Description of The VFD Control Panel

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Description of the VFD control panel

The control panel consists of the following functional areas:

1. Seven-segment display;
2. Control panel indication;
3. Control buttons.

Light indicator

Seven-segment display

Seven-segment display

Figure 1 -
The main functions of the remote control:

• giving "Start", "Stop" VFD commands;

• displaying and editing VFD parameters;
• indication of VFD status ("Alarm", "Ready", "Running");
• indication of motor rotation direction and active control channel;
• indication of the control source (local panel, ACS).
Description of the VFD status LEDs

• "RUN" - VFD operation and readiness indicator. Indicator is blinking - VFD is in

ready state. The indicator is lit steadily - VFD is in operation.
• "Hz"- unit of frequency measurement, Hertz. The indicator is lit - Hz. The indicator
flashes at a frequency of 3 times per second - kHz.
• "A" - unit of measurement of current, Ampere. Indicator is lit - A. Indicator flashes
1 time per second - mA. Indicator flashes 3 times per second - kA.
• "V" - unit of voltage measurement, Volts. Indicator is lit - V. Indicator flashes once
per second - mV. The indicator flashes with a frequency of 3 times per second -
• "B" + "A" - Unit of power measurement, W (or VA, depends on the parameter
displayed on the remote-control screen. The indicator is lit - watts (VA). The
indicator flashes 3 times per second - kW (kVA).

Table 1 - Control panel button assignments

Key symbol Name Key function

Run VFD startup

Stop / reset
VFD stop
increase the group number, parameter number,
parameter value.
decreasing the group number, parameter number,
parameter value.
Right in the main mode - transition through the hot list (list
displacement of the last 16 changed parameters). In edit mode -
key transition between digits of the value.
in the group display mode enter the parameter
number selection mode
parameter number, in the parameter number display
mode - enter the parameter view mode, in the
parameter view mode enter the edit mode, in the edit
mode save the value and enter the parameter view
in the main mode enters the group selection mode, in
the group selection mode enters the main mode (go
Sequence of operations when entering parameters

The sequence of actions for entering parameters is as follows:

1. Press " " - the frequency converter will enter the mode of entering the
parameter group number. On the screen will appear the inscription in the format
"G XX", where XX is the group number.
2. Use the " ", " " buttons to set the value of the required group. For
example, G01. Press the " " button.
3. The VFD will enter parameter number entry mode. The value "P XX.YY" will
appear on the screen, where XX is the value of the group selected in the previous
item, YY is the value of the parameter number to be entered.
4. Use the " ", " " buttons to set the value of the required parameter. For
example, P XX.07. Press the " " button.
5. The current value of the selected parameter will appear on the screen. To edit the
value, press the " " button and use the " " or " " buttons to set the
desired value of the parameter and press the " " button. The current value of
the parameter will appear on the screen.
6. To return to the previous level - press " " button. For example, if you press
" " in the parameter value view mode, the VFD will go to the parameter
number value editing mode described in item 3, if you press again - to the group
number editing mode (item 2).

The sequence of actions is shown on the example of editing parameter 01.21 "Motor
inertia". After entering the edit mode of this parameter its current value will have the
format shown in the example in Figure 2.
For example, you want to make the value of parameter 01.21 "Motor inertia" equal to
Then the mantissa value "3.00" shown in Figure 2 should be changed to "7.50", and the
order value "-3" shown in Figure 2 should be changed to "-1". Using the " " button,
move the cursor to the desired position and using the " " or " " buttons, set the
mantissa and order to the desired values and press " ".
Table 1 shows examples of the different values of parameter 01.21 "Motor inertia" and
the corresponding values to be entered into the control panel.
Table 2 - Example of moment of inertia values to be entered into the console

Required parameter value Value to be entered into the control panel

0,35 3.50 -1
0,45 4,50 -1
0,5 5,00 -1
0,65 6,50 -1
0,7 7,00 -1
1,2 1,20 0

Mantissa Order of magnitude

Figure 2 - Displaying the number 0.003 in floating point format

Working with status menu parameters (hot list)

There is a status menu (hot list) for operative viewing of current parameters of actuator
operation. The numbers of viewed parameters are set in the standard form XX.YY in
parameters 32.00...32.09, where XX - group, YY - number of parameter in the group.
The status menu parameters can be viewed at the top level of the drive menu. By
pressing the " " key, the parameters to be viewed are sequentially scrolled from
32.00 to 32.09, then 32.00 again. Holding down the " " key displays the number of
the next parameter to be displayed. When the " " key is released, the current value
of the parameter is displayed. The parameters in the hot list are scrolled through

VFD access levels

All parameters located in the parameter menu are divided into two types:
1. editable
2. informative (not editable).

The possibility of editing the parameter by the operator is determined by the access
level. The following access levels are provided to differentiate the rights to view and edit
VFD parameters:
Table 3 - Access levels
Access level Password requirement Level of rights
Basic Access without password Editing and viewing basic VFD
Operation Editing and viewing basic VFD
Maintenance Password protected Edit basic and advanced VFD settings,
view all VFD parameters
Factory Edit and view all VFD parameters

Each access level has its own unique password. The password is a number from 1 to
The following VFD parameters are available for password handling:

• Operation. Passcode - Operator password entry (always available for entry)

• Operation. Change passcode - changing the Operator password (available if the
Operator level is enabled);
• Maintenance. Passcode - entering the Maintenance 's password (always
available for entry);
• Maintenance. Change passcode - changing the Maintenance password (available
if Maintenance is enabled)
• Factory. Passcode - entering the Factory password (always available);
• Factory. Change passcode - changing the Factory password (available if the
Factory level is enabled).

