۔آپﷺےکوادلآپﷺیکدیپاشئےس‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اجپےہ۔اوھنںےنآپﷺیکرسبرایہںیماانپایاجتریتاقہلفشامرواہنایکپاہکوہاےسواہںقروخرکںیکس۔آپﷺےک‬ ‫ےسزپادہزعمزاخوتنامپا ا‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اخمتا بنٖنﷺےناالسمیکغیلبترشوعیکوتآپﷺاکاانپاخدناناورہلیبقآپﷺےکالخفوہایگ۔اوہنںےناصفاصفاہک‪"،‬مہےنآپ‬
‫لن‬ ‫ت‬
‫ﷺوکوھجٹوبےتلیھبکںیہنداھکی‪،‬نکیلمہآپﷺیکپاتوکںیہنامنتکس۔ "رضحتدمحمروسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺیکزدنیگاالخقاورایلعٰاناین‬
‫ایقرہتشآپﷺےکپاسآپااوراہک‪"،‬اےاہللےکیبن !ارگآپﷺااجزتدںیوتںیماسرہشوکدواہپڑوںےکدرایمنسیپرکرھکدوں۔ "نکیل‬
‫وضحررتمحﷺےنربصقرامپااوراہک‪"،‬ںیہن "!آپﷺےناہللاعتیلٰےسدروخاسیکہکوہاطئےکولوگںوکاچسیئیکراہرپاگمرنرکے۔روسل‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت ت‬
‫لن‬ ‫ت ت‬
‫پارےںیموساالتےیک۔اوبایفسناسوقاالسمےکسےسبرےاخمنیفلںیمےسایاھتنکیلاسےکپاووجد‪،‬اسےنرضحتدمحماخمتا بنٖنﷺیک‬
‫ت ت‬
‫ت ت‬
‫ت‬ ‫رشت‬ ‫رپ‬‫اوینٹن‬‫اینپ‬‫ﷺ‬ ‫پ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ا‬
‫ٓ‬ ‫وق‬ ‫قرامپا۔ہکمںیمدالخوہےت‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫آپﷺےنقرشیےسوپاھچ‪ ’’،‬مھااراایکایخلےہہکںیم مھاارےاسھتایکولسکرکےنواالوہں؟اوھنںےنوجابدپا‪’’،‬ااھچ‘‘۔آپﷺایاعمف‬
1. Who is the last Rasool of Allah?
Answer: Hazrat Muhammad (‫ٖنﷺ‬
‫ )روسلاہللاخمتالنبن‬is the last Rasool of Allah.
2. Why is he called Sadiq and Amin?
Answer: He (‫ٖنﷺ‬
‫ )روسلاہللاخمتالنبن‬Sadiq and Amin because he (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتالنبنٖنﷺ‬speaks the truth and the
most trustworthy.

Where did Hazrat Khadija (‫ )ریضاہللاعتیلعنھاا‬send her goods?

Answer: She (‫ )ریضاہللاعتیلعنھاا‬sent her goods to Syria.

What was the response of people of Taif?
Answer: The response of people of Taif was not good. They were arrogant and did not accept Islam. They
threw stones at him filling his shoes with blood.

1. What do you learn from the life of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ٖنﷺ‬

Answer: The whole life of our beloved (‫ )رسولاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬is a perfect example and a complete code
of life. He (‫ )رسولاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬showed us the right path, the path of success in this life and thereafter.
2. Describe justice of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ٖنﷺ‬

Answer: Among the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad's (‫ٖنﷺ‬

‫ )روسلاہللاخمتالنبن‬was his justice and
fairness that made him the best example for all mankind. His justice included those who were close to him and those
who were far from him, his friends and enemies, believers and disbelievers are treated equally for justice.

Answer: Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬met Hazrat Khadija (‫ )ریضاہللاعتیلعنھاا‬when he (‫روسلاہلل‬
‫ )اخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬25 years old.

Answer: When Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬started preaching Islam, his own family
turned against him and opposed him.
Answer: Hazrat Khadija trusted Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬because she had already
heard about his honesty and noble character.

Answer: At the time of conquest of Makkah, Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬declared, “This
is the day of mercy”! He (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬said that those who had sought refuge in the Holy Kabah
would be safe.”

Answer: The whole life of our beloved (‫ )رسولاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬is a perfect example and a complete code
of life. He (‫ )رسولاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬showed us the right path, the path of success in this life and thereafter.

a. What did Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬preach?
Answer: Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬preached Islam.
b. What is the name of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬wife?
Answer: The name of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬wife is Hazrat Khadija (‫)ریضاہللاعتیلعنھاا‬.
They are eating. The teacher is teaching English.
He is quick. Samina is doing theatre.
She is weeping. They are buying apples.

• Badshahi Masjid is in Lahore.

• We celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr in Saudi Arabia.
• My mother is good at making tea.
• Qasim went to Murree with school trip.
• They will visit zoo on holiday.

Think of five personality traits of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬and make sentences.
1. Honesty The shopkeeper's reputation for honesty attracted customers from miles around,
knowing they'd always get a fair deal.
2. Truthfulness His unwavering truthfulness was a beacon, guiding others through numerous
3. Humble and kind Maria’s humble and kind words bring comfort to the grieving family.
4. Trustworthy The doctor was known for her trustworthy diagnosis.
5. Sincerity His apology was heartfelt and filled with sincerity, earning him forgiveness.

Read the incident of Taif in the lesson carefully and write it in your own words.
The chiefs of Taif were conceited and arrogant. They did not accept the message of Islam. Naughty boys of
Taif mocking and even pelting him with stones. Disheartened and wounded, Hazrat Muhammad (‫روسلاہللاخمت‬
‫ )ا بنٖنﷺ‬and his companion found shelter outside the city in a garden. The Angel appeared and seek
permission to crush the city between two mountains. Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )روسلاہللاخمتا بنٖنﷺ‬replied, “No”.
He prayed to Allah (‫ )سبحان و تعالی‬to guide them the right path.
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اجپےہ۔اےسانمےئاجےناکااصحنراچدندےنھکیرپ ا‬
‫ےکاملسمندیعارطفلاکنیتروزہوہتارانمےتںیہ۔ہیوشالیکیلہپپارخیوکانمپا ا‬
‫دیعارطفلپاراضمناکروزہوھکےنلاکوہتارآامسنںیماچدنےکدھکیےیلاجےنرپانمپا ا‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اجپےہ۔‪29‬پا‪30‬روزےرےنھک‬ ‫اجپےہ۔ہیراضمناابملرکےکدقمسےنیہمےکااتتخماالسیماسلےکدوسںیےنیہموشالےکرشوعںیمانمپا ا‬ ‫اطمقبانمپا ا‬
‫ےکدعبدیعارطفلاکدنانمپا ا‬
‫دیعےسےلہپیکراتوک’’اچدنرات‘‘اہک ا‬
‫امنزدیعےسولگاینپدیعاکآاغزرکےتںیہ۔دیعیکامنزےکےیلولوگںاکالبپاںیہن ا‬
‫ت ت‬

‫ولحہ‪،‬ھکراور ِ‬

‫قن‬‫ح‬‫مسن‬ ‫ت‬
‫ن‬ ‫انبپےہ۔زوکٰۃاالسمےکپاچناراکنںیمےسایےہ۔املسمناسرطحاےنپوچبںوکرضورتدنموںاور‬‫دیعیکوخویشںںیمہصحےنیلےکاقب ا‬
‫ت ت‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اجپےہ۔ولگایدورسے‬ ‫االسیماممکلںیمدیعوقیملیطعتےکوطررپانمیئاجیتےہاوراعموطررپنیتدنییتلچےہ۔اسدیعوک"وھچیٹدیع"یھباہک ا‬
‫ت ت‬
1. What do we do in the month of Ramadan?
Answer: In the month of Ramadan, we do fast, spend most of the time in our prayers. We
also give alms and pay our zakat to the needy persons.
2. What do we celebrate at the end of Ramadan?
Answer: We celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr at the end of the Ramadan.
Answer: The moon's appearance after 29 or 30 days of fasting determines
the day of Eid-ul-Fitr.

