TTLM Computer

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Ngste Saba technical collegeAdwa

Basic Electrical/Electronics
Equipment Servicing Level I
Learning guide:#8
Unit of Competence: perform basic computer operation
Module Title: perform basic computer operation
LG code; EEL BEE1/08/ 10/18
TTLM code; EEL BEE1 09/ 04/ 11
After completing this learning guide, you should be able to:

LO1, plan & prepare for task (action) to be under

LO2, input data in to computer.
LO3, access I’nformation using computer.
LO4, produce’ / output data using computer system.
LO5, maintai’n compu’ter



perform basic computer operation
‘Session plan
’ N

3 UNIT OF perform basic computer operation
4 MODULE EEL BEE1M 10 0818
5 DURATION 50 Hours


6 MODULE This module provides the knowledge, skills, (and) attitudes and values needed to
DESCRIPTIO perform computer operations which include inputting, accessing, producing and
N transferring data using the appropriate hardware and software.
7 Session plan At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1: Plan and Prepare for task to be undertaken
LO2: Input data into computer
LO3: Access information using computer
LO4: Produce /output data using computer system
LO5: Maintain computer

Learning Lecturing
methods group discussion

CONTENTS 1.1 Determining task requirement

1.2 Main parts of computer system
1.3 Selecting appropriate hardware and software
Entering data using computer program/application
2.2 Checking of information accuracy
2.3 Storing inputted data in storage media
Selecting correct program application
3.2 Accessing program/application
3.3 Selecting, opening and closing of desktop icon

Evaluation Formative question = 25 %

(assessment) Summative question = 50 %
method. Assignment question = 25 %

Learning Materials(TTLM, Modules, Lecture room, Computer Laboratory, A4

paper, Personal computer, Printer, Motherboard and Projector

SHEET # 1 LO1, plan& prepare for task (action) to be under
Welcome to the module “perform basic computer operation”. This
learner’s guide was prepared to help you achieve the required competence in “ Basic
Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level I ”. This will be the source of
information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular occupation with
minimum supervision or help from your trainer.


Summary of Learning Outcomes

After completing this learning guide, you should be able to

LO1, plan& prepare for task (action) to be under taken.

How to Use this TTLM

o Read through the Learning Guide carefully. It is divided into sections

that cover all the knowledge and skills that you need.
o Read Information Sheets and complete the Self-Check at the end of
each section to check your progress.
o Read and make sure to Practice the activities in the Operation Sheets.
Ask your trainer to show you the correct way to do things or talk to
more experienced person for guidance.
o When you are ready, ask your trainer for institutional assessment and
provide you with feedback from your performance

LEARNING LO1, plan& prepare for task (action) to be

under taken.

Learning Activities Special Instructions/Resources

Identifying yourinput/output devices

Setting up and connecting the i/o devices
Powering up a PC and switching to Projector Refer to Information Sheet #1
Determination of computer task requirement
Main parts of computer
Select appropriate computer hard ware and soft ware


Following oh and s guidelines

Answer Self-Check # 1 Compare your answers with Model Answer # 1

Unit of
INFORMATION Competence Perform basic computer operation
Plan& prepare for task (action) to be
L0 1
under taken.

General specification of ICT;
Q1, what is ICT means?


The word ICT is an abbreviation if it stands which is known as “information and
communication technology”. it refers to the use of electronic computer to create, store, process,
send and resive data from anywhere at any time.
Q2, what is computer?
 Computer; it is an electrical machine which has internally a program to perform
tasks and that operate without human interaction (interfection).

 It is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and

automatically carryout a sequence of arithmetic or logical
operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed
readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of


If you use a desktop computer, you might already know that
there isn't any single part called the "computer." A computer
is really a system of many parts working together. The
physical parts, which you can see and touch, are collectively
called hardware. (Software, on the other hand, refers to the
instructions, or programs, that tell the hardware what to do.)

