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3/11/24, 11:24 PM 20.7.

20.7. Gem-Bearing Pegmatites: Global and Local Occurrences: EOSC 118 99C 2023W2 Earth's Treasures: Gold and Gems

20.7. Gem-Bearing Pegmatites: Global and Local


Module B. Precious Gemstones

Lesson 20: Gem Bearing Pegmatites - Geology and Geography

Where is it Found and Mined Globally?

Pegmatites are found across the globe, but high quality gem bearing pegmatites are much rarer. Famous localities includ
Madagascar, Russia, Pakistan, and the United States. Other notable regions include Italy, Mozambique, Namibia, and Afg

Pegmatite fields of the world.

The best gem pegmatites in Brazil, and arguably the world, occur in a region called Minas Gerais. It is located ~500 km n
Janeiro and consists of a very prolific pegmatite region. The following map is modified from Proctor (1984) and shows the
pegmatites and their primary gem content.
Required Reading: In the United States, the Pala District of California has produced some of the most magnificent rubel
addition to top quality morganite and aquamarine in the world. Read this article by Mark Mauthner published in Rocks
details the discovery of the "49er Pocket" where hundreds of gem specimens, from good to very fine, have been recovere
article (6 pages) and contains some spectacular images of beryl and tourmaline crystals that were recovered from the poc
you an idea of why mineralogists and gemologists go so crazy for pegmatites! Use this Mauthner-2008 Reading Guide
the article. 1/3
3/11/24, 11:24 PM 20.7. Gem-Bearing Pegmatites: Global and Local Occurrences: EOSC 118 99C 2023W2 Earth's Treasures: Gold and Gems
In Colorado are pegmatites of the Mt. Antero region just southwest of Denver. This area is known for some of the best aq
in North America. In a short (2 page) article from 2005 Bryan Lees describes the excavation of a gem-bearing pocket from
optional article can be accessed here: Lees (2005 ).

Where is it Found Locally?

Canada is host to numerous pegmatites, but none yet with gems like those seen in Brazil or the USA. Pegmatites occur in
young Cordillera of Western Canada (BC, Yukon, NWT), within the Canadian Shield that makes up the majority of Canada
on the eastern margin in the Appalachians.
Prof. Černý of the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Manitoba studied pegmatites of the Cana
decades. He was considered by many to be a pioneer of pegmatite science, publishing many of the major works on the s
Unfortunately, he passed away in April of 2018. His publication on the subject in 1990 includes an extensive list of pegma
Manitoba and eastern Canada. In the Canadian Shield, the "Superior Province" is likely the best area for finding significan
bearing pegmatites. Within this area is Tanco Pegmatite Mine in southeastern Manitoba, an extremely evolved pegmatite
mined for its Li, Cs, and Ta ores for several decades.

Stable craton of Canada, including the Superior Geological Province (intense pink) that covers much of Manitoba, Ontario
Quebec. The non-filled area (British Columbia and parts of Yukon) is the younger western Cordillera. Figure modified from
the Geological Survey of Canada .

Lee Groat of the UBC Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences has been studying pegmatites in the youn
rocks on the western side of the country. His publication in 1996 summarizes studies performed on a suite existing in Yuk
Territories. Extensive pegmatite fields also exist in B.C. and many have been located in the Kootenay area.
There are a number of topaz- and beryl-bearing granites and pegmatites in the Canadian Appalachians, including in Nova
pegmatite-associated gem beryl occurrences include emerald in northwestern Ontario (Ghost Lake), goshenite in the Nor
(Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group), and aquamarine throughout the Kootenays (B.C.). Topaz associated in pegmatites have
Yukon Territory near the towns of Teslin and Swift River.
Gemmy tourmaline of the elbaite variety (Li-bearing) has been found associated with the O'Grady Batholith, a remote area
the Nahanni River in the Northwest Territories. There, multi-coloured crystals have been recovered up to 10 cm long and
brown, green, orange, and blue colours. In Quebec, pegmatites near the Leduc mine are producing gem quality tourmalin
and green colour. 2/3
3/11/24, 11:24 PM 20.7. Gem-Bearing Pegmatites: Global and Local Occurrences: EOSC 118 99C 2023W2 Earth's Treasures: Gold and Gems
So far, no large gem quality stones have been produced from Canada's pegmatites although some smaller material of hig
been cut. With such a diverse geological framework in Canada under many different environments for pegmatites, it is on
until some fantastic finds are uncovered. 3/3

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