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S.Y. 2023-2024

Name:____________________________ Date:__________________
Grade & Section:___________________
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: ENCIRCLE the letter of the best answer.

1. Can be defined as works of literature that have been created, distributed, and circulated beyond their country
of origin.
A. Philippine Literature C. European Literature
B. American Literature D. World Literature
2. Refers to the great masterpieces of Greek, Roman, and other ancient civilizations (1200 BCE to 455 CE).
A. Classical Literature C. Modern Literature
B. Medieval Literature D. Contemporary Literature
3. Who wrote the novel “The Gift of Rain”?
A. Tan Twang Eng C. Jeet Thayil
B. Musharraf Ali Farooqi D. Kim Thuy
4. The author who wrote “The Blind Assassin?”
A. Sara Gruens C. Valeria Luiselli
B. Margaret Atwood D. Carmen Boullosa
5. A controversial and awar-winning French novelist whose work entitled La Carte et el Territoire” won the
prestigious Prix Goncourt in 2010.
A. Michel Houellebecq C. Zadie Smith
B. Delphine De Vigan D. David Mitchell
6. The novel “Love in the Time of Cholera” was written by:
A. Mario Vargas Llosa C. Gabriel García Márquez
B. Patricio Pron D. Rodrigo Hasbún
7. Who wrote “African Psycho”?
A. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie C. Nadine Gordimer
B. Alain Mabanckou D. Ben Okri
8. Refer to the overall or universal quality or description of any written or oral text.
A. Literary Genres C. Literary Elements
B. Literary Traditions D. Literary Contexts
9. Creates the pleasant gliding effect when we read a poem.
A. Beat C. Rhythm
B. Word Sounds D. Rhyme
10. Is the name given to the elements in a poem that spark off the senses.
A. Rhythm C. Figurative Devices
B. Word Sounds D. Imagery
11. A form of repetition where the order of verbs and nouns is repeated
A. Parallel Structure C. Alliteration
B. Repetition D. Assonance
12. “Big bad Bob bounced bravely”, is an example of what type of word of sounds?
A. Parallel Structure C. Alliteration
B. Repetition D. Assonance
13. Who is the author of “As the Heart Bones Break”?
A. Andrew Lang C. William Elliot Griffis
B. Audrey Chin D. Franz Kafka
14. Which statement can be said about the image?

A Haiku by Basho

A snowy morning
--by myself,
Chewing on a dried salmon.

A. It shows a solitary man. C. It shows a very cold morning.

B. It shows a very poor man. D. It shows a moment during summertime.
For numbers 15-18, read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

Song VII

My song has put off her adornments.

She has no pride of dress and decoration.
Ornaments would mar our reunion;
they would come between thee and me;
their jingling would drown thy whispers.

My poet’s vanity dies in shame before thy sight.

O master poet, I have sat down at thy feet.
Only let me make my life simple and straight,
like a flute of reed for thee to fill with music.

15. What tone does the phrase “O master poet” help create?
A. a casual, personal tone C. a formal, respectful tone
B. a dark, threatening tone D. a sad, regretful tone
16. The speaker of the poem believes that the addressee is superior to him or her. What lines from the poem
support this conclusion?
A. line 1 and 2 C. lines 4 and 5
B. lines 3 and 4 D. lines 6 and 7
17. What might be an example of the “jingling” ornaments that the speaker refers to in lines 3-5?
A. a bell C. a key chain
B. a diamond necklace D. a pouch
18. What is the theme of the poem?
A. Expensive jewelry is often a sign of vanity.
B. Music is a worthwhile art than poetry.
C. Uncertainty is a necessary evil in art and life.
D. One should try to achieve simplicity in art and in life.
19. Who usually holds and wields power in a patriarchal society?
A. Male C. LGBTQ
B. Female D. Senior Citizens
20. A generalized view or preconception about attributes, or characteristics that are ought to be possessed by
women and men or the roles that are or should be performed by men and women.
A. Gender Identity C. Gender Stereotypes
B. Gender Confusion D. Gender discrimination
21. A range of socio-political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic,
personal, and social equality of the sexes.
A. Racism C. Colorism
B. Feminism D. Sexism
22. Are pictures produced by a camera, artist, mirror.
A. Audio Media C. Visual Media
B. Motion Media D. Multimedia
23. Relating to the sound that is heard on a recording or broadcast.
A. Audio Media C. Visual Media
B. Motion Media D. Multimedia
24. Use a series of drawings, computer graphics, frames or photographs of objects that are slightly different
from one another and that when viewed quickly one after another create the appearance of movement.
A. Audio Media C. Visual Media
B. Motion Media D. Multimedia
25. A term that is used by artist and art critics to refer to that out of which a work of art, or, more generally, a
particular art form, is made.
A. Art Media C. Audio
B. Video D. Animation
26. A movie, television show, or event that has been recorded onto a videocassette or DVD so that it can be
watched on a television or computer.
A. Art Media C. Audio
B. Video D. Animation
27. The following is included in assessing visual media except:
A. Content C. Presentation of information
B. Use of visual design D. Story development
28. The following is included in assessing motion media except:
A. Clarity of message C. Mechanics
B. Relevance of message D. Design
29. The following are key elements of visual media except:
A. Design Media C. Audience
B. Purpose D. Plot development
II. AGREE TO DISAGREE. Directions: Think about what your definition of feminism really means
in practice. Briefly explain your reason on why you agree or disagree with the following statement.

Feminism should include rights and needs of transwomen.


III. DETERMINE THE TENETS. Directions: Determine the basic tenets of Critical Race Theory
and identifying keywords to support your answer.

“I hate a wasted journey—I am African.”

Silence. Silenced transmission of
Pressurized good breeding. Voice, when it came,
Lipstick coated, long gold-rolled
Cigarette-holder pipped. Caught I was foully.
“HOW DARK?”… I had not misheard…” ARE YOU LIGHT
OR VERY DARK?” Button B, Button A.
- Telephone Conversation (W. Soyinka)

Basic Tenet : 33. ______________________________________________

Keywords : 34. ______________________________________________

A white woman stands bereft and empty

a black boy hacked into a murderous lesson
recalled in me forever
like a lurch of earth on the edge of sleep
etched into my visions
food for dragonfish that learn
to live upon whatever they must eat
fused images beneath my pain.
- Afterimage (A. Lorde)

Basic Tenet : 35. _____________________________________________

Keywords : 36. _____________________________________________

The free bird thinks of another breeze

and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn
and he names the sky his own

a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams

his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.
- Caged bird (M. Angelou)

Basic Tenet : 37. ____________________________________________

Keywords : 38. ____________________________________________

IV. Directions: Write an example of the following figurative speech.

39. Personification

40. Onomatopoeia

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