Impulse 3 Tests Audioscript

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Impulse 3 Tests Audioscripts

Track 07, Unit 1 Tests Alison: Of course. You can meet people that
you wouldn’t normally meet, possibly
Presenter: Hello everybody. This week, we have
from all over the world. Also making
been discussing friendship, and I have
friends with someone who has a large
a question from one of our listeners.
social network means you can be
And it is this: does social media make it
introduced to other things, including
easier or more difficult to make
new potential friends. I have a few
friends? In the studio, we have our
online friends who I would never have
regular guests, Jamie and Alison. So,
met in real life.
Jamie, what do you think?
Jamie: Hmm. So, I think we’ve answered the
Jamie: Well, one expert has suggested that
question. Yes, social media makes it
the most friends people can have is
easier to make friends in some ways,
about 150. However, in one recent
but an online friend might not be the
survey, people in Britain said they had
same as your best friend.
on average over 500 social media
Presenter: Thanks, Jamie. Let’s play a record.
friends. But are they close friends? The
survey said that the people they asked
Track 08, Unit 2 Tests
had on average only five close friends,
and most of these were classmates Speaker 1
from school, followed by work I’ve just heard that my favourite band have
colleagues and those who live just cancelled their tour because the lead singer is sick.
around the corner. Ugh, I’m not happy. I’ve bought their latest album,
Presenter: Alison, what’s your opinion? and I’ve spent ages learning all the lyrics. I’m
Alison: I think it depends on how you define furious. I don’t know if they’re gonna change the
friends. Another survey found that dates or if they’ve cancelled it permanently. I’ve
people in Britain had 2.6 best friends been trying to get information from the website,
on average. So, what defines a best but there is no information, just a lot of unhappy
friend? Some people define a best messages from fans. I’m not very optimistic.
friend as someone who always tells
you the truth. Others define them as Speaker 2
those who will help you when you This week, I was in a café and I heard a song with a
really need it. For me, a best friend great beat and this joyful, singalong chorus. I can’t
must be loyal. get it out of my head. I’ve been trying to find out
Presenter: So, back to the question, does social its name by singing it to my friends, which is quite
media help to make friends, Jamie? embarrassing for me! I’m surprised that no one
Jamie: I’m not sure, but it is a good way to knows it. I’m sure I’ll discover the name soon!
keep in touch with your very best Speaker 3
friends, especially if they don’t live Tonight, my brother is seeing Billie Eilish in concert.
near you. The problem with social I didn’t get a ticket when I had the chance. My
media is the more time you spend with brother asked me if I wanted one, but I said no
online friends and acquaintances, the because I had seen a Billie Eilish video and I
less time you have for the most thought it was very strange. Later, I heard a song
important people in your life. called Bad Guy, which I loved, and I tried to get a
Alison: I agree. I’ve made some great friends ticket, but they had sold out. It’s going to be
online, but my best friends are my terrible tonight knowing my brother is at the
classmates. I need to talk to my best concert and I’m not.
friends face to face.
Presenter: Are there any benefits to having Speaker 4
friends just on social media? This week, I’ve been making a new song at home.
I’m not embarrassed to say that I don’t play any
Impulse 3 Tests Audioscripts
instruments. I use an application on my computer believe he’s really called Robin
to make music. First, I choose a drum sound, then I Gunningham, a man who was born near
add a keyboard rhythm and any instruments I want Bristol. Some of Mr Gunningham’s
to. It’s like having a whole orchestra in front of me. schoolmates have said this is true, and
I’m really pleased with what I have created. I some researchers did a scientific study
played it to my friend Marina, and she was which compared places where Banksy’s
surprised that I made it myself. artwork appeared with places that were
associated with Mr Gunningham. The
Speaker 5
results showed a strong connection.
This week, I’ve started guitar lessons. I’ve tried
Melody: One problem is that people think they
before, but it’s not fun being alone in your room. I
have taken photos of Banksy or caught
actually felt a bit sad being away from other
him on video camera, but the images
people. George is my teacher. He’s friendly and
seem to be of different people.
made the lesson fun. We laughed a lot … usually
Tommy: Exactly. That is the other possibility. That
because of my terrible mistakes. But George is kind
Banksy isn’t one person, but a collection
and always positive. I learnt to play Happy Birthday
of artists organised by Robin
in our first class, so I was more than satisfied.
