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By: Makenzie Davidson

I woke up excitedly in my bed. The tears streaming down my face were freezing cold, and I was shivering violently. I realized all my covers and quilts were lying on the floor because my violent sleep tended to throw them off. I got up out of bed, my feet going numb when they touched the granite flooring. I was wishing now more than ever that I would have laid out my slippers near the bed instead of putting them away in my closet. I would also have to remind father I wanted rugs on my flooring. The room was dark, and not even my candles were lit anymore. I attempted to feel my way through the darkened room to the even darker, windowless hallway. I felt for the switch, but when I moved it the hallway remained dark. My heart dropped as I became more and more frustrated with the power outage. I should start a fire, I whispered my thoughts to myself, but someone in the dark replied. Yes, it does seem as though winter has shown its ugly nature tonight hasnt it? You should take a look at it. Father must have awoken at the sound of me stumbling around in the dark like a clumsy fool. Hes too light of sleeper sometimes that it worries me he doesnt sleep much at all. I walked to the window, and I saw what he though was a violent snow storm. It had erupted from the sky like a massive hurricane of snow. The wind moved the snow up,

down, sideways, and in circles traveling destructively through the yard. There was no place the wind didnt cover with snow. The truck, trees, fencing, and roads were buried. Winter has no ugly nature, I said marveling at the beauty I saw, It has no conscious. The wind was not destructive. It caressed the trees bending them beneath its power. The snow sparkled and shimmered as it danced through the air. Beautiful was the only word I could describe it with. You couldnt say nature had an ugly side. Only something that knew what it was doing could show you a side like that. I loved nature, and no matter how destructive it was I couldnt stand to say it was ugly. Thats very insightful, Nova, He said extolling me for what I said. I cant sit near the window any longer. Its much to cold here. Will you help me light all the fires? Father looked at me. My skin was flushed, and I had tear stains on my shirt and face. He was concerned for me, but he didnt ask questions for he knew the cause of my pain. He felt it too, but I hadnt seen him show much emotion since Mayas, my older sister and only sibling, death. He didnt cry at the funeral, and he packed us up almost immediately after it happened. Yes, we can do that I do believe. I brought the flashlight from your mothers nightstand to help us along. I could see him dimly in the little bit of light night held outside. His mouth twitched up a bit as if hed wanted to smile, but that it was a strain for him to do that much. He turned on the flashlight. I moved away from the window, and walked past my father toward the stairs. He followed me quietly to the cut up wood heap in the large kitchen. Father had meant for mother to use it for cooking, but she is much too depressed

to even come out of her room anymore. I hadnt seen her in a month, and shes becoming less and less apart of my life. I started gathering pieces of wood for the fireplace in the grand hallway. There are many in the house so we could be prepared for outages such as these. Father gathered even more than me, and we quickly had the whole house ablaze with warm fires. I was tired, and I knew Father was too, So, I gave him a kiss, and he walked me through the huge house to my bedroom. I had clearly made him just a bit more happy than he could be, and even though it wasnt enough for either of us to have a good nights sleep it would have to do for tonight. He closed my door behind me, and I lay down in bed feeling the fires warmth caress my face. Its soft hands warmed my whole body while I drifted into another daunting dream about Maya Peturson. The next morning I woke up early. My fire was only reddish-gray charcoals, but I was still warm. I could see the sunlight coming from under my door, and shining a little bit through my curtains. Shadows passed by, and I could pick up on a voice coming from a little ways down the hall. Yes, must I come to Rejavavik today to get the generator? My father said frustrated at who he was speaking with. My father was headed to the city? I Jumped out of bed more excited than Ive been in months. I threw off my oldshirt I had worn to be, and ran to my huge closet doors. Opening them with a wide them in one wide swing, and I looked at the colorless clothes. I grabbed the first large winter jacket I saw, a while cotton top, and a pair of jeans. I sat on my bed and shoved my jeans

into my winter boots. I heard my father end his conversation, and just before he knocked on my door I opened it his fist falling to his side. Are you ready to go? I asked. Well youre a clever girl arent you? He smiled a little, but then it turned back to a frown almost instantly. I try my best father. Can I go with you to the city? I smiled up at him. It was my first real one that Id shown him in a long time, and it was sincere. I do believe you can if you want, but you wont have much fun. It was an attempt to avoid spending time with me. I could see it in his eyes. He didnt want to go with him. I will have fun doing that tan staying at home again today. I would show him we could have fun together he again that I could be the daughter he missed. I loved him more than anything in the world, and I couldnt let him feel bad anymore. I was always going to be sad for the loss of my sister, but I would let my father loose two daughters. Your mother sure wouldnt approve, but I love you and respect your desires. Father was always so formal when he said he loved me. Okay, lets leave. I want that generator hooked up before the next storm hits. He grabbed my hand and we headed down the stairs. I snatched my gloves and pulled up my hood up before I headed into the subzero temperatures. The roads had been cleared mainly good, and father had dug out the truck. It was heated and warm when I jumped. There wasnt as much snow as it looked last night. I think the wind was just really bad, and it made it look like it was snowing hard.

