Students The Present Simple and The Present Simple Continuous

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1. Happening actions: - Repeated actions:

It's raining at the moment. It always rains at the weekend.
I'm watching this programme. I watch television most weekends.
Look! That man is taking a photo of you. He's a photographer. He takes lots of photos.

2. .............................................................. - ...................................................................
I'm working at a sports shop for six weeks
At the moment they're living in a very I work at a sports shop. It's a permanent job.
small flat. They live in a very nice flat.

3...................................................................... - ......................................................................
Tom is always inviting friends here.
(= He invites them very often.) Tom always invites us to stay at Christmas.
I'm always making silly mistakes. (= He invites us every Christmas.)
(= I make silly mistakes too often.) I always make silly mistakes in exams. (= I
make mistakes in every exam.)

4. ................................................................... - .......................................................................
I've bought 2 plane tickets. I am flying to Ex: The plane takes off at 3 p.m this afternoon
London tomorrow

5...................................................................... - ......................................................................
The world politics is becoming more and
more complicated. Ex: What will you do if you fail your exam?
The weather is getting worse.
. Sử dụng trong một số cấu trúc (hay xuất
hiện trong đề thi)

- We will wait, until she comes.

- Tell her that I call as soon as she arrives
- My mom will open the
door when/whenever/every time he comes
- Signal words - • every ….
- at this moment • ……..
• ………………. • ……..
• ……………… • ……..
• now • ……..
• right now • ……..
• for the time being (now) • ……..
• Listen! • ……..
• Look! • ……..
- Today/ this…. • …….
- Always, continually, constantly, forever
Một số động từ không có dạng V-ing

Những động từ sau đây chỉ dùng ở dạng Đơn:
• state: be, cost, fit, mean, suit Example: We are on holiday.
• possession:............................. Example: Sam has a cat.
• senses: .................................. Example: He feels the cold.
• feelings: ............................... Example: Jane loves pizza.
• brain work: ...................................................................... Example: I believe you.

 Some stative verbs have continuous forms but with a difference in meaning:

A State B Action

1a. He thinks he’s really clever. (= he believes) 1b. I’m thinking about his offer.(= I’m considering)

2a.This tastes salty.( It has the flavour) 2b.Why is he tasting the soup? (=testing the favour)

3 a. He has two houses. (= he owns; he 3b.She’s having lunch. (= she is…………..)


4 a. The silk shirt feels soft. ( It has a soft

4b.Ann is feeling the cat’s fur(= she’s ………….)

5a. Do you see what I mean? ( understand)

5b.I’ m seeing Paula tonight. (= I am ………..)
6a. Your perfume smells of apples. ( It has the
6b.She’s smelling the rose. ( = she’s ………..)
7b.I am loving/ enjoying this film. (= I like
7a.I love/ enjoy good films.( = I like in general)
8a. It looks as if it’s going to rain. ( = it appears)
8b. He is looking at the painting. (= he’s observing it)
9a. He appears to be working. (= he seems to
9b.The singer is appearing on stage tonight.
(= is performing)
10a. The box is heavy. It weighs a lot.(= has the
weight of) 10b. He is weighing the potatoes.(=…………………).

Exercises on The present simple and the present continuous tense

I. Complete each sentence with the present simple or present continuous form of the verb in
1. I (hear)……………… that you have been promoted. Congratulations!
2. British people (drink)…………….. more and more wine, apparently.
3. I hope Sarah will be here soon. I (depend)………………on her.
4. Please be quiet, David. You (forever/ interrupt)…………………….
5. Hey, you! What (you/ think)………………….. you’re doing?
6. Could you come here please ? I (want)……………to talk to you now.
7. Jane is away on holiday so Linda ( handle)……………her work.
8. To be honest, I (doubt)…………………..whether Jim will be here next week.
9. You’re only just started the job, haven’t you ? How (you/ get on )…………….?
10. Pay no attention to Graham. He (just/be )……………sarcastic.
11.Dennis (drink, usually)_____________ coffee with his breakfast, but this morning he
(drink)______________ tea instead.
12. Janet (take)_______ the bus to work every day. She (wait, usually)________ for the bus at the
corner of 5th and Pine.
13. This morning it (rain)_____________ I can see Janet from my window. She (stand)_______ at
the corner of 5th and Pine. She (hold)_____________ her umbrella over her head. She
(wait)_________ for the bus.
14. Mike (take)______________three classes this semester. Every morning he (study)_______ for
two hours before he goes to school. He (have)__________ French class at 9 o’clock. He (take,
also)__________ chemistry and accounting. He (like)_________ chemistry best of all, but he
( have)_____ better grades in accounting and French.
15. Mother: Susie! Get your fingers out of the dessert! What ( you, do)_______________?
Susie: I (taste)__________ the cake. It (taste)______good.

II. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1. I haven’t decided yet about whether to buy a new car or a second- hand one. But I think
about it/ I’m thinking about it.
2. All right, you try to fix the television! But I hope/ I’m hoping you know what you’re
doing .
3. Every year I visit/ I’m visiting Britain to improve my English.

