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National Rd., Brgy. Lewin, Lumban, Laguna

School ID 402547


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________________

Grade & Section: __________________ Name of Proctor: _____________

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. WRITE it on the blank space provided.
_______1. Choose the leader of the following unit of local government: Encomienda.
|a) Cabeza b) Alcalde Mayor c)Encomendero
_______2. Choose the leader of the following unit of local government Pacified Province
|a.) Alcalde Mayor |b.) Encomendero |c.) Corregidor
_______3. Choose the leader of the following unit of local government: Unpacified Province .
|a.) Encomendero |b) Corregidor |c.) Cabeza
_______4. Choose the leader of the following unit of local government: Pueblos (Towns).
|a.) Encomendero |b.) Alcalde Mayor |c.) Gobernadorcillo
_______5. Choose the leader of the following unit of local government: Barangay
|a.) Encomendero |b.) Cabeza |c.) Gobernadorcillo
_______6. Responsible for spreading Christianity to the Filipino natives.
|a.) Miguel Lopez de Legazpi |b.) missionary |c.) Centralized Government
_______7. Highest court in the colonial government. |a.) missionary |b.) Royal Audiencia |c.) cumplase
_______8. Navigator who established the first Spanish settlement in Cebu
|a.) Royal Audiencia |b.) de Legazpi |c.) cumplase
_______9. Power of the governor-general to veto (reject) a law.
|a.) Centralized Government |b.) cumplase |c.) missionary
_______10. Kind of government established by Spain in the Philippines
|a.) Conquistadores |b.) cabeza |c.) Centralized Government

II. True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, if not, write FALSE.
_______11 The Spaniards established pueblo in different parts of the Philippines.
_______12. The church and convent were built in the pueblo.
_______13. They used Christianity as a peaceful means of conquest in the Philippines and all indigenous populations
immediately accepted Christianity.
_______14. In the reduccion, Spanish priests encouraged and persuaded the Filipino ancestors to accept Catholicism and
change their native beliefs.
_______15. Through the spread of Christianity, the Filipinos came under American rule.
_______16. “Flores de Mayo” and “Santakrusan “ during the month of May to persuade “indios” to be baptized..
_______17. The Spanish word encomienda comes from the word encomendar which means "to entrust."
_______18. A house and lot is a reward by the Kingdom of Spain to a Spaniard who has rendered good service ..
_______19. Encomendero is the Spanish name that governs the encomienda..
_______20. Men aged 19-60 were required to pay tax.
_______21. The Spaniards were not that determined to colonize the Philippines because they wanted the Moluccas islands
_______22. The reduccion system involved the physical restructuring of native communities.
_______23.The propagation of christianity was one of the methods employed by the Spaniards in colonizing the
_______24 The use of force and violence by the Spanish colonizers were not necessary because the natives warmly
accepted them.
______25. The influence of the catholic church increased upon the implementation of the reduction system
______26. The Spaniards attempted to be diplomatic in their interaction with the natives.
______27. Rebellions were successfully put down because of the divide and conquer tactic of the Spaniards.
______28. Violent confrontations between the natives and the Spaniards were prevented because of baptisms.
______29. The colonization of the Philippines was motivated by economics, politics, and religion.
______30. The cross and the king were the symbols of the Spanish colonization of the Philippines


National Rd., Brgy. Lewin, Lumban, Laguna
School ID 402547

III. Choose the letter of the correct answer where each contribution belongs to.
A. Diplomacy | B. Reduccion System | C. Divide and Conquer | D. Conquistadores | E. Gold,God,Glory |
_______31. This system enable the Spaniards to govern and control the native communities, as well as instruct the natives
in the christian faith.
_______32.It refers to a negotiation or dialogue between two parties with the aim to reach affair and favorable consensus.
_______33. Spain's goals in building a colony in the Philippines can be divided into three aspects: the economy, the
religion, and the politics. In other terms, these are:
_______34. The Spaniards who arrived in the Philippines and conquered the islands were known as
_______35. It is the meaning of divide et impera, a strategy used by the Spanish colonizers to the Philippines
IV. Identify which social class is being described.
36. Highest class in the Philippines
37. Pure blooded Spaniards born from Spain
38. Spaniards born in the Philippines
39. People with mixed racial origins (Spanish and Native) and economically sufficient.
40. Pure Blooded Filipino
41. Chinese blood living in the Philippines
42. Filipinos who are descendants of Datus and Maharlikas
43. The wealthiest and most politically powerful among the social classes
44. Have highest position in the government.
45. Often receive discrimination from fellow Spaniards.
46-50 Draw the triangle that shows the arrangement of different social classes during Spanish Colonial Period

V. Essay Type: Answer each of the following questions with at least five (5) sentences.
a. Give examples of the changes during pre-colonial period and colonial period.

b. Give at least 5 Spanish words that we still use today.


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