Father, why do we need a generator? We did just fine heating the house ourselves last night, and I like it that were so old-fashioned in our new home. It makes us different. What I said was true to me, but instantly I regretted it. For one we already had enough that made us different, and father may agree with me. Then he wouldnt feel the need to take me to town. He saw the draw of my smile as I sat back father in my seat. He sighed and put the truck into reverse. I watched as we passed smaller and smaller mounds of snow that people have piled on the side of the road. The towns people really worked hard to clean this up this fast. It wasnt nearly as bad as it was last night for sure. Though, it never seems to get so horrible in the winter that we cant handle it. Icelanders are always prepared for the weather, and it would be a lot worse if we werent. Father was completely silent as we drove through the town of Ominisis. We would come to highways leading to the city soon. I was very excited to see Rejavavik. The beautiful city had colorful homes of yellows, blues, and oranges. Every color stood for things; white for a minister of God, green for a doctor, or blue for wisdom meaning a teacher. Our house was colored blue for my father was a professor and is the only one in the house with a job. If mother had a job anyway the house we lived in would still be blue because its the fathers job that counts most. The people of Iceland are not forced to live in a certain colored house they just choose to because its our culture, and makes Icelanders differ from all others. What are you thinking about? He looked over at me with somber eyes. He looked tired today, probably from waking up last night with me.

Just anticipating what the city will look like today. You think its cleaned up nice and pretty too? Itd be such a shame if it was dirty looking the one day we came there. I said excitedly; I was about to jump out of my seat. Well, I dont see why you care so much. Its not that amazing of a place. So what excites you because its not any more than a few colorful homes? It is nothing like the city lights of New York that you saw last year. He seemed confused. I thought he knew me better than that. No, New York isnt as beautiful as Rejavavik. Its the same with all the cities Ive lived in. You have no love for your own home and thats sad. I was mad at him! How could he ever say such an ugly, crime infested city like New York could compare to Rejavavik? You know your not to talk to me like that, Nova! He looked at me and yelled. He was so mad. You just stay quiet the whole time we are here. You are not to socialize with anyone. That will be your punishment because I know thats why you really wanted to go. He turned his head back to the road ignoring my pleading looks. I hated it when father got upset with me because I knew he was genuinely angry or frustrated. I shouldnt have disrespected him like that. We were entering the main part of the city now. It wasnt like a normal city; there isnt much traffic, it isnt cluttered, there arent very large building, and its beautiful. We drove through the quaint rows of houses that Icelanders consider one of their largest cities. Its very sad seeing all these homes knowing Ill never get father to move back within the city.

We started driving close to the center of the city where the Plaza was. Father still looked mad so I decided not to say anything at all to him. We would be to the supply store soon. Although father had yelled and told me not to speak with anyone I had already concocted a plan to disobey. I felt very guilty for it, but I wasnt going to miss my chance to meet someone. Father had no reason to treat me this way, and Id never given him a reason not to trust me. I was going to have to take matters into my own hands now even though I didnt particularly like to do so. We halted to a slick, screeching stop, and I hopped down from the oversized truck. The air was frigid and dry around the outside of the plaza; not quite the most comfortable place for me. I walked around the side of the truck to where father stood and held out my hand to him. If I played nice and made up with him he might possible let me got to the bathroom on my own. It was my plan all along to go to the bathroom and try to have a civilized conversation with anyone who was around where I walked. I was having no friends in this icebox of a home. Father what store are we going to? I asked innocent and sweet, but maybe I was being too noticeable. I wouldnt want him getting suspicious of me before my deceitful plan unveiled itself. Asta Fimlega is a very sensible place to get generators, he said smiling down at me. I looked at all the shops and such around me. Each ones sign was a foreign language to me. I could here the Icelanders speaking in there special tongue. I never came

