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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur




Accessing information using the computer


Name of Teacher - Writer: KENNETH L. AYSON

School: Tagudin National High School

About this Self-Learning Kit
Welcome to the world of Electronic Product Assembling and Servicing!

This self – learning kit will introduce you the concepts of Performing Computer
Operations in the workplace. This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
needed in Accessing information using computer.

This learning material is not only your learning kit but also your trusted partner to
develop such skill. So enjoy and have fun!

This self – learning kit requires you to go through series of learning activities such
as understanding key concepts, performing and accomplishing activities and assessments
in order to complete each learning outcome.

Remember, you must:

 Finish all activities in this learning kit in ONE (1) WEEK
 Get instruction from your teacher regarding the use of this learning kit.
 Read and analyze all information and key concepts
 Perform all activities and assessment designed for you. Use separate sheet of
paper or a notebook for your answers. Check your activities using the answer
keys located at the last part of the learning kit.
 Submit your outputs to your teacher for evaluation and recording. Additional
instruction will be given to regarding this matter

If you have any problem regarding the contents and procedures in this self-learning
kit please feel free to ask your teacher. Make sure you practice your new skills during
regular work shifts to improve your speed, memory, skills and your confidence. Good luck
and have fun!

LO 3. Access information using computer

Learning Competencies
1. Select correct program/application based on job requirements
2. Access program/application containing the information required
3. Open/close desktop icons correctly for navigation purposes
4. Carry out keyboard techniques in line with OHS requirements for safe use of

Discussions and Examples

Lesson 1 Accessing Software using Desktop Icons

Desktop is the main screen area that you see after you turn on your computer.
Like the top of an actual desk, it serves as a surface for your work. When you open
programs or folders, they appear on the desktop. You can also put things on the desktop
such as files and folders, and arrange them however you want.
The desktop is sometimes defined more broadly to include the taskbar. The taskbar
sits at the bottom of your screen. It shows you which program is running and allows you to
switch between them. It also contains the Start Button, which you can use to access
programs, folders, and computer settings.

Figure 1. The parts of

2 desktop.
1. Start Button / Menu
3 2. Desktop Icons
3. Taskbar
1 4. Desktop

Desktop Icons

Icons are small pictures that represent files, folders,

programs and other items. Double-clicking a desktop icon starts or
opens the program it represents. For example, double-clicking the
Microsoft Word icon starts Microsoft Word application software.
Figure 2. The MS Word Icon

Directory or Folders

A directory is a location for storing files in your computer. In

Microsoft Windows, directories are referred to as folders. A
directory and folder are synonymous. Directories or folders are like
real life folders you use in filing cabinets.
Imagine yourself working on a lot of paper works like
assignments, essays, and researches. For a time, you have
collected a lot of papers. They are just on top of your table or desk.
One time, you will try to look for a particular paper, but you can’t
find the paper because it is mixed with other papers. To organize
the papers, you may want to group them accordingly and place
them in a folder. This is how the directories and folders in your
computer works. They are used to organize the documents or files.
Some files are organized automatically, some files need you
to manually placed them. Basically, computer systems have
already installed folders. When a new program or application
software is installed on your computer, it will create one or more
new folders in which to store the relevant files. More often, you can Figure 3. Examples of
also create your own folder and place the files inside of it. Directories / Folders


A file is any document that you have saved in any storage device. When you
encode an assignment in Microsoft Word and save it to your hard disk drive, you have
created a file. Every image, music, video, photo, or spreadsheet, and a PowerPoint
presentation is an example of file.
Accessing Files and Directories

There are two commons ways of accessing files and

directories in your computer. The first way is using the “My
Computer” (Windows 7 and lower versions) or “This
PC” (Windows 8 and above versions). The second way is using
the File Explorer. In using the “This PC”, all you have to do is to
double-click its icon. After double-clicking the icon, it will show you
Figure 4. The icon of This
the folders, the hard disk drives and other storage devices PC
connected to the computer such as flash drive, external hard disk
drive or compact disc.

Figure 5. The folders and storage

devices inside your computer
system will appear after double-
clicking the This PC icon.

