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PQ IAT 2 Assignment solution (Irfan)

07 April 2024 17:08

A flat voltage profile refers to a situation in an electrical power distribution system where the voltage levels remain relatively constant or flat across different points of the network. In an ideal scenario, the voltage
should be the same at all points of the network, but in reality, there are voltage drops due to various factors such as line losses, loads, and the distance from the source.

Achieving a flat voltage profile is desirable because it ensures that all connected loads receive the appropriate voltage levels, which is crucial for the proper operation of electrical equipment and appliances.
Deviations from the nominal voltage can lead to inefficient operation, premature equipment failure, or even damage to sensitive electronics.

There are several methods and techniques used to achieve a flat voltage profile in power distribution systems:

1. Proper conductor sizing: Selecting appropriate conductor sizes for the distribution lines can help minimize voltage drops. Larger conductors have lower resistance, resulting in lower voltage drops across the lines.

2. Voltage regulation devices: These devices are specifically designed to regulate and maintain voltage levels within acceptable limits. Examples include:
- Tap-changing transformers
- Voltage regulators
- Capacitor banks

3. Distributed generation: Incorporating distributed generation sources, such as solar photovoltaic systems or wind turbines, closer to the loads can help reduce voltage drops by providing local generation and
reducing the reliance on long-distance transmission lines.

4. Reactive power compensation: Installing capacitor banks or other reactive power compensation devices can help improve the power factor and reduce voltage drops caused by reactive power flow.

5. Network reconfiguration: Rearranging the network topology or switching between different feeder configurations can help balance the loads and minimize voltage drops in specific areas of the distribution system.

6. Automated voltage control: Advanced control systems and algorithms can be employed to monitor and automatically adjust voltage levels at different points in the network, ensuring a flat voltage profile.

7. Load management: Implementing load management strategies, such as demand response programs or load shedding, can help reduce peak loads and mitigate voltage drops during periods of high demand.

It's important to note that achieving a perfectly flat voltage profile may not be feasible or economically viable in all cases. Power distribution system operators typically aim to maintain voltage levels within acceptable
ranges specified by regulatory standards and guidelines while considering the trade-offs between cost, reliability, and efficiency.

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Based on the given information, the key points that should be written in an exam answer
regarding the thermal capability of overhead lines and transformers, and the methods to increase
their capacity are:

1. Thermal capability of overhead lines:

- It is a function of ambient temperature, wind conditions, conductor condition, and ground
- It can vary by a factor of 2 to 1 due to variable environmental conditions and loading history.
- Nominal rating is generally decided on a conservative basis, considering a statistically worst-
case scenario.
- Real-time capacity is often higher than the assumed nominal rating.

2. Methods to determine real-time thermal capability:

- Assigning winter and summer ratings.
- Off-line computer programs that consider ambient conditions and loading history.
- On-line monitoring devices that provide real-time loading capability.

3. Benefits of real-time thermal capability determination:

- Allows reasonable, day-to-day, or even real-time capacity information.
- Useful when ambient conditions are worse than assumed.
- Helps in loss evaluation based on real-time extra loading capability.

4. Transformer thermal capability:

- Dependent on ambient temperature, transformer aging, and recent loading history.
- Off-line and on-line loading capability monitors can be used.
- Transformers can also be enhanced with additional cooling.

5. Methods to increase line capacity:

- Upgrading the conductor to a higher current rating (may require structural upgrades).
- Converting a single-circuit line to a double-circuit line.

6. Considerations for using increased capacity:

- Ensuring that extra power can actually flow and be controlled.
- Maintaining acceptable voltage conditions during sudden load changes.
- FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) technology can help in effective utilization of the
newfound capacity.

These key points summarize the important aspects of thermal capability determination, methods
to increase line and transformer capacity, and considerations for utilizing the increased capacity

PQ IAT 1 Page 2
The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) definition of FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) is as follows:
"FACTS is a concept for alternating current transmission systems incorporating power electronic-based and other static controllers to enhance controllability and increase power transfer capability."
The full form of FACTS is:
Flexible AC Transmission Systems

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