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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur




Producing data using computer system


Name of Teacher - Writer: KENNETH L. AYSON

School: Tagudin National High School

About this Self-Learning Kit
Welcome to the world of Electronic Product Assembling and Servicing!

This self – learning kit will introduce you the concepts of Performing Computer
Operations in the workplace. This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
needed in Producing output data using computer system.

This learning material is not only your learning kit but also your trusted partner to
develop such skill. So enjoy and have fun!

This self – learning kit requires you to go through series of learning activities such
as understanding key concepts, performing and accomplishing activities and assessments
in order to complete each learning outcome.

Remember, you must:

 Finish all activities in this learning kit in ONE (1) WEEK
 Get instruction from your teacher regarding the use of this learning kit.
 Read and analyze all information and key concepts
 Perform all activities and assessment designed for you. Use separate sheet of
paper or a notebook for your answers. Check your activities using the answer
keys located at the last part of the learning kit.
 Submit your outputs to your teacher for evaluation and recording. Additional
instruction will be given to regarding this matter

If you have any problem regarding the contents and procedures in this self-learning
kit please feel free to ask your teacher. Make sure you practice your new skills during
regular work shifts to improve your speed, memory, skills and your confidence. Good luck
and have fun!

LO 4. Produce / output data using computer system

Learning Competencies:
1. Process entered data using appropriate software commands
2. Print out data as required using computer hardware/peripheral devices
3. Transfer files/data between compatible systems using computer software
and hardware/peripheral devices

Discussions and Examples

Lesson 1 Types of Printer

Printers are computer output devices that has the ability to produce a hard
copy of your document or file usually printed on a paper. Printers, through out its
development, has undergone different technological advancement. From the use of
ribbons, to the use of heat to control ink and up to the use of small print cartridges and
print head, our printers today have never been the same. There are different brands of
printers in the market ranging from 2,000 pesos up to 10,000 pesos. They offer different
features and add-ons to make you print faster and produce a quality output. Technically,
there are six types of printer.

Types of Printers

Inkjet Printers. They are also called as Bubble-Jet Printer,

sprays ink at a sheet of paper. Ink-jet printers produce high-quality
text and graphics. They are usually used for office and home.
Figure 1. Inkjet Printer
Laser Printers. They used the same technology as copier
machines. It uses powder or toner as ink for the printer. Then a
laser will be used to melt the toner. Laser printers produce very
high quality text and graphics. They are used in office, commercial
and business enterprise.

LCD / LED Printer. Similar technology to a laser printer, but

Figure 2. Laser Printer
instead of lasers, it uses liquid crystals or light-emitting diodes
rather to produce an image on the drum that will be printed on a
paper. They are used in office, commercial establishments,
company for the purpose of printing fliers and brochures.

Line Printer. It contains a chain of characters or pins that

print an entire line at one time. Line printers are very fast, but
produce low-quality print. It is used in datacenters and industrial
Figure 3. LED Printer

environments and can print multipart forms at very rapid rate.

Thermal Printer. An inexpensive printer that works by

pushing heated pins against heat-sensitive paper. Thermal printers
are widely used in calculators and fax machines Figure 4. Line Printers

Dot Matrix Printer. A printer in which ink is applied to a

surface using relatively low resolution dot matrix. It typically use a
print head that moves back and forth or in an up and down motion
on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth
ribbon against the paper like a typewriter and line printer.
Figure 5. Thermal Printers

Activity 1
Directions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. On top of your paper,
write the title of the preceding lesson, then the title of this activity written above.
A Fact Storming Web is used in organizing concepts and facts which can be utilized in
describing a whole lesson. The main subject of the lesson is at the center and the related
concepts surround it. The details are related to the concepts that surround the main concept.
Your task is to create a fact storming web on our Lesson 1: Types of Printers. Follow the
template below. You should include all types of printer discussed in Lesson 1.

Scoring Scheme: The overall score is 20 points. One (1) point deduction will be given for every wrong
entry in the graphic organizer.

Lesson 2 Printing a Document

Although there are different types of printer in the market, the procedure in printing
a document is almost the same. The difference that you could notice is the interface of the
printer in your computer system. Before printing a document, there are few things you
need to check to make sure that printing will be successful.
The printer should be installed in your computer system. One thing to make the
printer work with you computer system properly is its software is properly installed in your
computer. When we say installed, the printer’s operating software (the program that
makes it work) is saved in your computer system. There are two ways to install the
printer. One is run its CD driver in your computer. The CD is included when you purchase
new printer. The other way is to download its software installer from authorized online
distributer or website. The second one is more dangerous than the other because
downloading files from the internet allows computer virus and malwares to infect your
To know what printers are installed in your computer, you can check it using the

