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Practice Papers (1-5) Note: 15 Minutes will ‘Time Management for Practice Papers Of the examination, be allotted to each examinee for reading the question paper before commencement Marks per ae Time! Number ot | Total Expected Average expected time Questions | Questions Time for each category (Approximate) 7 2—3 7 14— 21 min 20 minutes a 4~6 u 44 — 66 min 64 minutes 5 10—15 5 50 —75 min 71 minutes 1 (Map) 4~6 1 4—6min 5 minutes Revision time for the whole paper 20 minutes Total 180 minutes Assess yourself on the Grading Chart Time limit Sum of time Grade Remarks Limit Brilliant as he has finished the | Very well-prepared but needs Lower Limit 116 minutes | paper before the expected time. | to revise thoroughly so as to score 100% marks, ae Needs more practice and Upper Limit 173 minutes Average as there is no time left for revision. increase speed so as to keep time for revision. Expected Limit 160 minutes Excellent as he is left with 20 minutes for revision. Well-prepared but remove mistakes, if any, during revision so as to get 100% marks. 1 Time Allowed: 3 hours} General Instructions — Questions I-7 (7 Mark), 8-18 (3 Marks), 19-25 L 9 10. I. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 388 — Practice Paper (Maximum Mars: 5g 75 Marks), 26 (Mapy Who was Dietrich Brandis? Or Who are Maru Raikas? Or What was the “Black Blizzard” that hit Southern plains of America? What was Directory? For what type of cure is Tulsi plant used? What is general election? Define Electoral Roll. Why do we need to make amendments to our constitution? Name two social groups that are most vulnerable to poverty. Mention any three causes of deforestation in India under the colonial rule. Or Explain the reasons why the British introduced the ‘Waste Land Rules’. Or Mention any three ways in which the peasants lost their rights after enclosure movement. State three ways in which Nazi state established total control over its people. What is a subcontinent? Name the countries that constitute the Indian subcontinent. How is India different from other countries of Asia? Mention any three features of the Monsoon rains. Mention any three powers and functions of the Parliament in India. Explain any three freedoms granted under the Right to Freedom in the Constitu Who was Lech Walesa? What made him famous in Poland? How does democracy enhance the dignity of citizens? Explain any three social indicators through which poverty is looked upon. Mention three reasons why buffer stock is created by the Government of India. What are HYV seeds? Write one merit and a limitation. What developments took place in Europe in support of socialism? Or Describe the steps taken by Tsar Nicholas IT after the Revolution to maintain his authority. Tagether with® Social Science—9 (a tn TT 20. Explain any five features of the French Constitution drafted in 1791. , 21. Give the main characteristic features of Brahmaputa river y Or Enlist the characteristic features of the Godavari basin a 72. Describe the classification of occupational structure. How does occupational structure indicate economic development of a country? 23. Wh: Mat are the powers of the Prime Minister of India? Or Why had the Mandal Commission become a debatable issue in India? 24. How does soci inability to buy food also play a critical role in food insecurity? Or ~ ‘Trace the growth of foodgrains production in India since independence. a tical, social and economic 25. “Unemployment means non-utilisation of human resource.’ What are its political, social implications? Explain in five points. 7 elated to slave trade. 26. () On the outline map of France locate and label a port of France related to sl FRANCE Practice Papers "389 y of Anis Power of the Secang < (a) Onn wentity the mest 390 Jogecher weth® Social Science—9 (SRA i il a (Gi) On the outline political may and write its correct name on the line marked o1 P of India, identify the lake marked as mn the map. POLITICAL (i) On the same map of India, locate and label the Sariska wildlife sanctuary. ()_ On the same map of India, locate and label the Mountain peak-Anai Mudi. Practice Papers (391 ee ~ $$ (Maximum Marky 2 Practice Paper Time Allowed: 3 hours) As usual General Instructions — 1. What was meant by blandongdiesten system followed by the Dutch in J Or Who were the Dhangars? or What was the most important cause of Great Agrarian Depression? 2, What was mir? Name the highest peak of the Western Ghats. 4. Which party of Zimbabwe led the struggle for independence? ‘Garibi Hatao’ was the slogan given in 1971 Lok Sabha election. It was given by which party? 6. What is Amnesty International? Which methods are used to estimate the poverty line in India? 8. State any three ways in which the Bastar rebellion was organised and financed. Or Write three features about the Maasai society in pre-colonial times. Or What does the term enclosure imply? State any two ways in which it affected the poor farmers, Who were the members of the Jacobin club? State two of their major contributions. % Explain how India occupies an important strategic position in South Asia. 10. 11. Describe the vegetation and wildlife found in the Ganga and Brahmaputra delta. Mention any three demands of the workers of Lenin shipyard during their strike which started in 12. August 1980 in Poland. List down the three challenges to free and fair elections in India. ive and Permanent executive? 13. 14. What is the difference between Political exec What is Preamble? Mention any two ideals enshrined in the Preamble to the Constitution. 15. 16. Interpret the importance of irrigation in the field of agriculture, Explain giving three points 17. Mention any three different forms of unemployment existing in rural and urban areas in India. 18. 