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機械三 郭芮嘉 B10602012

Q1: (Part 2-1, page 11). Describe how the lift is generated when air passing an airfoil?
當空氣通過 airfoil 時,上表面會形成相對低壓力區,而下表面則會形成相對高
Q2: (Part 2-1, page 11). For the Bernoulli equation, which parameter is dominant?
Pressure difference or velocity difference?
Pressure difference。因當空氣分子被翼型擠壓時,不同表面(上表面與下表
Q3: (Part 2-1, page 11). For the Bernoulli equation, describe clearly under what
conditions lead to its invalidity? ** This question aims to help you to review the
correct assumptions for the Bernoulli equation, contents in page 4~5 may be helpful.
當空氣有黏性時會使 Bernoulli equation 無效,因會消耗更多能量。又因當流速
超過一定程度時會產生 vortex,又 vortex 會影響能量的消耗,違反 Bernoulli
equation 假設的能量守恆。
Q4: (Part 2-2, page 12). Clearly describe each definition of the following angle of
attack (AOA):
攻角𝛼指的是 chord line 和流場方向間的角度。又定義 chord line 和 zero-lift line
(a) Absolute AOA:𝛼𝐴 = 𝛼𝐿 + 𝛼
(b) induced AOA:𝛼𝑖 , angle between the local relative vector and the original
relative flow direction.
(c) effective AOA:𝛼𝑒 = 𝛼 − 𝛼𝑖
Q5: (Part 2-3, page 13). How do we define the lift coefficient? Describe clearly all the
involved parameter definitions.
𝐶𝐿 =
0.5𝜌𝑢2 𝐴
其中𝜌表示流體密度,𝑢表示相對流速,L 是 lift,而 A 則代表投影面積。例如
airfoil 投影面積表示當機翼剖面的 chord line 是水平的時候,從 top view 觀察到
Q6: (Part 2-3, page 13). What is the “stall” state? And why the ratio between the lift
and the total drag (L/D) is important?
失速狀態指的是當最大的𝐶𝐿 發生時,當攻角超過此最大狀態時,升力將迅速消
In-class: Briefly describe the reason(s) for generating the lift induced drag.

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