Gunningham, Robert Banks or someone
Track 09, Unit 3 Tests
Joel: So, we aren’t really sure of anything.
Joel: Welcome to Mystery Busters, the Melody: Well, we think his name must be Rob
podcast that uncovers modern-day because in an interview with a singer
mysteries. I’m Joel Stevens, and with me called Goldie, who’s a friend of Banksy,
are Melody Barnet and Tommy Chang. he accidentally referred to Banksy as
Welcome guys! ‘Rob’.
Tommy: Hi! Joel: I like Banksy better! Thanks Melody,
Melody: Hi! thanks Tommy, and now …
Joel: So, today, we’re looking at one of the
most famous artists in the world, known Track 10, Unit 4 Tests
as Banksy. Some people say that street
Carlos: Hi Laura!
art isn’t really art, and others say he is
Laura: Hi Carlos. I’ve just booked my train
the greatest living English artist. But who
is the real Banksy? Melody, what do we
Carlos: Great! Give me the details.
know about Banksy?
Laura: OK. The train leaves at 10:30, not too
Melody: Well, apart from the actual street art he
early, and gets in at 12:45.
has produced around the world, not
Carlos: Perfect. I work Saturday mornings, but
much. We think he was born around
I’ll have finished by then.
1974, in Bristol or close to Bristol, in
Laura: Will you be able to meet me?
England, and we know he started doing
Carlos: I finish at 12:30. If you can get the metro
graffiti in Bristol with two other street
to the centre by yourself, we can meet
artists, called Kato and Tes.
there; then, we can go together to my
Joel: So someone must have seen him at
sister’s house, where you’ll be staying in
work then?
the same room as last time.
Melody: Well, there are some photos and videos
Laura: Great. Have you got anything planned?
that may show him at work, but he’s
Carlos: Yes! I’ve got tickets to see Barcelona, so
usually wearing a hoodie, so no one is
you’ll be able to see your favourite
sure what he looks like.
football team again and you won’t have
Joel: What about his real name? Tommy?
to queue for a ticket this time. It’s a
Tommy: Some people think his real name is
shame you weren’t here last week.
Robert Banks, while many people
Impulse 3 Tests Audioscripts
Barcelona played Madrid and Barcelona expert on green issues. Jenny, can we
won! make a difference?
Laura: Ugh. That’s fine. I’ll have to remember Jenny: First, I’d like to say that we do a lot.
to charge my phone before I go, so I can The survey also said that 80% of young
take lots of videos. Is there anything I people do recycle, and 50% use
should bring? products that are not harmful to the
Carlos: On Sunday, we’re having a barbecue at environment. But yes, we can do
Julian’s house. We’ll need to bring some more. Most young people aren’t
food and something to drink. But we can allowed to vote because they are too
get that here. Oh … Julian is doing some young, but they can still tell the world
voluntary work in Turkey this summer. about the impact of climate change on
You’ve got a guidebook about Turkey, the planet.
haven’t you? Could you bring that? Presenter: How can they do that?
Laura: Of course. Will we be able to get out of Jenny: Well, the younger generation are
the city for a bit? I’d love to see the confident at using social media. Look
countryside. Living in Madrid, all I see is at Greta Thunberg, the teenage
buildings. environmentalist. She’s got 10.2
Carlos: Yes, my parents aren’t free to take us by million followers on Instagram and
car, but we can get a train to the other shares information from scientists
side of the Tibidabo Mountain. There’s a showing that climate change is real.
famous old pine tree we can visit. I’ll Education is powerful.
check the train times. We can go after Presenter: What else can young people do?
lunch on Saturday. Bring your walking Jenny: Choosing food that is grown locally is
boots, but please, leave that yellow good because less transport means
backpack that you brought last time less pollution. And learning to cook
behind. saves you money, is fun, healthy and
Laura: Ugh, I love that backpack! helps the planet because fresh food is
Carlos: I don’t! It hurts my eyes. Oh, what time better than packaged food. Most
do you need to be at the station to go supermarket food comes in plastic
back? containers.
Laura: The train leaves at 7:10, so I need to be Presenter: Do young people buy too much,
there at 6:30 at the latest. Jenny?
