B Card 2021 12 Media 1

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 Describe the pictures.

What kind of
media work does each one show?
 What are the differences between
the pictures?
 What are the advantages and
disadvantages of various types of media?
 What types of media do you use to get
CARD News and Media

What is the role of the media? Whoever controls the media
Where do you get your news information controls reality.”
(news websites, television, social media etc.)? Peter Jennings
Do you think that traditional media like journalist
newspapers, radio and television have a future in
today’s world of online news? Why or why not?
Social media allows anybody to immediately
share news / photos / videos of what is going
“ The great thing about social
media was how it gave a voice
to voiceless people.”
on. What are the pros and cons of that? Jon Ronson
What should the media do and what should journalist
they never do?
What is fake news? Can you give some
examples? What do you do to avoid being
fooled by fake news?
“ The news media are, for
the most part, the bringers of
bad news... and it’s not entirely
the media’s fault, bad news gets
JUST IMAGINE higher ratings and sells more
You and some friends have agreed to set up papers than good news.”
a news club at your school. You got the idea from Peter McWilliams
reading about school newspapers in the US, but writer
you want to do something that’s more up-to-date.
Think about what media channels you could WORD BANK
use (print media, blogs, YouTube, social media
newspaper / broadsheet / tabloid /
and so on). Consider what you would report
magazine / edition / issue / radio /
on, where you would get information, how you
television / the internet / online broadcast /
would share responsibilities among the team
blogging / vlogging / world news / national
and how you would get public attention. You
news / breaking news / entertainment
can also think about possible issues you might
news / sports news / headline / interview /
face, such as technical and legal issues or
editorial / opinion piece / review /
problems with trolling and harassment, and
advertisement / advertorial / talk show /
what you could do to solve them.
discussion show / weather forecast / radio
station / television channel / traditional
DATA MINER media / social media / state‑funded media /
public-service media / subscription‑funded
Roughly half of EU citizens trust the written
media / paywall / up‑to-date / reliable /
press and television, and about 35% trust
trustworthy / biased / fake news /
social media as a source of news.
hoax / propaganda / fact-checking /
journalist / reporter / anchor / presenter /
In most European countries, most people get
newsreader / editor / host / guest /
news from social media daily or almost daily.
to publish / to report / to stream /
30% of people who get news via social interview / investigation / investigative
journalism / crowdsourcing / citizen
media do not pay attention to the source.
journalism / whistleblower / sources / leak /
Sources: Statista / Pew Research Center confidentiality / freedom of the press


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