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Lesson 11.


34 Shreya beat her school’s 50 meter freestyle record by swimming 25%

faster than the previous record of 48 seconds. What is the new school
record that Shreya set?

36 A hobbit likes to entertain guests. He received 20% more guests on the

previous weekend than usual. This weekend he received 20% less than
on the previous weekend. Were there more or less guests than usual this
weekend and by what percentage?

37 On a ring road, 12 trams are spaced at regular intervals and travel at a

constant speed in the same direction. How many trams need to be added
to the circuit so that, maintaining the same speed, the intervals between
them will decrease by 20%?

38 Eleven fidget spinners cost less than $12. Twelve fidget spinners cost
more than $13. How many cents does one fidget spinner cost?

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