Control Panel. The procedures are stated
below using Windows 10 OS.
1. In the Search Box located on the
taskbar of your desktop, type
Control Panel
2. The result will show for Control
Panel. Click Open. This will start
Control Panel Window.
3. In the Control Panel Window, you
will see different computer settings.
Look for the Hardware and Sound.
Under Hardware and Sound, click
View devices and printers
4. The Devices and Printers Window
Figure 6. The search result when you type Control Panel in
will appear. You can see list of the Search Box
devices installed and connected to
the computer. Look for the
category of Printers. In that list,
you will see the printer icons that
represent the printers installed in
your computer.
5. The printer with check is the
default printer. It means when you
are printing, it is the first choice as
your printer. You may change it Figure 7. The list of computer settings in the Control Panel
eventually in the printing process.
6. You can also identify which among
the printers are online. Online, in
this scenario, means the printer is
currently connected to your
computer and that printer is “ON”.
All you have to do is to hover or
move you mouse over a printer
icon, a message will show you the
status of the printer.

Figure 8. The Printer Category shows all the printers

installed in the computer system.
Printing Document
Printing document is not that hard. It only takes a few clicks and you can produce a
hard copy of your document. The procedures that will be shown below is based on the
printing process using an EPSON L3110. However, the procedures are also applicable to
other printers.
1. Connect your printer to your
computer. Plug in the USB cord of
the printer to the USB port of your
computer system.
2. Turn on the printer. Place paper in
the paper try based on the size of

your document.
3. Open the document that you want to
4. Press Ctrl P on your keyboard.
These are the shortcut keys for Print.
5. The Print Window on your screen will
appear. See Figure 10.
6. In the Printer options, select the active
or online printer. The printer options
will show you a dropdown list of all the
printers installed. Select the printer
with “Ready” status.
Figure 9. The Printer Window
7. Set the number of copies.
8. Set the paper size.
9. Click Print. The printer will start
printing your document.


Figure 10. (1) The printer options, (2) settings for number of copies, (3) settings for the paper size, (4) click to print

Activity 2
Directions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. On top of your paper,
write the title of the preceding lesson, then the title of this activity written above.
Create a flowchart for the following procedures:
 How to Check if the Printer is Installed in Computer
 How to Print a Document

Scoring scheme: The score for each flowchart is 10 points. One (1) point deduction will
be given for every wrong entry in the flowchart.

Lesson 3 Transferring Files from Computer to another Computer

Transferring of files from one computer to another is necessary in different purpose

such as submission of pertinent credentials, copying of essential files or storing the files for
longer use. There are different ways in transferring files from one computer to another. The
most common today is the use of online transfer.
Online transferring is the used of internet as medium to send a copy of a file to
another computer remotely. It is usually done through the use of electronic mail or e-mail.
The other method is through the use of storage media such as a flash drive. The
procedures below will show you how to transfer file from your computer to a flash drive.
Connecting the Flash Drive to Computer
1. Plug in the flash drive to any USB port of your computer.
2. Go to Desktop, double-click the icon of “This PC”.
3. In the category of Devices and drives, look for a new storage. It is usually the last
listed storage. Remember the name or the letter designation of the flash drive.
4. If there is a new storage, it means the flash drive is working properly. If you did not
see a new storage, plug it to other USB ports.
Transferring Files to Flash Drive
1. Find the file that you want to transfer.
2. Right-click on the file. A sub-menu will appear. Look for the “Send To” command.
3. Click Send To. A menu will appear showing the destination of your file.
4. Select the name of the flash drive. Your file will be transferred to the flash drive.
Checking the File in the Flash Drive
1. Go to Desktop, double-click This PC.
2. Double-click the flash drive.
3. Look for your file. Use the search box , if necessary.
4. If you found your file, transferring is successful. If not, repeat procedures in
transferring file.
Ejecting the Flash Drive
1. Make sure all the files saved in the flash drive and the windows for the flash drive is
closed. If these files are not closed, they will prevent us from ejecting our flash drive.
2. Double-click This PC on the desktop.
3. Look for the icon of the flash drive. Right-click on the flash drive.
4. A menu will appear. Click Eject.
5. A message will appear at the bottom right of your screen saying “Safe to Remove
Hardware”. Once you saw the message, you can unplug the flash drive.

Activity 3
Directions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. On top of your paper,
write the title of the preceding lesson, then the title of this activity written above.

Create a flowchart for the procedures below:

 Transferring Files to Flash Drive
 Ejecting Flash Drive
Scoring scheme: The score for each flowchart is 10 points. One (1) point deduction will be given for
every wrong entry in the flowchart.