NOTE: If the value of the "Change passcode" parameter is 0, it is considered that the
password protection of this level is disabled (all available parameters are visible and
editable parameters can be edited).
NOTE: If the value of the " Change passcode " parameter is not equal to 0, you must
select the " Change passcode " parameter to allow access (value 0 will appear) and
enter the correct value. To change the password, set a new value of the "Change
passcode" parameter in the edit mode
VFD parameter system
Group.Par Name Unit Value Description
Motor parameters
0-Scalar w/o Deadtime comp
Parameter defines the motor control alghorythm. Scalar
1-Scalar control
control - Motor control by Voltage/Frequency curve. Vector
1:1 Motor control mode
control w/o or with encoder - Open or Close Loop field
2-Vector cntrl with encoder(IM)
oriented vector control alghoritm. Recommended for use.
3-Vector cntrl w/o encoder(IM)
Nameplate parameter of the motor. When few motors are
1:2 Motor nominal current А
connected to the VFD, enter the total motor current.
1:3 Motor nominal voltage V 100…480 Nameplate parameter of the motor.
1:4 Motor nominal frequency Hz 0.0...600.0 Nameplate parameter of the motor.
Nameplate parameter of the motor. Entering a value for this
1:5 Motor nominal speed RPM 0...60000 parameter calculates the value for the <Motor pole pairs>
Nameplate parameter of the motor. Units are defined in the
1:7 Motor nominal power kW 0.0...3000.0
<Motor power unit> parameter.
1:9 Motor nominal cos Ф 0.001...1.000 Nameplate parameter of the motor.
1:10 Motor nominal efficiency 0.001...1.000 Nameplate parameter of the motor.
Datasheet or nameplate parameter of the motor. The
parameter is estimated automatically. If not defined the rude
1:11 Motor nominal torque Nm 0.0...6500.0 calculation by formula is accepted: Motor nominal
torque,N*m=(9550*Motor active power,kW)/Motor nominal
0-Direct Changing the motor rotation direction without remounting of
1:12 Motor rotation direction
1-Reverse motor power cables.
Stator resistance (Rs) for the motor model. The parameter is
1:13 Motor stator resistance Ohm 0.001...30.000 estimated during the motor data identification routine or
entered according to the motor docs.
Rotor resistance (Rr) for the motor model. The parameter is
1:14 Motor rotor resistance Ohm 0.001...30.000 estimated during the motor data identification routine or
entered according to the motor docs.
Motor main (magnetizing) inductance (Lm) for the motor
1:15 Motor main inductance H 0.0001...1.0000 model. The parameter is estimated during the motor data
identification routine or entered according to the motor docs.
Leakage inductance (Ls) for the motor model. The parameter
1:16 Leakage inductance H 0.00001...1.00000 is estimated during the motor data identification routine or
entered according to the motor docs.
Motor idling current is used to estimate the motor model. The
1:18 Motor idling current А parameter is estimated during the normal motor data
identification routine (with shaft rotation).
Motor moment of inertia without load. The parameter is
1:21 Motor inertia kg/m2 0.01...99999.00 estimated during the normal motor data identification routine
(with shaft rotation).
Selection of mode for motor data identification routine. The
1-Without rotation. Estimate Lm
1:26 Motor data identification motor parameters are measured automatically at the next VFD
2-Without rotation. Measure Lm
3-With rotation
Motor protections
Motor underspeed. From “Start frequency” to
2:0 Minimum available speed of the motor.
Frequency “Motor overspeed. Frequency”
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case of underspeed
Motor underspeed. detection. Disabled - protection is bypassed. Fault - protection
2:2 1-Warning
Protection is activated without automatic restart after trip. Autorestart -
protection is activated with automatic restart after trip.
Time delay between the detection of a motor underspeed and
2:3 Motor underspeed. Delay s 0...32500 the VFD behaviour, selected in the <Motor underspeed.
Protection> parameter.
Motor underspeed. Time delay of control of the <Motor underspeed> fault after
2:4 s 0...32500
Acceleration start (to exclude false triggering).
Motor overspeed.
2:5 Hz 0…600 Maximum available speed of the motor.
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case of overspeed
Motor overspeed. detection. Disabled - protection is bypassed. Fault - protection
2:7 1-Warning
Protection is activated without automatic restart after trip. Autorestart -
protection is activated with automatic restart after trip.
Time delay between the detection of a motor overspeed and
2:8 Motor overspeed. Delay s 0...32500 the VFD behaviour, selected in the <Motor overspeed.
Protection> parameter.
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case of motor
Motor overload. overload detection. Disabled - protection is bypassed. Warning
2:9 1-Warning
Protection - only warning message. Fault - protection is activated with
action to VFD stop.
Motor overload current in the percentage of the <Motor
2:10 Motor overload. Factor % 101.0...200.0
nominal current> parameter.
2:11 Motor overload. Delay s 1...1000 Permissible time for motor overload before the fault triggering.
Units selection for a torque limiting: 1) In absolute units (N*m).
0-Absolute 2) In the percentage of the <Nominal motor torque>
2:15 Torque limit
1-Percent parameter. Disabling of the <Torque limit> function is
2:17 Maximum torque Nm 0.0…3932.1 Motor torque Max limit.
Active current value, below which the fault <Motor underload>
2:18 Motor underload. Current 0.0…”Motor nominal current”
at the VFD output is triggering.
Time delay between the detection of motor underload and the
2:19 Motor underload. Delay s 0...900 VFD response, selected in the <Motor underload. Protection>
Motor underload. Skip Time delay of control of the <Motor underload> fault after start
2:20 s 0...900
time (to exclude false triggering).
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case of motor
Motor underload. underload detection. Disabled - protection is bypassed.
2:21 1-Warning
Protection Warning - only warning message. Fault - protection is activated
with action to VFD stop.
Value of the unbalance of the motor phase currents in the
2:22 Surrent unbalance. Limit % 0...100 percentage of the <Motor nominal current> parameter, above
which the fault <Сurrent unbalance> is triggering.
Time delay between the detection of the unbalance in the
2:23 Сurrent unbalance. Delay 0...10000 motor phase currents and the VFD response, selected in the
<Сurrent unbalance. Protection> parameter.
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case of motor current
Сurrent unbalance. unbalance detection. Disabled - protection is bypassed.
2:24 1-Warning
Protection Warning - only warning message. Fault - protection is activated
with action to VFD stop.
The value of the motor phase current in the percentage of the
2:25 Motor phase loss. Limit % 0.1...10.0 <Motor nominal current> parameter, above which the fault
<Motor phase loss> is triggering.
Time delay between the detection of the the motor phase loss
2:26 Motor phase loss. Delay s 0.1...10.0 and the VFD response, selected in the <Motor phase loss.
Protection> parameter.
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case of motor phase
Motor phase loss. 0-Disabled
2:27 loss detection. Disabled - protection is bypassed. Fault -
Protection 1-Fault
protection is activated with action to VFD stop.
Pre-start motor phase 0-Disabled The parameter allows monitoring the state of the motor phase
check 1-Fault before starting work. Works only in vector control mode.
Pre-start motor check
2:29 s 0.0...10.0 Motor phase check time during pre-start check.
0-Active current Mode selection of the load missing fault: by the motor current
2:32 Motor underload. Mode
1-Current or by the active current.
Selecting the <Motor overload> alarm handling mode: Integral
0-Overload by time protection - motor overload control with current-dependent
2:34 Motor overload. Mode
1-Overload by i2t time delay (I^2*t). Time current protection - motor overload
monitoring with a time delay independent of the current.
0-Differential (5V)
1-Differential (24V)
Encoder. Increment
3:0 2-Open collector (5/24V) Selects the output signal type of the incremental encoder.
encoder type
3-Voltage out/Push Pull (5V)
4-Voltage out/Push Pull (24V)
Encoder. Digital encoder 2-ECN1325
3:1 Selecting the type of encoder with digital data
type 3-SSI Gray code
4-SSI Binary code
Encoder. Resolution 0-Pulses per revolution
3:2 Encoder resolution mode: pulse rate or bit rate.
mode 1-Bits per revolution
Encoder. Pulse rate
3:3 1...10000 Encoder resolution - pulse rate.
Encoder. Bit rate bit
3:4 0...32 Encoder resolution - bit rate
Changing the sign of the direction of rotation of the encoder.
0-Direct Set the opposite value if the direction of rotation of the output
3:5 Encoder. Phasing
1-Reverse field of the inverter does not correspond to the direction of
rotation of the rotor
Offset of the zero position of the encoder for orientation along
3:6 Encoder. Phase offset deg 0.0...360.0
the rotor field.
6-64 Encoder phase data filtering (the value is a multiple of a power
3:7 Encoder. Phase filter
7-128 of two)
3:8 Encoder. Speed filter ms 0.0...25.6 Speed filter time constant, ms
Encoder. Fast speed 0-Disabled
3:9 Enabling speed calculation using analog incremental signals
mode 1-Enabled
Sign of the phasing of the speed calculated from the
3:10 Encoder. Fast speed sign 1-Manual. Direct
incremental analog signals Sin Cos
2-Manual. Reverse
Encoder. Calculation
3:11 ms 50...2000 Encoder data calculation period, us.
Encoder emulation.
3:12 2...8192 Number of encoder emulator pulses
3:14 Encoder. Actual speed 0...0 Actual encoder speed
3:15 Encoder. Actual phase deg 0.0...360.0 Actual encoder electrical phase
Activation of the encoder phasing algorithm in automatic
3:16 Encoder. Autophasing 1-Step 1 phasing
2-Step 2 phasing
Encoder. Autophasing.
3:17 Speed value in lift encoder phasing mode
Encoder. Autophasing.
3:18 0.5...10.0 Acceleration time in encoder phasing mode
Encoder. Autophasing.
3:19 0.5...10.0 Deceleration time in encoder autophasing mode
Setting the value of the motor holding current when the
Encoder. Autophasing.
3:20 % 100.0...300.0 encoder is phasing, relative to the <Motor nominal current>
Motor cur
3:21 Encoder. Fault mode 1-Warning Selecting a reaction to an encoder failure
Ac-/deceleration settings
Acceleration time from zero to the frequency specified in the
4:0 Acceleration time s 0.1...4000.0
<Maximum Frequency> parameter.
Deceleration time from the frequency specified in the
4:1 Deceleration time s 0.0...4000.0
<Minimum frequency> parameter to zero.
Braking mode of the motor by the <Stop> command.
0-Coasting Frequency - decreasing the motor speed by decreasing the
4:2 Stop mode
1-Frequency VFD output frequency. Coasting - switch-off the VFD inverter,
the motor is coasting.
Time after the <Stop> command, during which the next start of
4:3 Coasting time s 1...3250
the motor is inhibited.
4:4 Start frequency Hz/RPM 0.0…10 Starting frequency with which the motor rotation is started.
Time on start frequency.
4:5 s 0.1...25.0 Holding time of the motor at the <Start frequency> at the start.
Time on start frequency. The holding time of the motor at the <Start frequency> during
4:6 s 0.1...25.0
Stop frequency braking.
Selection of the curve type of speed change during
4:7 Ramp generator type acceleration, frequency braking, changing of frequency
3-Cubic shape
5-U-inverse shaped
Rounding level of the initial acceleration section for the EL-S-
4:8 EL-S-shaped. Accel. Start 0...95.0
shaped ramp generator type.
Rounding level of the final acceleration section for the EL-S-
4:9 EL-S-shaped. Accel. End 0...95.0
shaped ramp generator type.
Rounding level of the initial deceleration section for the EL-S-
4:10 EL-S-shaped. Decel. Start 0...95.0
shaped ramp generator type.
Rounding level of the final deceleration section for the EL-S-
4:11 EL-S-shaped. Decel. End 0...95.0
shaped ramp generator type.
Current-less pause for Time when the zero frequency is supplied to the motor when
4:13 s 0.000...32.000
reverse the motor is reversed.
Dynamic braking
0-Disabled Built-in braking chopper activation. When activated, it is
5:0 Braking chopper
1-Enabled possible to use rheostatic braking.
Braking chopper. Vdc.
5:1 V 700…1000 DC bus voltage for braking chopper switch-off.
