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1 Conscious Discipline® and CLASS® Classroom Organization

Conscious Discipline® and CLASS® Classroom Organization “Crosswalk”

“The Powers of Conscious Discipline® support the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) focus on interactions
between teachers and children and what teachers do with the materials in the classroom.”

CLASS®- X = Conscious Discipline® Matching w/ CLASS® Classroom Organization

Organization Conscious Discipline® “7 Powers” and Self-Regulation Skills
Perception Attention Unity Free Will Acceptance Love Intention
Composure Assertiveness Encouragement Choices Empathy Positive Consequences
• Clear Behavior x x x
• Proactive x x x
• Redirection of x x x x x
• Student Behavior x x

Perception Attention Unity Free Will Acceptance Love Intention

Composure Assertiveness Encouragement Choices Empathy Positive Consequences
• Maximizing x x x
Learning Time
• Routines x x x
• Transitions x
• Preparation x
Perception Attention Unity Free Will Acceptance Love Intention
Composure Assertiveness Encouragement Choices Empathy Positive Consequences
Learning Formats Intent
• Effective x x x x
• Variety of x x x x x
Modalities &
• Student Interest
• Clarity of Learning x

Assembled by: Angela Vierkant, Parent Aware Quality Coach & CLASS® Coach – Families First of Minnesota
• Concepts adapted from Conscious Discipline® by Dr. Becky Bailey. 800-842-2846
• Bailey, Rebecca Anne. Conscious Discipline® Building Resilient Classrooms. Loving Guidance, 2015.
• “Crosswalk for Conscious Discipline® and CLassroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®).” Conscious Discipline®, Loving Guidance, LLC, 28
Apr. 2020,
• “Behavior Management, Productivity, Instructional Learning Formats.” Dimensions Guide: Pre-k, CLASS, by Robert C. Pianta, Teachstone
Training, 2014, pp. 12-17.
2 Conscious Discipline® and CLASS® Classroom Organization

Conscious Discipline® (CD) 7 Powers

• Power of Perception – “No one can make you angry without your permission.”
o Self-Regulation Skill: Composure
o Conscious Discipline® Building Resilient Classrooms: Chapter 4 (Pg. 86)
o CD Activities: Friends and Family Board, Safekeeper Ritual, Brain Smart Start, Safe Place, Greeting Rituals, Goodbye Rituals
• Power of Attention – “Whatever you focus on you get more of.”
o Self-Regulation Skill: Assertiveness
o Conscious Discipline® Building Resilient Classrooms: Chapter 5 (Pg. 120)
o CD Activities: Visual Routines, Daily Schedules, CLASS® Made Books
• Power of Unity – “We are all in this together.”
o Self-Regulation Skill: Encouragement
o Conscious Discipline® Building Resilient Classrooms: Chapter 6 (Pg. 162)
o CD Activities: Connecting Rituals, Ways to be helpful, Kindness Tree, Classroom Jobs
• Power of Free Will – “I am in charge of me and I’m the only person who can make myself change. “
o Self-Regulation Skill: Choices
o Conscious Discipline® Building Resilient Classrooms: Chapter 7 (Pg. 194)
o CD Activities: Visual Rules, Two Positive Choices
• Power of Acceptance – “The moment is as it is.”
o Self-Regulation Skill: Empathy
o Conscious Discipline® Building Resilient Classrooms: Chapter 8 (Pg. 218)
o CD Activities: We Care Center, Sophie and Shubert Books, Book: Helping My Feelings Buddies
• Power of Love – “I am willing to see the best in others.”
o Self-Regulation Skill: Positive Intent
o Conscious Discipline® Building Resilient Classrooms: Chapter 9 (Pg. 254)
o CD Activities: Celebration Center, Wishing Well, School Family Assemblies
• Power of Intention – “Mistakes are opportunities to learn.”
o Self-Regulation Skill: Consequences
o Conscious Discipline® Building Resilient Classrooms: Chapter 10 (Pg. 286)
o CD Activities: CLASS® Meetings, Time Machine

CLASS® Classroom Organization

• Dimension: Behavior Management – “how teachers manage behavior to prevent misbehavior and reinforce positive behaviors”
o Indicators: Clear Behavior Expectations, Proactive, Redirection of Misbehavior, Student Behavior
o Pre-K CLASS® Dimensions Guide: Pages 12 and 13
• Productivity – “how teachers manage children’s time so that they’re consistently involved in learning activities throughout the
o Maximizing Learning Time, Routines, Transitions, Preparation
o Pre-K CLASS® Dimensions Guide: Pages 14 and 15
• Instructional Learning Formats - “ways in which teachers make the most of children’s interest, engagement, and ability to learn
from lessons and activities.”
o Effective Facilitation, Variety of Modalities and Materials, Student Interest, Clarity of Learning Objectives
o Pre-K CLASS® Dimensions Guide: Pages 16 and 17

Assembled by: Angela Vierkant, Parent Aware Quality Coach & CLASS® Coach – Families First of Minnesota
• Concepts adapted from Conscious Discipline® by Dr. Becky Bailey. 800-842-2846
• Bailey, Rebecca Anne. Conscious Discipline® Building Resilient Classrooms. Loving Guidance, 2015.
• “Crosswalk for Conscious Discipline® and CLassroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®).” Conscious Discipline®, Loving Guidance, LLC, 28
Apr. 2020,
• “Behavior Management, Productivity, Instructional Learning Formats.” Dimensions Guide: Pre-k, CLASS, by Robert C. Pianta, Teachstone
Training, 2014, pp. 12-17.

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