Youth Today: Opening Ceremony T

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he fourth Model United Nations of

Colegio Gran Bretaa was inaugurated this morning with a preliminary speech given by the master of ceremonies, Marcela Zamora. The main objective of this years MUN was presented as being, the youth of today. Following this, the National Anthems of the Republic of Colombia and the United Kingdom were sung, along with Colegio Gran Bretaas school anthem. Words from the Director, Ms. Maureen Fleming, were then given reflecting on the importance of events like this one, as they help students become conscious of the global issues taking place nowadays. In addition, she was precise in linking and defining the ten International Baccalaureate learning profiles, which are mostly employed during the debates in each commission. 1-2 Subsequently, words from the founder and director of the school, Corporacin F y Esperanza Mr. Nelson Pajaro, were articulated concerning the problems youth from deprived areas of Bogot face. In order to solve these matters, he suggested increasing the significance to the discrimination these teenagers are given everyday due to their appearance and social class instead of the donations the are given. The remedy to this is to reach out and offer our hearts and support. Additionally, the Secretary Generals, Juan Felipe Daz and Mara Cecilia Cely participated in the ceremony by affirming how unique this

years Model United Nations is, as the discussions involve problems the students can relate to, as well as act and take part in the resolutions. To conclude the ceremony an inauguration video was shown exhibiting the six different commissions, UNICEF, ECOSOC, SOCUM, WHO, DISEC, and Security Council and the issues that will be debated. The master of ceremonies closed the opening ceremony with the slogan, The youth is not the future, it is the present.





Se abri el debate hablando de la educacin secundaria; Liberia pidi propuestas para ayudar a las mujeres que no tienen oportunidades de trabajo. Tanto la delegacin de Liberia como la delegacin de Japn, tienen la problemtica de que los padres de familia se ven obligados a ser llevados a la guerra por el gobierno, y por esto las hermanas mayores y las madres de familia tienen que empezar a trabajar. La delegacin de Irak propone crear fondos de familias, e incrementar la seguridad. Eu propone soluciones por estados; el gobierno brinda fondos, esto puede beneficiar a las mujeres. La delegacin de Colombia: Propone crear una fundacin como el ICBF, para brindar ayuda a mujeres sin estudio, subsidindolas con el dinero de las dems delegaciones dispuestas a ayudar. Eu y Uzbekistn plantean la problemtica sobre las drogas, y piden soluciones para estas. Las delegaciones brindan varias soluciones, pero se decide optar por la solucin de Liberia, Alemania y Nigeria de que primero se debe acabar la guerra antes de las drogas Nigeria propone que si los problemas de educacin son por la droga porque no eliminarla. En cuanto a la educacin, y la droga se plante otra problemtica. Apoyada de una crisis: suplantacin de educacin en enseanza de conocimientos bsicos por enseanzas con tendencias polticas y culturales que ponen en desventaja a los estudiantes limitando su desarrollo y generando una cadena decadente frente a educacin brindada (Afganistn, Irak y Venezuela son los pases que hacen parte de esta crisis).

Las delegaciones de Liberia, y las que hacen parte de esto estuvieron de acuerdo. Pero otros pases como Japn, Alemania, Colombia, Bangladesh, EEUU, Gran Bretaa estuvieron totalmente en desacuerdo, la poltica no es aprendizaje suficiente para un buen futuro. Las delegaciones de Irak, Rusia, gran Bretaa y EEUU plantearon diferentes propuestas y soluciones para acabar con la problemtica. En conclusin se lleg a que para mejorar la educacin y la seguridad Se brindara ayuda de los pases desarrollados a los subdesarrollados, se aportara dinero en la seguridad de los pases, se abrir capacitaciones para profesores en universidades extranjeras, y finalmente se invertir en un programa conjunto de educacin y proteccin a las familias. Los pases desarrollados ayudaran a financiar los recursos que se necesiten.