Answer: The night before Eid is knowns as "Chand Raat".

Answer: Zakat is a mandatory annual charity obligated to Muslims who meet

certain wealth requirements.

1. Where will you go to celebrate Eid?

Answer: I celebrate Eid at home with my family, friends and relatives.
2. What is the effect of Eid on people who are angry with one another?
Answer: People who are with one another forget their grudges and hatred. They visit their relatives
and forgive other.

Answer: Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated after

the month of Ramadan.
Answer: Muslims express
thankfulness to Allah because Allah enable the Muslims to fulfil their holy obligations during the month of
Answer: Chand Raat is celebrated with great enthusiasm
by the young girls and boys. Girls coloured their hands and palms with mehndi designs. Boys and Men
prepared their dresses and other things for the Eid prayer.
Answer: I like Sheer Khurma very much on the Eid.
Answer: Eid-ul-Fitr is
celebrated on different days in different areas because of their geographical location and the citing of

Homographs sentences
can I can do it very fast and neatly.
can Please give a chill can of fruit juice.
rose I like the red rose.
rose The sun rose over the mountains yesterday.
tie The blue tie is matching with your suit.
tie Please tie the laces of my shoes.
nail She is using the nail polish.
nail Please bring some steel nails for me.
saw He is cutting the trees with an electric saw.
saw I saw her last year in train.

Subjective pronoun: We were watching a football match on the television.

Objective pronoun: Just look at him, what is he doing.
Possessive pronoun: These books are hers.

Interrogative Interrogative Sentences

Who Who is your brother?
Whom Is that boy whom you were looking for?
When When are you going to Islamabad?
What What is the reason behind the incident?
How How do you prove this in the court?

This is going to be an interesting match. This is the shirt; I am looking for.

That is impossible. That was the best hit in his entire batting.
• Great! you have won the challenge.
• Hurrah! I have done it Alas!
• your book is missing.
• Amazing! I have never seen such a building.
• Bravo! your research work is praise worthy.
‫‪Days of Eid-ul-Fitr are very special for me! I will wake up early in the morning. After having bath, I will wear my new‬‬
‫‪clothes, and after eating dates with milk, I will go to offer Eid prayers with my father and brothers. After the Eid‬‬
‫‪namaz, everyone says "Eid Mubarak!" which means "Happy Eid!" Kids receive Eidi, or small gifts from elders. It's fun‬‬
‫‪to choose new toys or save up for something special! I will give money to the poor so that they also buy new clothes‬‬
‫‪and enjoy their eid.‬‬

‫اوھنںاہکوینںےکذرےعیےنھجمسےکتہبےسرطےقیںیماتبےئوجہکںیمآجیھب ا‬
‫خںیمیلہپدہعفلیھکںیماہرایگوتاوھنںےنےھجم ت‬
‫اسےیلاب‪،‬ریمےےٹیب‪،‬اےنپداداےکپامےسںیموہ مھاارےاسھترکوںاگ۔‬
‫ت ت‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت ت ت‬
‫متزپادہ ربجتکسوہاوروخیشاکااہظرالھچوکداورالچرکتکسوہ۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫رکپےہ‪،‬اوردوپارہوکشش ا‬
‫وہپےہوجاہراکاسانم ا‬
‫ےنتیجواالوہ ا‬
1. What do you guess from the title of the poem? Answer: I guess that this poem is about a
grandfather and his son. The grandfather
teaching him some lessons about the life.
2. Tell any lesson that you have learnt from your elders. Answer: A lesson that I learnt from elders
is that never tell a lie. Always speaks the truth.

1. What will you do if you ever lose any game? Answer: Upon losing a game, I prepare
myself with more attention and determination
to win the next.
2. Is it good to give up after the first attempt? Answer: No! it is not. If we lose than we
should try again.

Q1: What type of man the grandpa was? Answer: The grandpa has firm belief
determination in him. He knew how to convert
failures into success.
Q2: Write one quality of a winner described in this poem. Answer: One quality of the winner according
to this poem is that a winner never cries.
Q3: What does the poet talk about growing boys? Answer: The poet express that a growing boy
can win any game and express his joy by jumping
and shouting with joy.
Q4: According to the poet, what should one do on losing the game? Answer: The poet said, face the
failure and stop crying and hold your head proudly
and work hard for the next.
Q5: What has one to face before enjoying the rainbow? Answer: Everyone who wants to enjoy
seeing rainbow he must face the rain because
rainbow appears when rain stop.
‫‪This line means that you cannot truly appreciate and enjoy success unless you've also experienced failure.‬‬
‫‪It's like you need to taste the bitterness of defeat to understand the sweetness of victory.‬‬

‫‪The poem describes a grandfather's words to his son, conveys a message about learning from loss and‬‬
‫‪developing resilience. A quiet man who taught valuable life lessons through stories. Emphasized the‬‬
‫‪importance of learning from loss and not giving up after facing setbacks. Facing loss is inevitable, but it‬‬
‫‪shouldn't deter you. True winners learn from their failures and try again. Experiencing loss helps you‬‬
‫‪appreciate future success more deeply.‬‬
‫‪The poem encourages facing challenges with a positive attitude and learning from setbacks. However,‬‬
‫‪emotional expression is also important, and there are many ways to be a "winner" in life.‬‬

‫ںیماھبرتےکایوھچےٹےساگؤںبواںیمدیپاوہےئےھت۔ ‪1947‬ںیمبرریغصیکمیسقتےکدعباناکاخدنانپااتسکنلقتنموہایگ۔‬

‫وجرضورتدنموںوکاھکپا‪،‬انپہاوریبطادمادقرامہرکیتےہ۔ایدیھےکاکمےنالوھکںولوگںیکزدنویگںرتہبایکےہ۔اوہنںےن‪ 2000‬ےسزپادہ‬
‫ٔ‬ ‫دیھ‬ ‫ای‬ ‫۔‬ ‫دی‬ ‫رتیب‬ ‫ب‬ ‫وھچڑےےئگوچبںوکاچبپاےہ‪50000،‬ےسزپادہومیتیںیکدھکیاھبلاکااظتنمایکاور‪40000‬ےسزپادہرنوسںوک‬
‫ذینہذعموروںےکےیلکنیلکںیہ۔انےکااقتنلےکدعبانےکےٹیبلصیفایدیھےنایدیھ ٔ‬

‫ت ت ت‬ ‫ل‬
‫افؤیدنشییجنایطعتےسیلیھپ۔وہ‪1800‬اوبمی بنسووںاکاجلاقمئرکےنےکاقبوہےئگ۔اینپوافتےکوقی‪،‬ایدیھاصخرقتابیً‬
‫اینپمیظنتےکدرتفےک رق بایوھچےٹےساپارٹنمٹںیمرےتہےھت۔وہارثکومیظنتںںیمپایئاجےنوایلدبونعاینےکپادقےھت۔اںیہندعتمدپارونبانم‬