 The illustration below shows the most common hardware in a

desktop computer system. Your system may look a little
different, but it probably has most of these parts. A laptop
computer has similar parts but combines them into a single
notebook-sized package.


Computer is a collection of hardware and software components.
 It is the physical component of computer.
 It is the part of computer that can be visible and touch simply.
 e.g., monitor, printer, keyboard, speaker, mouse scanner, digital camera and floppy
It is a program or asset of instruction that tells the computer what, how and when to do it.
E.g. program or instruction.

Computer Software is the languages of the computer. And like the human
languages, there are many different computer languages.

general vs. special purpose of computer;

We use computer for two purposes commonly.
 Generalpurpose of computers; it can solve any problem that can
expressed as a program and executed with in the capacity of the
computer, the size and speed of program execution. e.g., note book,
to write and rewrite note.
 Special purposes of computers; is designed to do specific task.


e.g., for Mobil, video, TV, etc.

Computer network and its advantage and

 Computernetwork;means different computer link (connect)
together and control in one time with one person or worker or
share them in one.
Q, what is the benefit of computers network?
This is in order to share information and other resources from one
computer to another.
 To share resources such as printers and data base.
 Toexchange information.
 To solve a big job at a short time.
But there is a dis advantage in multi computer networking in one.
Those are;
 There is shortage of working participators in one job.
 If there is a vires in one computer the whole will have vires.

Self check #1
LO1, plan& prepare for task (action) to be
under taken.
1, what is computer?

2, what is ICT means?

3, write the hardware Vs software in computer?
4, write advantage and dis advantage of computer networking?


Ngste Saba technical collegeadwa

Basic Electrical/Electronics
Equipment Servicing Level I
Learning guide:#8
Unit of Competence: perform basic computer operation
Module Title: perform basic computer operation
LG code; EEL BEE1/08/ 05/11
TTLM code; EEL BEE1 16/ 08/ 10
After completing this learning guide, you should be able to:

LO1, plan& prepare for task (action) to be under

LO2, input data in to computer.
LO3, access information using computer.
LO4, produce / output data using computer system.
LO5, maintain computer


SHEET # 2 LO2, input data in to computer.
Welcome to the module “perform basic computer operation”. This
learner’s guide was prepared to help you achieve the required competence in “ Basic
Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level I ”. This will be the source of
information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular occupation with
minimum supervision or help from your trainer.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

After completing this learning guide, you should be able to

LO2, input data in to computer.

How to Use this TTLM

o Read through the Learning Guide carefully. It is divided into sections

that cover all the knowledge and skills that you need.
o Read Information Sheets and complete the Self-Check at the end of
each section to check your progress.
o Read and make sure to Practice the activities in the Operation Sheets.
Ask your trainer to show you the correct way to do things or talk to
more experienced person for guidance.
GUIDE # 2 LO2, input data in to computer.

Learning Activities Special Instructions/Resources

Identifying your input/output devices

Setting up and connecting the i/o devices
Powering up a PC and switching to Projector Refer to Information Sheet #2
Determination of computer task requirement
Main parts of computer
Select appropriate computer hard ware and soft ware
Following oh and s guidelines
o When you are ready, ask your trainer for institutional assessment and
provide you with feedback from your performance


Unit of
SHEET 2 Competence Perform basic computer operation
L0 2 Input data in to computer.
Data Vs. information
Q, what is the difference between data and information?
Data; refers to the input to the processing system.It is anything that
given to the computer as input.
Information;refers to the output or the result of the processing data.
It is the final phase or result of processing.
Processing;itrefers the computer to told what to do with the input.
There for data processing cycle which involves the above three steps.
Dataprocessing information
history of computer
Generation of computers;
The general improvement of computer from one generation to the next
 increasing power in terms of speed
 more convenient to use
 better reliability
 reduced physical size
 less expensive
There for the development of internal circuit of the computer are
categorized in to 4 generation.