The second way is by clicking the file explorer on the task
bar of your desktop. It will show the recent folders and files that
you have opened. It will also show you the frequent folders you are
using for the past days. To access the File Explorer, on your
desktop, click the icon of the File Explorer.
Figure 6. The icon of Files

Figure 7. The File Explorer

shows frequently used
folders and recent files

How to Access and Open Files Saved in Folders

1. You may choose between This PC or File Explorer in accessing the file. All you have
to do is to double-click its icon on your desktop.
2. A dialog box will appear, it depends on what method did you use in step 1. If you use
the This PC, you will see the This PC dialog box. If you use the File Explorer, you
will see the File Explorer dialog box.
3. Look for the folder where you saved your file. Once you found it, double-click the
folder to open it.
4. The folder will open and will show you the files inside it. It is usually arranged
alphabetically or according to types of files. If you can’t find your file, use the search
box. It is usually located at the top right of your screen.
5. Click on the search box, type the name, part of the name of the file that you
remember. Press Enter on the keyboard. The computer will automatically show files
based on the words you types in the search box.

Figure 8. The Search Box

will assist you in finding
files. In Microsoft, all folders
have search box

Activity 1
Direction: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. On top of your paper, write the
title of the preceding lesson, then the title of this activity written above.

1. A concept cluster categories words, 2. A flowchart is used to show the

concepts, or other related activities flow of activities or sequences of
into a group. Based from our Lesson events from the start to the end. It
1, create a concept cluster about the is usually used when showing
“Accessing Information in Computer”. procedures. Based from Lesson
Follow the template below. You may 1, create a flowchart showing the
add circle if necessary. procedures on How to Access
Files Using the File Explorer
method. Follow the template
below. Scoring Scheme:
Each task has an
overall score of 10
points. One (1) point
deduction will be
given for every
wrong entry in each
Concept Cluster
graphic organizer.

Lesson 2 Keyboarding Skills and Techniques

Keyboard is a computer hardware used as input device. It is composed of alpha-

numeric keys and function keys. Keyboard is one of the two most common ways, mouse is
the other one, to communicate with your computer.
Types of Keys

1. Alphanumeric keys: All of the alphabet (A-Z) and numbers (0-9) on the keyboard.
2. Punctuation keys: All of the keys associated with punctuation, such as the
comma (,), period (.), semicolon (;), brackets ([ ]), and parenthesis ({ }) and so on.
Also, all of the mathematical operators such as the plus sign (+), minus sign (-), and
equal sign (=).
3. Alt key: Short for Alternate, this key is like a second control key
4. Arrow keys: There are four arrow keys to move the cursor (or insertion point)
up (↑), down (↓), right (→), or left (←). Arrow keys can be used in conjunction with
the Shift or Alt keys.
5. Shift or Alt keys (with arrow keys): used to move the cursor in more than one
position at a time.
6. Backspace key: Deletes the character just to the left of the cursor (or insertion
point) and moves the cursor to that position.
7. Caps Lock key: It is a toggle key, which when activated, causes all alphabetic
characters to be uppercase.
8. Ctrl key: The control key is used in conjunction with other keys to produce
control characters. The meaning of each control character depends on which
program is running.
9. Delete key: The Del key deletes the character at the current cursor position, or
the selected object, but does not move the cursor. For graphics-based applications,
the delete key deletes the character to the right of the insertion point.

10. Enter key or Return key: It is used to enter commands or to move the cursor to
the beginning of the next line.
11. Esc key: The Escape key is used to send special codes to devices and to exit
(or escape) from programs and tasks.
12. Function keys: Special keys labelled F1 to F12. These keys have different
meaning depending on which program is running.

Figure 9. Example of QWERTY keyboard

Proper Posture and Technique in Using Keyboard

1. Sit up straight
2. Your feet should be flat on the floor
3. Your body centered in front of the
4. Elbows by your side bend in 90°.
5. Fingers curved and upright.
6. Wrist low, but not touching the
keyboard. Only your fingers will be image source:
touching the keyboard. Figure 10. Comparison of body posture in using keyboard
7. Make quick, snappy strokes on the
8. Keep your fingers on the “Anchor”
keys (F and J)
9. Right pinky used for the Enter key;
other fingers remain on the home row
keys. Home row keys are the keys on
which you initially place your fingers.
The fingers of your left hand must
cover A, S, D and F keys. Your right
hand will cover the J, K, L and image source:

semicolon (;) keys. Your thumb Figure 11. Proper position of fingers on the Home Keys
fingers must cover the spacebar.
10. Place your fingers on the home row keys. Curve your fingers slightly and place them
as closely to the keys as possible
11. The enter key can be used by reaching your right little finger to press it.
12. The G and H Keys can be reached by using your left and right index fingers.
13. Top Row Keys can be reached by extending your fingers up to reach the keys.
Always place your fingers back on the home row after pressing other keys

14. Shift Keys are located on both the left and right side of the keyboard. Shift Key is
used to capitalize letters or type the symbols or characters on the top of the keys on
which more than one character is shown. It should be pressed with the left or right
little finger.
15. Caps Lock Key is used when you want to capitalize a series of letters. It is usually
located above the left shift key. It should be pressed with the left little finger to turn on
and off the Caps Lock.
16. Bottom Row Keys can be reached by extending your fingers down to reach the keys.
Always place your fingers back on the home row after pressing other keys.
17. Numeric Keypad is found on the right side of most keyboards. It can be used to input
numbers at a higher speed. Typically, it includes the number lock key, mathematical
functions keys and an enter key. It requires Number Lock to be on in order to use the
keys. Use your right hand in using the Numeric Key pad.

