Ôn tập học kì II - Final Second Term Test 1

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Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)

I. Pronunciation
Câu 1. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?
A. driverless B. spacious
C. traffic D. economical
Câu 2. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?
A. lyrics B. light C. hit D. hint
Câu 3. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?
A. favorite B. band C. clap D. hand
Câu 4. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?
A. review B. judges C. famous D. critics
II. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each question.
Câu 5. What kind of music do you like?
A. I like Taylor Swift. B. I can’t stand rock.
C. I am a big fan of folk music. D. I got 2 tickets for the concert tonight.
Câu 6. The _________ of the music makes me want to dance all night long.
A. note B. rhythm C. key D. song
Câu 7. _________ I don't like loud music, I will still go to the festival because my friends want to go.
A. Therefore B. So C. However D. Although
Câu 8. During _________ hour, traffic can be very heavy and cause long delays.
A. rush B. hot C. fast D. quick
Câu 9. I am so excited that I _________ my favorite band play live tonight.
A. am going to watch B. watch
C. go to watch D. will be watch
Câu 10. ________ cars are becoming more popular due to their convenience and safety features.
A. Manually-driven B. Human-operated
C. Self-driving D. Non-autonomous
Câu 11. Which one do you prefer, taking a bus or riding your motorcycle to work?
A. Taking a bus would be an eco-friendly option.
B. The bus number 8 is always late.
C. I’m going to buy a new motorbike soon.
D. I could ride a motorbike when I was 17.
Câu 12. _________ proper planning, traffic can become chaotic and lead to accidents and
A. Without B. Unless C. With D. But
Câu 13. _________ cars are more comfortable for long journeys, especially with friends and family.
A. Narrow B. Small C. Tight D. Roomy

Câu 14. We need to handle energy _________ care to protect the environment and prevent climate
A. at B. to C. with D. on
III. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
Câu 15.
What time is the concert on Sunday?

A. 6 pm B. 8 pm C. 7 pm D. 9 pm
Câu 16.
How long will the street be closed for maintenance?

A. A full day B. 2 hours

C. Two days D. Half a day
IV. Read the following mail and do as direct.
Dear Summer,
I hope you are doing well. This weekend, I am going to attend a music festival and I was
wondering if you would like to come along. There will be many bands and different genres of
music, so I think it will be a lot of fun. I know that you love music as much as I do, so I thought it
would be a great opportunity for us to hang out and enjoy some good music together.
The festival is on Saturday and Sunday, and I plan to be there for both days. We can grab some
food and drinks, check out some of the bands, and enjoy the atmosphere. Let me know if you are
interested, and we can plan the details.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Câu 17. Laila is inviting Summer to a music festival.
A. False B. True
Câu 18. There will only be one genre of music at the festival.
A. False B. True
Câu 19. Laila plans to attend the festival on Sunday only.
A. False B. True
Câu 20. Laila suggests that they can grab some food and drinks at the festival.
A. False B. True
Câu 21. What is the purpose of the email?
A. To invite Summer to a music festival B. To complain about a music festival
C. To ask for a favor D. To apologize for missing a music festival
Câu 22. How many days is the festival?
A. Four days B. Three days
C. One day D. Two days
V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Students can have a lot of fun when they ____23_____ on the roads, but they should always put
____24_____ first. To avoid accidents and stay safe on the road, it's important to take the right steps.
Always wearing your ____25_____ while driving or riding in a car is one of the most important safety
tips. This can prevent severe injuries in case of an accident. Also, it's important for your safety to
follow traffic laws and signals, like stopping at stop signs and red lights.
Make sure you can be seen when you walk or ride a bike by wearing clothes that are bright or
reflective and using lights or reflectors. Also, if you want to stay ____26_____ and aware of your
surroundings, don't use your phone or other devices while walking or riding a bike.
Last but not least, it's important to pay ___27______ to your surroundings and trust your gut. Find a
safe place or ask for help if you don't feel good or safe.
If you follow these safety tips, you can have a fun and safe trip ____28_____ putting your own and
other people's safety first.
Câu 23. Choose the correct answer.
A. rolls B. fly C. run D. travel
Câu 24. Choose the correct answer.
A. safe B. safety C. unsafe D. safely
Câu 25. Choose the correct answer.
A. thing B. seatbelt C. hat D. wheel
Câu 26. Choose the correct answer.
A. alert B. asleep C. dull D. bored
Câu 27. Choose the correct answer.
A. close B. attention C. focus D. mind
Câu 28. Choose the correct answer.
A. so B. while C. but D. because

VI. Supply the correct form of the word given in each sentence.
Câu 29. The ___________ atmosphere of the festival creates a memorable experience for all. (charm)
Câu 30. ___________ powers the music festival stages and equipment. (electric)
Câu 31. Some performers may be ___________ in gaining popularity despite their talent. (success)
Câu 32. The cost of tickets and accommodations can be an ___________ for attendees. (expensive)
Câu 33. ___________ from all over the world perform at the festival. (music)
Câu 34. The ___________ musicians put on an incredible show that impresses the crowd. (talent)
VII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences.
Câu 35. option for avoiding / Public transportation / a convenient / can be / traffic
Câu 36. event with live/ is a fun/ The music festival/ music and performances.
VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the
same as the sentence printed before it.
Câu 37. Laura is going to ride her bike to school to keep fit and protect the environment.
Because Laura wants _____________________________________________________
Câu 38. No car in this showroom is as big as this one.
This is the _____________________________________________________
Câu 39. If we don't hurry up, we'll be late for the beginning of the film.
Hurry _____________________________________________________
Câu 40. There are over 20 famous bands in this concert.
This concert has _____________________________________________________
Vocabulary plus
Keyword Word IPA pronunciation Vietnamese meanings
Travel Verb /ˈtrævəl/ Đi lại, di chuyển
Safety Noun /ˈseɪfti/ An toàn, sự an toàn
Seatbelt Noun /ˈsiːtˌbɛlt/ Dây an toàn, dây thắt lưng
Visible Adjective /ˈvɪzəbl/ Có thể nhìn thấy, rõ ràng
Alert Adjective /əˈlɜrt/ Tỉnh táo, cảnh giác
Attention Noun /əˈtɛnʃən/ Sự chú ý, tập trung
Fun Adjective /fʌn/ Vui vẻ, thú vị
Without putting safety Phrase /wɪˈðaʊt ˈpʊtɪŋ ˈseɪfti Không đặt an toàn lên hàng
first ˈfɜrst/ đầu
Trip Noun /trɪp/ Chuyến đi, hành trình
Trust Verb /trʌst/ Tin tưởng, tin cậy

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