‫اہؤگنسااھتریٹےنرکایچےک فننچیبںیم‪5‬ولکمروطلیچیباویویناکپامدبتلیرکےک'دبعااتسلرایدیھاویوین'رےنھکاکاالعنایک۔وگلگےن‪28‬قروری‬
‫ہفب‬ ‫ت‬
‫اجپےہ۔دی گننوپسےندوعی ٰ‬ ‫"قرہتشرتمح"ےکپامےساجےناجےتںیہاوراںیہنپااتسکنیکسےسزپادہاقبارتحاماورااسفونیتیصخشاھجمس ا‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬

‫?‪1. Do you help other‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Yes! I help others.‬‬

‫?‪2. When do you help some one last time‬‬ ‫‪Answer: I helped a poor boy a few days back. He was hungry‬‬
‫‪and arranged food for him.‬‬

‫?‪Who is Faisal Edhi‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Faisal Edhi is the son of Abdul Sattar Edhi.‬‬
‫?‪When did Edhi’s charity expand‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Edhi’s charity expanded when a pandemic hit‬‬
‫‪Pakistan and the world in 1957.‬‬
‫‪Name any one award that Abdul Satar Edhi receive.‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Abdul Sattar Edhi received many‬‬
‫‪awards his life and one of them is UBESCO-Madanjeet Singh‬‬

‫?‪1. What trait of Abdul Sattar Edhi you like the most‬‬ ‫‪Answer: I like his selflessness the most.‬‬
‫?‪2. How can we create a sense of kindness for others‬‬ ‫‪Answer: We can create a sense of kindness for‬‬
‫‪others by practicing self-compassion. Our‬‬
‫‪actions should reflect the means of kindness.‬‬
1. When was Abdul Sattar Edhi born? Answer: Abdul Sattar Edhi was born on 28
February 1928.
2. Where was Abdul Sattar Edhi buried? Answer: Abdul Sattar was buried at Edhi village
near Karachi.
3. Why did Pakistan Post release a commemorative postage stamp? Answer: In honour of Edhi,
Pakistan Post released a commemorative
postage stamp on July 8, 2016.
4. What lesson do you learn from this unit? Answer: This lesson teaches us love for
humanity and self-sacrifice.
5. Describe manifestation of love of Abdul Sattar Edhi. Answer: Abdul Sattar Edhi's love wasn't just an
emotion; it was a force that manifested in
several tangible ways throughout his life and
work. Here are some key aspects: Unconditional
Service, building a network of care, living a
simple life, empowering others, promoting
unity and equality and leaving a legacy of love.

Similes Sentences
as hard as nails Saria is young but she stood tall, her spirit as hard as nails.
as fresh as daisy After a long time, she is looking as fresh as daisy.
beautiful like a flower Their new born baby is beautiful like a flower.
move like a snail Aslam is so lazy that he moves like a snail.
as gentle as a lamb He is pretending to be as gentle as a lamb.
run like a deer He was too late for exam so he ran like a deer.

Phrasal verbs Sentences

cheer up Just cheer up and get prepare for the next competition.
come from No body knows that where does it come from.
eat out They decided to skip home made meals and eat out for a change.
look after Saima is very sensible, she will look after the kids well.
get up Do not get up early, we want to sleep for long.

The best of both worlds It's impossible to achieve the best of both worlds in every situation.
Under the weather I'm feeling a little under the weather today, so I think I'll skip the gym.
Break the ice I told a funny joke at the party to break the ice.
Let the cat out of the bag I couldn't keep the secret any longer, so I finally let the cat out of the bag
about my new job.
Once in a blue moon We saw a shooting star last night that only happens once in a blue moon!

Sentences Subjects Verbs Nouns

Alas his friend has left him. Friend Left Him
Are you busy? You Busy
There are two books on the table. Two Are table
I can swim I Can I
He said, “I am quite well”. He Said well
‫‪I wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning. I like watching cricket, football, hockey and tennis. Playing cricket is‬‬
‫‪my hobby but I avoid it in the month of June. I have bought the following things in cricket kit: helmet, bat,‬‬
‫‪ball, gloves and pads. My friend Zain also has cricket kit. I often like to play with Zain’s bat.‬‬

‫)‪Rashid Minhas Shaheed (Nishan-e-Haider‬‬

‫‪Rashid Minhas Shaheed was born February 17 1951 in Karachi. Rashid spent his early childhood in Lahore.‬‬
‫‪Later, the family shifted to Rawalpindi. Minhas had his early education from Rawalpindi. Later his family‬‬
‫‪shifted to Karachi. Rashid was fascinated with aviation history and technology. He joined PAF on March 13,‬‬
‫‪1971 as 51st GD(P) course. He was new to the Air Force having been commissioned that year.‬‬
‫‪On August 20, 1971 Rashid was getting ready to take-off in a trainer aircraft in Karachi when his instructor, Matiur‬‬
‫‪Rehman forced him into the back of the plane. He wanted to take his aircraft to India. Rashid came to realize that‬‬
‫‪the plane was headed for India. He crashed the plane just thirty miles from the border of India. For his courageous‬‬
‫‪act he was awarded the highest military award Nishan-e-Haider. He is the youngest man to win the award, and the‬‬
‫‪only member of the Pakistan Air Force to be honoured with it. He is our national hero.‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬

‫زنی‪،‬آرپانااورارالسننیتدوسےھت۔وہایوھچےٹےس ٔ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت ت‬
‫وقآسپںیمڑپےتھاورےتلیھکوہےئ ا‬
‫انےکاخدناونںےکدرایمنایرپاپاانتزہعاھت۔ہیپاتاندووتسںوکرپاشینرکیتیھتہکانےکاخدنانیھبکایںیہنوہںےگ۔اگ ٔوںںیماےسیتہب‬
‫اگوںےکولگاںیھنااھٹکرکےنیکوکششرکےتےھتنکیلانیکوکںیششاکایمبہنوہںیئ۔فلتخماواقتںیم‬ ‫ٔ‬ ‫ےھت۔‬‫تکس‬ ‫ےسوماعقآےئخاےھٹکوہ‬
‫اگوںںیمایتہببراپاغاھت۔پاغتہببرےدروتخںےسرھباوہااھت۔دروتخںےکےنتبرےاورانیکڑکلیایھچیھت۔پاغںیمانیک‬ ‫زپانےکاخدناناک ٔ‬
‫اگوںواےلانیکاہمرتوکامےتنےھت۔اںیھناےنپاکماکامہرامپا ا‬
‫اتہبتیھت۔آربرےکاوبایامہر تبریئھےھت۔اسرے ٔ‬
‫زپان‪،‬ااربراورارالسناینپمیلعتںیمتہبدیپسچلرےتھکےھت۔اوھنںےناینپاتکوبںںیمایسیتہبیسزیچںیڑپیھںیھتوجاوھنںےناےنپاگ ٔوںںیمںیہن‬
‫اگوںںیمایلعٰمیلعتاجریہنرھکاکس۔ ٔ‬
‫اگوںںیمہنوتبرےاتپسہلاوراکجلےھتاورہنیہذراعئآدمورتفاکااھچاظنماھت۔ارالسناکبرااھبیئ ٔ‬
‫خدیدوہسایلتہنوہےنےکوہجےسزپانےکداداےنتہباکتفیلااھٹںیئ۔آربرےنیھب ٔ‬
‫اگوںںیمامتمرضوریوہسایلتوموجدوہں۔وہ ٔ‬
‫اگوںیکرتہبیےکےیلھچکرکپااچےتہےھت۔وہاچےتہےھتہک ٔ‬
‫ہیامتمزیچںیتہبفیلکتدہںیھتاوروہ ٔ‬
‫ںیمہروہآاسشئاچےتہےھتوجہکرہشںیموموجدںیھت۔وہاینپتنحماوررتہبیرپنیقیرےتھکےھت۔اےنپوخاوبںوکچسرکےنےکےیلاںیھناےنپ ٔ‬
‫اگوںںیماےسیاکمرشوعرکےناچےتہےھتنجےستہبےسولوگںوکروزاگررسیمآےئ۔انامتماکومںوکوپرا‬ ‫اتپسہلاوراکجلریمعترکےےھت۔وہاےنپ ٔ‬
‫المپاھت۔رپاپا لباانتوھچپااھتہکدووھچیٹاگڑپاںیھبایاسھتاسرپےسںیہنزگریتکس‬
‫اگوںوکرہشےس ا‬ ‫رکےنےکےیلاںیھناس لبوکریمعترکپااھتوجاےکن ٔ‬
‫ںیھت۔ لباانتدخموشوہایگاھتہکوہدووھچیٹاگڑویںاکوبھجیھبںیہنااھٹاتکساھت۔اسےیلبریقاکہیرفساس لبیکریمعتےسیہرشوعوہپااھت۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت ت‬
‫اںیھنایھچڑکلیدےاتکساھتاورآربرےکاوبانڑکلویںوکانیکرضورتےکاطمقباکٹتکسےھت۔ارالسنےکاوب لباکڈاھہچنڑھکارکےنںیمانیکدمدرک‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اگوںوکوخشاحلرکںیکس‬ ‫بوںدووتسںوکاباےنپاخدنانواولںوکااھٹکرکپااھت۔ہرایےناےنپوادلنیےسپاتیکہکارگوہاےھٹکوہاجںیئےگوتوہاےنپ ٔ‬
‫ےگ۔اںیھنہییھباتبپاہکااسیرکےنےسہرہچبمیلعتاجریرھکےکساگاوروکیئالعجیکوہسایلتہنوہےنیکوہجےسںیہنرمےاگ۔ےئن لبیکریمعتےکدعبرہش‬
‫اگوںںیمرنیشمیچنہپیئگ۔اورہی لبیکوہجےسیہنکمموہاگ۔‬
‫اگوںںیمراہطبرکپاآاسنوہاجےئاگ۔ریمعتایتاکموہےکساگارگ ٔ‬
‫اور ٔ‬
‫ےکاخدنانواولںےنڑکلیقرامہیکاورآربرےکاوبےناےسرضورتےکاطمقباکپاوجہک لبیکریمعتںیماامعتسلوہپاںیھت۔ارالسنےکاوبےنولےہےس‬
‫اگوںوخشاحلوہایگ۔‬ ‫ایوبضمطڈاھہچنانبپا۔انیکپایمہوکوششںاورلم لجرکاکمرکےنےس ٔ‬