Keyboard Shortcuts used in Microsoft Word

Keyboard Shortcut Description Keyboard Shortcut Description

Ctrl + N Create a new document Ctrl + O Open an existing


Ctrl + S Save a document F12 Open the Save As Dialog

Ctrl + W Close a document Ctrl + Z Undo an action

Ctrl + Y Redo an action Alt + Ctrl + S Split / remove a window

Ctrl + Alt + V Print Layout View Ctrl + Alt + O Outline View

Ctrl + B Apply bold formatting Ctrl + I Apply italic formatting

Ctrl + U Apply underline formatting Ctrl + Shift + W Apply underline formatting to

words, but nor the spaces
between them
Ctrl + Shift + D Apply double underline Ctrl + D Open font dialog box
Ctrl + E Center a paragraph Ctrl + L Left-align a paragraph

Ctrl + R Right-align a paragraph Ctrl + J Justify a paragraph

Ctrl + Backspace Delete one word to the left Ctrl + Delete Delete one word to the right

Ctrl + A Select the entire column F5 Open the Find Dialog box

F1 Open the Help Pane Ctrl + F Search a document

Activity 2
Direction: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. On top of your paper, write the
title of the preceding lesson, then the title of this activity.

Draw the keyboard below. Label the types of keys of the keyboard. Write the function of each type
of key. Identify what fingers should be used to press each type of keys. Follow the template below.

Type of Keys Function Designated Finger to Use

Write here the proper finger to be used

1. Write here the type of key Write here the function of the key
to press the key

Scoring Scheme: The overall score is 20 points. One (1) point deduction for every wrong entry in the table.

Lesson 3 Keyboard Care and Maintenance

Keeping your keyboard clean regularly will help you keep it working properly and
avoid spending too much in buying new ones every time it broke.
1. Unplug your keyboard from your computer system.
2. Turn the keyboard upside down and gently shake it to remove dirt and dust
3. Use a can of compressed air to clean between the keys.
4. Moisten a cotton cloth or paper towel with rubbing alcohol and use it to clean
the tops of the keys. Do not pour alcohol or any other liquid solutions directly
onto the keys.
5. Reconnect the keyboard to the computer once it is dry.
If you spill liquid on the keyboard, quickly shut down the computer and disconnect
the keyboard. Then, turn the keyboard upside down and allow the liquid to drain.
If the liquid is sticky, you will need to hold the keyboard on its side under running
water to rinse away the sticky liquid. Then, turn the keyboard upside down to drain for two
days before reconnecting it. Please note that keyboard may not be fixable at this point, but
the method above is probably the best option.
To prevent this situation, it is recommended to keep drinks away from the computer
area or table.
Activity 3
Direction: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. On top of your paper, write the
title of the preceding lesson, then the title of this activity.

1. List down all the materials needed in cleaning a keyboard.

2. Create a flowchart showing the procedures on how to clean a keyboard spilled with sticky
Scoring Scheme for Item 2: The overall score is 10 points. One (1) point deduction for every wrong entry in the flowchart.


 Desktop is the main screen area that you see after you turn on your computer.
 Icons are small pictures that represent files, folders, programs and other items.
 A directory is a location for storing files in your computer. In Microsoft
Windows, directories are referred to as folders
 A file is any document that you have saved in any storage device.
 There are two commons ways of accessing files and directories in your
computer. The first way is using the “My Computer” (Windows 7 and lower
versions) or “This PC” (Windows 8 and above versions). The second way is
using the File Explorer
 In using the “This PC”, all you have to do is to double-click its icon. After
double-clicking the icon, it will show you the folders, the hard disk drives and
other storage devices connected to the computer such as flash drive, external
hard disk drive or compact disc.
 The second way is by clicking the file explorer on the task bar of your desktop.
It will show the recent folders and files that you have opened. It will also show
you the frequent folders you are using for the past days.
 Keyboard is a computer hardware used as input device. It is composed of
alpha-numeric keys and function keys.
 Types of Keys are Alphanumeric keys, Punctuation keys, Alt key, Arrow keys,
Backspace key, Caps Lock key, Ctrl key, Delete key, Enter key or Return key,
Esc key, and Function keys.
 Home row keys are the keys on which you initially place your fingers. The
fingers of your left hand must cover A, S, D and F keys. Your right hand will
cover the J, K, L and semicolon (;) keys. Your thumb fingers must cover the
 Do not pour alcohol or any other liquid solutions directly onto the keys.
 If you spill liquid on the keyboard, quickly shut down the computer and
disconnect the keyboard. Then, turn the keyboard upside down and allow the
liquid to drain.
 Keeping your keyboard clean regularly will help you keep it working properly
and avoid spending too much in buying new ones every time it broke.
 It is recommended to keep drinks away from the computer area or table.