Braking chopper. Vdc.
5:2 V 700…1000 DC bus voltage for braking chopper switch-on.
0-Disabled Activation of the brake resistance breakage control when
5:3 Test brake resistor
1-Enabled starting the PWM
DC braking
6:0 DC braking DC braking activation
DC braking. Start
6:1 Hz 0.0…30.0 Motor speed for the transition to DC braking.
The direct current value in a percentage of the motor nominal
6:2 DC braking. Current % 0.0…100.0
current for DC braking
V/f control settings
Voltage rising time from 0 to the voltage at the starting
7:0 Rise time of start voltage ms 100...10000
frequency according to the V/f characteristic.
0-Characteristic V/f №1
V/f characteristic
7:3 1-Characteristic V/f №2 Selection of the active V/f characteristic.
2-Select by Din
1-Din 1
2-Din 2 Digital input assignment to control the selection of the active
Digital input. V/f 3-Din 3 V/f characteristic. At the state <1> of the digital input, the V/f
selection 4-Din 4 characteristic No.1 is selected. At the state <0> - characteristic
5-Din 5 V/f No.2.
6-Din 6
7-Din 7
7:6 V/f №1 Voltage point 0 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 0 of the V/f characteristic No.1.
V/f №1 Frequency point
7:7 HZ/RPM 0...600.0 Frequency of point 1 of the V/f characteristic No.1.
7:8 V/f №1 Voltage point 1 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 1 of the V/f characteristic No.1.
V/f №1 Frequency point
7:9 HZ/RPM 0...600.0 Frequency of point 2 of the V/f characteristic No.1.
7:10 V/f №1 Voltage point 2 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 2 of the V/f characteristic No.1.
V/f №1 Frequency point
7:11 HZ/RPM 0...600.0 Frequency of point 3 of the V/f characteristic No.1.
7:12 V/f №1 Voltage point 3 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 3 of the V/f characteristic No.1.
V/f №1 Frequency point
7:13 HZ/RPM 0...600.0 Frequency of point 4 of the V/f characteristic No.1.
7:14 V/f №1 Voltage point 4 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 4 of the V/f characteristic No.1.
V/f №1 Frequency point
7:15 HZ/RPM 0...600.0 Frequency of point 5 of the V/f characteristic No.1.
7:16 V/f №1 Voltage point 5 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 5 of the V/f characteristic No.1.
7:18 V/f №2 Voltage point 0 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 0 of the V/f characteristic No.2.
V/f №2 Frequency point
7:19 HZ/RPM 0...600.0 Frequency of point 1 of the V/f characteristic No.2.
7:20 V/f №2 Voltage point 1 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 1 of the V/f characteristic No.2.
V/f №2 Frequency point
7:21 HZ/RPM 0...600.0 Frequency of point 2 of the V/f characteristic No.2.
7:22 V/f №2 Voltage point 2 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 2 of the V/f characteristic No.2.
V/f №2 Frequency point
7:23 HZ/RPM 0...600.0 Frequency of point 3 of the V/f characteristic No.2.
7:24 V/f №2 Voltage point 3 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 3 of the V/f characteristic No.2.
V/f №2 Frequency point
7:25 HZ/RPM 0...600.0 Frequency of point 4 of the V/f characteristic No.2.
7:26 V/f №2 Voltage point 4 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 4 of the V/f characteristic No.2.
V/f №2 Frequency point
7:27 HZ/RPM 0...600.0 Frequency of point 5 of the V/f characteristic No.2.
7:28 V/f №2 Voltage point 5 V 0...” Motor nominal voltage” Voltage of point 5 of the V/f characteristic No.2.
Autoset of the V/f characteristic No.1, when the motor
Characteristic V/f №1 0-Custom setting
7:40 parameters: <Motor nominal frequency> and <Motor nominal
Mode 1-Motor data identification
voltage> changing.
Autoset of the V/f characteristic No.2, when the motor
Characteristic V/f №2 0-Custom setting
7:41 parameters: <Motor nominal frequency> and <Motor nominal
Mode 1-Motor data identification
voltage> changing.
Vector control settings
1-PID controller EMF Field weakening mode allows operation above the rated motor
8:0 Weakening the field
2-PID controller Flux speed
3-Voltage regulator
Speed loop. Estimation
8:1 s 0.0001...0.1000 Estimation period of the speed loop changing
Speed loop. Cutoff
8:2 Hz 1...1000 Cutoff frequency of the speed loop feedback filter
Speed loop. Delay
8:3 0.0...100.0 Feedback filtering delay compensation in the speed loop
Speed controller. 0-Disabled Mode of automatic estimation of the speed loop controller
Calculation 1-Enabled gains based on the motor moment of inertia.
Speed loop. Proportional
8:5 0.00...200.00 Proportional gain of the speed loop controller.
8:6 Speed loop. Integral gain 0.0000...2.0000 Integral gain of the speed loop controller.
Speed loop. Reference 0-Disabled Speed reference filter reduces the speed overcontrol
filter 1-Enabled amplitude with signal delay
Current controller. 0-Disabled Mode of automatic estimation of the current loop controller
Calculation 1-Enabled gains based on the motor identification data
Current loop.
8:9 0.00...127.00 Proportional gain of the current loop controller.
Proportional gain
Current loop. Integral
8:10 0.0000...2.0000 Integral gain of the current loop controller.
Observer. Proportional Proportional gain of the flow observer controller of the vector
8:11 0.001...20.000
gain control system
Integral gain of the flow observer controller of the vector
8:12 Observer. Integral gain 0.000...30.000
control system
0-Disabled Activation of the anti-rollback function. Additional acceleration
8:13 Antirollback
1-Enabled of the speed controller at the start.
8:14 Antirollback. Time s 0.0...5.0 Anti-rollback function duration time
Percentage of speed controller acceleration in Anti-rollback
8:15 Antirollback. Multipler % 0.0...2000.0
0-Disabled Soft reset of the current after VFD stopping to avoid collapsing
8:23 Soft Current-down mode
1-Enabled of the synchronous motor coils.
8:24 Soft Current-down. Time us 10...10000 Soft currentdown reset time for Q and D axes
Control / Reference
0-Hz x_x
10:0 Frequency/speed. Units Units selection for a speed measure/reference.
“Motor underspeed.
Frequency/speed Motor frequency/speed reference from the Wi-Fi remote
10:1 Hz x_x.../RPM Frequency”…” Motor overspeed.
reference control or local control panel.
0-Control source №1
10:3 Control source select 1-Control source №2 Selecting the active control source of VFD.
2-Digital input
0-Local panel Selection of control source No.1. Defines the source from
10:4 Control source №1 1-WiFi which the <Start> and <Stop> control commands will be
2-ACS Modbus carried out.
3-Digital inputs
4-ACS Modbus 3
5-ACS Modbus 4
Selection of control source No.2. Defines the source from
10:5 Control source №2 6-ACS Ethernet
which the <Start> and <Stop> commands will be carried out.
8-ACS ProfiBus
9-ACS ProfiNet
0-Reference source №1
10:6 Reference source select 1-Reference source №2 Selecting the active reference source for VFD.
2-Digital input
0-Local panel Selection of the reference source No.1. Defines the source
10:7 Reference source №1
1-WiFi from which the control reference will be carried out.
3-Digital inputs
4-Analog input 1
5-Analog input 2
Selection of the reference source No.2. Defines the source
10:8 Reference source №2 7-Motor potentiometer
from which the control reference will be carried out.
8-Analog input 3
9-Analog input 4
10-Time Relay / Calendar
11-Analog frequency reference
12-Ain ADC8
0-Disabled Digital input assignment for switching control source. At the
10:9 Control source select Din 1-Din 1 state <0> of the digital input, <Control source №1> is selected.
2-Din 2 At the state <1> - <Control source №2>.
3-Din 3
4-Din 4 Digital input assignment for switching reference source. At the
Reference source select
10:10 5-Din 5 state <0> of the digital input, <Reference source №1> is
6-Din 6 selected. At the state <1> - <Reference source №2>.
7-Din 7
VFD start mode selection. <On the signal> - the motor is
0-By signal started by the <Start> command from the active VFD control
10:11 Start mode
1-By supply voltage source. <By supply voltage> - the motor is started when power
is supplied to the VFD input without the <Start> command.
Start delay by supply
10:12 с 5...600 Time delay of the VFD starting after the power supply.
“Motor underspeed.
Frequency/speed Setting the output frequency or motor speed when the ACS
10:13 Hz/RPM Frequency”…” Motor overspeed.
reference ACS control source.
0-Manual Control mode selection of the VFD starting and stopping:
10:14 Control mode
1-Automatic <Manual> or <Auto>.
Selection of the motor rotation direction for 2-wire start/stop
10:15 Start direction priority control in case of simultaneous forward and reverse rotation
0-Local panel
2-ACS Modbus
3-Digital inputs
4-ACS Modbus 3
10:16 Actual control source VFD actual control source
5-ACS Modbus 4
6-ACS Ethernet
8-ACS ProfiBus
9-ACS ProfiNet
0-Local panel
3-Digital inputs
4-Analog input 1
5-Analog input 2
10:17 Actual reference source 6-PID VFD actual reference source
7-Motor potentiometer
8-Analog input 3
9-Analog input 4
10-Time Relay / Calendar
11-Analog frequency reference
12-Ain ADC8
Motor underspeed.
Actual reference
10:18 Hz/RPM Frequency”…” Motor overspeed. Actual reference frequency
Motor potentiometer.
10:31 % 0...100 Preset reference in control mode motor potentiometer, %
0-Reset by stop
Motor potentiometer. Ref
10:32 1-Remember the reference Selecting the motor potentiometer setting mode
2-Start from preset
Motor potentiometer. Up Step of increasing the reference in the motor potentiometer
10:33 % 0...100
step mode
Motor potentiometer. Step of decreasing the reference in the motor potentiometer
10:34 % 0...100
Down step mode
Digital inputs (Din)
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:0 Din1. Function Function assignment to digital input No.1.
11:1 Din1. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.1.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:2 Din1. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.1.
11:3 Din1. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.1
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:4 Din2. Function Function assignment to digital input No.2.
11:5 Din2. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.2.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:6 Din2. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.2.
11:7 Din2. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.2
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:8 Din3. Function Function assignment to digital input No.3.
11:9 Din3. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.3.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:10 Din3. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.3.
11:11 Din3. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.3
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:12 Din4. Function Function assignment to digital input No.4.
11:13 Din4. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.4.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:14 Din4. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.4.
11:15 Din4. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.4
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:16 Din5. Function Function assignment to digital input No.5.
11:17 Din5. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.5.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:18 Din5. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.5.
11:19 Din5. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.5
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:20 Din6. Function Function assignment to digital input No.6.
11:21 Din6. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.6.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:22 Din6. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.6.
11:23 Din6. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.6
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:24 Din7. Function Function assignment to digital input No.7.
11:25 Din7. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.7.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:26 Din7. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.7.
11:27 Din7. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.7
11:28 All Din. State 0x0000...0x00FF State of All discrete input (Hex)
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:29 Din8. Function Function assignment to digital input No.8.
11:30 Din8. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.8.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:31 Din8. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.8.