1, the first generation (1945-1955); it characterized by;
 using vacuum tubes
 very big in size
 un reliable
 expensive
 slow
2, the second generation (1955-1965); it characterized by;
 smaller, faster
 uses transistor
 using program
 it is reliable
 using magnetic tap as data storage
3, thethird generation (1965-1975); it characterized by;
 using integrated circuits(ict)
 more reliable
 faster and very smaller
 using magnetic disk
4, the fourth generation (1975-up to now (present));
 UseVLSI (very large scale integration) circuits.
 very small in size
 more reliable
 cheaper in price
Generally there are three group of peripheral device that can
categorized in one computer.

 Input device; are the part of the computer hardware which

the computer gets data and instructions from the outside, such as
mouse, key board, scanner and digital cameras.

I, Mouse;


A mouse is a small device used to point to and select items on your computer
screen. Although mice come in many shapes, the typical mouse does look a bit like
an actual mouse. It's small, oblong, and connected to the system unit by a long wire
that resembles a tail. Some newer mice are wireless.

A mouse usually has two buttons: a primary button (usually the left button) and a
secondary button. Many mice also have a wheel between the two buttons, which
allows you to scroll smoothly through screens of information.

When you move the mouse with your hand, a pointer on your screen moves in the
same direction. (The pointer's appearance might change depending on where it's
positioned on your screen.) When you want to select an item, you point to the item
and then click (press and release) the primary button. Pointing and clicking with your
mouse is the main way to interact with your computer. For more information, see
using your mouse.

II, Keyboard

Key board; is the primary device used for entering information into
the computer. A keyboard is used mainly for typing text into your computer. Like
the keyboard on a typewriter, it has keys for letters and numbers, but it also has
special keys:

 The function keys, found on the top row, perform different functions
depending on where they are used.


 The numeric keypad, located on the right side of most keyboards, allows you
to enter numbers quickly.
 The navigation keys, such as the arrow keys, allow you to move your position
within a document or webpage.

You can also use your keyboard to perform many of the same tasks you can
perform with a mouse. For more information, see Using your keyboard.

The computer keyboard works much like a mouse; many keyboard shortcuts can
eliminate the need for a mouse. Keys are split into different parts of the keyboard,
each providing a specific function.
Function Keys:-Across the top of a keyboard are a row of keys called the
Function Keys. Each key is composed of the letterF and a number, ranging from F1
to F12. Each of the Function Keys performs a specific operation based upon what
software is being used.

Numeric Keypad:- Many larger keyboards have an extra section to the right
that contains the Numeric Keypad. This consists of the numbers 1 through 9, an
asterisk, a slash, a dash, a plus sign, an enter key and a period. There is also is a
"Num Lock" key, which is used to turn on and off the Numeric Keypad.

Navigation Keys:-The Navigation Keys, also called the Direction Keys, are used
to navigate through documents and websites. Examples of Navigation Keys are the
up, down, left and right arrows.
Type writer Keyboard:-The center of the keyboard, which contains the largest
amount of keys, includes letters and numbers. Most typing is done with these keys.


Special Keys:-Other keys include the Alt and Ctrl keys (used for specific
functions), the Shift key (used to make capital letters or symbols that are located on
the number keys).

Home, End,Insert,Delete,Page Up,Page Down,Control (Ctrl),Alternate (Alt), e.t.c.

Escape; the Escape key is located in the upper left-hand corner of the keyboard. It
is used to cancel operations.

Keyboards differ by manufacturer and the operating system they are designed for.

A keyboard's primary function is to act as an input device. Using a keyboard, a

person can type a document, use keystroke shortcuts, access menus, play games
and perform a variety of other tasks.

Most keyboards have between 80 and 110 keys, including:

 Typing keys
 A numeric keypad
 Function keys
 Control keys

Scanner; is advice that convert visual information in to digital data.

It used to put pictures and other documents into the computer.


Digital camera; are not used film but they used the memory to store
the photographs.

Self check #2

LO2, input data in to computer.

1, what is the difference b/n data and information?

2, what are the three steps that involves during data process cycle?

3, explain that the general improvement of computer from one

generation to the next?