19. Mention the functions of Food Corporation of India. Explain the steps taken by Stalin to improve the Soviet economy. "392) agecher aueh® Social Science—9 LL a oa “The Nazis sought to implement a pure German racial state © Explain Or What was the impact of First World War on Bure Explain any te factors that affect the chmate of tndia Or Describe the it strikes the West Bengal coast h of the monsoon winds, afte How ate Topical Evergreen forests different from Tropical Deciduous forests? What are the problems aysoctated with working of institutions? Why ist still better fo have ynstiruhons imvohed in the working of democracies? Or How can you say that the judiciary in India is the most powerful? Discurs the major reasons for poverty in India. Or features of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. Explain the impact of the Green Revolution. mal Anthem of (On the outline map of France, identify the feature marked as A, the National Anthem France got its name from the name of this place What are the m Practice Papers 393 Fone territory in Europe under Nazi power, and label one te “WORLD: POLITICAL 394 agether weth® Social Science—9 Te A ATCT ed as ‘A’ and write (i) On the outline political map of India, idemtify the Peninsular river marked as its correct name on the line marked on the map. (wv name on the line marked on the map. INDIA POLITICAL, (v) On the same outline map of India, locate and label the state with lowest sex ratio. Practice Papers ed as ‘B' and write its correct ) On the same map of India, identify the type of forest marked as “B' and write 395 — [Maximum Marks: 59 Time Mlowed: 4 hours| ar Gonoral Instructions — ty nwt _ yaar of Maharashtra? Or 1. What were the occupations of the DI Who were “Pyk Or ics of Madras Presidency. Name two pastorilist con 2. Who crowned himself ay emperor of France? 3. In which state is the ‘Nanda Devi’ bioreserve located? 4. What is apartheid! Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner in Ind y included in the International Covenant on conomic, Social and Cultural 6. Name two rights specifi Rights 7. What do you mean by mi 8. Enumerate the three de 9. Mention three problems fac Explain why the difference between the dui but is felt at Kashmi Write the formation, composition and one importance of Peninsular plateau Mention any three limitations of the Prime Minister in a coalition government. Mention two differences and one similarity between Pinochet's rule in Chile and Communist rule imum support price? ands put forward by Lenin in his April Theses. J by the Weimar Republic. ons of day and night are not felt at Kanyakumari, i. 12. 13. in Poland. Explain the main cause of conflict in Kosovo. Explain any three powers of the Supreme Court of India 1k? List any two reasons why What is the International Poverty Line as described by the World Ban ere not successful in most parts of India the poverty alleviation programmes w fe any two different ways of increasing production on the same piece of land. 14. 15. 16. 17. Define production. Givi 18. How does the Public Distribution System ensure food security in India? Name four communities that live in Bastar. What are some of the beliefs of the communities of 19. Bastar regarding nature? Or Describe the lifestyle of Gujjar Bakarwals and Gaddi shepherds. Or ‘Mention four reasons why the Indian cultivators were unwilling to grow opium. How were the British influence them to produce opium? "396. “Jogether weth® Social Science—9 20, Discuss the main causes of French Revolution, Or affect the everyday life of the French people? Diveuss State three benefits of rivers, Mention any two causes of river pollution, Or Enlist the characteristic features of the Godavari basin. How did the Revoluti 22. Give an account of the climatic conditions of the cold weather season in India. 23. Why do people consider democracy as the best form of government? Or Describe the arguments against democracy. 24. Describe five main features of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. or Explain any five effects of unemployment on the overall growth of the economy. 25. Mention the main features of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005. see wase | 26. (3) On the given outline map of France, locate and label a port of France related to slave trade. FRANCE Practice Papers '397) nder Nazi Germany marked ii) On the given outline map of World, identify the territory under oe — "WORLD: POLITICAL, (398 Jagether weth® Social Science—9 (Hi) On the outtine p 0 ine politic correct name ; ‘al may on the lin P Of India, identify manera 'y the type of forest marked as‘ and write its the map, POLITICAL (iv) On the same outline map of India locate and table the least populous state. () On the same map of India, locate and label the Standard meridian of India. Practice Papers 399 a > ee ' 4 Practice Paper [Maximum Marks: 49 Time Allowed: 3 hours] General Instructions — As uswal rial Forest Institute set up in 1906' was the Imper 1. Where was the Imps ao are inhabited by the pastoralis jich parts of the African continent are i Which p: : What was the Black Blizzard in America‘ . , Which social group emerged in France in the 18! ma sea ilen windsand tore localised thunderstorms associa! During the hot weather season, = rains also take place. What are they called in West Bengal 4. Why is India called a secular state? 5. What is a ballot paper? 6. Define Office Memorandum. 7 8 The poverty line is estimated periodically by conducting sample surveys. Who conducts such surveys’ Who was appointed as the first Inspector General of Forests in India? Explain any two reforms introduced by him. Or List the reasons why the nomadic tribes needed to move from one place to another. Or Why did the economy of open fields and common lands had started changing from about 16 century? 9. List any three impact of French Revolution on France. 