4. It’s time we turned on the central heating. It gets/It’s getting colder every day.
5. Of course, you’re Mary, aren’t you! I recognize/ I am recognizing you now.
6. The film of what “ War and Peace” is very long. It lasts/ is lasting over four hours.
7. I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! But what do you do/ are
you doing in the afternoons?
8. I’m going to buy a new swimming costume. My old one doesn’t fit/ isn’t fitting any more.
9. That must be the end of the first part of the performance. What happens/ is happening
10. What’s the matter? Why do you look/ are you looking at me like that?

III. Stative vs. progressive verbs

Use either the simple present or the present progressive of the verbs in parentheses
1. Tim (have)_________ a car.
2. Tim ( have) __________ trouble with this car, so he has to take the bus to work these days.
3. This box (weigh)________ a lot. It’s too heavy for me to lift.
4. I just handed the box to the postal worker. Right now she ( weigh)______ it to see how much
postage it (need)_________.
5. I (do)____________ this practice at the moment. It (consist)______ of both nonprogressive
and progressive verbs.
6. I (think)_____________ about the verbs in this grammar practice right now. I
(think)_______ all of my answers are correct, but I’ll use the answer key to check them when
I finish, just to make sure.
7. Mrs. Edwards is at the market. Right now she (look)________ at the apples. They
(look)______ fresh.
8. My cousin is an actor. He ( appear, currently)_________ in the popular TV series called “
Doctor of Mystery.” Have you seen that show?
9. Jack ( appear)___________ happy this morning. He’s smiling.
10. Susan is looking at some people across the street, but she (see, not)______ anyone she
11. A: What are you thinking about ? You have such a pleasant expression on your face.
B: I ( imagine)_______ what it would like to be on a tropical beach right now.
12. A: Why isn’t Richard here?
B: I ( imagine) ____________ he’ll be here soon. Don’t worry about him.
13. A: When is Jessica’s birthday?

B: I ( forget)________ when her birthday is . Sometime in November, isn’t it?
14. A: Are you happy with the school you decided to send your daughter to?
B: Yes, indeed. But it’s pretty expensive. It (cost)_______ us an arm and a leg to send her there,
but we think it’s worth it. And it won’t last forever.
15. A: What’s the price on that lamp? I really like it.
B: Let me see. Well, no wonder. It (cost)______ three times as much as the other one. You
certainly have expensive tastes.
16. A: What are you doing?
B: I (smell)_____________ the scent of this candle. It (smell)_______ good.
17. A: Do you let Tommy use scissors? He’s very young.
B: It’s not a problem. He (be)_______ very careful when he cuts something with scissors. He
knows how to use scissors carefully.

IV. Complete the text with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in
I work in a large office with about thirty other people, most of whom I (1)…………….(know) quite
well. We(2)…………….(spend) most of the day together, so we have all become friends. In fact,
most of my colleagues are so interesting that I (3)……………... (think) of writing book about them!
(4)……………..(take) Helen Watson, for example. Helen (5)………….(run) the Accounts
department. At the moment she(6)……………….( go out) with Keith Ballantine, one of the sales
representatives, and they (7)……………(seem) very happy together. But everyone – except Helen
apparently – (8)……………….(know) that Keith (9)…………….. (fancy) Susan Porter. But I (10)
……………….. (happen) to know that Susan (11)……………..(dislike) Keith. “ I can’t stand
people who never (12)…………….(stop) apologizing all the time’! she told me. “And besides, I
know he (13)……………(deceive) poor Helen. He (14)……………(see) Betty Wills from the
Overseas department.” And plenty of other interesting things (15)………….( currently/ go on ). For
instance, every week we (16)…………….( experience) more and more problems with theft-
personal belongings and even money have been stolen. When you (17)…………( realize) that
someone in your office is a thief, it (18)………………( upset) you at first. But I ( 19)……………..
(also/ try) to catch whoever it is before the police are called in. I’m not going to tell you who I (20)
……………(suspect). Well, not yet anyway.

V. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
one of the words in bold. Do not change the word in bold.

1. Charles and his father are exactly alike in appearance.

Charles ……looks just/ exactly like………………………………………….his father.
2. Take all your possessions and walk slowly to the exit.
belongs/ belonging
Take everything …………………………………………and walk slowly to the exit.
3. I am finding it really enjoyable to work here.
enjoy/ enjoying
I………………………………………. here.
4. I take work home regularly because of my new responsibility at work.
My new responsibility at work………………………….work home regularly.
5. In my recycling group there’s George, Tom, Harry and me.
consists/ consisting
My …………………………George, Tom, Harry and me.
6. In your opinion, who’s going to win the Cup?
think/ thinking
Who do …………………………….win the Cup?
7. I’m seeing how wide the door is.
measure/ measuring
I …………………………………….. the door.
8. Neil always forgets his wife’s birthday.
remembers/ remembering
Neil……………………………………. his wife’s birthday.
9. Its ability to catch fish is the key to the polar bear’s survival.
Depends/ depending
The polar bear’s …………………….. to catch fish.
10. What’s on your mind at the moment?
Think/ thinking
What…………………………………. at the moment.

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