‫?‪1. Do you hold grudges in your heart‬‬ ‫‪Answer: I do not hold grudges all the time but‬‬
‫?‪2. What is the benefit of removing grudges from our hearts‬‬ ‫‪Answer: One of the benefits of‬‬
‫‪removing grudges from heart is that we keep ourselves‬‬
‫‪happy and content.‬‬

‫?‪What made the friends worried‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Conflicts between their families made the friend‬‬
‫?‪Who was blacksmith‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Arsalan’s father was a blacksmith.‬‬
‫?‪Why did Zyan’s father suffer a lot‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Zyan’s father suffer a lot because of lack of medical‬‬
‫‪facilities in the village.‬‬

‫?‪1. What will you do if people do not tolerate one another‬‬ ‫‪Answer: If some people do not tolerate each other,‬‬
‫‪I’ll try to finish their rift and problems.‬‬
‫?‪2. What is the benefit of making people united‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Unity is the best because it brings prosperity.‬‬
1. What was the profession of Araiz’s father? Answer: Araiz father was a carpenter by profession.
2. What types of trees were there in the orchard? Answer: The orchard was full of big trunk and fine
quality wood.
3. How did the village become happy? Answer: The construction of the new bridge made the
village happy.
4. Why did three friends want to unite their families? Answer: The three friends wanted to unite their
families for the sake of their village and to bring
modern facilities.
5. What stopped Arslan’s brother from getting higher education? Answer: The lack of higher education
facilities stopped Arslan’s brother from getting higher
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Aslam and Sara have visited the Aslam and Sara have not visited Have Aslam and Sara visited the
zoo. the zoo. zoo?
The letter has reached its The letter has not reached its Has the letter reached its
destination. destination. destination?
She has written a She has not written a Has she written a
comprehensive essay. comprehensive essay. comprehensive essay?
We have completed our We have not completed our Have we completed our
research. research. research?
• She bought potato, brinjal, lady finger and cucumber.
• They visited the zoo and museum.
• The John’s party had ended but people refused to leave.
• He was happy on receiving his teacher’s pen.
• Suddenly, a lion appeared on the road.

Unity is not just a platitude; it's a powerful tool that unlocks many advantages in the workplace. When
individuals come together, pooling their talents and perspectives, the results can be amazing. Fresh ideas
and solutions emerge through the exchange of experiences and viewpoints. This collective effort
strengthens problem-solving abilities, leading to more effective outcomes. Moreover, shared goals and
achievements create a deeper sense of connection, leading to a more positive and productive work

The beauty of society lies in its diversity. Tolerating different views, even if we don't agree with them, is
like watering and nurturing all the flowers. It lets everyone express themselves freely, sharing their
thoughts and experiences. This open exchange sparks curiosity and understanding, like kids learning from
each other on the playground. Even if we disagree, we can still respect each other's right to have different
opinions. So, let's embrace our differences, listen with open hearts, and celebrate the harmony that comes
from tolerating each other's unique views. Remember, a happy garden needs all its flowers!

‫وجتبرپوخشےھت۔ااتسداصخےناسیکرعتفییکاوراہکہکاسےنایفلتخموجتبردیےہ۔ااتسداصخےناتبپاہکوکسلاس‬ ‫ابرارےکمہامجعاس ر‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫وہپےہ؟‘‘ااتسداصخےناتبپاہکہیوہہگجوہیتاہجںانوچبںوکراھک ا‬‫ایاطلملعےنوپاھچہک’’میتیوچبںےکدھکیاھبلاکرمکرایک ا‬
‫ااتسداصخےناسریامجعوکاتبپاہکززلےلوکنیتوصحںںیممیسقتایکاجاتکسےہ۔ےلہپ‪،‬درایمنںیماورآخرںیم۔ا ٔٓوہرےصحںیمایکرکپااچےیہاسےک‬
‫ایہگجبختنمرکواہجںاگلوہےنیکوصرتںیماخدناندوپارہااھٹکوہےکس۔‬ ‫ےلہپ‪:‬‬
‫ش‬ ‫ت‬
‫ایسیہگجولعمموہںاہجںرطخاتزپادہوہتکسںیہاسیجہکڑھکایکں‪ ،‬بنسے‪،‬یتکٹلوہیئاایش‪،‬آگےنگلیکہگجوریغہ‬
‫ارگرھگےکادنروہوتیسکزیم‪،‬ڈکسی‪،‬پایسکاھبریقررچینےکےچینانپہےلول۔‬ ‫درایمنںیم‪:‬‬
‫وتازنبرقراررےنھکےکےیلٹیل ٔ‬
‫دوھکیںیہکزمخوتںیہنآپا‬ ‫دعبںیم‬
‫▪ ادتبایئیبطادماداحلصرکو‬
‫▪ رضورپاتزدنیگ(پاین‪،‬یلجباورسیگ)چرکںی‪،‬اصقننوہےنیکوصرتںیماسےکذراعئوکدنبرکںی۔‬
‫▪ درگیرطخاتاسیجہکایمیکیئ ج‪،‬زہرےلیدوھںیاورہنکممدہنمموہےنواےلرطخاتچرکںی۔‬
‫▪ امعرتںیمدڑاروںوکچرکںی۔‬
‫▪ وخراکاورپاینیکقرایمہچرکںی۔‬
‫الرٹئپاوممیتباکاامعتسلہنرکںی۔‬،‫▪ امسچ‬
‫▪ ریدوییکرشنپاتںینساورایکایکاالعنوہرےہںیہ۔‬
‫▪ اگنہیموصرتےکالعوہاگڑیاامعتسلہنرکںی۔‬
‫▪ زیتیےساحبیلےکےیلاےنپاسمہویئںیکدمدرکںی۔‬
‫▪ ل ربوکسنرںیہاورایدورسےاکاہھتاٹبںیئ۔‬

1. Have you experienced shaking earth? Answer: Yes, I have experienced the shaking the earth.
2. When does it shake? Answer: Earth shakes when layers of earth beneath move
causes earthquake.

