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CUMT105 (Business Class) Introduction to Statistics ASSIGNMENT TWO

DUE DATE (Time): 19 April 2024 (08 00) DURATION: xxxxxx hours

Answer ALL Questions, LEGIBLY Write your Answers, and show ALL necessary working
on the Spaces Provided.

Nm Reg. Number Name of Student Prog. CODE Signature





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A1. Inzwirashe (Inzwi) and Kanganwiro (Kanga) supply the same product to a food outlet in
Chinhoyi with Inzwi being the main supplier supplying four times as much of the product as
Kanga. Upon delivery, the supplies of the product from both suppliers are not labelled and
are kept in a pantry. The food outlet has since established that 5% of the product supplied
by Inzwi is rotten and that 9% of the product supplied by Kanga is rotten. Suppose that a
new Chef with the food outlet goes to collect the product from the pantry. The pantry has
no lighting on this day but he manages to collect the product. Calculate the probability that
the collected product was

(a) supplied by Inzwi. [2]

(b) rotten given that it was supplied by Kanga. [2]

(c) rotten. [5]

(d) supplied by Kanga given that it is rotten. [3]

A2. (a) Below are output based monthly bonuses paid to workers at a furniture making SME.

47 31 42 33 58 51 25 28 53 29 56 46 51 30 43 56 37 29 39 53 51 52 35

(i) Data that has two observations appearing equally the most is said to be

............................................................................................................................ [2]
(ii) Calculate the coefficient of variation for the bonuses. [5]

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(iii) Compute the 25th , 50th and the 75th percentiles of these bonuses. [3]

(iv) On a graph paper, draw a box and whisker plot for these bonuses. [4]
(v) Construct a clearly labelled frequency distribution table for these bonuses with five
equal classes using 25 as the lower limit for the first bonus interval. [4]

(b) Below are output based monthly bonuses paid to salespersons at an electronics SME.

74 13 24 33 85 15 52 82 26 92 56 64 15 34 27 37 73 92 93 35 16 25 53

(i) Draw a box and whisker plot for these bonuses on the same axis as the one for
the furniture SME in part a(iv) above. [7]

(ii) Using the box and whisker plots, state, with a reason, which SME you would choose
to work for if you consider yourself to be an average performer [3]

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