4, what is input device means in computer and give an example from


5, list the four keyboard layout braifly?

Ngste Saba technical collegeadwa

Basic Electrical/Electronics
Equipment Servicing Level I
Learning guide:#8


Unit of Competence: perform basic computer operation
Module Title: perform basic computer operation
LG code; EEL BEE1/08/ 05/11
TTLM code; EEL BEE1 16/ 08/ 10
After completing this learning guide, you should be able to:

LO1, plan& prepare for task (action) to be under

LO2, input data in to computer.
LO3, access information using computer.
LO4, produce / output data using computer system.
LO5, maintain computer

SHEET # 3 LO3, access information using computer.
Welcome to the module “perform basic computer operation”. This
learner’s guide was prepared to help you achieve the required competence in “ Basic
Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level I ”. This will be the source of
information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular occupation with
minimum supervision or help from your trainer.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

After completing this learning guide, you should be able to


LO3, access information using computer.
How to Use this TTLM

o Read through the Learning Guide carefully. It is divided into sections

that cover all the knowledge and skills that you need.
o Read Information Sheets and complete the Self-Check at the end of
each section to check your progress.
o Read and make sure to Practice the activities in the Operation Sheets.
Ask your trainer to show you the correct way to do things or talk to
more experienced person for guidance.
o When you are ready, ask your trainer for institutional assessment and
provide you with feedback from your performance

Unit of
INFORMATION Competence Perform basic computer operation
Access information using
L0 3
Pc (personal computer);
Personalcomputer (pc); this is a computer which may consist of the
following parts;
 desktop
 System board (mother board) which consist of CPU (central processing
unit) and memory.
 power supply unit


System board (mother board); is the main circuit board inside
the pc. It holds processors, memory and expansion slots.
Processor (CPU); it is also called the brain of the computer. The
fast the CPU the more expensive the computer will be.
Memory; is an internally storage area of the computer. it holds
program instructions, data and the resulting of processing data.
There are two types of memory namely;
RAM (random access memory); it also called main memory or
physical memory. It is a temporary storage use when the computer is
turned on.
It is volatile because if you turned off the computer the data in RAM
will be lost.
ROM (read only memory); it is not volatile because if you turned
off the computer the data will note lost. So it is called a permanently
storage area.
It hold the instructions used to starting up the computer, unlike the
It is not possible to write in ROM
 Secondary storage device; are used to store data permanently
even after the power of the computer is turned off.
e.g., CD (compact disk), DVD (digital versatile disk), and floppy
disk. Maybe those are magnetic or optical.
CD and DVD drives
Nearly all computers today come equipped with a CD or DVD drive,
usually located on the front of the system unit. CD drives use lasers
to read (retrieve) data from a CD, and many CD drives can also write
(record) data onto CDs. If you have a recordable disk drive, you can


store copies of your files on blank CDs. You can also use a CD drive
to play music CDs on your computer.

DVD drives can do everything that CD drives can, plus read DVDs. If
you have a DVD drive, you can watch movies on your computer.
Many DVD drives can record data onto blank DVDs.
Floppy disk drive
Floppy disk drives store information on floppy disks, also called
floppies or diskettes. Compared to CDs and DVDs, floppy disks can

store only a small amount of data.

Output devices; these are also hardware computer
parts such as monitor, printer, speaker, etc.
Printer transfers data from a computer onto paper

It is an output device that produces information in the form of paper


.You don't need a printer to use your computer, but having one allows you to print
e-mail, cards, invitations, announcements, and other materials. Many people also
like being able to print their own photos at home.



F’.g. printer
M’onitor – an output device used for visual display of information.
Th’ere are two types of monitor based on their shape. Those are
 ‘Flat monitor
 ‘Round monitor

Speake’rs are used to play sound. They may be built into the system unit or
connect’ed with cables. Speakers allow you to listen to music and hear sound
effects fr’om your computer.

Self check #3
LO#3 access information using

‘1, list that one pc may consisted to perform a task?
2’, what is cpu means?

