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What is a disasater?

It is a sudden calamitous occurrence that causes great harm, injury, destruction,

and devastation to life and property. It dirsrupts the usual course of life,
causing both physical and emotional distress as well as an intense feeling of
helplessness and hopelessness.

French word "disastre", des meaning bad and aster meaning star thus referring to
bad or evil star. It is an occurence either nature or manmade that causes human
suffering and creates human needs that victim cannot ellviate without assistance.
it happens when a hazard impacts on the vulnerable population and causes damage,
casualties, and disruption. A serious disruption of the functioning of a communuty
or society causing widespread human, material, econimic, or environmental losses.

When is it a disaster?

-serious disruption of society

-widespread thret to human life, property, and the environment
-the disaster is aused my natural or man-made hazards

Disaster preparedness- refers to blablabla

republic act no. 10121 (philippine disaster risk reduction and management of 2010

Disaster and the risk factors underlying the philippines:

- with a land area of 300,001, philippines....

- the philippines belongs to the pacific ring of fire where two tectonic plates of
the world meet, the eurasian plate and the pacific plate.
-many active volcanoes are found because of their eruptions that have been
found in historical reactions
- Philippines rank top 3 in the UN natural disaster risk.
- 24.32% disaster risk
- philippines is also found in the typhoon belt on the western north pacific basin
where more or less 66% of tropical cyclones enter or originate.

5 reasons philippines is a disaster-prone area:

lies along the typhoon belt

lies along the ring of fire
coastal homes
poverty & underdevelopment

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