See 21-Character Analyis

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Republic of the Philippines


Off-Campus Program - San Leonardo
Tambo Adorable, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija

College Of Education

Name: Claudine Shane Perez Date: February 24, 2024

Course & Section: BSE-3A

SEE 21 Literary Criticism

Character Analysis of “What’s eating Gilbert Grape?”

Families often look for ways to break out when faced with difficult situations. In the movie "What's Eating
Gilbert Grape," the lead character becomes overwhelmed by situations beyond his control, emphasizing the emotional
detachment that results when escaping seems impossible. "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" is a story about a lot of
problems and relationships. Gilbert, the main character, must take care of his whole family because they face many
challenges. His mother is obese, so Gilbert looks after her. He also has three siblings: Amy, Ellen, and Arnie. All these
responsibilities make Gilbert's life very hard, but he tries his best to handle everything.
Gilbert Grape is the main character in this narrative. With his mother's weight becoming her unable to work,
and his father's death, he feels trapped. At a young age, Gilbert took on the roles of father and provider for his two
younger siblings. He takes care of Arnie, every day he takes Arnie to his job in the grocery store. Arnie was mentally
underdeveloped for a young man of almost eighteen years, but he was the uniting factor in his family, even while he
aroused much of the other characters’ ambivalence. His brother and sisters took turns in looking out for him and
protected him, although this was hard to do. Ellen was always frustrated with him and even went so far as to hit him
when he caused a scene in town. Despite this frustration, Ellen was still able to help plan Arnie’s birthday party.
Gilbert and Arnie had a unique relationship. Instead of being ashamed of him, Gilbert loved Arnie for who he was.
Gilbert tried to teach him a sense of right and wrong, or how to say thank you instead of good-bye.
Gilbert is contented living in the small town, but what bothers him is the progress and improvement that is
happening in his town. Gilbert Grape's family, and particularly his father, serves as the primary source of motivation
for him in the film. Gilbert has felt responsible for keeping the family together ever since his father abandoned them
some years ago. He helps to care for his obese mother in addition to working at a nearby grocery shop to support the
family and raising his younger brother, Arnie, on his own. Though Gilbert enjoys their time together, he is aware of
the duty that comes with watching over and looking for his younger brother whenever he gets into trouble.
Just like the rest of the family, Amy still placed a great deal of reliance on Gilbert, but she actively worked to
reduce his load. She took on the position of mother in the Grape home, taking over from her own mother, who had
given it up following their father's passing. Amy took over housework, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of their
mother while Gilbert was at work. She also took care of Ellen. She kept up her support for Gilbert and her obligations
even after losing her own career. Gilbert was able to concentrate on his career and take care of Arnie because of
Amy's invaluable assistance in reducing his workload. Ellen the younger sister, was an average adolescent who was
more concerned with her looks more so than anything else. It was clear that she was annoyed with Arnie and that they
frequently fought. Although this is not unusual among teenagers, she was arrogant. Despite his efforts to provide food
and money for his family, she felt that Gilbert was not going far enough. It appeared from her arguments with Gilbert
that she was projecting part of her father's anger onto him. Gilbert is ruled by an obligation of duty. At the start of the
film, he feels obligated because it seems like everyone else in his family is powerless.
Over time, Gilbert's reasons for wanting to provide for his family change. Bonnie Grape is the mother of
Gilbert, Amy, Ellen, and Arnie. After her husband committed suicide by hanging himself in the basement seven years
ago, Bonnie developed severe depression. Her depression has resulted in her becoming morbidly obese and home-
“Keep excellence burning”

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

Republic of the Philippines
Off-Campus Program - San Leonardo
Tambo Adorable, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija

College Of Education

ridden. As a result of her condition, the other members of the Grape family are forced to be her caregivers.
Additionally, Gilbert and Amy, the two oldest siblings, have taken on parental roles as a result of her inability to
provide for her children. Bonnie is loving and kind, especially to Arnie, and she is very aware of the effect she has on
her family. She becomes acutely conscious of her appearance and the opinions of her neighborhood as she leaves the
house for the first time in order to save Arnie from being arrested. She withdraws even more and starts to criticize
herself more after coming to this knowledge. Her decision to stay indoors for Arnie's birthday celebration is the
pinnacle of her disengagement from reality. A new chapter in the Grape children's lives begins when Bonnie quietly
dies in her sleep the night after his birthday.
Becky, described as worldly and adventurous, Becky is drawn to individuals who share her zest for life.
Witnessing Gilbert's calming of Arnie from the water tower piques her interest in him and the Grape family. She
forms individual connections with Arnie and Gilbert, the latter evolving into a romantic relationship. Becky shows a
genuine concern for Gilbert's mental and emotional well-being, encouraging him to confront his feelings and push his
boundaries. When Gilbert’s mother died in her sleep, Gilbert along with his siblings, made the difficult decision to set
fire to their house in order to prevent their mother from attracting negative attention. By the film's conclusion, Gilbert
has come to understand the true value of his family and how much he means to his mother. By the end of the film, he
has a greater regard for his mother after learning about the struggles she had when his father left. The movie's main
message is about understanding yourself and staying hopeful. At first, Gilbert doesn't realize how hard it is to take
care of his brother Arnie and handle his other duties. He also feels like there's no chance for a better life until he falls
in love with Becky, which changes how he sees things.

“Keep excellence burning”

Transforming Communities through Science and Technology

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