11:32 Din8. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.8
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:33 Din9. Function Function assignment to digital input No.9.
11:34 Din9. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.9.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:35 Din9. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.9.
11:36 Din9. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.9
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:37 Din10. Function Function assignment to digital input No.10.
11:38 Din10. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.10.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:39 Din10. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.10.
11:40 Din10. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.10
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:41 Din11. Function Function assignment to digital input No.11.
11:42 Din11. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.11.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:43 Din11. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.11.
11:44 Din11. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.11
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:45 Din12. Function Function assignment to digital input No.12.
11:46 Din12. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.12.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:47 Din12. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.12.
11:48 Din12. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.12
List of digital inputs (Din)
11:49 Din13. Function Function assignment to digital input No.13.
11:50 Din13. Logic Logic selection for digital input No.13.
List of digital inputs (Din) filters
11:51 Din13. Filter Filtering (smoothing) time for a signal at digital input No.13.
11:52 Din13. State 0...1 State of discrete input No.13
List of digital inputs (Din) functions
22-Fixed frequency 3
1-Run forward
23-Fixed frequency 4
2-Run forward (rising edge)
24-Change Acc/deccel
3-Run forward (falling edge)
25-External stop
4-Run reverse
26-Contactor feedback
5-Run reverse (rising edge)
27-Brake feedback
6-Run reverse (falling edge)
28-Evacuation mode
7-Stop (pulse rising edge)
29-Select actual U/F
8-Stop (pulse falling edge)
30-Select control 1/2
9-Fault reset
31-Select reference 1/2
10-Start permission
32-User fault 1
11-Start inhibit
33-User fault 2
12-Emergency stop
34-Pump. Sleep mode
35-Pump. Wake up mode
14-Frequency Up
36-Pump. Clean mode
15-Frequency Down
37-Pump. Enable motor 1
16-Frequency Bit 0
38-Pump. Enable motor 2
17-Frequency Bit 1
39-Pump. Enable motor 3
18-Frequency Bit 2
40-Pump. Enable motor 4
19-Frequency Bit 3
41-PID profile. Bit 0
20-Fixed frequency 1
42-PID profile. Bit 1
21-Fixed frequency 2
List of digital inputs (Din) filters time
0-4 ms
7-512 ms
1-8 ms
8-1 s
2-16 ms
9-2 s
3-32 ms
10-4 s
4-64 ms
11-8 s
5-128 ms
12-16 s
6-256 ms
Digital outputs (Dout)
List of digital outputs (Dout)
12:0 Relay 1. Function Function assignment to relay output No.1.
12:1 Relay 1. Logic Logic selection for relay output No.1.
12:3 Relay 1. State 0…1 State of relay No.1
List of digital outputs (Dout)
12:4 Relay 2. Function Function assignment to relay output No.2.
12:5 Relay 2. Logic Logic selection for relay output No.2.
12:7 Relay 2. State 0…1 State of relay No.2
List of digital outputs (Dout)
12:8 Transistor output Function assignment to transistor output.
12:9 Transistor output. Logic Logic selection for transistor output.
12:11 Transistor out. State 0…1 State of transistor output
List of digital outputs (Dout) Function assignment to relay output No.4 (Optional with
12:12 Relay 4. Function
functions EXT24_Din)
12:13 Relay 4. Logic Logic selection for relay output No.4.
12:15 Relay 4. State 0…1 State of relay No.4
List of digital outputs (Dout) Function assignment to relay output No.5 (Optional with
12:16 Relay 5. Function
functions EXT24_Din)
12:17 Relay 5. Logic Logic selection for relay output No.5.
12:19 Relay 5. State 0…1 State of relay No.5
List of digital outputs (Dout) functions
1-Din 1
18-No fault
2-Din 2
19-Mechanical brake
3-Din 3
22-Motor overcurrent
4-Din 4
23-Ain1 fault
5-Din 5
24-Ain2 fault
Digital frequency reference
Mode digital frequency 0-Binary selection
13:0 Selection of the frequency reference mode by digital inputs.
reference 1-Fixed frequencies
This frequency value is set in the VFD by the signal from the
13:3 Fixed frequency 1 digital input <Fixed frequency 1> in the <Fixed frequencies>
This frequency value is set in the VFD by the signal from the
13:4 Fixed frequency 2 digital input <Fixed frequency 2> in the <Fixed frequencies>
“Motor underspeed.
This frequency value is set in the VFD by the signal from the
“Motor overspeed. Frequency”
13:5 Fixed frequency 3 digital input <Fixed frequency 3> in the <Fixed frequencies>
This frequency value is set in the VFD by the signal from the
13:6 Fixed frequency 4 digital input <Fixed frequency 4> in the <Fixed frequencies>
Fixed freq reference 0-on frequency increasing Priority selection of the frequency reference in the <Fixed
priority 1-on frequency decreasing frequencies> mode when several signals are present.
Binary selection.
13:8 Frequency 1 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 1
Binary selection.
13:9 Frequency 2 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 2
“Motor underspeed.
Binary selection.
13:10 Frequency”… Frequency 3 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 3
“Motor overspeed. Frequency”
Binary selection.
13:11 Frequency 4 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 4
Binary selection.
13:12 Frequency 5 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 5
Binary selection.
13:13 Frequency 6 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 6
Binary selection.
13:14 Frequency 7 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 7
Binary selection.
13:15 Frequency 8 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 8
Binary selection.
13:16 Frequency 9 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 9
Binary selection.
13:17 “Motor underspeed. Frequency 10 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 10
Binary selection.
13:18 “Motor overspeed. Frequency” Frequency 11 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 11
Binary selection.
13:19 Frequency 12 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 12
Binary selection.
13:20 Frequency 13 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 13
Binary selection.
13:21 Frequency 14 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 14
Binary selection.
13:22 Frequency 15 for the <Binary selection> mode.
Frequency 15
Inhibit start without VFD starting inhibiting in the absence of the motor speed
13:23 1-Fault
speed reference signals.
Analog inputs (Ain)
0-Mode 0-10 V
14:0 Ain1. Signal type 1-Mode 4-20 mA Signal type assignment for analog input No.1.
2-Mode Pt 1000
Units selection for displaying the signal value at analog input
14:1 Ain1. Units List of Units
1-XX_X Decimal places for displaying the signal value at analog input
14:2 Ain1. Accuracy
2-XX_XX No.1.
14:3 Ain1. Minimum -600…600 Minimum signal value at analog input No.1.
14:4 Ain1. Maximum -600…600 Maximum signal value at analog input No.1.
14:5 Ain1. Filter time ms 0…6000 Filtering (smoothing) time for the signal at analog input No.1.
Signal value at analog input No.1, below which the <Analog
14:6 Ain1. Fault on minimum
“Ain1. Minimum”… input 1 fault> is triggering.
Ain1. Maximum Signal value at analog input No.1, above which the <Analog
14:7 Ain1. Fault on maximum
input 1 fault> is triggering.
Ain1. Control delay on Time delay of control of the 'Analog input 1 fault' after start (to
14:8 s 0…32500
start exclude false triggering).
Time delay in the VFD response to a situation when the signal
14:9 Ain1. Fault delay s 0…32500 value at analog input No.1 is outside the range from <Ain1.
Fault on minimum> to <Ain1. Fault on maximum>.
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case when the signal
14:10 Ain1. Protection value at analog input No.1 is outside the range from <Ain1.
Fault on minimum> to <Ain1. Fault on maximum>.
3-Fixed speed
Frequency value for VFD operating when the signal value at
Ain1. Minimum analog input No.1 is lower than the value of <Ain1. Fault on
14:11 -600...600
frequency minimum> parameter, and if <Fixed frequency> is assigned in
the <Ain1. Protection> parameter.
Frequency value for VFD operating when the signal value at
Ain1. Maximum analog input No.1 is higher than the value of <Ain1. Fault on
14:12 -600...600
frequency maximum> parameter, and if <Fixed frequency> is assigned in
the <Ain1. Protection> parameter.
0-No actions
14:13 Ain1. Calibration 1-Calibrate minimum Calibrating analog input No.1.
2-Calibrate maximum
0- Mode 0-10 V
14:17 Ain2. Signal type 1-Mode 4-20 mA Signal type assignment for analog input No.2.
2-Mode Pt 1000
Units selection for displaying the signal value at analog input
14:18 Ain2. Units List of Units
1-XX_X Decimal places for displaying the signal value at analog input
14:19 Ain2. Accuracy
2-XX_XX No.2.
14:20 Ain2. Minimum -600…600 Minimum signal value at analog input No.2.
14:21 Ain2. Maximum -600…600 Maximum signal value at analog input No.2.
14:22 Ain2. Filter time ms 0…6000 Filtering (smoothing) time for the signal at analog input No.2.
Signal value at analog input No.2, below which the <Analog
14:23 Ain2. Fault on minimum
“Ain2. Minimum”… input 2 fault> is triggering.
“Ain2. Maximum” Signal value at analog input No.2, above which the <Analog
14:24 Ain2. Fault on maximum
input 2 fault> is triggering.
Ain2. Control delay on Time delay of control of the <Analog input 2 fault> after start
14:25 s 0…32500
start (to exclude false triggering).
Time delay in the VFD response to a situation when the signal
14:26 Ain2. Fault delay s 0…32500 value at analog input No.2 is outside the range from <Ain2.
Fault on minimum> to <Ain2. Fault on maximum>.
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case when the signal
14:27 Ain2. Protection value at analog input No.2 is outside the range from <Ain2.
Fault on minimum> to <Ain2. Fault on maximum>.
3-Fixed speed
Frequency value for VFD operating when the signal value at
Ain2. Minimum analog input No.2 is lower than the value of <Ain2. Fault on
14:28 -600...600
frequency minimum> parameter, and if <Fixed frequency> is assigned in
the <Ain2. Protection> parameter.
Frequency value for VFD operating when the signal value at
Ain2. Maximum analog input No.2 is higher than the value of <Ain2. Fault on
14:29 -600...600
frequency maximum> parameter, and if <Fixed frequency> is assigned in
the <Ain2. Protection> parameter.
0-No actions
14:30 Ain2. Calibration 1-Calibrate minimum Calibrating analog input No.2.
2-Calibrate maximum
1-Limit mode Delinearization (distortion) mode of the linear characteristic of
14:34 Ain1. Delinearization
2-Tolerance zone analog input No.1.
3-Zero tolerance zone
Axes X coordinate of point 1 for delinearization of analog input
14:35 Ain1. Axes X point 1 0.0…100
Axes X coordinate of point 2 for delinearization of analog input
14:36 Ain1. Axes X point 2 0.0…100
Axes X coordinate of point 3 for delinearization of analog input
14:37 Ain1. Axes X point 3 0.0…100
Axes Y coordinate of point 1 for delinearization of analog input
14:38 Ain1. Axes Y point 1 % 0.0…100
Axes Y coordinate of point 2 for delinearization of analog input
14:39 Ain1. Axes Y point 2 % 0.0…100
Axes Y coordinate of point 3 for delinearization of analog input
14:40 Ain1. Axes Y point 3 % 0.0…100
1-Limit mode Delinearization (distortion) mode of the linear characteristic of
14:41 Ain2. Delinearization
2-Tolerance zone analog input No.2.
3-Zero tolerance zone
Axes X coordinate of point 1 for delinearization of analog input
14:42 Ain2. Axes X point 1 0.0…100
Axes X coordinate of point 2 for delinearization of analog input
14:43 Ain2. Axes X point 2 0.0…100
Axes X coordinate of point 3 for delinearization of analog input
14:44 Ain2. Axes X point 3 0.0…100
Axes Y coordinate of point 1 for delinearization of analog input
14:45 Ain2. Axes Y point 1 % 0.0…100
Axes Y coordinate of point 2 for delinearization of analog input
14:46 Ain2. Axes Y point 2 % 0.0…100
Axes Y coordinate of point 3 for delinearization of analog input
14:47 Ain2. Axes Y point 3 % 0.0…100
0-Mode 0-10 V
14:48 Ain3. Signal type 1-Mode 4-20 mA Signal type assignment for analog input No.3.
2-Mode Pt 1000