 Printers are computer output devices that has the ability to produce a hard
copy of your document or file usually printed on a paper.
 Inkjet Printers sprays ink at a sheet of paper.
 Laser Printers used the same technology as copier machines. It uses powder
or toner as ink for the printer.
 LCD / LED Printer uses similar technology to a laser printer, but instead of
lasers, it uses liquid crystals or light-emitting diodes rather to produce an
image on the drum that will be printed on a paper.
 Line Printer contains a chain of characters or pins that print an entire line at
one time. Line printers are very fast, but produce low-quality print.
 Thermal Printer is an inexpensive printer that works by pushing heated pins
against heat-sensitive paper.
 Dot Matrix Printer is a printer in which ink is applied to a surface using
relatively low resolution dot matrix. It typically use a print head that moves
back and forth or in an up and down motion on the page and prints by impact.
 To make the printer work with you computer system properly, its software
should be properly installed in your computer.
 There are two ways to install the printer. One is run its CD driver in your
computer. The CD is included when you purchase new printer. The other way
is to download its software installer from authorized online distributer or
 To know what printers are installed in your computer, you can check it using
the Control Panel.
 Online transferring is the used of internet as medium to send a copy of a file to
another computer remotely. It is usually done through the use of electronic
mail or e-mail.
 The other method of transferring files is through the use of storage media such
as a flash drive.

Directions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. On top of your paper,
write the competency stated in the Most Essential Learning Competency.

I. Identify what is being described in each item.

1. These are also called as Bubble-Jet Printer, sprays ink at a sheet of paper.
2. It is the shortcut keys for Print.
3. These are used the same technology as copier machines. It uses powder or toner as ink for
the printer. Then a laser will be used to melt the toner.
4. It means the printer’s operating software is saved in your computer system.
5. It is the message that will appear which means you can now unplug your flash drive.
6. It is the another way of installing printer's software other than using the CD installer.
7. It is a printer that typically use a print head that moves back and forth or in an up and down
motion on the page and prints by impact,

8. It is the status of the printer if its online or active.
9. It is the method of transferring files using electronic mail.
10. It is an inexpensive printer that works by pushing heated pins against heat-sensitive

II. Answer the following questions:

11. What is the first thing that you need to check before printing a document?
12. What is the basis of the size of the paper that you need to use in printing document?
13. Why downloading installer from internet dangerous to your computer?
14. Why do we need to close all files opened that came from the flash drive before eject-
ing it?


Activity 1 (to be done in the house)

Read and analyze the situation below.

Grace Ann wants to transfer her encoded research paper to her flash drive.
Unfortunately, she doesn't know the proper procedures in connecting her flash drive
to her laptop. Your task is to create a flowchart that will guide Grace in connecting her
flash drive to her laptop and in transferring files from her laptop to her flash drive.
There should only ONE (1) flowchart as your answer. It means all the procedures are
included in one flowchart.
Scoring scheme: The score for each flowchart is 20 points. One (1) point deduction will be given for
every wrong entry in the flowchart.

Activity 2 (to be done in the school once face-to-face learning is permitted)

1. Transfer your document from your computer to the main server computer using
flash drive.
2. Plug in the flash drive to the main server computer.
3. Open your document.
4. Set the Print Properties appropriate to your document.
5. Print the document.


Did you ... YES NO
1. Follow all ergonomics of using computer?
2. Access the appropriate application software based on standard
3. Transfer files based on standard procedures?
4. Set the printer appropriately based on task requirement?
5. Follow the standard procedures in printing document?


Gisela May A Albano. Introduction to Information Technology. Bulacan: Trinitas
Publishing, Inc., 2003
Enriquez, Michael Q., Gantalao, Fred T.,and Rommel M. Lasala. Simple
Electronics. Valenzuela City: Andes Mountain Printers, 2014

Graphics / Images Source:

Figure 1 Inkjet Printer. Digital Image. Nd. https://
Figure 2 Laser Printer. Digital Image. Nd. https://
Figure 3 LED Printer. Digital Image. Nd. https://
Figure 4 Line Printers. Digital Image. Nd. https://
Figure 5 Thermal Printers. Digital Image. Nd. https://

Self - Check 1
Self - Check 2
Flowchart on How to Check Installed Printers in Computer
Flowchart on How to Print Document
Self - Check 3
Flowchart on How to Transfer Files to Flash Drive
Flowchart on How to Transfer Files to Flash Drive
How Much I Have Learned
I. Identification:
II. Answer the following the question:
1. Inkjet Printer
11. The first thing to consider is to check if the printer is
2. Ctrl P
installed in the computer
3. Laser Printer
12. The basis is the page size of your document
4. Installed
13. It is dangerous because it allows virus and malware to
5. Safe to Remove Hardware
enter your computer.
6. Downloading software in-
14. The flash drive will not close or eject.
staller from the internet.
15. Hover or move the mouse over the icon of the printer
7. Dot Matrix Printer
to see the status.
8. Ready Status
9. Online Transferring
10. Thermal Printer
Answer Keys

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