Carlos: Do you wanna have dinner before you Jenny: There is a lot of pressure on young
go? people to buy things, but we need to
Laura: It’s a bit early. I’ll probably be full from think critically before we buy. Do we
the barbecue, but I’m sure I’ll be able to really need it or do we just want it?
get something on the train if needed. Secondly, if we decide we need
Carlos: Well, have a safe trip and I’ll see you on something, we should consider where
Saturday! the best place to buy it is. It might be
possible to buy clothes from a charity
Track 11, Unit 5 Tests shop, or we could swap clothes with a
Presenter: Almost every day, we hear how the
Presenter: And what can we do about plastic?
planet is in danger from global
Jenny: Young people know that plastic is a
warming, and that young people like
problem, but the majority are not
us should do more to help. But in a
aware of the alternatives. For example,
survey of 1,000 teenagers aged 14–16,
glass containers can be repurposed to
80% didn’t feel they had the resources
store extra food, or you can decorate
to make a difference, which is
them and make a lovely gift.
worrying. With me is Jenny Brown, an
Cardboard boxes can be decorated to
Impulse 3 Tests Audioscripts
make beautiful containers. You can Macy: Hi! Well in my opinion, if you work in a
also get knives, forks, spoons and shop and see a shoplifter, you should
toothbrushes made of bamboo, so never try to stop them as it could be
there are other options to plastic. dangerous. Most stores have cameras
Presenter: Well, you’ve given us loads of ideas everywhere and the images can
Jenny, thank you! usually be sent to the police. Most
young shop assistants don’t get paid a
Track 12, Unit 6 Tests lot, and to me, it’s not worth the risk.
Presenter: Thanks Macy. Our final caller is Mo
Presenter: Hi, I’m Zane and this is Youth Today! In
from Bristol.
today’s programme, we’ll be hearing
Mo: Hi Zane. I worked in a book shop and I
from young people who have stories
share Macy’s point of view. If you
or viewpoints about shoplifting … but
aren’t trained in dealing with
they didn’t steal anything, I promise!
shoplifters, then you should leave it to
Our first caller is Uma from
a professional. Shoplifting is a crime,
but if someone steals one book, it’s
Uma: Hi Zane! I was in a small video game
not as serious as someone robbing a
shop when I saw a man hide some
videos under his jacket and walk out of
Presenter: Thanks Mo. If you have an opinion on
the store. The shop assistant saw him,
shoplifting, we’re taking more calls
but she didn’t do anything because she
after this break.
was by herself, which I completely
understood. Anyway, I decided to
Track 13, Unit 7 Tests
follow the man without knowing what
I was going to do. I followed him for Radio host: Welcome to The Quiz Show! If today’s
ten minutes when I saw a police car. I contestant gets four out of five
stopped it and explained what had questions correct, he’ll win a tablet!
happened. The man was arrested, and Today’s contestant is Simon from
I got a letter from the police to say Brighton. Hello Simon!
thank you. Simon: Hi!
Presenter: Well done, Uma. Good job! Next Radio host: OK, first question. A hockey match is
caller … Greg from London. divided into three periods. How long is
Greg: Hi. I’m not as confident as Uma, I’m each period? 20, 30 or 60 minutes?
afraid. When I lived in the US, I was Simon: I think they play for an hour, so I’d say
working in a clothes store, and people 20?
would steal clothes by removing the Radio host: Well done! You’re right. They play for
security tag in the changing rooms. an hour in total, but because the clock
One evening, I heard three teenagers stops for goals and the ball goes out of
laughing in one of the rooms. They left play, a typical match will last between
the shop quickly and I wasn’t surprised two and two and a half hours. OK.
to see the security tags of three T- Next question. Which European capital
shirts on the floor. But, as I was picking city is famous for its astronomical
them up, I was also surprised to see a clock?
wallet full of money that one of them Simon: Ooh … I’m not good at places.
must have dropped. If they had come Radio host: Wait for the options. You’ve got
back, I don’t know what I would have Vienna, Prague or Budapest. Take your
done. time!
Presenter : Nice story, Greg. Next, Macy from Simon: I went to Budapest, but I don’t
Birmingham. remember a clock. I’ll go for … Vienna?
Impulse 3 Tests Audioscripts
Radio host: It was a difficult one. The Prague Track 14, Unit 8 Tests
Astronomical Clock was made in 1410,
Carlos: Welcome to the latest episode of Sports
making it the third oldest astronomical
Crazy, the podcast for those of you who
clock in the world and the oldest clock
love sport. I’m Carlos Brown, and this
still operating. Sorry!
week, I’ll be talking about one of the new
Simon: I won’t forget that!