Units selection for displaying the signal value at analog input
14:49 Ain3. Units List of Units
1-XX_X Decimal places for displaying the signal value at analog input
14:50 Ain3. Accuracy
2-XX_XX No.3.
14:51 Ain3. Minimum -600…600 Minimum signal value at analog input No.3.
14:52 Ain3. Maximum -600…600 Maximum signal value at analog input No.3.
14:53 Ain3. Filter time ms 0…6000 Filtering (smoothing) time for the signal at analog input No.3.
Signal value at analog input No.3, below which the <Analog
14:54 Ain3. Fault on minimum
“Ain3. Minimum”… input 3 fault> is triggering.
“Ain3. Maximum” Signal value at analog input No.3, above which the <Analog
14:55 Ain3. Fault on maximum
input 3 fault> is triggering.
Ain3. Control delay on Time delay of control of the <Analog input 3 fault> after start
14:56 s 0…32500
start (to exclude false triggering).
Time delay in the VFD response to a situation when the signal
14:57 Ain3. Fault delay s 0…32500 value at analog input No.3 is outside the range from <Ain3.
Fault on minimum> to <Ain3. Fault on maximum>.
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case when the signal
14:58 Ain3. Protection value at analog input No.3 is outside the range from <Ain3.
Fault on minimum> to <Ain3. Fault on maximum>.
Fixed speed
Frequency value for VFD operating when the signal value at
Ain3. Minimum analog input No.3 is lower than the value of <Ain3. Fault on
14:59 -600...600
frequency minimum> parameter, and if <Fixed frequency> is assigned in
the <Ain3. Protection> parameter.
Frequency value for VFD operating when the signal value at
Ain3. Maximum analog input No.3 is higher than the value of <Ain3. Fault on
14:60 -600...600
frequency maximum> parameter, and if <Fixed frequency> is assigned in
the <Ain3. Protection> parameter.
0-No actions
14:61 Ain3. Calibration 1-Calibrate minimum Calibrating analog input No.3.
2-Calibrate maximum
14:62 Ain 3. Actual value 0…0 Actual value at the analog input No.3
0-Mode 0-10 V
14:65 Ain4. Signal type 1-Mode 4-20 mA Signal type assignment for analog input No.4.
2-Mode Pt 1000
Units selection for displaying the signal value at analog input
14:66 Ain4. Units List of Units
1-XX_X Decimal places for displaying the signal value at analog input
14:67 Ain4. Accuracy
2-XX_XX No.4.
14:68 Ain4. Minimum -600…600 Minimum signal value at analog input No.4.
14:69 Ain4. Maximum -600…600 Maximum signal value at analog input No.4.
14:70 Ain4. Filter time ms 0…6000 Filtering (smoothing) time for the signal at analog input No.4.
Signal value at analog input No.4, below which the <Analog
14:71 Ain4. Fault on minimum
“Ain4. Minimum”… input 4 fault> is triggering.
“Ain4. Maximum” Signal value at analog input No.4, above which the <Analog
14:72 Ain4. Fault on maximum
input 4 fault> is triggering.
Ain4. Control delay on Time delay of control of the <Analog input 4 fault> after start
14:73 s 0…32500
start (to exclude false triggering).
Time delay in the VFD response to a situation when the signal
14:74 Ain4. Fault delay s 0…32500 value at analog input No.4 is outside the range from <Ain4.
Fault on minimum> to <Ain4. Fault on maximum>.
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case when the signal
14:75 Ain4. Protection value at analog input No.4 is outside the range from <Ain4.
Fault on minimum> to <Ain4. Fault on maximum>.
3-Fixed speed
Frequency value for VFD operating when the signal value at
Ain4. Minimum 0…“Motor underspeed. analog input No.4 is lower than the value of <Ain4. Fault on
frequency Frequency” minimum> parameter, and if <Fixed frequency> is assigned in
the <Ain4. Protection> parameter.
Frequency value for VFD operating when the signal value at
Ain4. Maximum 0…“Motor underspeed. analog input No.4 is higher than the value of <Ain4. Fault on
frequency Frequency” maximum> parameter, and if <Fixed frequency> is assigned in
the <Ain4. Protection> parameter.
0-No actions
14:78 Ain4. Calibration 1-Calibrate minimum Calibrating analog input No.4.
2-Calibrate maximum
14:79 Ain 4. Actual value 0…0 Actual value at the analog input No.4
1-Limit mode Delinearization (distortion) mode of the linear characteristic of
14:82 Ain3. Delinearization
2-Tolerance zone analog input No.3.
3-Zero tolerance zone
Axes X coordinate of point 1 for delinearization of analog input
14:83 Ain3. Axes X point 1 0.0…100.0
Axes X coordinate of point 2 for delinearization of analog input
14:84 Ain3. Axes X point 2 0.0…100.0
Axes X coordinate of point 3 for delinearization of analog input
14:85 Ain3. Axes X point 3 0.0…100.0
Axes Y coordinate of point 1 for delinearization of analog input
14:86 Ain3. Axes Y point 1 0.0…100.0
Axes Y coordinate of point 2 for delinearization of analog input
14:87 Ain3. Axes Y point 2 0.0…100.0
Axes Y coordinate of point 3 for delinearization of analog input
14:88 Ain3. Axes Y point 3 0.0…100.0
Delinearization (distortion) mode of the linear characteristic of
14:89 Ain4. Delinearization 1-Limit mode
analog input No.4.
2-Tolerance zone
3-Zero tolerance zone
Axes X coordinate of point 1 for delinearization of analog input
14:90 Ain4. Axes X point 1 0.0…100.0
Axes X coordinate of point 2 for delinearization of analog input
14:91 Ain4. Axes X point 2 0.0…100.0
Axes X coordinate of point 3 for delinearization of analog input
14:92 Ain4. Axes X point 3 0.0…100.0
Axes Y coordinate of point 1 for delinearization of analog input
14:93 Ain4. Axes Y point 1 % 0.0…100.0
Axes Y coordinate of point 2 for delinearization of analog input
14:94 Ain4. Axes Y point 2 % 0.0…100.0
Axes Y coordinate of point 3 for delinearization of analog input
14:95 Ain4. Axes Y point 3 % 0.0…100.0
14:96 Ain1. Status Current state of analog input 1
14:97 Ain2. Status Current state of analog input 2
14:98 Ain3. Status Current state of analog input 3
2-Short circuit
14:99 Ain4. Status Current state of analog input 4
List of Units
0- 18-mH 36-atm 54-rad
1-mV 19-us 37-l 55-rad/s
2-V 20-ms 38-g 56-rad/s2
3-kV 21-s 39-Hz/s 57-kg/m2
4-mA 22-min 40-V/s 58-m/s
5-A 23-h 41-%/s 59-N*m
6-kA 24-mm 42-km 60-deg
7-Hz 25-cm 43-m/s2 61-H
8-kHz 26-dm 44-kPa 62-1/s
9-kVAr 27-m 45-MPa 63-kg
10-kVA 28-RPM 46-kg/cm2 64-mm2
11-W 29-°C 47-psi 65-kg/m3
12-kW 30-% 48-°F 66-bar
13-mOhm 31-m2 49-m3/s 67-Wb
14-Ohm 32-m3 50-kWh 68-bit
15-kOhm 33-m2/min 51-MWh 69-pu
16-MOhm 34-m3/h 52-V/km 70-mJ
17-uH 35-opis 53-MVArh 71-Ohm/km
Analog outputs (Aout)
List of analog outputs (Aout)
15:0 Aout1. Function Parameter assignment to analog output No.1.
0-Mode 0-10 V
15:1 Aout1. Signal type Signal type assignment for analog output No.1.
1-Mode 4-20 mA
0-Unipolar Operating mode selection of analog output No.1 taking into
15:2 Aout1. Polarity
1-Bipolar account parameter polarity.
Parameter minimum value by analog output No.1. It is used to
15:3 Aout1. Minimum % 0…100
scale for increased accuracy in the required range.
Parameter maximum value by analog output No.1. It is used to
15:4 Aout1. Maximum % 0…100
scale for increased accuracy in the required range.
0-No actions
15:5 Aout1. Calibration 2-Calibrate minimum Calibrating analog output No.1.
3-Calibrate maximum
4-Set default calibration
Test value reference of the signal to analog output No.1.
15:6 Aout1. Test V 0.00…50.00
Active for <Test> value in the <Aout1. Calibration> parameter.
15:7 Aout 1. Actual value 0…0 Actual value at the analog output No.1
List of analog outputs (Aout)
15:8 Aout2. Function Parameter assignment to analog output No.2.
0-Mode 0-10 V
15:9 Aout2. Signal type Signal type assignment for analog output No.2.
1-Mode 4-20 mA
0-Unipolar Operating mode selection of analog output No.2 taking into
15:10 Aout2. Polarity
1-Bipolar account parameter polarity.
Parameter minimum value by analog output No.2. It is used to
15:11 Aout2. Minimum % 0…100
scale for increased accuracy in the required range.
Parameter maximum value by analog output No.2. It is used to
15:12 Aout2. Maximum % 0…100
scale for increased accuracy in the required range.
0-No actions
15:13 Aout2. Calibration 2-Calibrate minimum Calibrating analog output No.2.
3-Calibrate maximum
4-Set default calibration
Test value reference of the signal to analog output No.2.
15:14 Aout2. Test V 0.00…50.00
Active for <Test> value in the <Aout2. Calibration> parameter.
15:15 Aout 2. Actual value 0…0 Actual value at the analog output No.2
List of analog outputs (Aout)
15:16 Aout3. Function Parameter assignment to analog output No.3.
0-Mode 0-10 V
15:17 Aout3. Signal type Signal type assignment for analog output No.3.
1-Mode 4-20 mA
0-Unipolar Operating mode selection of analog output No.3 taking into
15:18 Aout3. Polarity
1-Bipolar account parameter polarity.
Parameter minimum value by analog output No.3. It is used to
15:19 Aout3. Minimum % 0…100
scale for increased accuracy in the required range.
Parameter maximum value by analog output No.3. It is used to
15:20 Aout3. Maximum % 0…100
scale for increased accuracy in the required range.
0-No actions
15:21 Aout3. Calibration 2-Calibrate minimum Calibrating analog output No.3.
3-Calibrate maximum
4-Set default calibration
Test value reference of the signal to analog output No.3.
15:22 Aout3. Test V 0.00…50.00
Active for <Test> value in the <Aout3. Calibration> parameter.
15:23 Aout 3. Actual value 0…0 Actual value at the analog output No.3
List of analog outputs (Aout)
15:24 Aout4. Function Parameter assignment to analog output No.4.
0-Mode 0-10 V
15:25 Aout4. Signal type Signal type assignment for analog output No.4.
1-Mode 4-20 mA
0-Unipolar Operating mode selection of analog output No.4 taking into
15:26 Aout4. Polarity
1-Bipolar account parameter polarity.
Parameter minimum value by analog output No.4. It is used to
15:27 Aout4. Minimum % 0…100
scale for increased accuracy in the required range.
Parameter maximum value by analog output No.4. It is used to
15:28 Aout4. Maximum % 0…100
scale for increased accuracy in the required range.
0-No actions
15:29 Aout4. Calibration 2-Calibrate minimum Calibrating analog output No.4.
3-Calibrate maximum
4-Set default calibration
Test value reference of the signal to analog output No.4.
15:30 Aout4. Test V 0.00…50.00
Active for <Test> value in the <Aout4. Calibration> parameter.
15:31 Aout 4. Actual value 0…0 Actual value at the analog output No.4
List of analog outputs (Aout) functions
0-Not select
11-Cos Ф
1-Frequency reference
12-Motor current
2-PID reference
13-Output voltage
3-PID feedback
14-DC Voltage
4-PID Error
15-Torque reference
5-Output frequency
16-Actual torque
6-Motor rotor speed
17-Analog input 3
7-Analog input 1
18-Analog input 4
8-Analog input 2
19-IGBT Fan reference
9-Active power
20-Board Fan reference
10-Reactive power
Timing relay / Calendar
Selecting the operating mode of the time relay. Providing
1-Day mode
19:0 Timing relay. Mode automatic starts / stops according to a given schedule and the
2-Week mode
formation of a frequency reference or PID reference.
0-No action
Timing relay. Reset
19:1 1-Reset settings day mode Reset the current settings of the time relay.
2-Reset settings week mode
0-Actual reference
Timing relay. Reference Selection of current reference type: Current reference, PID
19:2 1-PID reference
mode reference, Frequency reference.
2-Frequency reference
19:3 Daily mode. Time ON 1 0:00…23:59 Daily mode of operation. Interval ON time 1
19:4 Daily mode. Time OFF 1 0:00…23:59 Daily mode of operation. Interval OFF time 1
19:5 Daily mode. Reference 1 Setpoint value for time interval 1 of the daily relay.
19:6 Daily mode. Time ON 2 0:00…23:59 Daily mode of operation. Interval ON time 2
19:7 Daily mode. Time OFF 2 0:00…23:59 Daily mode of operation. Interval OFF time 2
19:8 Daily mode. Reference 2 MINIMUM...REFERENCE Setpoint value for time interval 2 of the daily relay.
19:9 Daily mode. Time ON 3 0:00…23:59 Daily mode of operation. Interval ON time 3
19:10 Daily mode. Time OFF 3 0:00…23:59 Daily mode of operation. Interval OFF time 3
19:11 Daily mode. Reference 3 MINIMUM...REFERENCE Setpoint value for time interval 3 of the daily relay.
19:12 Daily mode. Time ON 4 0:00…23:59 Daily mode of operation. Interval ON time 4
19:13 Daily mode. Time OFF 4 0:00…23:59 Daily mode of operation. Interval OFF time 4
19:14 Daily mode. Reference 4 MINIMUM...REFERENCE Setpoint value for time interval 4 of the daily relay.
19:15 Daily mode. Time ON 5 0:00…23:59 Daily mode of operation. Interval ON time 5
19:16 Daily mode. Time OFF 5 0:00…23:59 Daily mode of operation. Interval OFF time 5
19:17 Daily mode. Reference 5 MINIMUM...REFERENCE Setpoint value for time interval 5 of the daily relay.