10. Name the physiographic divisions of India. 11. Give three reasons to explain the uneven distribution of population in India, 12. Explain how did Solidarity party come to power in Poland. 13. How was Apartheid system came to an end in South Africa? 14 What legal procedures have to be followed by a police officer if he arrest or detain any citizen? 18. Compare any three features of Democratic and Non-democratie government, 16. Analyse the factors responsible for contributin, cline ii ink ing to decline in poverty in Kerala, Andhra Pry Tamil Nad and Ponta Poverty in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, 17, Define physi i ifferes , ‘physical capital. What is the difference between fixed capital and working eapital? 18. Define economic activity. What are the different ‘ypes of economic activities? 400, Zagecher week® Social Science—9 ee ee 19. What were the events Bee eene he) 05 Revalicen ieee Or Why did Bolshevik Party 01 the\Aptil Theses’? Give any five reasons 20. Howw: ‘Sart of ProPoganda responsible for establishing total controler people in Germany? Ted scrsneetit® AM West-flowing rivers ofthe peninvler platcay Why are Tivers called Seasonal? 22. List down the steps t ‘ken by the government to protect the flora and fauna, Or Describe the features of the Mangrove forests. 28. Discuss the functions of Election ‘Commission of India Or What are the challenges to free and fair clections in India? 24. What do you understand by human capital formation? Highlight any four initiatives of Indian Government to enhance health and edueation faciitien ‘ in nd relate 25. What are cooperative Societies? Explain by giving examples their role in providing food and relat items, Or Explain the impact of the Green Revolution, 5 ere fortress-prison was storme 26. (@) On the given outline map of France, locate and label a place where fortress-pri by people in 1789, FRANCE Practice Papers [401 Gi) Omthe given outline map of world, identify the meMOEE of allied Power in the First World War marked as A. jroo: POLITICAL ia . 2, “Fagether week Social Science—9 a Wo) On the N° MAOH ine HANNE ON THe Tine in HE Tnlia, ite OY On the sana A re maps aah dn ae ENT He 16 cf Kioetmsthealw0°A’ and wile Its cocteet OC Biia, tent Ne wuankea e nna MEME the take awash 44 ai mite He eanseet ame on the | INDIA (+) On the same outline map of India, locate and label the Tropic of Cancer. Practice Papers “403 5 Practice Paper [Maximum Marks: 80 Time Allowed: 3 hours) As usual General Instructions — 1 9. 10. i. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. [404° How did the Saminists protest the Dutch? Or Name two trees declared as ‘reserved’ by the Britishers. Or wus of all foreign merchants? Why were the Confucion rulers of China suspicio Who were the ‘November Criminals’? Which Island countries are our southern neighbours? What is Election Manifesto? Which organ of the UN is responsible for maintaining peace and security among countries? What is judicial review? Give the full form of SGSY. How did new forest laws affect the lives of forest Or 1 dwellers? Mention three points. List any three problems that pastoralists face in the modern world. Or Give any three why the Indian farmers were unwilling to grow opium in their farms. ‘How was the National Assembly formed in France in 1789? Mention the two main provisions of the decree passed by the Assembly on 4" August 1789. Differentiate between South-West Monsoon and North-East Monsoon by explaining three features of each. Where does the River Indus rise? Name the places where i tributaries which join Indus in the Kashmir region. “The making of a constitution for a huge and diverse country like India was not an easy affair.’ it enters India and Pakistan. Name two Why? Give three reasons. Name one country which holds election regularly, but they are not democratic. Give two reasons. List three ways to ensure ‘free and fair elections’. What do you understand by Public Interest Litigation? Mention the importance of PIL. Differentiate between seasonal and disguised unemployment with the help of examples. Give a brief account of inter-state disparities in poverty in India. What is the rationing system? Explain the global influence of the Russian Revolution. What was the foreign policy of Hitler? Or Why was Hitler interested in the youth of the country? How was Nazi ideology taught to the youth in Germany? Together with® Social Science—9 a. 2. 2B. ma 25. 26. Describe the features of tropical deciduous forests: ts made What are the factors affecting health status of people of India? What are the improvernen in the health status of people of India? Or in a country? Why is population very impor “The right to freedom of speech and expression Or Explain how the scope of rights has expanded in recent times. How do medium and large farmers get capital for farming? Wri in Palampur. sation.” Discuss. does not come without lim about any three non-farm activities Or Green Revolution is associated with loss of soil fert problems caused by modern farming. Explain the seasonal and chronic bunger. In which regions are disproportionately large? {@) On the outline map of France, identify the feature mi panic movement. ility. Inthe light of the statements mention five of the country the food insecure people arked as A, Itwas the center of peasants’ FRANCE Practice Papers (405) (ii) On the outline map of world, 1oeste and label # member-nation OF Central Power during the First World War. (iti) On the given outline map of Indi on the line marked in the map. identify the River marked as / and write itt correet name (iv) On the same outline map of India, locate and label the state having highest density of population (v) On the same map of India, locate and label the Zaskar Range. Practice Papers [407]

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