Olympic sports with my co-presenter Lily
Radio host: Don’t worry. Three to go. Which band
Moretti. So, Lily, what are the new sports?
had a hit with the song Clocks? Was it
And which one looks the most
Panic! At The Disco, Twenty One Pilots,
or Coldplay?
Lily: Thanks, Carlos. We’ve got surfing,
Simon: I’m a huge Twenty One Pilots fan, so
skateboarding, karate, sport climbing and
we can eliminate them. I’ll say
the fifth sport is actually two – it’s
baseball for men and softball for women.
Radio host: Good choice! Clocks was the third
Personally, I’m excited about sport
single from Coldplay’s second album,
th climbing. It requires strength and
and in 2010 it was placed 490 on
flexibility, but you must also use your
Rolling Stone magazine’s ‘500 Greatest
brain to plan the best routes. Competitors
Songs of All Time’ list. A great song.
have to complete three activities, and the
OK, Simon. Question number four.
one with the best score over the three
Which artist is famous for painting
gets the gold medal.
melting clocks? Picasso, Salvador Dalí
Carlos: So, what are the three activities?
or van Gogh?
Lily: The first is called speed climbing. In this,
Simon: Dalí. I’m sure it wasn’t Picasso or van
the climbers race in pairs up a 15-metre
wall. The wall is the same for men and
Radio host: Yes, Dalí said that his soft clocks were
women. In the men’s competition, the
inspired by cheese melting in the sun,
best athletes usually take five to six
although experts claim the clocks must
seconds to reach the top. In the women’s,
have a deeper meaning. Well, Simon.
the fastest climber usually takes seven or
Last question, and you’ll need it if you
eight seconds.
want to win that tablet. And for this
Carlos: That is fast! For the spectator, if you
question, you only have 30 seconds to
aren’t looking, you might miss a race!
Lily: Exactly! The second activity is called
Simon: OK.
bouldering. It’s a curious activity because
Radio host: How long would it take to watch the
the competitors don’t get to see the wall
complete Lord of the Rings trilogy, the
until their first try, when they can see it
extended versions? Under 11 hours, 11
for a few minutes. The competitors are
hours exactly or over 11 hours?
not allowed to see the other athletes
Simon: Wow. I know each film is about three
climb. They have to climb a number of
hours long, but I don’t know how long
routes on a four-metre wall without using
the extended versions are.
a rope. Each route is called a problem, and
Radio host: Come on. Time is ticking!
the winner is the one who completes or
Simon: It can’t be over 11 hours, so I’ll say …
solves the most problems with the fewest
under 11 hours.
tries. The climbers need to plan their
Radio host: Just in time! And the answer is … a
route carefully as they are climbing, so as
total of 11 hours … and … 23 minutes
well as great hand–feet coordination, they
and 59 seconds. I’m sorry, no tablet,
need to be quick-thinking!
but well played. OK, so after the
Carlos: This one sounds more fun to watch! And
break …
the third part of the competition?
Impulse 3 Tests Audioscripts
Lily: It’s called lead climbing. In this one, the her house, but the amazing thing was she lived on
competitors try to climb as high as the same street as me! Perfect!
possible up a 15-metre wall in six minutes.
Speaker 5
They are tied with a rope for safety. The
Last summer, I went to a summer camp. I didn’t
athlete who climbs the highest wins.
really want to go. I was sure it would be boring,
Carlos: Thanks Lily. Can’t wait to see it in action.
and I wasn’t looking forward to it. When I arrived, I
And in the next episode, it will be …
met three girls; the first was called Anna, the
Lily: Skateboarding.
second was called Marie, and the third, you won’t
Carlos: Skateboarding! Nice!
believe it, was called Anna-Marie! Anyway, we all
got on really well, and the summer camp was
Track 15, End-of-term Tests
brilliant. Next time, I should be more positive.
Speaker 1
One day, I went to the cinema on my own. There Track 16, End-of-year Tests
were only three other people in the cinema. I was
Speaker 1
pleased because I like the cinema to be quiet.
