Functional Nonfunctionalrequirement

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Functional Requirements:

 User Authentication:
Users should be able to register for an account with a unique username and password.
Users should be able to log in to their account securely.

 Text Management:
Users should be able to create, edit, and delete text entries (e.g., notes, reminders).
Text entries should be organized and sortable by categories (e.g., subject, date).

 Google Book Search Integration:

Users should be able to search for books using the Google Books API.
Search results should display relevant book information and allow users to view details or save books for
later reference.

 YouTube Video Search Integration:

Users should be able to search for YouTube videos using the YouTube API.
Search results should display relevant video thumbnails and titles, allowing users to watch videos directly
within the application.

 University Notes Repository:

The application should provide access to PYQS (Previous Years Question Papers) and engineering subject
Notes should be organized by subject and unit for easy navigation.
Users should be able to download or view notes online.
Non-functional Requirements:

1. Performance:
 The system should respond to user interactions (e.g., searches, note editing) without
significant delays.
 Search operations (both for books and videos) should return results quickly, even under
heavy load.
2. Security:
 User authentication should be secure, using industry-standard encryption techniques to
protect user credentials.
 Access to sensitive data (e.g., user information, notes) should be restricted based on user
roles and permissions.
3. Usability:
 The user interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate, with clear instructions and
feedback provided to users.
 Text editing features should be user-friendly, allowing for basic formatting and editing
4. Reliability:
 The system should be available and reliable, with minimal downtime for maintenance or
 Data storage and retrieval operations should be robust, ensuring that user data is not lost or
5. Scalability:
 The system should be able to handle an increasing number of users and data without
significant degradation in performance.
 Infrastructure should be designed to scale horizontally or vertically as needed to
accommodate growth.
6. Accessibility:
 The application should be accessible to users with disabilities, following best practices for
web accessibility (WCAG guidelines).
 Features such as text resizing, keyboard navigation, and screen reader compatibility should
be implemented.

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