Why are all students excited? Answer: Students were excited because it was the end of
Where are children kept who have no parents? Answer: Children whom do not have parents are kept
in an orphan centre.
Why were the students surprised to see the orphan centre? Answer: Students were surprised to see
the children in the orphan centre.

Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Answer: Yes, I have experienced an earthquake.
Why does the earth shake in an earthquake? Answer: Earth shakes when layers of earth beneath move
causes earthquake.

Q1: What are the safe places during an earthquake? Answer: Safe places during an earthquake are
under study tables, desk or beams.
Q2: Who was weeping in the Orphan Centre? Answer: A boy was weeping in the orphan
Q3: Why did tears start rolling down Abrar’s cheeks? Answer: After listening the sad incident of the
boy tears start rolling down Abrar’s cheeks.
Q4: What is an Orphan Care Centre? Answer: An orphan centre is a place where
those children are kept who have no parents.
Q5: How can loss in earthquake be minimized? Answer: Loss can be minimized in earthquake
by taking measures in three stages: before,
during and after.

Idioms Sentences
Cut the mustard Her performance in the play was good, but it didn't quite cut the mustard
compared to the original actress.
Fit as a fiddle Despite all the setbacks, the company is still going strong. They're as fit as a
fiddle financially.
It takes two to tango The project failed because both teams didn't communicate
effectively. Remember, it takes two to tango.
Run like the wind The cheetah ran like the wind, leaving its prey with no chance of escape.
Time is money I'm late for work! Every second I spend stuck in traffic costs me money.

Sentences Helping Main verb

They are moving to new city. are moving
She has learnt cooking. has learnt
Areeba is sitting on the chair is sitting
You are walking on the road. are walking
I have passed my exams. have passed

• He was injured as a result of an accident.

• He received many gifts and prizes.
• He was watching TV while packing his luggage.
• Rida completed her homework and then went for a walk.
• His friends called him but he remained in the house.
Formation of Adjectives from Nouns

Noun Adjective
friend friendly
care careful
ease easily
Comparative Clause and Relative Clause
Affirmative She had drawn sketch before her father brought new pencil.
Negative She had not drawn sketch before her father brought new pencil.
Interrogative Had she drawn sketch before her father brought new pencil.
Affirmative She had recovered before she visited doctor.
Negative She had not recovered before she visited doctor.
Interrogative Had she recovered before she visited doctor.
Affirmative They had repaired the chair before the carpenter came.
Negative They had not repaired the chair before the carpenter came.
Interrogative Had they repaired the chair before the carpenter came.

• The boss gave him salary (Rs. 25000).

• They are eager to see (the Mount Everest) the highest mountain.
• The Sahara (desert) is famous all around the world.
• World Health Organisation (WHO) promotes health and saves people.
• She will go for shopping with (Anam).

One night when I was sleeping, jolted awake me up. The swaying of my bed morphing into a violent shaking. Panic
surged as I realized it was an earthquake. The pictures on the wall rattling. Remembering the safety drills from
school, I hid myself under a sturdy desk. I held on tightly, bracing myself against the tremors that seemed to amplify
with each passing second. Dust rained down from the ceiling, and the muffled screams of neighbours pierced the air.
As the shaking subsided slowly, I came out. I checked myself for injuries, finding only a racing heart and trembling
hands. Relief washed over me as I assessed the damage - a few fallen books, a lamp toppled over. Stepping outside
cautiously, I saw some cracks snaking across the sidewalk and debris scattered in the street. Though shaken, I knew
That I had followed the safety measures, and that had minimized the danger. Taking a deep breath, I joined my
neighbours, offering a hand and a reassuring smile, ready to face the aftermath together.
‫ت ت‬
‫بریتھوہیئآپادی‪،‬رہشوںاک ٔ‬
‫رکےکایاثمیلاوروخشاحلاعمرشہانبپا ت‬
‫ت‬ ‫بب‬
‫اسےنیمیلعتٹجببراھےناورےئنیمیلعتاور کنبکیادارےریمعترکےنیکاجتوبردںی۔رصفیئنونرکپاںدیپارکےنےسرغبمتخںیہنوہیتکس؛‬
1. What is an evil? Answer: Evil is generally considered the opposite of good. It
refers to actions, behaviours, or things that are seen as morally
wrong, harmful, or wicked. This can include things like violence,
cruelty, injustice, and oppression.
2. Mention any evil and its Answer: Child labour is the exploitation of children through any
causes. work that deprives them of their childhood, hinders their
potential, and is mentally, physically, socially or morally harmful.
Its causes are poverty, lack of education facilities, lack of
awareness and cultural norms.

3. Where was Rohan going? Answer: Rohan was going for an interview in an office.
4. How many questions could Answer: Rohan answered all the questions.
Rohan answer?
5. When did Rohan decide to Answer: Rohan decided to start his own business when his name
start his own business? was not among the selected candidates for the job.

6. What do you think are the Answer: In my view, main causes of social evils are lack of
main causes of social evils? education, poverty, favouritism, child labour and injustice.
7. What do you suggest for Answer: Some suggestions for poverty alleviation are:
poverty alleviation? 8. Providing quality education, vocational trainings and skills
development facilities at low cost.
9. Promoting economic growth and microfinancing for small
10. Promoting gender equality

1. What happened when Rohan Answer: Rohan was astonished and dismayed when he did not
did not see his name in the see his name among the selected candidates. Even he was not in
list? his senses for a couple minutes.
2. Name any four causes of Answer: Four causes of social evils are lack of education, poverty,
social evils. favouritism and injustice.
3. Suggest any two remedial Answer: Two remedial acts to control social evils are providing
acts to control social evils. quality education and justice.
4. What is the effect of Answer: Some effects of favouritism are loss of motivation and
favouritism? moral, bitterness in the society and unhealthy competition.
5. How did Rohan bring evils Answer: Rohan brought evils before society by writing columns in
before society? a newspaper.

Questions Answers
1. What is the origin of the word The word "ground" has its origins in Old English, where it was
“ground”? originally spelled as "grund" or "grundes." It is derived from
the Proto-Germanic word "grunduz," meaning "bottom,
foundation, or ground."
2. What is the abbreviation of the The abbreviation of the word “adverb” is ‘adv’.
word “adverb”?
3. Which part of speech is the The word “soon” is an adverb.
word “soon”?
4. What is the plural form of the The plural form of the knife is knives.
word “knife”?
5. How many syllables does the The word “entertainment” contains 4 syllables.
word “entertainment”

Modal verbs Sentences

should We should stop eating fast food.
He should come to office in time.
can You can do anything if you will.
Can you give me a glass of water?
could He could not do the same again.
Sarah could not pass the exam last year.
might I might go the park if the weather is fine.
The cat might be hiding under the bed.
must You must finish your homework before going to play.
Drivers must obey traffic laws to ensure safety on the roads.