If I had more time, I would use it to learn more
Then, one of them got up and went out. Then the
things online. My favourite school tasks are the
couple left, and I was alone. They must have gone
ones where I’m searching for information for
to buy some popcorn, I thought. Then a woman
projects, and I think deciding myself what to
came in and said that the film had finished. I
explore in them would be even better. The internet
checked my ticket and my watch. I had bought the
has an almost endless amount of information on
ticket for the wrong time! I felt very silly!
any subject. You have to be patient, but it’s worth
Speaker 2 it when find what you’re looking for. Journalists
Yesterday, I was watching my favourite series, have to do something similar when they are
Gossip Girl. In the final episode of season 4, there researching sources and putting together
was a great song called Rolling in the Deep. Later, I information for their stories too. I think that’s
was listening to Ariana Grande, a singer I really like. something I’d like to do one day, too.
I was dancing to one of her songs, and I turned on
Speaker 2
my social media. I couldn’t believe it. There was a
If I had more time, I would hang out more with my
video of Ariana Grande singing the song Rolling in
friends! They are very important to me. They make
the Deep!
me feel good and we help each other, too. The
Speaker 3 most difficult thing about not having enough time
Last month, I was bored, so I decided to call my is having to choose who to meet because there’s
best friend Shanna. I was dialling the number when no way I can meet all my friends when I want. So,
suddenly my phone rang. I answered it. It was my close friends usually come first. Last week, my best
friend Jonathan. He said he was sad being on his friend Joe gave me a card. I was surprised because
own and wanted to chat. We started talking, then it wasn’t my birthday. The card said we’d been
suddenly Jonathan said, ‘Oh, I have to go, there’s friends for 1,000 days! Isn’t that amazing? Being
someone at the door’. He told me it was Shanna! honest, if I wasn’t with my friends, I’d feel sad and
We were both surprised, but I wasn’t happy that lonely.
Shanna and Jonathan were together without me.
Speaker 3
Speaker 4 If only I had more time! The reason it’s so
I had just finished shopping when I saw an old lady important right now is that I’m competing in a
with lots of bags. I understood how difficult it was gymnastics tournament this summer. I’ll need
for her because my grandma also has problems loads of practice if I’m going to do well. I also wish I
carrying shopping. I asked if I could help her, and didn’t have to practise on my own, like I do at the
she said yes. I carried the shopping all the way to moment. I tried to persuade some of my friends to
take up gymnastics or at least do some training.
Impulse 3 Tests Audioscripts
They said no to the gymnastics, but they Speaker 4
understand the benefit of exercise and I’m happy I always enjoyed the film The Sting. It’s an old film,
to say they agreed to have weekly training sessions but it teaches an important lesson about
together. appearances. A couple of con artists deceive
people to steal their money. Part of their
Speaker 4
deception is the expensive suits they wear, which
At present, I’m happy with my own life, so I don’t
make them look like wealthy businessmen with a
spend a great deal of time thinking how I’d like to
high status in society. It just goes to show: you
change it. But I’d probably do even more to help
can’t judge a book by its cover.
the environment. I wish more people knew about
recycling, for example. Yesterday, I was doing my Speaker 5
own recycling and some people had put plastic in Shopping for clothes is a necessity, of course. But
the cardboard container! It’s unbelievable! I’d love ever since I started doing it for work, I realised that
to volunteer for a charity that wants a cleaner and I quickly started to look forward to those trips.
greener planet, especially if their main activity was Entering designer shops with their ranges of exotic
bringing more attention to recycling. shirts, trousers or other items is a bit like entering
a new country. There’s a feeling of adventure to it.
Track 17, Matura Test 1 You never know what you might find, and when
you find something you really like, it feels
Speaker 1
Some people are naturally a little shy, which can
put them at a disadvantage. For example, they
Track 18, Matura Test 1
might go to a party and miss out on a good time
because they didn’t want to mix, or have trouble TEXT 1
fitting in at a new place of study or work. But the There’s a huge choice of what to watch these days
same people have found that what they wear can on TV or on a computer screen. On some services,
help them because smart clothes are a sign of we have the option of watching all the episodes in
confidence. After trying this approach a few times, one go. Some of my friends do that, but to be
many end up actually being less shy. honest, it doesn’t appeal to me. It takes a huge
chunk of time and I don’t think it would be good
Speaker 2
for my eyes. But the main thing is that I like the
I remember receiving a party invitation a few years
feeling of waiting for the next part of the story.
ago celebrating the achievements of a sportsman I
Waiting gives me a chance to think about the plot.
really admired. You can imagine how excited I was
It feels like I’m getting to know the characters by
to get the invitation! But there was one issue: the
reflecting on what they said and did. And I believe
dress code listed a number of very formal items.
