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Nitrogen, on the otha hand, is a very poor solvent for hydrocarbons and will not do a good job inremovmgany Uquid
hydrocarbons that may be present. GeneraUy, depoidmg on the location ofthe source, carbon dioxide is less expensive
than nitrogen and is available in bulk. While carbon dioxide in water is corrosive, the amount present is not significant
and the contact time required for damage to occur is in the order of weeks. It becomes even less significant because the
carbon dioxide wiU be displaced with aü as the purgmg process is completed. In the event that the vessel is to be
purged of hydrocarbons and closed up for an extended period, check that it is free of water.

(Ui) Steam

The heating associated with steam makes an effective medium providmg that the vessel is raised to a temperature at or
above the boiling pomt for the hydrocarbons involved (see Table 1). In addition, the expansion of steam creates
movement of gases through the vessel and aids in the displacement process.
Before using this method, ensure that the vessel and connecting pipes and structure wiU tolerate the heat ofthe steam
and the weight of water that wiU condensefromthe steam.
It is critical that the voit be left open after steaming to avoid a vacuum forming in the vessel as it cools.

Table 1
p C1-C4 0°C
» CS 360C
• C6 690C
> Cl 980C

fiv) Water

Water is most useful in situations where iron sulphide may be present, as iron sulphide will ignite in the presence of
oxygen if not kept w a with water. Use of a wetting agent (Eg. soap) is also recommended. Do not use this method
when there are catalysts or other mediums present that could absorb water and render them ineffective.

Before using this method, ensure that the vessel and its supporting structure wiU bear the weight ofthe water.


This medium has the greatest possibility of creating the very hazard you are trying to eliminate. Air can be used to
displace a hydrocarbon gas providing:
the gas is dry and there are no pockets of liquid, the velocity ofthe air in the pipe is at least 30 meters per minute.

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