19:18 Sunday. Time ON 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Sunday. Turn-on time.
19:19 Sunday. Time OFF 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Sunday. Turn-off time.
19:20 Sunday. Reference MINIMUM...REFERENCE Setpoint value for Sunday, weekly timer mode.
19:21 Monday. Time ON 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Monday. Turn-on time.
19:22 Monday. Time OFF 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Monday. Turn-off time.
19:23 Monday. Reference MINIMUM...REFERENCE Setpoint value for Monday, weekly timer mode.
19:24 Tuesday. Time ON 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Tuesday. Turn-on time.
19:25 Tuesday. Time OFF 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Tuesday. Turn-off time.
19:26 Tuesday. Reference MINIMUM...REFERENCE Setpoint value for Tuesday, weekly timer mode.
19:27 Wednesday. Time ON 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Wednesday. Turn-on time.
19:28 Wednesday. Time OFF 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Wednesday. Turn-off time.
19:29 Wednesday. Reference MINIMUM...REFERENCE Setpoint value for Wednesday, weekly timer mode.
19:30 Thursday. Time ON 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Thursday. Turn-on time.
19:31 Thursday. Time OFF 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Thursday. Turn-off time.
19:32 Thursday. Reference MINIMUM...REFERENCE Setpoint value for Thursday, weekly timer mode.
19:33 Friday. Time ON 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Friday. Turn-on time.
19:34 Friday. Time OFF 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Friday. Turn-off time.
19:35 Friday. Reference MINIMUM...REFERENCE Setpoint value for Friday, weekly timer mode.
19:36 Saturday. Time ON 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Saturday. Turn-on time.
19:37 Saturday. Time OFF 0:00…23:59 Weekly mode. Saturday. Turn-off time.
19:38 Saturday. Reference MINIMUM...REFERENCE Setpoint value for Saturday, weekly timer mode.
0-Wait next event Select the action of the Calendar when power is applied to the
19:53 Calendar. Startup action
1-Restore previous event VFD.
0-Up to 3 hours ago
1-Up to 6 hours ago
Calendar. Startup 2-Up to 12 hours ago Selection of the Calendar data recovery depth when power is
recovery depth 3-Up to 24 hours ago applied to the VFD.
4-Up to 48 hours ago
5-Up to 96 hours ago
19:55 Calendar. Startup delay s 5…600 Delay of the start of the Calendar after power-up
0-Continue with warning
Select the behavior of the VFD when the data in the calendar
19:56 Calendar. End of data 1-Emergency stop with warning
PID controller
0-Analog input 1
1-Analog input 2
20:0 PID. Reference source 3-Motor potentiometer Selection of the reference source for the PID controller.
4-Analog input 3
5-Analog input 4
6-Time Relay / Calendar
Parameter reference to the PID controller input from the
20:2 PID. Reference MIN_PID …MAX_PID
control panel.
0-Not used
1-Analog input 1
PID. Feedback 1 source
20:3 2-Analog input 2 Source No.1 of the feedback signal for the PID controller.
3-Analog input 3
4-Analog input 4
0-Not used
1-Analog input 1
PID. Feedback 2 source
20:4 2-Analog input 2 Source No.2 of the feedback signal for the PID controller.
3-Analog input 3
4-Analog input 4
2-Fb1 + Fb2
PID. Feedback (Fb) Source selection of feedback signal for the PID controller:
20:5 3-Fb1 - Fb2
select source No.1, source No.2, or the combination of two sources.
4-Average Fb1 and Fb2
5-The smallest Fb1 or Fb2
6-The largest Fb1 or Fb2
“PID. Minimum frequency”…
20:6 PID. Maximum frequency Hz/RPM Minimum output frequency when PID controller is activated.
“Motor overspeed. Frequency”
“Motor underspeed. Frequency”
20:7 PID. Minimum frequency Hz/RPM Maximum output frequency when PID controller is activated.
…”PID. Maximum frequency”
VFD response selection to deviation at the PID controller
0-Direct output. Direct - the motor speed increases with a positive
20:8 PID. Characteristic
1-Inverse error. Inverse - the motor speed decreases with a positive
20:10 PID. Proportional gain 0.01…655.35 PID controller proportional gain.
20:11 PID. Integral gain 0.01…655.35 PID controller integral gain.
20:12 PID. Derivative gain 0.00…655.35 PID controller derivative gain.
PID. Derivative gain PID controller derivative gain weakening. It is used to stabilize
20:13 1…100
weakening regulation with a derivative gain.
20:14 PID. Fb1 signal adding % 0…100 Adding to Feedback No.1 signal for PID controller.
20:15 PID. Fb2 signal adding % 0…100 Adding to Feedback No.2 signal for PID controller.
Selecting the accuracy for displaying the technological
20:16 PID. Output speed limit 0…30720
parameter (the number of decimal places)
PID. Max reference 0… 2x ”Motor overspeed.
20:17 Rise time for the PID controller gains to the set values.
acceleration Frequency”
1-Manual selection of Selection of the current PID profile. Available with PID
20:18 PID. Profile mode
add.profile reference channel.
2-Selecting an add.profile by Din
0-Basic PID profile
1-PID profile 1
20:20 PID. Actual PID profile Actual PID profile
2-PID profile 2
3-PID profile 3
PID. Actual reference in
20:21 % Display active PID profile.
20:22 PID. Actual reference Actual PID reference value
20:23 PID. Actual error % Actual PID error
“Motor overspeed.
Setting the value of the technological parameter to the input of
20:24 PID 1. Reference Frequency”…”
the PID controller of the profile PID 1.
PID. Maximum frequency”
20:26 PID 1. Proportional gain 0.01…655.35 PID controller proportional gain.
20:27 PID 1. Integral gain 0.01…655.35 PID controller integral gain.
20:28 PID 1. Derivative gain 0.00…655.35 PID controller derivative gain.
PID 1. Derivative gain PID controller derivative gain weakening. It is used to stabilize
20:29 1…100
weakening regulation with a derivative gain.
“Motor overspeed.
Setting the value of the technological parameter to the input of
20:30 PID 2. Reference Frequency”…”
the PID controller of the profile PID 2.
PID. Maximum frequency”
20:32 PID 2. Proportional gain 0.01…655.35 PID controller proportional gain.
20:33 PID 2. Integral gain 0.01…655.35 PID controller integral gain.
20:34 PID 2. Derivative gain 0.00…655.35 PID controller derivative gain.
PID 2. Derivative gain PID controller derivative gain weakening. It is used to stabilize
20:35 1…100
weakening regulation with a derivative gain.
“Motor overspeed.
Setting the value of the technological parameter to the input of
20:36 PID 3. Reference Frequency”…”
the PID controller of the profile PID 3.
PID. Maximum frequency”
20:38 PID 3. Proportional gain 0.01…655.35 PID controller proportional gain.
20:39 PID 3. Integral gain 0.01…655.35 PID controller integral gain.
20:40 PID 3. Derivative gain 0.00…655.35 PID controller derivative gain.
PID 3. Derivative gain PID controller derivative gain weakening. It is used to stabilize
20:41 1…100
weakening regulation with a derivative gain.
0-Disabled Activation of the auto-tuning mode of the PID process
20:42 PID. Autotuning
1-Enabled controller.
Critical speeds
21:0 Critical speed function 1-Enabled Activation of the critical speeds/frequencies control function.
Acceleration time for a section of critical speeds/frequencies.
21:1 Fast acceleration time 0.1…4000.0 Acceleration time from zero to the frequency specified in the
<Maximum frequency> parameter.
Deceleration time for a section of critical speeds/frequencies.
21:2 Fast deceleration time 0.0…4000.0 Deceleration time from the frequency specified in the
<Maximum frequency> parameter to zero.
21:3 Critical speed 1 low Hz/RPM Low limit of critical speed/frequency range No.1.
21:4 Critical speed 1 high Hz/RPM High limit of critical speed/frequency range No.1.
21:5 Critical speed 2 low Hz/RPM Low limit of critical speed/frequency range No.2.
21:6 Critical speed 2 high Hz/RPM High limit of critical speed/frequency range No.2.
21:7 Critical speed 3 low Hz/RPM Motor underspeed. Frequency” Low limit of critical speed/frequency range No.3.
21:8 Critical speed 3 high Hz/RPM …” Motor overspeed. Frequency” High limit of critical speed/frequency range No.3.
21:9 Critical speed 4 low Hz/RPM Low limit of critical speed/frequency range No.4.
21:10 Critical speed 4 high Hz/RPM High limit of critical speed/frequency range No.4.
21:11 Critical speed 5 low Hz/RPM Low limit of critical speed/frequency range No.5.
21:12 Critical speed 5 high Hz/RPM High limit of critical speed/frequency range No.5.
Auto restart settings
All faults. AR activity Time during which the automatic restart function is active for
22:1 min 0…65535
time all faults.
Time delay between the fault triggering and VFD automatic
22:2 All faults. Delay time s 0…32500
restart for all faults allowed by the manufacturer.
The number of attempts to VFD automatic restart for all faults
22:3 All faults. Trials 1…100
allowed by the manufacturer.
0-Disabled Activation of the function of the VFD automatic restart for
22:4 Motor overload. Reaction
1-Enabled <Motor overload> fault.
Motor overload. Delay Time delay between the <Motor overload> fault triggering and
22:5 s 0…32500
time VFD automatic restart.
The number of attempts to VFD automatic restart for <Motor
22:6 Motor overload. Trials 1…100
overload> fault.
Motor underload. 0-Disabled Activation of the function of the VFD automatic restart for
Reaction 1-Enabled <Motor underload> fault.
Motor underload. Delay Time delay between the <Motor underload> fault triggering
22:8 s 0…32500
time and VFD automatic restart.
The number of attempts to VFD automatic restart for <Motor
22:9 Motor underload. Trials 1…100
underload> fault.
Motor underspeed. 0-Disabled Activation of the function of the VFD automatic restart for
Reaction 1-Enabled <Motor underspeed> fault.
Minimum frequency. Time delay between the <Motor underspeed> fault triggering
22:11 s 0…32500
Delay time and VFD automatic restart.
Minimum frequency. The number of attempts to VFD automatic restart for <Motor
22:12 1…100
Trials underspeed> fault.
Motor overspeed. 0-Disabled Activation of the function of the VFD automatic restart for
Reaction 1-Enabled <Motor overspeed> fault.
Maximum frequency. Time delay between the <Motor overspeed> fault triggering
22:14 s 0…32500
Delay time and VFD automatic restart.
Maximum frequency. The number of attempts to VFD automatic restart for <Motor
22:15 1…100
Trials overspeed> fault.
0-Disabled Activation of the function of the VFD automatic restart for
22:16 Analog input 1. Reaction
1-Enabled <Analog input 1 fault>.
Analog input 1. Delay Time delay between the <Analog input 1 fault> triggering and
22:17 s 0…32500
time VFD automatic restart.
The number of attempts to VFD automatic restart for <Analog
22:18 Analog input 1. Trials 1…1000
input 1 fault>.
0-Disabled Activation of the function of the VFD automatic restart for
22:19 Analog input 2. Reaction
1-Enabled <Analog input 2 fault>.
Analog input 2. Delay Time delay between the <Analog input 2 fault> triggering and
22:20 s 0…32500
time VFD automatic restart.
The number of attempts to VFD automatic restart for <Analog
22:21 Analog input 2. Trials 1…1000
input 2 fault>.
0-Disabled Activation of the function of the VFD automatic restart for
22:22 Mains loss. Reaction
1-Enabled <Mains loss>.
Time delay between the <Mains loss> fault triggering and VFD
22:23 Mains loss. Delay time s 0…3600
automatic restart.
The number of attempts to VFD automatic restart for <Mains
22:24 Mains loss. Trials 1…100
loss> fault.
Auto restart counter 0-No action Resetting the value of the <Auto restart counter> parameter.
reset 1-Reset After a reset, the counter is set to <0>.
Auto restart. The time delay before starting the automatic restart time
22:26 s 0…32500
Normalization time countdown after the fault disappears.
Time to auto restart.
22:28 0…0 Remaining time to the VFD automatic restart.
Time to auto restart.
22:29 0…0 Remaining time to the VFD automatic restart.
0-Disabled Activation of the function of the VFD automatic restart for
22:30 Analog input 3. Reaction
1-Enabled <Analog input 3 fault>.
Analog input 3. Delay Time delay between the <Analog input 3 fault> triggering and
22:31 s 0…32500
time VFD automatic restart.
The number of attempts to VFD automatic restart for <Analog
22:32 Analog input 3. Trials 1…1000
input 3 fault>.
0-Disabled Activation of the function of the VFD automatic restart for
22:33 Analog input 4. Reaction
1-Enabled <Analog input 4 fault>.
Analog input 4. Delay Time delay between the <Analog input 4 fault> triggering and