that if you look forward to something, you enjoy it
Not only do I hate wearing things like that, but I
more when it arrives.
also didn’t have the wardrobe to kit myself out. I
didn’t want to spend money getting items I’d never TEXT 2
wear again, and there was no one who could lend Thank you for listening to this short introduction
me formal clothes. I didn’t go in the end. on how to enter our annual short story
competition. The aim of the competition, which is
Speaker 3
now in its tenth year, is to encourage creative
Don’t underestimate the role that clothes can play
writing across the globe, so entries are welcome
if you want to be successful. It isn’t just the job
from all countries. We also welcome young people
interview, it’s the first day of work, or any new
of any age, as long as you are under 18 on the first
place. You don’t want people to just like you; you
day of the competition. The stories can be related
want them to respect you. My advice: put on your
to any subject, but the word count must be
best outfit and look at yourself in a full length
between 2,000 and 3,500 words.
mirror. If you don’t look like someone who inspires
Judging from previous years, the standard is
respect, it’s time to go shopping.
high, so you should read the tips for first-time
Impulse 3 Tests Audioscripts
writers on our website. Many of you have a great Interviewer: But does it really help them grow?
imagination, but it isn’t just about that. It’s also Janet: In a way it does. Before you came, I
about how to make the most of your idea when was talking to my tomato plant: is it
publishing a story. You’ll also need to read the time for your food? Are you thirsty?
detailed guidelines carefully to make sure your And then I realised: it would be much
work fits the regulations before you submit it, happier over there by that south-
especially the submission guidelines for people facing window, where it’s warmer.
living in different time zones. And so I placed it there.
Good luck! Interviewer: Right, very interesting indeed …

Track 19, Matura Test 1
Interviewer: Many people enjoy growing plants at
home, but it seems that some people Agent: Good morning, Sam’s Excursions,
find it harder to do it successfully how can I help you?
than others. After all, plants are Customer: Hello, I was wondering if you could
living things and have their set of give me some details about your day
needs like any other living being. trip to Brinton Castle.
Janet, you have a tiny flat—why did Agent: Certainly, I’ve got the leaflet with all
you decide to fill it with so many the important information right in
plants? front of me. Shall I just talk you
Janet: Well, I suppose there are a lot of through it?
reasons, but to be honest, I don’t Customer: That would be great, thanks.
think about them most of the time. I Agent: Well, the coaches leave from the
got some window boxes and planted main city bus station from the
a few seeds when I first moved in. I independent stands. It’s a long trip,
was delighted when they grew and I nine hours in total, so the first bus
just kept adding to them over the leaves at 7:30. But there’s another
years. one an hour later if that’s too early
Interviewer: Do you have any general advice on for you.
how to grow plants at home for Customer: Thanks. I think I’ll take the later one!
people who are getting started? And what happens when we get
Especially for people like me: nothing there? Is there a tour guide?
I plant seems to last very long! Agent: There are guides at the castle, but
Janet: I talk to my plants. I talk to all of we send our own guide, Patrick, on
them, whatever is on my mind. It the coach. His services are, of course,
might surprise you, and my included. Patrick will show you
grandchildren think I’m a bit crazy, around the castle and tell you what
but I’m not. It might be relaxing, too, each of the rooms were for. Not only
though it’s not why I do it. I know the is he very knowledgeable about the
plants don’t really understand what castle, but he’ll also provide you with
I’m saying and I don’t expect them to a packed lunch – sandwiches, fresh
give me an answer. But they are fruit and other refreshments,
living things after all. We share this including fruit juice as well as tea or
common living space. They’re a bit coffee.
like my pets, so I guess that they Customer: Can I register a place this Saturday
need a lot of the same things as for the 8:30 departure?
animals: food, water, light, the right Agent: Certainly. Could you tell me who
temperature, but also to feel looked you’re travelling with, please? We do
after with care. That's what I think at have some reductions.
Impulse 3 Tests Audioscripts
Customer: Well, it’s myself, my wife and our Would you recommend it more
two kids, but their two cousins might than other models?
come as well, we don’t know yet. Shop assistant: It’s actually our best-seller at the
Agent: Well, that’s OK, you don’t have to moment and the special offer
decide anything right now. The price deal expires next week. Let me
is £12 per person, but children under tell you a bit more about it.