Direction: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. On top of your paper,
write the competency stated in the Most Essential Learning Competency.

I. Multiple Choices: Write the letter of your answer.

1. What is the main use of alphanumeric keys?

A. Input figures, images
B. Create paragraph and words
C. Make spaces between letters
D. Enter alphabets and numbers
2. What is the blinking line or dot in the monitor when you are starting to type?
A. Cursor
B. Key
C. Line
D. Starting point
3. What is any document saved in any storage device?
A. Directory
B. Icons
C. File
D. Folder
4. The place where files are saved is ____________.
A. Desktop
B. Folder
C. Hard Disk
D. Storage Media
5. Which key erases the character to the right of the insertion point?
A. Backspace Key
B. Delete key
C. Enter Key
D. Space Key
6. Which key is used to exit a mode, a routine or cancel some functions?
A. Backspace Key
B. Delete Key
C. Enter Key
D. Escape Key
7. Which letter is on the function key?
A. D
B. F
C. H
D. I
8. The keys on which you initially place your fingers is called ____________.
A. Bottom Row Key
B. Home Row Key
C. Initial Row Key
D. Top Row Keys
9. Joey uses small letters in typing his first name. He wants to make his surname capitalize. Which
key should he press?
A. Alt key
B. Caps Lock key
C. Ctrl key
D. Shift key

II. Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if the statement is incorrect.
10. There are two commons ways of accessing files and directories in your computer.
The first way is using the “My Computer” and “This PC”.
11. When you open programs or folders, they appear on the desktop.
12. Double-clicking a desktop icon starts or opens the program it represents.
13. Place your fingers on the home row keys. Curve your fingers slightly and place them
as closely to the keys as possible.
14. Always place your fingers back on the home row after pressing other keys.
15. Shift Key is used to capitalize letters or type the symbols or characters on the top of
the keys on which more than one character is shown.


Activity 1 (to be done in the house)

Your task is to create flowchart for each procedure below. One flowchart, one paper.
 How to Access and Open Files Saved in Folders
 How Open and Close Desktop Icons
 How to perform basic cleaning of keyboard
Scoring Scheme: The score for each flowchart is 10 points. One (1) point deduction for every wrong
entry in the flowchart.

Activity 2 (to be done in the school once face-to-face learning is permitted)

1. Access your document from our previous activity using the File Explorer.
2. Format part of your document (to be set by your teacher) using keyboard
shortcut keys.
3. Save again your document using keyboard shortcut keys.


Did you ... YES NO
1. Follow all ergonomics of using computer?
2. Access the appropriate application software based on standard
3. Observe proper spellings of the words you encoded?
4. Follow the set format of the document based on the task

5. Save the documents based on standard procedures?

6. Finish the typing job within the time allotted?


Gisela May A Albano. Introduction to Information Technology. Bulacan: Trinitas
Publishing, Inc., 2003
Enriquez, Michael Q., Gantalao, Fred T.,and Rommel M. Lasala. Simple
Electronics. Valenzuela City: Andes Mountain Printers, 2014

Graphics / Images Source:

Figure 10 Correct Body Posture in using Computers. Digital Image. yoga- Nd.
Figure 11 Proper Placement of Hand on Keyboard. Digital Image. newsandsto- Nd. tempImage/21072

Self - Check 1
Self - Check 2
Self - Check 3
1. List of materials used in cleaning
 Can of compressed air
 Cotton cloth
 Paper towel
 Rubbing alcohol
How Much I Have Learned
I. Multiple Choices: II. True or False:
1. D 10. False
2. A 11. True
3. C 12. True
4. B 13. True
5. B 14. True
6. D 15. True
7. B
8. B
9. B
Answer Keys

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