to learn this difficult language. It was one of the hardest in the world. How was I going to talk to anyone here? Fimlega is materials right? I asked him No, that is supple. It means Astas supplies. Asta is a common womens name here. He was angry again. He always got that way when I used him as a translator. We came to Asta Fimlega, and I could see the long line of people picking up all sorts of things. A man stood by a rack of snow shovels obviously contemplating which color to by considering they were all the same shape. In another area there were several women who stood by the light fixtures with their unwilling looking husbands. The kids in the store mingled around the few lawnmowers sectioned off in the back. Its weird to say youd need a lawn mower in Iceland of all places. Father and I strolled to the large boxes of generators stationed at the front of the store. Father picked up one, and he headed to the huge line of people to wait. We had stood there for a good hour, and the line hadnt budged much. I decided that it was about time for my bladder to need some attending to. Father couldnt leave line with me now or wed have to start all over again. I had thought this all through, and I was being very patient. Nothing was going to stop me from socializing with at least one person today, and I hadnt even talked to father any at all since weve been standing here! Its crazy how boring it is here. Father, I know this is a bad time, but I need to use the bathroom. I whimpered softly at his side. Its been three hours since the last time I went, and it is starting to hurt. I crossed my leg a little over the other one to strengthen the lies believability.

Cant you wait because if we leave line well have to start all over again at the end? He was talking to me like a small child, and I hated it when he did that. I am fifteen years old, father. I think I can walk to the bathroom and back by myself. I didnt mean to be sarcastic, but its the only way I could make it come out sounding. I dont know. I He hesitated trying to come up with an excuse not to let me leave. Ill be fine, father. I really need to go and Ill be back soon I promise. I smiled to reassure him and made my self look even more anxious. Okay, but dont talk to anyone, keep your head down, and come straight back. He said in a forceful tone. He wanted to make me hear him loud and clear, and I was. That didnt mean I was going to do it. I lifted myself up on my tip-toes, and he leaned down for the kiss I gave him. Then, I rushed off out the entrance of the store. I didnt know where Id go for a long time, but I knew he wouldnt leave the line to come find me for awhile. When I got back I decided that Id tell him I couldnt find the bathroom. I mean Ive never been to this Plaza before so how would I know where the bathrooms were right off? I walked around just listening to people talk. I might just get lucky and one will speak English. There was a group of women who walked by in long wintry dresses chatting in Icelandic. Two men stood at the Plazas advisory desk speaking too a family about who knows what. There was janitor who walked by singing to native song his music player played in his ear. All the people in a large fountain area sat around with

each other peacefully. Teenagers talked to each other about what I presumed to be their school work, while another woman talked worriedly on her cell phone. It was all so much to take in at once. No one I saw or heard could speak to me, and my mood plummeted to just about nothing. Sadness overwhelmed me. When I really did pass the bathroom thirty minutes after Id left my father I had to go. So I walked down a hallway that presumably led to the men and womens bathrooms. There was a little waiting area with a drinking fountain, a bench, and some flyers on the wall. It was a decorative space, and the bathroom door was there. After I was done I walked out of the bathroom wiping my wet hand on my jeans. When I saw how nice the bathrooms were I presumed that have towels or maybe a dryer for my hands. I walked straight the little drinking fountain and got some water to drink. When I heard a cough to my right I looked over and saw a boy sitting on the bench Id saw earlier. He had brown curly hair that he obviously hadnt cut in awhile. His green eyes were very bright and noticeable. I looked at him, and he stared at me. He must have been staring since I walked out. He was very handsome, and when he smiled his teeth were bright too. Hvaa er a laglegur stlka eins og ager hr vi sjlfur? He spoke very fluent Icelandic, but he didnt look like a native. Im sorry I do not speak your language. I apologized appropriately as I had done many other times today even though they didnt understand most of the time it still felt right. It was too bad because I liked him.