10 go half price. In addition, a party Customer: Certainly.
of five or more qualify for a £2 Shop assistant: It works with any computer or
discount per person. So if the cousins laptop without having to
come along, you’ll get that reduction, download any extra software, so
and possibly the other one it’s really quick to set up and easy
depending on the age of the to use. The HD on the screen is
children. 1080p and that means the image
quality is very clear and accurate.
Track 20, Matura Test 2 Customer: But some of these computer
components break, don’t they?
Shop assistant: Well, this company is well-known
Interviewer: Sarah, the first thing I must say on
for making high standard
seeing the prototype for the first
products. So far, no customer has
time is that I’m surprised how small
brought one back to be fixed, so I
it is.
wouldn’t worry. As far as that
Sarah: That’s right, but don’t forget there
goes, there’s a 5-year guarantee,
are about a thousand of them that
are all working at the same time. The
bulk of the device is the rechargeable TEXT 3
battery, which has a life of about 15 Before I hand over the microphone, I’d like to
days. That’s about two weeks before thank the museum for asking me, an architect, to
the drone needs to resurface to get say a few words about the design of this central
recharged. space that we worked so hard on! Thank you also
Interviewer: So have they been in use long to the directors and everyone present who worked
enough to show some success? on this project. I’d also like to thank the members
Sarah: We actually started getting results of the public here who formed the focus group and
right away, and it’s already changed helped me and the other planners design the
what we thought we knew about the museum. We hope it will meet the public’s
distribution of marine life. We’ve got expectations when it opens this Saturday.
footage of the same species in This central space where you are currently
completely different parts of the seated is enormous. As I look around, I would
globe. We used to assume that each judge that we’re using barely a quarter of it. It’s
area would have its own typical quite unusual to set aside so much vacant space in
fauna and flora. a museum. In most museums, nearly every
Interview: Are the videos available to the available inch of space is needed to cram their
public? exhibits and display cases into. As you might know,
Sarah: Certainly, many of them are on our nearly every museum has a store of extra exhibits
website. Anyone who is interested tucked away that it would like to display but
can view them. doesn’t have the space. That’s one reason they put
on exhibitions, so they can rotate them.
TEXT 2 But this space has a purpose other than
Customer: I just have a few questions about showing displays. Before opening day, a number of
this webcam that’s on offer different stalls will be set up. Some of these will be
before I go ahead and buy it. selling refreshments, snacks, lunch and so on;
Impulse 3 Tests Audioscripts
others will offer museum souvenirs. The latter will So I kind of hope the musician is the chatty type!
take the place of the familiar museum shop the But it would be wrong to say I spend all my time in
people crowd into when they’ve finished going the studio. I do go out from time to time to take
round the museum and it’s their last stop before samples of authentic sounds – anything from
they go home. This museum won’t have a shop like traffic noise to bird songs. People ask me why I
that. Instead, the stalls will offer different types of don’t just download the sounds from the extensive
merchandise: mugs and other ceramics, books and online libraries we have these days. But I hear the
guides, artwork inspired by the exhibits, sound I want in my head and it has to be just right,
educational toys, and so on. But these stalls won’t so I hunt for it outside.
be side-by-side, they’ll be interspersed with the
Speaker 2
refreshment stalls.
We use a few different studios, including one right
This layout is to encourage change and
here in this city, where a few of the band have a
variety in the visitor’s experience, and it doesn’t
home. But our favourite recording studio is actually
stop there. There will be islands of comfortable
a converted farmhouse miles away from
seating arranged all around the periphery of the
civilisation. We’ve got the whole weekend to just
shopping area. There’s been a lot of research to
focus on our music. We’d do it more often, but the
show how an environment affects how people
thing is that close proximity forces us to live
behave, but I’ll describe an eye-witness view. A
together the whole time when we’re there, and we
museum visitor in search of lunch moves through
can get on each other’s nerves. Last time, the
the outer circle of seating. At the same time, he or
drummer fell out with the bass player and they
she can’t help but notice what the other visitors
spent the whole of Sunday morning not talking to
are eating or which items they’ve bought. They will
each other! The strange thing is that that negative
probably even overhear some snippets of
atmosphere somehow infused into one of the best
tracks on the last album.