3,’ what is the difference b/n RAM and ROM?

4, ‘list some example of output device of computer with their purpose?



Ngste Saba technical collegeadwa

Basic Electrical/Electronics
Equipment Servicing Level I
Learning guide:#8
Unit of Competence: perform basic computer operation
Module Title: perform basic computer operation
LG code; EEL BEE1/08/ 05/11
TTLM code; EEL BEE1 16/ 08/ 10
After completing this learning guide, you should be able to:

LO1, plan& prepare for task (action) to be under

LO2, input data in to computer.
LO3, access information using computer.
LO4, produce / output data using computer system.
LO5, maintain computer


INSTRUCTION LO4, produce / output data using computer system.

Welcome to the module “performs basic computer operation”. This learner’s

guide was prepared to help you achieve the required competence in “ Basic

Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Level I ”. This will be the source of

information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular occupation with
minimum supervision or help from your trainer.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

After completing this learning guide, you should be able to

LO4 produce / output data using computer system.

How to Use this TTLM

o Read through the Learning Guide carefully. It is divided into sections

that cover all the knowledge and skills that you need.
o Read Information Sheets and complete the Self-Check at the end of
each section to check your progress.
o Read and make sure to Practice the activities in the Operation Sheets.
Ask your trainer to show you the correct way to do things or talk to
more experienced person for guidance.
o When you are ready, ask your trainer for institutional assessment and
provide you with feedback from your performance

LO4, produce / output data using computer system.

Learning Activities Special Instructions/Resources

Identifying your input/ou’tput devices

Setting up and connectin’g the i/o devices
Powering up a PC and switchin’g to Projector Refer to Information Sheet #4
Determination of computer t’ask requirement
Main parts of computer’
Select appropriate comp’uter hard ware and soft ware
Following oh and s guide’lines




Unit of
INF’ORMATION Competence perform basic computer operation
LO4, produce / output data using computer system.
‘L0 4

Microsoft-word xp; it is the word processing softwarethat runs on the

windows operating system, which enables to create, edit, format, print and
save documents(text files) for future retrieval and revision.

More than 100 key boards’ short cuts must read;

Key board short cuts (Microsoft windows);
 CTRL + A= select all=ALT+A
 “””” + B =bold
 “”“” + c =copy
 “””” + D=fill down cell
 “””” + E =center alignment
 “””” + F =find
 ‘’’’’’ + G= go to current
 “”” + H =replace
 “”” + I =italic
 ‘’’’ + J =full justi
 “”” + L=left alignment
 “””+ n=new page
 “””+ o=open
 “””+p=print
 “””+R=fill right cell
 “””+s=save
 “””+u=under line
 “””+x=cut
 “””+v=past
 “””+z=undo


 ‘“””+shift=while dragging an item (create a short cut to the selected item).
 “’””+F4=close the active document in program that enable you to have
multiple document open si’multaneously (alt + F4)
 “””+ ESC=display the start menu.
 Shift + delete=deleted the selected item permanently without placing the
item in the recycle bine.
 F2 key=rename the selected item.
S'elf check#4
LO4, produce / output data using computer system.

1, how to create a table in one pc?

2, how to create a new folder in one pc?

3, how can you merge and split cells?


1, in computer class prepares a table and completes the following data?

2, Create a new folder and save the table on that folder?

Lape test #4
LO4, produce / output data using computer system.
NO Students name sex mats English physics max min total Average

1 MEKDES BEKELE f 80 79 54
2 HAILE DANIEL m 78 90 60
3 KEDIR MOSTEFA m 87 49 81
4 HIWET TADESE f 95 60 56
5 MULU TESFAY f 49 75 45
6 SAEDIA MUSA f 51 87 98
7 AWETEHEY G/TENSAY m 90 89 76
8 TEWELE G/MARIAM m 78 67 65
9 TSEGAY G/SLASIE m 69 56 79

10 REDWAN MOSTEFA m 75 79 87



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