Opening speeches at the Security Council commission took place from 10:20 to 10:40 a.m. During this procedure, the delegations presented their views on the two assigned topics. The first one concerned child suicide bombers in the Middle East. The second one was on the forced or voluntary recruitment of children by illegal groups in Latin America. This was followed by an informal debate of thirty minutes, where certain events such as poverty, violence and lack of education were identified as key contributing factors to these issues. Then, the specific issue of suicide bombers arose, bringing the delegation of Lebanon to correctly point out that the main controversy presented, comes in when children voluntarily take on these roles. The delegate added that this was due to the children wanting to become local heroes or grant their family honour and status in the community. Another problem discussed in this commission was how this Middle Easter nation has faced internal conflict since their independence was granted, causing other issues, which have to be taken care of, to be neglected. Taking this into consideration, the delegate of Lebanon openly solicited for help from other countries such as, the United States. Subsequently, the delegates of the United Kingdom, Germany and Lebanon demanded the collaboration from China, asking for proposals of possible solutions. However, the delegation of China seemed unable to provide any resolutions, even though these are issues clearly affecting the security of the nation. This caused the delegation of Great Britain to step in and point out that China is, in fact, taking action to solve this

problem. The Chair then acknowledged the lack of acquaintance the delegation of China had, and proposed the delegates to proceed with the debate. To conclude, a solution was agreed by the delegations that education required improvement, as it helps define the way youth behaves. On proposal of the delegation of the United States, a second informal debate took place. The second issue of voluntary and forced recruitment of children by illegal groups was addressed. The delegation of Colombia drew attention to its current situation, as it recognized that 85% of the members of illegal groups in the country are under the age of 18. However it also pointed out that, the government has been doing everything in its power to eradicate this, with the support from other nations such as, the United States. Furthermore, the delegation of France proposed the use of military borders to prevent the recruitment of children into illegal groups, as a solution. During the afternoon session, the topic of legalizing drugs and the use of blue helmets was addressed. However, no conclusions were reached by the delegations, as the debate will be continued tomorrow.





To commence the fourth Model United Nation, the SOCHUM commission debated on the involvement of children in the military. Each delegate presented their countries position, as well as their outlooks regarding this topic. In addition, the delegations began debating about their perspectives on childrens rights. They argued on various excuses as to why children are put in the military at such young ages. Some delegates disputed that it was due to terrorist forcing the children to go into the military. The others argued that it was due to disciplinary issues. The SOCHUM commission concluded this day continuing their debate and searching for a resolution for their topic.

leer los discursos de apertura inmediatamente. El debate se dio a continuacin. El tema debatido durante el da fue la desmovilizacin de las pandillas juveniles, tema que a su debido tiempo adquiri el furor necesario y la concentracin absoluta de los delegados.
Durante el debate se dieron varios acontecimientos importantes, entre los que se destacan: la unin de bloque entre la mayora de pases exceptuando algunos pocos como Irak, Libano y Libera. tambin se resalta que Liberia reto el voto de Alemania en lo cual no hubo un resultado definitivo y los dos pases conservaron su voto. Por otro lado se puede ene entender que los pases han estado en acuerdo general y se empez a escribir el papel de resolucin 1.1.1 A 20 minutos del cierre, surgi una crisis, pues asesinaron a 15 representantes de la embajada portuguesa y otros 15 representates de la embajada alemana en China, despus de salir de una junta donde discutan formas para desmovilizar pandillas juveniles.



El da 9 de noviembre del ao 2011 en la universidad se dio por inaugurado el modelo de naciones unidas. En la comisin de DISEC el tiempo fue tema indispensable desde el comienzo por lo que procedieron a





The first day of Fourth Model United Nations of Colegio Gran Bretaa, began superbly in ECOSOC. The day commenced with the delegates articulating their opening speeches. France, Costa Rica, Germany, and Switzerlands speeches were exceptionally good. After the opening speeches had been recited, the delegation of the United States made a motion to start an informal debate to come up with a worldwide sustainable development project. The delegation of United Kingdom talked about the ecological housing that exists in the United Kingdom at the moment, and suggested that other countries implement this type of housing. The German delegate agreed wholeheartedly with this, also pointing out that the other countries should also transform some of their cities into eco-cities. This is a type of city that exists in Germany where there are no cars, and where more energy than the amount used is generated every day. The debate went on for over an hour and 15 minutes, during which the delegations of the United States and China proposed passing a law that would enforce the use of hybrid cars everywhere in the world. This proposal was met with some trepidation by the delegations of some of the less economically developed countries. These delegations argued that their countries wealth is not strong enough to support the ensemble or importation of hybrid vehicles. The delegates of the wealthier countries, including United States, China, and Great Britain responded to this by stating that they would aid the less developed

