02network1 Mod3 SecB

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Name: ................................................. Mark: .................


Choose the correct answer.
1 A rabbit is … a mouse.
a as small as
b not as small as
c smaller than
2 … , sharks and dolphins live in the sea.
a Elephants
b Whales
c Beetles
3 … have got long ears.
a Fish
b Turtles
c Rabbits
4 The … is a black and white mammal.
a bird
b crocodile
c zebra
5 Sharks are sometimes dangerous, but dolphins are rarely dangerous. Dolphins are … sharks.
a dangerous as
b as dangerous as
c not as dangerous as
6 Some people like riding … .
a horses
b tigers
c bees
7 A giraffe is about four metres tall. A horse is about one and a half metres tall. A horse is … a giraffe.
a as tall as
b taller than
c not as tall as
8 The national animal of Australia is the red … .
a kangaroo
b fly
c bee
9 … can be very dangerous.
a Snakes
b Cows
c Sheep
10 I love cats and dogs. I think cats are … dogs.
a as nice
b as nice as
c nicer than

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11 Butterflies are often colourful. Flies are … butterflies.

a as colourful as
b more colourful than
c not as colourful as
12 Snakes, turtles and crocodiles are … .
a reptiles
b insects
c amphibians
13 All … have got eight legs.
a frogs
b spiders
c sharks
14 The … is a very tall animal.
a whale
b dolphin
c giraffe
15 … are small mammals.
a Mice
b Butterflies
c Ducks
16 Chimpanzees are … frogs.
a more intelligent than
b as intelligent as
c not as intelligent as
17 My cat and Rob’s cat weigh the same. Rob’s cat is … my cat.
a as heavy as
b heavier than
c not as heavy as
18 The “king of the jungle” is the … .
a pig
b lion
c mammal
19 The crocodile is three metres long, but the snake is five metres long. The crocodile is … the snake.
a as long as
b longer than
c not as long as
20 Our bird is two years old and our goldfish is also two years old. The bird is … the goldfish.
a older than
b as old as
c not as old as

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