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Nutrition + Pharmaceuticals

The Greek physician

Hippocrates, often known as
the “father of medicine” said
“Let food be thy medicine, and
medicine be thy food”. The
Philosophy behind is:

“Focus on Prevention”
The term "Nutraceutical" was coined by combining the terms
"Nutrition" and "Pharmaceutical" in 1989 by Dr. Stephen De
Felice. Founder and Chairman of the Foundation for Innovation
in Medicine (FIM), New Jersey, USA .

According to Dr. De Felice: A nutraceutical is any substance

considered as a food, or its part which, in addition to its normal
nutritional value provides health benefits including the
prevention of disease or promotion of health. Eg:lycopene, beta

Health ministry of Canada defines it “As a product isolated or

purified from the food generally sold in medicinal form not
assisted with food and demonstrated to have a physiological
benefit and provide protection against chronic disease.
A nutraceutical is “any non-toxic food component
that has scientifically proven health benefits,
including disease treatment or prevention.”

➢The functional component of the food must be

standardized in the nutraceutical product and
produced under good manufacturing practices
Nutrition Required Pharmaceuticals
for health
+ Remedy for

medical approach

Figure : Concept of nutraceuticals

Nutraceuticals classification
➢Potential Nutraceuticals - One which has promising approach
towards particular health or medicinal benefit.

➢ Established Nutraceuticals – A Potential Nutraceutical

becomes established nutraceutical only after there are sufficient
clinical use to demonstrate a benefit.

Nutraceuticals consistent of
➢Nutrients: Substances which have established Nutritional
functions e.g. Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Fatty acids, etc.

➢Herbals/ Phytochemicals: Herbs or Botanical products.

➢Dietary Supplements: Probiotics, Prebiotics, Antioxidents,

Enzymes, etc.
Scope of nutraceuticals
Disease Nutraceuticals Source
1) Joint health Glucosamine Found in ligaments ,cartilages,tissue,
Chondroitin Proteoglycans of articular cartilage
2)Cardiovascular Co Q-10 Soyabean ,olive oil
health Melatonin Bone marrow ,pineal glands
Docosahexanoic acid Fish oil
Reseveratrol Grapes, red wine
Caretonoids Carrot ,sweet potato
Catechin Tea extracts
3)Eye health DHA Linseed (flax oil),fish oil
Pycnogeal Barley
Lotein Spinach
Caretonoids Carrot ,sweet potatoes
4) Cancer DHA Resveratrol Flax seed,linseed,fish oil.
prevention Red wine,grapes
Lycopene Tomatoes ,grape fruit
Tea extracts (ellagic Strawberry ,Raspberry
➢Aloe vera: Anti-inflammatory, emollient, wound healing,
➢Evening Primrose oil: Dietary supplement of linoleic acid,
treatment of atopic eczema.
➢Garlic: Antibacterial, antifungal, antithrombotic,
➢Ginger: carminative, antiemetic, treatment of dizziness.
➢Ginseng: Adaptogen
➢Green tea: Antioxidant, reduces risk of CVD, enhances
humoral and cell mediated Immunity.

➢Vegetables, fruits, whole grain, herbs, nuts and various

seeds contain an abundance of phenolic compounds,
terpenoids, sulphur compounds, pigments etc. that has been
associated with protection/treatment of certain disease

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