22:34 s 0…32500
time VFD automatic restart.
The number of attempts to VFD automatic restart for <Analog
22:35 Analog input 4. Trials 1…1000
input 4 fault>.
Connection settings
VFD address in the network for Modbus RTU communication
23:00 Modbus. Net address 1…247
23:01 Modbus. Baudrate 6-57600 Baudrate for Modbus RTU communication protocol
Modbus. Communication 0-Disabled
23:02 VFD response selection to the Communication loss with ACS.
loss 1-Enabled
Time delay between fixing the absence of communication with
Modbus. Communication
23:03 s 0…1800 the ACS and the formation of the alarm <Error of exchange
loss time
with ACS>
Modbus communication channel operating mode (Modbus
23:04 Modbus. Mode 2-Master
ACS, master, slave, expansion units)
3-Extension blocks
4-AR communication
Wi-Fi. Communication 0-Disabled
23:07 VFD response selection to the Communication loss with Wi-Fi.
loss 1-Enabled
Time delay between fixing the absence of communication with
Wi-Fi. Communication
23:08 s 0…1800 the Wi-Fi and the formation of the alarm <Error of exchange
loss time
with Wi-Fi>
23:10 Wi-Fi. Total connections The maximum number of Wi-Fi connections allowed.
Local panel address in the network for Modbus RTU
23:12 Local panel. Net address 1…247
communication protocol.
23:13 Local panel. Baudrate 6-57600 Baud rate for local panel communication protocol
Local panel. 0-Disabled
23:14 Communication control via the local panel interface
Communication loss 1-Enabled
Local panel. Comm. loss Communication timeout via the interface of the local panel,
23:15 s 0…1800
time sec
VFD address in the network for Modbus RTU communication
23:16 Modbus 3. Net address 1…247
protocol. Additional channel 1, external block ExtRS2.
Baud rate for Modbus RTU communication protocol.
23:17 Modbus 3. Baudrate 6-57600
Additional channel 3, external block ExtRS2.
Modbus 3. 0-Disabled VFD response selection to the Communication loss with ACS.
Communication loss 1-Enabled Additional channel 3, external block ExtRS2.
Time delay between fixing the absence of communication with
Modbus 3. Communic.
23:19 s 0…1800 the ACS and the formation of the alarm <Error of exchange
loss time
with ACS>. Additional channel 3, external block ExtRS2.
23:20 Modbus 3. Mode 2-Master Modbus Additional channel 3 mode (external block ExtRS2)
3-Extension blocks
4-AR communication
VFD address in the network for Modbus RTU communication
23:21 Modbus 4. Net address 1…247
protocol. Additional channel 4, external block ExtRS2.
Baud rate for Modbus RTU communication protocol.
23:22 Modbus 4. Baudrate 6-57600
Additional channel 4, external block ExtRS2.
Modbus 4. 0-Disabled VFD response selection to the Communication loss with ACS.
Communication loss 1-Enabled Additional channel 4, external block ExtRS2.
Time delay between fixing the absence of communication with
Modbus 4. Communic.
23:24 s 0…1800 the ACS and the formation of the alarm <Error of exchange
loss time
with ACS>. Additional channel 4, external block ExtRS2.
23:25 Modbus 4. Mode 2-Master Modbus Additional channel 4 mode (external block ExtRS2)
3-Extension blocks
4-AR communication
23:30 Ethernet. IP address… VFD IP address
23:32 Ethernet. Subnet mask… VFD IP subnet mask
23:34 Ethernet. MAC 1 0x0000…0xFFFF VFD MAC address. Part 1
23:35 Ethernet. MAC 2 0x0000…0xFFFF VFD MAC address. Part 2
23:36 Ethernet. MAC 3 0x0000…0xFFFF VFD MAC address. Part 3
23:37 Ethernet. Port 0…65535 IP connection port
23:38 Ethernet. Keep Idle time 0…65535 Keep idle time
23:39 Ethernet. Keep interval 0…65535 Keep interval time
23:40 Ethernet. Keep count 0…65535 Keep count value
Ethernet. Disabled VFD response selection to the Communication loss with
Communication loss Enabled Ethernet ACS
Time delay between fixing the absence of communication with
Ethernet. Communic.
23:42 s 0…1800 the Ethernet and the formation of the alarm <Error of Ethernet
loss time
23:45 CAN. ID Node 1…127 Device address in the CAN network
0-10 kbit/s
1-20 kbit/s
2-50 kbit/s
3-125 kbit/s
23:46 CAN. Baudrate Data transfer rate via CAN communication protocol
4-250 kbit/s
5-500 kbit/s
6-800 kbit/s
7-1000 kbit/s
HeartBeat sending period. When set to 0, the signal is
23:47 CAN. HeartBeat period us 0…30000
CAN. Communication 0-Disabled
23:49 Communication monitoring via CAN remote control interface
loss 1-Enabled
Time delay between recording the absence of communication
CAN. Communication
23:50 s 0…1800 exchange in the CAN channel and generating the <CAN
loss time
exchange error> alarm.
VFD parameters
24:0 VFD Function 0-Basic VFD Function
24:3 VFD nominal current А 1.0...3200.0 Rated current of the VFD
Rated voltage of the VFD. It is set in accordance with the
24:4 VFD nominal voltage V 100…480
current value of the input voltage of the consumer.
24:5 VFD nominal power kW 0.1...3000.0 Rated power of the VFD
Inverter switching frequency. Changing the switching
24:6 PWM frequency kHz 1.0…10.0 frequency reduces the motor acoustic noise. The default value
depends on the model and power of the VFD.
0-Space vector PWM
24:7 PWM generator 1-Triol DPWM 60 PWM generator mode
2-Mixed mode
Fault reset
26:0 Fault reset
1-All faults
26:1 Autoreset selection Resetting the triggering actual fault.
2-From the list
3-Out of the list
Configuring the automatic alarm reset logic: <Disabled>-
alarms reset using the <Alarm reset> parameter. <All alarms> -
26:2 Fault №1
automatic reset. <Alarms from the list> - autoreset from the
list. <Alarms outside the list> - autoreset outside the list.
26:3 Fault №2 Fault in the list No.1
26:4 Fault №3 Fault in the list No.2
26:5 Fault №4 Fault in the list No.3
26:6 Fault №5 Fault in the list No.4
26:7 Fault №6 Fault in the list No.5
26:8 Fault №7 Fault in the list No.6
26:9 Fault №8 Fault in the list No.7
26:10 Fault №9 Fault list Fault in the list No.8
26:11 Fault №10 Fault in the list No.9
26:12 Fault №11 Fault in the list No.10
26:13 Fault №12 Fault in the list No.11
26:14 Fault №13 Fault in the list No.12
26:15 Fault №14 Fault in the list No.13
26:16 Fault №15 Fault in the list No.14
26:17 Fault №16 Fault in the list No.15
26:18 Fault №17 Fault in the list No.16
26:19 Fault №18 Fault in the list No.17
26:20 Fault №19 Fault in the list No.18
26:21 Fault №20 Fault in the list No.19
Fault list
0-No active fault 64-Autoventil fault
1-IGBT failure. Phase U 65-Autoventil. No active motor
2-IGBT failure. Phase V 66-Slave VFD not set
3-IGBT failure. Phase W 67-Slave VFD. Message fault
4-Braking chopper failure 68-Slave VFD. Start fault
5-Overcurrent protection 69-Main contactor feedback fault
6-Earth fault 70-Autoventil. Reverse fault
7-Current sensor fault 71-No Wi-Fi connection
8-Current cutoff. Phase U 72-Slave VFD. Speed fault
9-Current cutoff. Phase V 73-Brake resistor test disabled
10-Current cutoff. Phase W 74-Discrete start. Bidirection!
11-DC bus undervoltage 75-PWM Off when brake is removed
12-DC bus overvoltage 76-Prohibit starting without speed
13-External stop 77-Motor identification incomplete
14-IGBT overheating 78-Modbus 3 fault (ExtRS2)
15-Mains overvoltage 79-Modbus 4 fault (ExtRS2)
16-Mains undervoltage 80-Encoder R signal not found
17-Motor phase loss 81-Encoder speed phasing fault
18-Reserved 3 82-Encoder phasing interrupted
19-Reserved 4 83-Lift cabin fixing fault
20-Braking resistor loss 84-User fault 1
21-Reserved 6 85-User fault 2
22-Motor data identification fail 86-Pipe leak detected
23-Motor identification. Phase loss 87-Pump cleaning requests exceeded
31-Calibration placement error 88-Pump power measurment stopped
32-Emergency stop pushbutton 89-No flow detected
33-Input phase loss 90-Pump dry run detected
34-Contactor fault 91-Motor/Encoder parameters fault
35-Braking resistor overheating 92-Ethernet connection fault
36-Mains phase wrong sequence 93-AV. No available motors
37-DC bus is not charged 94-AV. Reverse prohibited
38-Motor overload 95-AV. Fault at work
39-Analog input 1 fault 96-Lead motor disabled
40-Analog input 2 fault 97-Start without lead motor
41-Analog input 3 fault 98-Calendar missing or damaged
42-Analog input 4 fault 99-Calendar. Activate auto mode!
43-Analog input 5 fault 100-Calendar. End of data
44-Motor overspeed 101-Calendar. Invalid CRC file
45-Motor underspeed 102-Emergency stop must be assigned!
46-Motor phase loss 116-CAN connection fault
47-Mains voltage unbalance 117-No CD signal in autotune mode
48-Start inhibited 118-No encoder CD signal
49-Motor overheating 119-No AB signal in autotune mode
50-Modbus fault 120-No encoder AB signal
51-Mains overvoltage 121-Brake encoder signal
52-Heatsink overheating 122-No R signal in autotune mode
53-Mains not connected 123-No encoder R signal
54-Brake feedback fault 124-Bad R signal phase shift
55-Critical speed fault 125-Analog signal is too noise
56-Motor underload 126-Break Endat connection
57-Short circuit on DC-link charge 127-Endat communication CRC error
58-Magnetized fault
59-No flow
60-Dry run
61-Slave VFD no answer
62-Motor current unbalance
63-Slave VFD fault
Mechanical brake
28:0 Brake release frequency Hz/RPM 0...600 VFD output frequency releasing the mechanical brake
28:1 Brake engage frequency Hz/RPM 0...600 VFD output frequency engaging the mechanical brake
VFD output current in % of the parameter <Motor nominal
28:2 Brake release current % 0.0...100.0 current>, upon reaching which, the mechanical brake is
28:3 Brake release delay s 0.00...10.00 Mechanical brake release time delay
28:4 Brake engage time s 0.00...10.00 Mechanical brake engage time delay
Mechanical brake 0-Work without Brake Feedback Activation of checking the presence of mechanical brake
feedback 1-Work with Brake Feedback feedback on the selected discrete input of the VFD.
Mechanical brake
28:6 s 0.00...10.00 Mechanical brake feedback control time delay.
feedback time
Fault log
30:2 Fault number in log 1...32 Fault name causing last emergency stop.
No Action
30:30 Reset fault log Reset fault log
Warning log
31:3 Next warning Manual scrolling mode
1-Next block
31:4 Warning. Rotation time s 1...30 Time of automatic scrolling of warnings
Warning’s list
0-No warning 49-AB. Motor commutation
1-Autorestart timeout 50-Overload multimotor system
2-Prohibit starting without speed 51-Standby multimotor system
3-Prohibit start without permis 52-Lead motor disabled
4-Powerup Start activated 53-Attention! Early awakening
5-Motor underload 54-Motor 1 runtime exceeded
6-Motor overload 55-Motor 2 runtime exceeded
7-Encoder phasing complete 56-Motor 3 runtime exceeded
8-Current unbalance 57-Motor 4 runtime exceeded
9-Adaptive PWM mode activated 58-VFD motor runtime exceeded
10-PMSM FOC need absolute encoder 59-Basic PID profile activated
11-Simulation in VFD 60-PID profile 1 activated
12-Simulation in VS2005 Micro 61-PID profile 2 activated
13-Simulation in VS2005 PWM 62-PID profile 3 activated
14-PID feedback format must match 63-Calendar missing or damaged
15-Motor underspeed 64-Calendar. End of data
16-Motor overspeed 65-Calendar. Value out of range
17-Analog input 1 fault 66-Calendar. Invalid CRC file
18-Analog input 2 fault 67-Calendar. Invalid PID format
19-Fixed frequency analog input 1 68-Calendar. Invalid freq. format
20-Fixed frequency analog input 2 69-Calendar. Caution launch!
21-Analog input 3 fault 70-Time relay. Activate auto. mode!
22-Analog input 4 fault 71-Time relay. No work areas.
23-Ref frequency lower start freq 72-Аlgorithm requires PID reference
24-Fixed frequency analog input 3 73-Ref channel switched to PID
25-Fixed frequency analog input 4 74-Invalid dates in the EE journal!
26-Err PID feedbck. Ain unavailable 75-EE log error. Reset completed
27-Duplicate net address 76-Error entering cleaning freq
28-Vdc charge 77-Flow limitation works
29-Discrete input already assigned 78-Pressure units required!
30-Discrete func already assigned 79-No outlet pressure source
31-Evacuation mode activated 80-PID autotuning in progress
32-PID ref < Pipe fill Fdb settings 81-Simulation without PWM timers
33-Sleep mode activated 82-Mains unbalance
34-Carefully! Awakening 83-Warning 83
35-Sleep! Requires automatic. mode 84-Warning 84
36-Pipe leak detected 85-Warning 85
37-Sleep mode setting fault 86-No CD signal in autotune mode
38-Wakeup mode setting fault 87-No encoder CD signal
39-Pump cleaning in progress 88-No AB signal in autotune mode
40-Pump clean requires auto mode 89-No encoder AB signal
41-Pump cleaning requests exceeded 90-Breake encoder signal
42-Pump power measurment 91-No R signal in autotune mode
43-No flow detected 92-No encoder R signal