Oh well, thats the first time thats happened to me today. He smiled at me brightly, his teeth perfectly straight. What is your name pretty girl? I was awestruck at the thought of finding a person who spoke English when Id all but given up. The best thing about it was that he was cute, and another thing that Id longed for in my new home was a boy to love me. It would bring up the way felt about myself, but he probably wouldnt waste his time on me where I lived so far away from here. The mission here was to only have a conversation with him. My name is Nova. What is yours? I moved forward to shake his outstretched hand. Allen Matthews is what they call me, but what a name that is; its very beautiful. I havent heard anyone who looks to be an Icelander as much as you are not able to speak the language. You couldnt have lived here your whole life have you? He asked curious of my origins. I am Icelandic clear through to my bones, but know this is the first time Ive lived here since I was three years old. I love this place though, and I think I should probably start at least attempting to learn a little bit about my heritage starting with the language. I said laughing at the coincidence of my being a full blood Icelander and not knowing anything about who I am. Well, I could teach you sometime if youd like, but I must warn you that the language is very difficult. He smiled at me again, and got up from his seat. So, young lady, where are you supposed to be right now? Oh no, I have to go. I turned around quickly remembering my worrisome father who probably wouldnt let me out of his sight ever again. I had gotten my wish, and I had

also fulfilled another longing that was rooted deeper in my heart. I wanted to stay and flirt more with that boy, but I knew I couldnt. I would never forget my first conversation with Allen Matthews. I hurried through the Plaza because father was going to be furious with me. I cant believe I didnt at least keep up with how long Id been gone. I am such an idiot. I was coming around the corner that would lead me down another stretch of shops. Then I would have to turn down another corner, and at the end of that stretch was the supply shop. I went as fast as I could but as came around my last corner I ran into someone and fell backwards. It took me a second to gather myself before a hand reached down to help me up. I grabbed it and saw who it was. Well, my life is over. *** I sat in bed contemplating the punishment I had received. Father said I wouldnt be able to go back to the city ever again unless I needed serious medical attention. He was absolutely furious with me that I had taken so long to use the bathroom. He said what made him the most angry was that I told someone my name. I really didnt understand why that was such a big deal, but he was saying things like, Now that boy is going to be showing up at my door, and Ill have to take care of him now, under his breath as we walked to the car. There were things I wondered about my father lately, but I loved him so everything bad about him pushed to the back of my mind not to be thought about again. ***

I woke up in the morning to screaming and yelling. My head whirled around because I hadnt had a good nights sleep. I kept waking up from my bad dreams about my sister. In my dream she walked up to me and smiled her beautiful smile. I saw her right before me close enough to touch, but the more I went towards her the farther away she got. Soon I was running after her crying and screaming Maya! Please wait Maya dont leave me! I love you, come back!. It all gets very blurry from there, but I see myself lying on the ground crying because Maya was gone never to be found again. I focused my attention on my parents. I almost didnt recognize my mothers voice anymore, and it was nothing but whimper compared to my fathers outrageous snarl. He yelled fiercely at her, and I could picture her bending down beneath his rage. What he could he be so mad about? How could you accuse me of that? I loved our daughter more than anything in the world, and I would never do anything to hurt her! He screamed at the top of his lungs. Youre lying to me. I always know when youre lying. I cant prove anything to anybody, but I wont stay here with a monster in my bed any longer. I here what you say in your sleep because I dont sleep much anymore. You cry and wale about how you wish you hadnt done it! What am I supposed to make of that? There is no one in this country that can bring you justice, but I fully intend to make you a permanent extinction from my life and the only daughter we have left. She may hate me, but I think about her everyday. I worry even when shes with you. I can see

youve tried to keep us a secret here, and I could see it even more clearly the other day when you punished her for telling a boy her name. I loved you more than anyone in the world, and I even left my home so you could be a teacher in the United States. Obviously, Dartmouth didnt treat you well, and you didnt treat our daughter well. I dont see why you had to do it, but I wont let you do it to us. I couldnt believe what my mother was saying to my father. How could she think father killed Maya? Thats impossible. He loved her more than anything in the entire, and I saw that. He loved Maya more than me and mother. If he was going to kill anyone of us the last would be her. I just dont believe what I am hearing, but thats always how it seems to be with me an father. I push everything to the back of my mind, and I dont think about it again. I need to really think about this logically. Father wasnt at home when Maya was presumed dead. They were in the same building as each other in fact; Maya was attending Dartmouth at the time. She was found in the library with her throat slit. Nothing of hers was taken, but they still thought the person wanted something from her. Father in his lab the night of the murder researching something he wasnt supposed to tell us about. The police had him clocking into the lab, but that doesnt mean that he couldnt have slipped out and murder my sister. Its just impossible to see him doing that though. I cant believe I can even consider it a little. Hes the best father in the world, and I know he didnt murder Maya Peturson. I focused back in, and mother ran through my door.

