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Adriel Martino D.

Ibarra - 10C

Openness and Social Inclusion

Openness is the willingness to accept new ideas without
judgement or prejudice. With openness, one is open to change
and interested in new viewpoints. Openness and being
open-minded are things that I try to apply to myself in
order to understand others better. Closed-mindedness
happens to me when I disagree with someone and am not
willing to hear them out. However, close-mindedness is
something I can observe more on adults. Social inclusion is
ensuring that all individuals have access to opportunities and
resources. I can observe this social inclusion in the UAE
where the society is well developed. It ensures that everyone
can engage in society. On the other hand, social exclusion
happens when individuals are isolated from society. This is
caused by things like discrimination or poverty. I witnessed
this when I was living in the Philippines and it is one of the
country’s main issues. These experiences have given me new
perspectives in things such as inequality and understanding
others that have different experiences from me.

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