Punctuate and rewrite the given passage.

Iqra got up 7 o’clock. She got ready for school. Her bag was empty. She put books, notebooks and
pens in her bag. Iqra’s favourite subject is English. She likes to read stories.
Underline the conjunctions n the following sentences.
i. The dog and the cat are in the garden.
ii. He is poor but honest.
iii. The mice will play when the cat away.
iv. He is very rich, yet he is not happy.
v. Do not answer unless you are asked.

Write a narrative paragraph about a tour with your classmates/family.

Last summer, my family and I went on a fun trip with our relatives. We hired a mini-bus and
started our journey to a hill station. We drove through pretty countryside roads and saw beautiful
villages along the way. Our first stop was a lovely hill station. The restaurant was surrounded by
hills with clouds on the top. We ate yummy food and enjoyed the amazing landscapes. Then, we
visited an old castle on a hill. We learned about its history and explored the cool rooms. We also
went to peaceful lakes where we had fun boating and saw colourful birds. The day was full of
smiles, excitement, and new things to see. We laughed a lot and made special memories with our
family. When our trip ended, we felt happy and grateful for the time we spent together.
Think of any social evil. Write its five cause and five effects. Also suggest some
remedies to solve it.
Understanding Discrimination
Discrimination is a social evil that affects people around the world in various ways. It occurs when
individuals are treated unfairly or differently because of characteristics such as race, religion,
gender, or disability. This happens for many reasons. Sometimes people don't know much about
others who are different from them. They might think things that aren't true, which can lead them
to treat others badly.
Sometimes, people are afraid of things they don't understand, so they act unfairly towards others
who are different from them. They might also believe bad things about certain groups of people
because of things they've heard. In some places, there are rules or ideas that make people think
it's okay to treat certain groups of people badly. This can be because of things like their skin colour,
religion, or where they come from.
People with more power than others use that power to treat others unfairly. This can make it hard
for those who are treated unfairly to stand up for themselves.
When people don't have as much money or don't come from the same background as others, they
can also be treated unfairly. This is because they might not have the same opportunities as others.
Treating others unfairly because of their differences can have many bad effects. It can make
people feel sad, alone, and not good about themselves. It can also keep them from having the
same chances as others to do well in life. But there are things we can do to stop discrimination.
We can learn about others who are different from us and try to understand them better. We can
also make rules that say it's not okay to treat others unfairly because of their differences.
By treating everyone with kindness and respect, no matter how they are different from us, we can
help make the world a better place for everyone.

‫تہبےسادیمواروہےتںیہ۔ریبوزاگرییکوہجےسوچریےسیجخرامئںیمااضہفوہ ا‬
‫ہکاناینآپادیںیمااضہفاورزنیمرپاجونروںیکدعتادںیمیمکآیئےہ۔اسدسنئاونںےنرطخہاظہرایکےہہکارگایسرطحآپادیںیمااضہف ا‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬

‫‪• Have you ever seen a residential‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Yes, I have seen many residential‬‬
‫?‪project‬‬ ‫‪projects.‬‬
‫‪• Why is there any need of more and‬‬ ‫‪Answer: We need more residential projects‬‬
‫?‪more residential projects‬‬ ‫‪because of overpopulation.‬‬

‫‪• What issue is every country struggling‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Every country is struggling with the‬‬
‫?‪with‬‬ ‫‪problem of over population.‬‬
‫?‪• Can earth produce limited things‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Yes, earth produce limited things‬‬
‫‪because of excessive usage.‬‬
‫?‪• What gives rise to unemployment‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Unemployment gives rise to crimes‬‬
‫‪like theft.‬‬

‫‪• Think of the effects of overpopulation‬‬ ‫‪Answer: socio economic, spreading of diseases,‬‬
‫‪other than those mentioned in the text.‬‬ ‫‪pollution, lack of infrastructure.‬‬

‫?‪• With whom was Adnan travelling‬‬ ‫‪Answer: Adnan was travelling with his father.‬‬
• What was the cause of traffic jam? Answer: The main cause of traffic jam was so
much rush on the road.
• Why is the awareness about over Answer: To control the pace of population
population needed? there is a dire need of awareness and
education about the effects of overpopulation.
• How does human population affect Answer: Human population affecting wildlife
wildlife? because the forests are being used to meet the
need of residential areas for humans.
• How can educated people be helpful in Answer: Educated people can run a campaign
controlling population? to give awareness the affect of population.

Preposition Sentences
across Students were running across the corridors during recess.
towards The ball was racing towards the boundary.
under During earthquake, she saved herself under a sturdy desk.
on I saw the glasses on the table last night.
at All the eyes were looking at him.
Complete these sentences with suitable conjunctions.
• She visited her grandmother on Friday.
• He is going to stadium so that he could play there.
• Maryam gets up at five o’clock.
• Do you know if the letter has been posted?
• Do you like swimming or jogging.

Adverbial phrases Sentences

very fast My horse ran very fast in the last race.
today afternoon Aslam is reaching today afternoon.
quite well She is feeling quite well now.
right here Please place the carton right here on the desk.
much more carefully He is operating much more carefully after the accident.

Use the apostrophe where required.

• His elder brother’s ring has been stolen. • An elephant’s trunk is very tall.
• Kamran’s notebook is very neat. • Children’s toys are very expensive.

Write a few points about ‘How Overpopulation Affects a Country’s progress’.

Overpopulation can make it harder for a country to progress and improve the lives of its people.
Here are the few points how overpopulation affects the progress of a country.
• Too many people put a strain on important resources like food, water, and energy. This can
make it harder for everyone to have enough of these necessities.
• With more people, there might not be enough jobs for everyone. This can lead to
• Overpopulation can lead to more pollution and damage to the environment. There is more
waste and more factories producing pollution, which can harm the air, water, and land.
• Overpopulation can also lead to social problems like poverty, crime, and inequality.

Child abuse is very common in some country. It is a

very serious problem that happens when someone
hurts or mistreats a child. This can happen in many
different ways, like hitting, yelling, or not giving a
child enough food or love. Child abuse can hurt
children both physically and emotionally. It's
important for children to know that if someone is
hurting them, it's not their fault and they should tell
a trusted adult, like a teacher or a parent, so they can
get help. Every child deserves to feel safe and loved.
Together we can help to stop child abuse and make
sure children are protected.
‫ہیسانیکاینپتلفغےہوج ٔ‬
‫ارگایڑلیکوکوکسلںیہناجیھب ا‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫رکپےہ۔وعرتاوررمدںیمبرابریاعمرشےےکایوتسنیکرطحےہ‪،‬اعمرشے‬ ‫اخصوطررپفنصیکاینبدرپاجدبنارروہیاعمرشےوکوھکالھک ا‬
‫ہنیمہتےکاوبےنہلصیفایکہکوہاےنپوچبںےکاسھتبرابریاکروہیرںیھکےگ۔اوھنںےناسرے ٔ‬
• What do you know about gender equality?
Answer: Gender equality means treating everyone fairly and equally regardless of their gender.
It ensures that both men and women have the same opportunities, rights, and responsibilities in
all aspects of life.

• What thought was haunting Tehmina’s father?

Answer: The thought that was haunting him was the lack of female doctors and teachers.
• What was the villagers’ response to what Tahmina’s father said to them?
Answer: Villagers’ response to Tahmina’s father was that they seemed convinced and agreed to
educate their daughters.

• What is the benefit of treating people without discrimination?

Answer: Treating people without discrimination promotes fairness, equality, and harmony in

i. What is gender equality?

