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The author would like to express her heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to those who

helped her complete this study.

First of all, the researcher would like to thank the Almighty God for His enduring grace,

guidance, and protection that He had bestowed upon her during this research.

The researcher would also like to express her sincerest gratitude to their Thesis Adviser,

Dexter P. Jino-o for his continuous support, patience, motivation and immense knowledge. His

guidance helped her throughout the completion of this research.

Graduate School Consultant Dr. Estrella R. Pangan

To their parents, who have continuously supported them financially to accomplish this

study and for their guidance, encouragement and inspiration to them throughout their lives, a

very special thank you for your parental presence and constant guidance to them.

They would also like to thank their fellow classmates and friends for the stimulating

discussions, for the sleepless nights they were working together for deadlines, and for all the fun

they have had for the last five months.

They would also like to express their appreciation to their thesis coordinator, Professor

Cynthia Abella for her trust, advice, support, patience, and guidance from the start to the

completion of the study.

Also to their panelist who gave suggestions and comments to improve their thesis.

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