countries, to ensure that the use of hybrid vehicles would be possible in these countries. The debate was broken up for lunch, and even though the delegates intended to pick it up after the break, a crisis forced them to shift the focus of the debate. A French company had an oil spill in the English Channel, affecting the ecosystem and the trading routes of several countries, including Afghanistan, Colombia, Venezuela, Switzerland, and Portugal. At the beginning, the delegations of the United States, Great Britain, and China offered help to France, but after seeing that the country had no clear plan of action to reverse the oil spill, they retired their proposal. The delegation of Portugal oddly stated that they were not concerned about the oil spill, even though their country had been affected both, environmentally and economically. After this, almost every delegation turned against the delegation of Portugal, ensuing a heated debate, which then led to a challenge to Portugal. Tomorrow the faith of Portugals delegation, and his right to vote, will be decided.





The commission of WHO began Colegio Gran Bretaas Fourth Model United Nation by discussing their first assigned issue, drug abuse in youth. The delegation of Portugal started off the debate by encouraging the other delegates to decriminalize drugs. The delegations of the United States, Great Britain, Lebanon, Iraq and South Africa opposed to this proposal. On the other hand, other delegations such as, Afghanistan, Liberia, supported Portugals decision and agreed to the idea of obtaining help and treating for those who are addicted, instead of making drugs illegal. Furthermore, other proposals arose, like educating not only children, but also their guardians to not get under the influence of drugs. Subsequently, the delegations discussed the link between drugs and poverty, stating how less developed countries are known to produce drugs to gain money, and sometimes consume them to decrease their hunger pain. The delegations came to an agreement that in order to decrease drug usage, poverty also has to be diminished. In addition, in the WHO commission, the fact that each country is facing different circumstances was stated, causing the delegates to search for a solution applicable for all the delegations. Farmers in less developed countries do not want to give up drug production, due to the income they obtain from it, which is necessary for their survival. The Great Britain delegate declared that Afghanistan is not currently giving enough importance to drug consumption their country is facing. Taking this into consideration, the delegation of the United States supported Great Britains point, and added how the delegation of Afghanistan

stated that their government had given up on its people. Herewith, the delegation of Portugal proposed a solution, which was building facilities to treat drug addicts, however only a few delegations supported this resolution. The delegation of Liberia, on the other hand, proposed death penalty for drug consumers, dealers and producers. This proposal was defended by the delegation of Venezuela who added how with this, people would fear consuming drugs, therefore reducing the amount of intake. However, United States, Great Britain, South Africa, Portugal, Afghanistan and Lebanon delegates were strongly opposed to this resolution, as they agreed it would create a terrorist state. "Killing of any kind will cause uprisings. Killing is not an option because we're trying to find a solution in a diplomatic way" stated the delegate of Libya. The WHO commission concluded their day, with two different resolutions from the delegations of Lebanon and the delegation of the United States. The delegation of Lebanon proposed a solution, stating that all drug dealers should be put in jail for life. On the other hand, the delegation of the United States proposed rehab centers with security to treat drug addicts.







-Delegation of Uzbekistan almost trips over her hills -Delegate of Russia drops his/her laptop -Delegate of Switzerland sends a note to the president saying I want someone to sit next to me Im lonely - Delegation of Bosnia Herzegovina sends a note to the president saying mamasita


-Hubo una discusin en si se deba o no prender la velita de incienso -El delegado de Liberia se vio muy entusiasmado en or el discurso de ABRISIN de la delegacin de Rusia, la cual llego tarde. -La delegacin de Rusia se vio muy brava porque el delegado de Alemania no usaba el lenguaje parlamentario -Se vio a la delegada de Rusia coqueta con la delegacin de EEUU



-The president was too lazy to talk without a microphone all throughout the day.

-CGBs photographer was too lazy to go take a picture to Security Council, taking into account how isolated this commission was from the rest. -The Vice-President of security council decided to relax and take some steam off by colouring some drawings. -The President took no shame in making herself comfortable and taking her shoes off at the beginning of the debate -The delegate of United States was caught using sunglasses (in Bogotas hot weather)


-Apparently this commission has been pretty boring cause there is no gossips available



-The delegate of Irak sent a note to the delegate of Bangladesh saying ests muy Buena hoy, cuando salimos? -The delegate of Liberia strongly fought with the president when he was asked to go back to his seat and refused to.

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