You’ll notice that chairs for solo visitors are
not touching but are actually quite close to each Speaker 3
other. This is the optimal distance for you to feel If I’m honest, I dread setting foot inside a studio.
comfortable to be seated next to a stranger but I’m a jazz musician and I’m at my best when I’m
not far enough to discourage striking up a playing my saxophone on stage in front of a live
conversation. The layout of stalls and furniture, audience. Jazz is a lot about improvisation,
with ample walking space and an open choice on expressing yourself in the moment and feeding off
how to navigate among it, is aimed at facilitating the ideas of your fellow musicians. It’s about
chance encounters, so that visitors can talk and spontaneity and the studio environment is no
compare their experience. Piped music and friend to that. In my work there, I usually have
copious green plant life will make people feel sheet music, or someone will sing the melody note
comfortable and willing to exchange a few words for note, and I have to play it just like that: note for
with others nearby. It works really well with people note. It not only means playing perfectly, but
on tour groups or school trips, but I also think we’ll playing it perfectly to someone else’s idea. If I
see people who are strangers start talking to each don’t get it right, I do it again, and again, and again.
Speaker 4
Track 21, Matura Test 2 Our studio is very well-equipped: state-of-the-art
gear to suit our style of music, which can’t be easily
Speaker 1 pigeonholed. It has elements of rock, jazz, avant-
The studio is my main place of work; as a composer garde, classical and world music. But the influences
of ambient music, I rarely do any live we put together require many hours of studio
performances. I often spend whole days here, time. It works like this: we lay down the rhythm
bringing food with me or ordering a takeaway. If a tracks and one, or maybe two, of the melody lines -
guest musician comes in to record a track, that as long as they don’t overlap. Then we play it back
gives me some human contact, which I often miss. and agree on what tracks to add next. Then we add
Impulse 3 Tests Audioscripts
them one by one. We play it again. It’s a lengthy Interviewer: You make it sound straightforward
and frustrating process. Sometimes we go all the but still time-consuming! Why did
way back to an earlier point in the recording and you start designing your own clothes,
start from there again. anyway?
Giles: I studied the arts at university, so I
Track 22, Matura Test 2 always knew I wanted to work in that
area. And I’ve always been
Interviewer: Today, our studio guest is
interested in clothes. So I really
independent fashion designer Giles
wanted my clothes to look the way I
Westergard. Giles, perhaps you could
wanted them to look. You know
start by telling us something about
what I mean? Sometimes you can
the shirt you’re wearing right now.
find what you’re looking for and
It’s one of your own, isn’t it?
sometimes you can’t. So I asked
Giles: That’s right. It’s a combination of
myself: why not make this on my
patches of fabric, sewn together. I
own? I never looked back. I loved it
started with a vision, I imagined this
and knew I wanted to do it
kaleidoscope colour effect, and
professionally. Sometime after
sketched it on paper. Then it was a
university, I got my dream job and
case of sourcing the right material. I
started working for a small
could have had it machine printed at
independent design company. I
that point, but I put it together
worked with them for a few years
myself at home first. Early on in the
before going solo.
design process, I always make a
Interviewer: How would you describe the artistic
prototype, a kind of first draft, to see
side of fashion design?
what it’s actually like, to touch it,
Giles: Clothes are a way for an artist to
before it goes into production. I hope
make a statement, just like paintings,
you like this shirt because it’s going
sculpture, dance or any other art
to be on sale next week!
form. I express myself through style,
Interviewer: It looks great. How did you achieve
colour, material and so on. But
such a professional finish at home?
what’s really important is the way
Giles: It’s easier than it looks. When you’re
people wear it. They can wear it how
assembling an item, it’s just two
they want to, of course, but we
things: cutting and sewing together.
subtly influence them. That’s where
You do need a good quality sewing
models come into the picture. When
machine, and they’re expensive, but
choreographers create a catwalk
once you’ve made your purchase,
routine, they consult me and I
you’ve got it for life. You need to
describe the walk, the poses and the
work with it for a while till you get
whole attitude I have in mind. This
used to it, and then you’re set.
has a direct influence on how models
Decide what kind of clothes you
are photographed later for
want to design and have a go. Of
catalogues or window displays and
course, it needs to fit properly when
other commercial spaces. If people
you put it on, but there are lots of
identify with that on some level, it’s
apps with ready-made templates on
because of the artistic ideas that
the internet. You will just need to
went into it.
state how tall and how big you are,
and the template will tell you the
dimensions of the pieces you need to
stitch together.

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