Purging Pipelines and Vessels (1/4)

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Spongberg Enterprises Ltd. Safe Work Procedure SEL - 014


Purgmg can mean either puigmg mto or out of service. Purgmg mto service means displacmg the aü with hydrocarbon
gas before putting a FacUity mto service. Puigmg out of service means displacmg hydrocarbons with air, or an mat
gas foUowed by aü, so that personnel can perform work on the Facility.

Hydrocarbon and other types of vapour are explosive when mixed in therightproportions with oxygen in the presence
of enough energy for ignition. It is during the process of exchanging hydrocarbon vapours with air that explosive
vapours can form and must therefore be managed. Sources of ignition are not easUy controUed during the process of
exchanging gas for aü or aü for gas because the movement of these gases can generate static charges with enough
energy for igmtion. When purgmgfromaü to gas, use extreme caution and puige slowly as there is likely to be slag
particles in the line, which could be another source of ignition.

Puree Materials

The most commonly used materials for purging gas out are:

• Nitrogen
• Carbon Dioxide
• Steam
• Water
* Air

Nitrogen is most effective when puigmg a pipe or vessel into service. It displaces the aü and thai it is displaced with
hydrocarbon gas. At notimeduring this process is there an aü gas mixtureformed,providmg h is done correctly.

fü)Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide is more effective and economical than nitrogen when purgmg out of service as it has the added feature
of bemg a good hydrocarbon solvent and wiU clean out pockets of hydrocarbon liquids.

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