Stop! Stop! Stop! I screamed. What is going on? I asked even though I knew pretty much gist of what was going on. Nova, my dear we are leaving and you have no choice but to leave with me thats final. She said strong and sturdy even though she looked weak. I could tell she hadnt had much sleep and delusion was getting the best of her. She just wanted closure, and blaming father was the only way she was going to get it. Im not leaving father. Hes been the only one whos been here for me. Where have you been? Thats right, youve been laying bed refusing to talk to me for months. Now you just waltz in her, want to pack me, and leave the only person whos loved me. I dont think its going to work like that. You can leave mother I wont bother to stop, but you wont be taking me with you. If you are going to get a divorce Im old enough to choose who I want to live with. It wont be different here if you leave because this is the first time I have seen you in months mother. Months! Do you realize you have abandoned me as a parent, and now you expect me to believe someone as delusional as you is correct to say that my father murdered my sister who he loved more than anything the world? You cant be serious. If you think Im going to believe that you are dead wrong. I love you, mother I do, but if you dont straighten yourself out right now Im going to call a mental hospital to come get you. I know you miss her. You dont think I do to? Dont blame father. No matter how hard it gets we need to stay together as a family and love each other at all costs. Its the only way well make it through what has happened to us.

I cant make you stay with me, but you cant me make me leave with you. We can all decide things here for yourself, but your deciding wrong to leave your husband who loves you and would do anything for you. I was crying again. Thats all I did anymore was cry. My stomach hurt, my eyes burned, and I could taste the salty tears resting on my lip. You are truly a fool, Nova, and I say that because I cant get you to leave. He will betray you in the end. Youll see. She turned her back to us and stalked through the door. On her way she picked up a bag and was out of my sight. I heard the door slam downstairs, and the car start up outside. Before I knew I could no longer hear anything that came from my mothers departure. She had truly done the unthinkable to me. She left me here to live or die. It didnt matter as long as she survived. At least she thought Id die if I stayed. Nova, Father said to me. Just leave. I need to be alone right now. I was lying down on my pillow now sobbing softly into it. Mother was gone and I couldnt get her back. I think we should talk about though, He was stilling prodding at me. I said leave, father, I couldnt talk to him or anyone right now. He eventually walked away closing the door behind him. My eyes shut, and I dont know where I went after that. *** It was the middle of the day; it has been three months and four days since mother left. Father and I havent heard anything from her, and I have began to not worry much about anymore. Ive shut down almost any emotion I had come to partially regain back

after Mayas death. I dont know if I can from this, but it will take a miracle to make me happy now. I just wish that miracle would make it easy on me, and come a little faster then it had planned. Though, I never have much luck with anything, and if mom were here shed say, Now, Nova you are lucky to be alive staying with your father alone this long. I hate her. *** I looked at the book I was reading but holding my hand. Usually a book will keep me satisfied all day, but I cant enjoy anything anymore. Father barely talks to me anymore, and hes starting to act more and more like mother was. Im scared for him and sad for him. There is too much pain in my life right now, and nothing seems to be going right. Nova, come here. Father called in a monotone from the front of the house. I am coming. I said in a monotone back. My joints and bones cracked as I got off the couch. I walked torpidly to the staircase leading down to the first floor of the house. I didnt look good, but I wish I had when I saw who it was waiting for me there. Allen Matthews has stopped by to see. Hes your friend from the Plaza. I thought it might make you feel better if you had someone other than me to talk to. Did you really do all that for me? Finding him so Id have a friend to talk to? I felt warm inside. I didnt know what I was feeling, but it was sadness. I think I was happy, but I cant be sure with all these mixed feelings. Hey, pretty girl hows it going? He smiled. Itd been awhile since Id seen one of those around here. Things were going to change now. I could feel it in me.

Good, you want to watch the television we never use? I weakly looked at him and he could probably see the wretched condition I was in. That sounds really good. You can show me the way then. He walked through the door, and took his muddy rain boots off. Spring time in Iceland is very muddy, rainy, and gross. The flowers never bloom till summer. Father walked off to towards the kitchen, and we started up the staircase. I went a little fast this time, and I was upstairs before I knew it. I didnt want to watch television really, but he picked a good movie for us to watch together. We cuddled on the couch under a blanket, and watched as the superficial girl character got upset about her boyfriend dumping her. I laughed a little but only at things he said. He was very romantic, and charming. I liked him so much just as I had at the Plaza. Father had made me happy again. I think he really understood me better than anybody in the whole world. It wasnt long before the movie was over, and we were up talking. We talked about our dreams, and how we each werent happy with our life. We talked about the chances of us meeting each other, and how it was almost impossible for father to find him. That got me started on how much I loved father, and how I would do anything for him no matter what it was. We lay back down on the couch when he decided I was too tired to keep talking, and we both fell asleep there. I woke up in the morning to the light shining through the top little windows of the movie room. I hadnt moved, but Allen was still asleep holding me. I hadnt dreamt of anything last night. I slept all the way through the night no dreams, no cold, and especially no crying. I felt superbly well-rested and ready for another day. I just wonder