44-Pump dry run detected 93-Bad R signal phase shift
45-Invalid unit frequency/speed 94-Analog signal is too noise
46-Pipe filling in progress 95-Break Endat connection
47-Error in setting the time relay 96-Endat communication CRC error
48-Time relay. Caution launch!
Quick access menu
32:0 Parameter №1 0...12771 Parameter No.1 of the quick access menu.
32:1 Parameter №2 0...12771 Parameter No.2 of the quick access menu.
32:2 Parameter №3 0...12771 Parameter No.3 of the quick access menu.
32:3 Parameter №4 0...12771 Parameter No.4 of the quick access menu.
32:4 Parameter №5 0...12771 Parameter No.5 of the quick access menu.
32:5 Parameter №6 0...12771 Parameter No.5 of the quick access menu.
32:6 Parameter №7 0...12771 Parameter No.7 of the quick access menu.
32:7 Parameter №8 0...12771 Parameter No.8 of the quick access menu.
32:8 Parameter №9 0...12771 Parameter No.9 of the quick access menu.
32:9 Parameter №10 0...12771 Parameter No.10 of the quick access menu.
33:0 Operation. Passcode 0…65535 Entering the passcode for the <Operation> access level.
Operation. Change
33:1 0…65535 Setting a new passcode for the <Operation> access level.
33:2 Maintenance. Passcode 0…65535 Entering the passcode for the <Maintenance> access level.
Maintenance. Change
33:3 0…65535 Setting a new passcode for the <Maintenance> access level.
33:4 Factory. Passcode 0…65535 Entering the passcode for the <Factory> access level.
34:0…34:18 - (Scope) Not used
System settings
35:0 Day 1…31 Date. This day
35:1 Month 1…12 Date. This month
35:2 Year 13…37 Date. This year
35:3 Hours h 0…23 Time. Current hour
35:4 Minutes min 0…59 Time. Current minute
35:5 Seconds s 0…59 Time. Current second
35:6 Day of week 3-Wednesday Actual day of week.
1-Save to set 1
2-Save to set 2
3-Restore default
35:7 Parameter set Selecting an operation for the user parameter set
4-Restore set 1
5-Restore set 2
Selection of the parameter group to be reset to factory
35:12 Factory reset. Group 0…128
0-No Action
35:13 LED indicators checking LED indicators checking
1-Check LED
VFD protections
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case of wrong input
phase sequence. This function is applied when the motor is
Input phase sequence. 0-Disabled
37:2 supplied by both the VFD and the mains. Disabled - protection
Protection 1-Fault
is bypassed. Fault - protection is activated with action to VFD
Parameter defines the VFD behaviour in case of input
overvoltage and undervoltage. Limits are defined in <Input
37:3 Input voltage. Protection voltage-max> and <Input voltage-min> parameters. Disabled -
protection is bypassed. Fault - protection is activated with
action to VFD stop.
Parameter defines the VFD behavior in case of Mains loss.
37:9 Mains loss. Protection Disabled - protection is bypassed. Fault - protection is
activated with action to VFD stop.
Parameter defines the maximum available value of input
37:13 Input voltage - max V - voltage. The higher voltage causes VFD to stop with input
overvoltage failure.
Parameter defines the minimum available value of input
37:14 Input voltage - min V - voltage. The lower voltage causes VFD to stop with input
undervoltage failure.
The parameter determines the effect of the inverter on the
Mains unbalance. 0-Disabled
37:32 occurrence of an Mains unbalance. Disabled - protection is
Protection 1-Fault
ignored. Warning - issue a warning. Fault - drive stop.
Setting the value of the Mains unbalance, above which the
37:33 Mains unbalance. Limit % 0…2047
<Mains unbalance> protection is tripped.
The amount of time delay between the detection of an Mains
37:34 Mains unbalance. Delay s 0.0…60.0 unbalance and the drive response selected in the <Mains
unbalance. Protection>.
Parameter defines the VFD behavior in case of short cirquit to
37:35 SC ground. Protection ground. Disabled - protection is bypassed. Fault - protection is
activated with action to VFD stop.
The parameter defines the level of ground fault current to
37:36 SC ground. Warning % 0…100
generate a warning.
The parameter defines the level of ground fault current to
37:37 SC ground. Fault % 0…100
generate a fault.
The amount of time delay between the detection of an short to
37:38 SC ground. Delay us 0…1000 ground and the drive response selected in the <SC ground.
0-No action
1-Reset Fan work time
39:24 VFD. Reset counters Reset type selection for VFD counters
2-Reset power counter
3-Reset all counters%0000
The value of the maximum operating time of the motor, to
Motor 1. Maximum
39:25 h 0…60000 generate a warning about the need for routine maintenance.
When set to zero, the warning is disabled.
The value of the maximum operating time of the motor, to
Motor 2. Maximum
39:26 h 0…60000 generate a warning about the need for routine maintenance.
When set to zero, the warning is disabled.
The value of the maximum operating time of the motor, to
Motor 3. Maximum
39:27 h 0…60000 generate a warning about the need for routine maintenance.
When set to zero, the warning is disabled.
The value of the maximum operating time of the motor, to
Motor 4. Maximum
39:28 h 0…60000 generate a warning about the need for routine maintenance.
When set to zero, the warning is disabled.
The value of the maximum operating time of the motor, to
VFD motor. Maximum
39:29 h 0…60000 generate a warning about the need for routine maintenance.
When set to zero, the warning is disabled.
0-No action
Motor 1. Reset 1-Reset motor MotoHours Selecting the type of reset of the counters of the additional
MotoHours 2-Reset power counter motor 1 in the multi-motor system
3-Reset all counters
0-No action
Motor 2. Reset 1-Reset motor MotoHours Selecting the type of reset of the counters of the additional
MotoHours 2-Reset power counter motor 2 in the multi-motor system
3-Reset all counters
0-No action
Motor 3. Reset 1-Reset motor MotoHours Selecting the type of reset of the counters of the additional
MotoHours 2-Reset power counter motor 3 in the multi-motor system
3-Reset all counters
0-No action
Motor 4. Reset 1-Reset motor MotoHours Selecting the type of reset of the counters of the additional
MotoHours 2-Reset power counter motor 4 in the multi-motor system
3-Reset all counters
0-No action
VFD motor. Reset 1-Reset motor MotoHours Selecting the type of resetting the counters of the motor
MotoHours 2-Reset power counter connected to the VFD
3-Reset all counters
0-No action
39:75 Reset log EE Reset energy efficiency log
1-Reset log EE
Packed read
41:0 Package read Activation of the parameter group (package) reading mode
41:1 Parameter №1 0…12771 Parameter number No.1 of package reading
41:2 Parameter №2 0…12771 Parameter number No.2 of package reading
41:3 Parameter №3 0…12771 Parameter number No.3 of package reading
41:4 Parameter №4 0…12771 Parameter number No.4 of package reading
41:5 Parameter №5 0…12771 Parameter number No.5 of package reading
41:6 Parameter №6 0…12771 Parameter number No.6 of package reading
41:7 Parameter №7 0…12771 Parameter number No.7 of package reading
41:8 Parameter №8 0…12771 Parameter number No.8 of package reading
41:9 Parameter №9 0…12771 Parameter number No.9 of package reading
41:10 Parameter №10 0…12771 Parameter number No.10 of package reading
41:11 Parameter №11 0…12771 Parameter number No.11 of package reading
41:12 Parameter №12 0…12771 Parameter number No.12 of package reading
41:13 Parameter №13 0…12771 Parameter number No.13 of package reading
41:14 Parameter №14 0…12771 Parameter number No.14 of package reading
41:15 Parameter №15 0…12771 Parameter number No.15 of package reading
41:16 Parameter №16 0…12771 Parameter number No.16 of package reading
41:17 Parameter №17 0…12771 Parameter number No.17 of package reading
41:18 Parameter №18 0…12771 Parameter number No.18 of package reading
41:19 Parameter №19 0…12771 Parameter number No.19 of package reading
41:20 Parameter №20 0…12771 Parameter number No.20 of package reading
41:21 Packed read. Value No.1 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.1
41:22 Packed read. Value No.2 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.2
41:23 Packed read. Value No.3 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.3
41:24 Packed read. Value No.4 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.4
41:25 Packed read. Value No.5 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.5
41:26 Packed read. Value No.6 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.6
41:27 Packed read. Value No.7 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.7
41:28 Packed read. Value No.8 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.8
41:29 Packed read. Value No.9 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.9
Packed read. Value
41:30 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.10
Packed read. Value
41:31 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.11
Packed read. Value
41:32 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.12
Packed read. Value
41:33 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.13
Packed read. Value
41:34 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.14
Packed read. Value
41:35 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.15
Packed read. Value
41:36 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.16
Packed read. Value
41:37 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.17
Packed read. Value
41:38 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.8
Packed read. Value
41:39 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.19
Packed read. Value
41:40 0…65535 Packed read parameter No.20
Packed write
42:0 Package write Activation of the parameter group (package) writing mode
42:1 Parameter №1 0…12771 Parameter number No.1 of package writing
42:2 Parameter №2 0…12771 Parameter number No.2 of package writing
42:3 Parameter №3 0…12771 Parameter number No.3 of package writing
42:4 Parameter №4 0…12771 Parameter number No.4 of package writing
42:5 Parameter №5 0…12771 Parameter number No.5 of package writing
42:6 Parameter №6 0…12771 Parameter number No.6 of package writing
42:7 Parameter №7 0…12771 Parameter number No.7 of package writing
42:8 Parameter №8 0…12771 Parameter number No.8 of package writing
42:9 Parameter №9 0…12771 Parameter number No.9 of package writing
42:10 Parameter №10 0…12771 Parameter number No.10 of package writing
42:11 Parameter №11 0…12771 Parameter number No.11 of package writing
42:12 Parameter №12 0…12771 Parameter number No.12 of package writing
42:13 Parameter №13 0…12771 Parameter number No.13 of package writing
42:14 Parameter №14 0…12771 Parameter number No.14 of package writing
42:15 Parameter №15 0…12771 Parameter number No.15 of package writing
42:16 Parameter №16 0…12771 Parameter number No.16 of package writing
42:17 Parameter №17 0…12771 Parameter number No.17 of package writing
42:18 Parameter №18 0…12771 Parameter number No.18 of package writing
42:19 Parameter №19 0…12771 Parameter number No.19 of package writing
42:20 Parameter №20 0…12771 Parameter number No.20 of package writing
42:21 Value No.1 0…65535 Parameter value No.1 of package writing
42:22 Value No.2 0…65535 Parameter value No.2 of package writing
42:23 Value No.3 0…65535 Parameter value No.3 of package writing
42:24 Value No.4 0…65535 Parameter value No.4 of package writing
42:25 Value No.5 0…65535 Parameter value No.5 of package writing
42:26 Value No.6 0…65535 Parameter value No.6 of package writing
42:27 Value No.7 0…65535 Parameter value No.7 of package writing
42:28 Value No.8 0…65535 Parameter value No.8 of package writing
42:29 Value No.9 0…65535 Parameter value No.9 of package writing
42:30 Value No.10 0…65535 Parameter value No.10 of package writing
42:31 Value No.11 0…65535 Parameter value No.11 of package writing
42:32 Value No.12 0…65535 Parameter value No.12 of package writing
42:33 Value No.13 0…65535 Parameter value No.13 of package writing
42:34 Value No.14 0…65535 Parameter value No.14 of package writing
42:35 Value No.15 0…65535 Parameter value No.15 of package writing
42:36 Value No.16 0…65535 Parameter value No.16 of package writing
42:37 Value No.17 0…65535 Parameter value No.17 of package writing
42:38 Value No.18 0…65535 Parameter value No.18 of package writing
42:39 Value No.19 0…65535 Parameter value No.19 of package writing
42:40 Value No.20 0…65535 Parameter value No.20 of package writing
Groups 45, 50, 51, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60 are not used in this software version.

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