Answer: Gender equality means giving both men and women equal opportunities, rights, and
treatment in all aspects of life.
ii. Why did Tahmina’s father search female doctor?
Answer: Tahmina’s father was searching a female doctor because he did not want his daughter
to be operated by a male doctor.
iii. How does gender equality bring prosperity?
Answer: Gender equality brings prosperity by allowing everyone, regardless of gender, to fully
participate in society. They contribute their skills and talents, access opportunities for education,
employment, and leadership. This leads to economic growth, social stability, and overall well-
being for society.
iv. How did Tahmina’s father end his conversation?
Answer: He ended his conversation with the villagers with the words, “society contains both
males and females. Both are equally important for a civilized society. If one is preferred to other,
the system of society will deteriorate. So, to create a good atmosphere in the society both
genders should be considered equal and equal opportunities should be given to them.”
v. Why is gender inequality bad for a country?
Answer: Gender inequality is bad for any country because it hinders social progress, limits
economic growth, and undermines human rights. It leads to unfair treatment, discrimination,
and unequal opportunities for individuals based on their gender, which results in a less inclusive
and prosperous society.
Mom hums when she is cooking.
a. Hyperbole b. Onomatopoeia 

• She studied hard for the test, but she didn’t get a good grade. Compound
• He had not opened the shop before the first customer came. Complex
• He gave me a letter when I was going to office. Complex
• Kiran did not reach in time because she couldn’t find the bus. Compound
• He will not pass the examination unless he studied hard. Complex
• After receiving the prize, he thanked all the teachers. compound

• My brother’s cycle was stolen yesterday. • Now children’ cars are available in the market.
• It’s a good news. • Three girls’ glasses are missing.
• Their families’ fame is all around the world.

58/B, Badar block,

Club road, Model Town
May 13, 2024

My Dear Friend
I hope you're doing well! I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thank you for the additional
books you sent me for my studies. No doubt, you are the best! I can't tell you how much I
appreciate your thoughtfulness. Having these extra resources is going to be such a big help for me.
Especially with all the studying I've been doing lately. You always seem to know exactly what I
need, and I'm so grateful to have you as a friend.
Thanks again for everything, and I'll talk to you soon! Take care.

Your Friend
Hira Saleem
‫ت‬ ‫ت ت‬
‫ااسیاھتسجںیماےساےنپاوبےککنب ٔ‬
‫گ‬ ‫ت‬
‫اسربئرکامئںیمایلیمدوھاکدیہ‪،‬انشخیکدوھاکدیہ‪،‬رمق لخراپا‪،‬یسکادارےےکاظنمںیم ھساجپااورذایتولعمامت لخراپاشالمںیہ۔‬
‫ہارےویپمکرٹاورہاریولعمامتوکوفحمظ ا‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫لحےہ۔ںیمہاےنپومپالئربمناورپارخیدیپاشئےکپاسورڈںیہنرےنھکاچہ‪،‬ویکہکناناکآاسینےسادنازہاگلایل ا‬
‫نوھکینلاچےیہسجےکےنجیھبواےلوکمہںیہناجےتن۔ںیمہایسیوباسسٹئیھبںیہنوھکینلاچہوجپااقب ِاابتعروہں۔‬
‫نیقیہنوہہکپاترکےنواالپاایلیموفحمظںیہنےہ۔ہینیقیرکولہکمتایاقباابتعرآدیمےسپات‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ںیھمت‬‫ہک‬ ‫ی‬ ‫پاومپالئربمنںیہندانیخ‬
‫رکرےہوہ۔ارگوکیئینپمکںیھمتوفنرکےک مھااریذایتولعمامتوپےھچوتوہپاتہنرکواوروفندنبرکدو۔انیکدرتفیوباسبرپانےسراہطب‬
• What is a crime?
Answer: A crime is an action that breaks the law and can harm people or property. Crimes can
be from stealing and hurting others to more serious offenses like robbery or murder.
• What is cybercrime?
Answer: Cybercrimes are bad actions that breaks the rules of using computers or the internet.

• What was Nauman searching on the internet?

Answer: Nauman was searching for a new game on the internet.
• Why do criminals use computer and internet?
Answer: People who are criminal minded, used computer and internet to commit different
• Why should we keep our computer up-to-date?
Answer: We should keep our computer up-to-date because it will help us against cybercrimes.

• What is cybercrime?
Answer: Cybercrimes are bad actions that breaks the rules of using computers or the internet.
• Name four cybercrimes.
Answer: Email fraud, identity fraud and financial theft.
• Why was Nauman asking his father to give his account number?
Answer: He wanted to avail an opportunity to win a big prize on the internet.
• Write any safety measure against cybercrime.
Answer: We should keep our software and operating system up to date. Using anti-virus or a
comprehensive internet security is a good solution.
• How is an antivirus useful?
Answer: An antivirus program protects our system from attacks. It allows us to scan, detect and
remove threats before they become a problem.

Sentences D or I
Will you come tomorrow? I
He paints the door himself. D
She is ready for the meeting. D
Where are they going? I
How do you visit the library? I
Read the given sentences carefully and write their types.
• What is your favourite colour? Interrogative
• Open the door. Imperative
• Why do you drink water? Interrogative
• Junaid drives car fast. Declarative
• What a beautiful flower it is! Exclamatory
• Please help me in solving sums. Imperative
• Hurrah! We have set a good target. Exclamatory
• Go straight, then turn left. Imperative
• Are you starting a new business? Interrogative
• How beautiful the valley is! Declarative

The eight planets, the sun and the satellites make the solar system. Previously, there were nine
planets but Pluto is no longer recognised as a planet now. The sun is at the centre of the solar
system, and all the eight planets revolve around it. The rotation and revolution of the planets
cause the change of the season and day and night.

Subject: Enhancing Awareness About Corona Vaccination

Dear Editor,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you today to express my concern about the current
situation regarding the coronavirus. I want to propose an idea for enhancing awareness about the
importance of corona vaccination among people.
As we all know, the coronavirus has affected a large number of people around the world. Getting
vaccinated is one of the most effective ways to protect ourselves and others from this virus.
However, there are people who are hesitant or unsure about getting vaccinated due to various
I believe that as a newspaper, we can make a positive impact by spreading accurate information
and raising awareness about vaccination. Therefore, I would like to suggest dedicating a section in
your newspaper to educate people about the benefits of corona vaccination, how it works, and
where they can get vaccinated. This section may include informative articles, interviews with
healthcare professionals, and success stories from people who have been vaccinated. Additionally,
we may also provide information about vaccination centres in their areas.
By raising awareness and providing information about corona vaccination, we can encourage more
people to get vaccinated and ultimately contribute to stopping the spread of the virus.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.
Muaz Ahmed

Five cybercrimes are Online bullying, Phishing, Cyberbullying, Online scams and Computer viruses
Measures to avoid them:
• Be kind online and don’t say mean things to others.
• Never share your personal information like passwords or bank details with anyone online.
• If someone is bullying you online, tell a trusted adult and block them from contacting you.
• Be cautious of offers or requests for money or personal information from strangers online.
• Use antivirus software and be careful when clicking on links or downloading files from
unknown sources.
Unit 11 The Call to Duty
‫ت ت‬
‫وجہکہرایاپسیہاکدصقماوراسیکاچہ ا‬

• Who defends our borders?

Answer: Armed forces of Pakistan defend our borders.
• Who is a soldier?
Answer: A soldier is a person who is always ready to guard his country. He never hesitates to
sacrifice his life to defend the honour of the country.

• What is the goal for which each soldier strives?

Answer: The goal for which each soldier strives is to save his country, family and their homes.

• Who is always there to defend our freedom?