why father didnt make Allen leave. I guess he wanted me to enjoy myself, but I figured he would at least check to make sure we werent doing anything bad. I must realize though that father has no reason to distrust me so why would he feel the need to check up on us. Good morning, Hun, He raised me up, and we sat there beside each other on the couch for a minute. Is there something wrong with your dad? He asked curiously. No, I dont think so. I laughed. Well, he didnt check on us all night, and he didnt make me leave. That just kind of confused me. He smiled at me, but thats okay Im not complaining. He leaned towards me and kissed my forehead sweetly, and I exhaled deeply because I was nervous. I took his face and pulled it down to my lips instead. It was better this way for me at least. This might be the last time I ever saw him, so I made it good. Our lips moved together, and I could feel his hot breath in my mouth. My fingers knotted in his hair, and his hand was still on the small back the other on my waist. It was going farther then I thought it would, but I loved it. Not only the sensation of the kiss, but the feeling of being loved even though love was impossible for us yet. These feelings were new; I had never kissed a boy before, and I certainly hadnt expected my first one to be so intimate. He went for the buttons on my shirt, and I didnt stop him as he undid all of them. He kept kissing me, and things went farther than I wanted to control anymore. I definitely wanted this kind of love. ***

It was still morning time when I left Allen in the movie room to go take a shower. I didnt feel right about what Id done, but when it happened it was the most amazing feeling. Im just probably setting myself up for something bad to happen though since bad things are always happening to me. When I was done taking my shower I went to check on father. I opened his door and could see he was sound asleep in his bed. It made me feel better to know he trusted me, and I would eventually tell him what happened. I was walking back to the movie room in my pajamas when I heard a loud bang on the door. I went to answer. I opened up the door and three huge men stormed in. Hey! You cant but before I could say anything more the tallest grabbed me and threw me down on the hard granite floor. My head cracked, and I was unconscious. *** I woke up startled that I had duct tape on my mouth, and I was tied to a chair. I could see father sitting on the couch, and Allen walking around room. I started making as much noise as possible, and Allen walked up to me to rip the tape of my mouth in one swipe. I screamed as loud as I could. Whats going on? I yelled at the top of my lungs. Why dont you ask your father about all the mistakes hes made, and then Ill tell you what we are going have to do here? Father, whats he talking about? I was disoriented and scared. Nova, I never told you what I was really researching in that lab the night of your sisters death. It was called Virus 666, and these people had me developing into a killer. It was meant to wipe out the entire Chinese civilization in an attempt to remove all of the

United States debt with that country. The virus targeted a weakness in their immune systems that would kill them all faster than flies under a fly swatter. I hadnt finished it yet, and I couldnt kill that many people or at least be responsible for their deaths. I was trying to destroy the viruss complex make-up models before I got the whole family out of the country to be safe from them. I should have known they would get revenge, and your sister was the easiest target at the time because they couldnt kill me at the college. They were headed after you and your mother, but I got us all out secretly. Its too bad their agents are everywhere, and theyre of all ages. Allen here recognized from a picture the group had seen to look out for. I had no idea, and he led them all here. Theses are the people who killed your sister, and they are going to kill you before my eyes if I dont agree to start development of the virus again. Im sorry I didnt tell you the truth from the beginning. I know I was wrong. I knew what my survival meant. If I lived millions of people would die. So, I was going to give my life for all of them. Father, I know this is hard for you to understand, but Im not worth all those lives. Let them kill me so they can live. I love you more than anyone, and I do forgive you. Do not develop it for them we must sacrifice our selves to save them all. I wasnt crying, but I was calm. I knew what I wanted and so did he. Okay, Nova I know what you want. I shook my head a yes, and kept my mouth shut. I see youve made your choice. You can watch her die. Allen walked up to me and flipped out his knife. It all started to happen very fast before it glided across my

throat. The warm blood flowed out, and I started to choke. I saw my fathers face one last time before I slipped into my death and everyone was safe. My departure is all they needed to live.

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