Answer: A soldier is always there to defend our freedom.
• What is the motive behind a soldier’s willingness to sacrifice even his life?
Answer: The motive behind a soldier’s willingness is to guard his country even on life.

I. Who reply the call to duty?

Answer: Strong and a brave soldier reply the call to duty.
ii. What did you understand from the last line in the poem?
Answer: The last giving the message of freedom and the bells of freedom peals again.
iii. Who all do they leave behind?
Answer: They left behind the love of their families and homes.
iv. What is the goal each soldier strives for?
Answer: Each soldier strives for the safety of the country.
v. Did you like the poem? Why?
Answer: Yes, I like the poem because it tells us about the feeling of a soldier. How he does his
duty for the sake of his country and always ready to sacrifice his life for the honour of his

Find synonyms of the following words from thesaurus and write them below.
frustrated disheartened disappointed
untidy messy disorganised
precious priceless valuable
freedom liberty independence
civilized cultured sophisticated

"How many things have you bought from the market?" asked Wajeeha. "I have bought fruit,
vegetables, and a dress for you," replied Wajeeha's mother. She was happy on hearing this. She
decided to wear that dress when she would go to meet her grandmother, who lived in Lahore.
‫‪Write a dialogue between two students discussing the condition of the students‬‬
‫‪after the Corona Virus.‬‬
‫?‪Maria: Hey, have you noticed how different things are at school since the coronavirus‬‬
‫‪Yasmeen: Yeah, it's like everything changed overnight. I miss how things used to be.‬‬
‫‪Maria: Me too. I miss seeing everyone's faces without masks and being able to sit close together.‬‬
‫‪Yasmeen: It's also been hard not being able to play and hang out with our friends like we used to.‬‬
‫‪Maria: Definitely. And I feel like it's been tough for some students to adjust to online learning too.‬‬
‫‪Yasmeen: Yeah, not everyone has access to a computer or the internet at home, so it's been a‬‬
‫‪challenge for them.‬‬
‫‪Maria: I hope things get back to normal soon. I miss the old days.‬‬
‫‪Yasmeen: Me too. But I think if we all keep following the safety rules, we'll get through this‬‬
‫‪Maria: Yeah, you're right. We just have to stay positive and support each other until things get‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫یک ت‬
‫زاراایاسحسڑلیکےہ۔اسیکاشمدہےیکاقتیلبتہبایھچےہ۔وہہرایزیچوکتہبپاریکیےسد ھنیےہ۔وہوکسلےسرھگیہرایزیچاک‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت ت‬ ‫یک ت‬
‫اشمدہہرکیتےہ۔وہد ھنیےہہکولگایدورسےےسےسیکےتلمںیہ‪،‬اگڑیالچےتوقاناکروہیاسیکوہ اپےہ‪،‬وہوکسلےکراےتسںیمآےن‬
‫ےشیشےکدروازےوتڑرےہےھتاورزیچںی لخرارےہےھت۔ولگرساکریاالمکوکاصقننچنہپرےہےھت۔زاراےنوساچ‪،‬ویبوقفولگہیںیہناجےتن‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫وہپےہوجوکحمیکاجبےسسکیٹادارکےنواولںےکےیلرضوری‬ ‫رکپاھت۔سکیٹایرضوریامہیل ا‬
‫ںیمپاںیترکیہںیھتوتوجسکیٹاداںیہن ا‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫ڑکپےنیکخرأتںیہنرکپا۔اسےنوساچہکایااھچرہشیاےنپاسمہویئںاوردورسےرہشویںاکایخل ا‬
‫ےسوجولگاالمکوکاصقننچنہپرےہےھتوہاےنپیہکلماکاصقننرکرےہےھت۔ارگابیھبااسییہوہ اپراہوتمکازمکایصخشوتااسیوہپااچےیہوج‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫وہپےہ۔وہوخدوکاعمرشےیکرتہبیےکےیلذہمداراتھجمسپایتھجمسےہ۔اںیھنااصنفدنسپ ا‬
‫وہپ‬ ‫اتبپاہکایااھچرہشیاےنپکلمےکوقانیناکاطعب ا‬
‫ت ت‬

‫?‪1. If a person does good to you, what would you call him‬‬
‫‪Answer: If a person is good to me, I will prise him and call him a nice person.‬‬
‫?‪2. If a person does good to a nation, what would you call him‬‬
‫‪Answer: If a person good to a nation, I will call him patriot.‬‬

‫?‪• What is a fun fair‬‬

‫‪Answer: A fun fair is an event or gathering where people come together for entertainment,‬‬
‫‪games, rides, and food stalls.‬‬
‫?’‪• What is meant by ‘power of one‬‬
‫‪Answer: The meaning of "power of one" is that each individual has the ability to make a positive‬‬
‫‪impact on the society even if he is acting alone.‬‬

‫?‪• What lesson do you learn from this unit‬‬

‫‪Answer: I learnt that if we are good citizen and aide by the laws of the government and act for‬‬
‫‪the betterment of the country then our country will flourish and prosperous.‬‬
i. What is a tax?
Answer: A tax is like a fee or a charge that people have to pay to the government. It helps the
government get money to pay for things like schools, roads, hospitals, and other public services.
Taxes are important because they help keep our communities running smoothly and make sure
everyone gets the things they need.
ii. Write four traits of a good citizens?
Answer: Four traits of a good citizen are honesty, responsibility, respect and loyalty to his
iii. How can you prove yourself a good citizen?
Answer: I can prove myself a good citizen by focusing on my education. After completing my
education, I will use my talent, skills and education for the betterment of the country.
iv. What did Zara become determined after watching a heart-breaking incident?
Answer: Zara determined to make people understand their duty towards society as an
v. If someone is littering in a garden, what is your duty as a good citizen?
Answer: I will try stop him/her and politely ask to stop and properly dispose of the trash. If he
refuses, then I I’ll pick up the litter and dispose of it myself, to set an example. I’ll raise
awareness about the importance of keeping public places clean.

bleat The sheep began to bleat loudly when the shepherd approached with food.
moo The cows in the field mooed contentedly as they grazed on the fresh grass.
neigh The horse neighed loudly when it saw its favourite rider approaching.
bow-bow The dog was barking with a cheerful bow-bow.
howl The wolf's haunting howl echoed through the forest as night fell.

Asim, Muneeb, and Abrar were extremely happy as it was their friend's birthday. "I will take gifts
from all of you," said Hashim. "Dear Hashim, what do you want to take?" asked Asim. "My friend
Asim, you shouldn't ask," said Abrar, "a gift is given from our own choice."
One sunny afternoon, as Sarah was riding her bicycle down the street, she saw something
unexpected. There was a car accident just around the corner! A car had collided with a tree, and
there were people inside who seemed hurt.
Without hesitating, Sarah parked her bicycle safely and ran towards the accident scene. She saw
that one person was unconscious and another had a bleeding arm. Sarah remembered what she
learned in school about helping in emergencies. She immediately called for an ambulance and then
rushed to help the injured people.
Sarah carefully checked the unconscious person's pulse and breathing. She remembered that
keeping their airway clear was important, so she gently turned their head to the side. Meanwhile,
she asked someone nearby to apply pressure to the bleeding arm to stop the bleeding.
When the ambulance arrived, the paramedics praised Sarah for her quick thinking and helpful
actions. Thanks to Sarah's prompt response and care, the injured people received medical
attention just in time. They were taken to the hospital and eventually recovered from their
Sarah's bravery and compassion on that day showed what excellent citizenship is all about. She
didn't think twice about helping others in need, and her actions made a real difference in saving
lives. Sarah became a hero in her community, and everyone was proud of her selflessness and

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