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Paste Question


1. What is the shortcut key to combine the selected objects?

Ans = Ctrl + K

2. Shft + PgDn is the shortcut key to place the selected object(s) back one position in the
object stacking order.


3. W brings up the Navigator window allowing you to navigate to any object in the


4. What is the shortcut key to specifies fountain flits for objects?

Ans = F11

5. Spacebar toggles between the current tool and the Pick tool.

Ans = TRUE

6. F3 is the shortcut key to zoom in on all objects in the drawing.


7. What is the shortcut key to displays a full-screen preview of the graphic or drawing?

Ans = F11

8. When an A2 paper is divided equally from the centre, which size will you obtain?

Ans = A3

9. __________ tool is used for cropping.

Ans = Shape tool

10. A graphic work with Red, Yellow, Black and White has ________ color separation.
Ans = 4

11. In a bookwork of ten pages, one of the sheets will contain the following numbering.

Ans = 1 & 10

12. _____________ bar is a special toolbar in Coreldraw which displays commands online.

Ans = Property bar is a special toolbar in Coreldraw which displays commands online.

13. The ruler bar is used for _______.

Ans = The ruler bar is used for measuring and aligning objects in a document.

14. We have ____________ paper Orientation in CorelDraw.

Ans = 2

15. _________ is used for selecting and deselecting objects

Ans = The Pick tool is used for selecting and deselecting objects in CorelDraw.

16. CorelDraw is a ________ based drawing Application Package.

Ans = Vector

17. Insert Page option comes under _______ menu in Coreldraw

Ans = Insert Page option comes under File menu in Coreldraw

18. When light color texts are placed on a light color background, it needs the following

Ans = A dull outline applied to the text

19. Bitmap images are made up of _________

Ans = Pixels

20. What is the default paper type/size when you open CorelDraw windows?

Ans = A4

1. Mention ten common tools in Corel draw and state the functions of any five

Ans =
i. Freehand tool: Allows you to draw freeform lines and shapes
ii. Shape tool: Allows you to draw basic geometric shapes like rectangles, circles,
and triangles
iii. Pen tool: Allows you to create precise lines and shapes
iv. Text tool: Allows you to add text to your design
v. Pick tool: Allows you to select, move, and manipulate objects in your design
vi. Zoom tool: Allows you to zoom in and out of your design
vii. Eraser tool: Allows you to erase parts of your design
viii. Knife tool: Allows you to cut shapes and objects
ix. Smudge tool: Allows you to blend colors and soften edges in your design
x. Healing tool: Allows you to remove blemishes and imperfections in your

1b. Mention five uses of Computer graphics

Ans =
i. Design and creation of visual media: Computer graphics are used to create and design visual
media such as illustrations, animations, and digital art.
ii. Video game development: Computer graphics are used to create the visual elements of video
games, including characters, environments, and special effects.
iii. Film and television: Computer graphics are used in the film and television industry to create
visual effects, animation, and 3D graphics.
iv. Technical illustration: Computer graphics are used to create technical illustrations such as
engineering drawings, architectural renderings, and medical illustrations.
v. Advertising and marketing: Computer graphics are used to create visual media for advertising
and marketing, such as print ads, billboards, and digital banners.

1c. Describe the following

i. Graphic design: Graphic design is the process of creating visual content for various
mediums, such as print, digital, and advertising.
ii. Desktop Publishing: Desktop publishing (DTP) is the process of using a personal
computer and specialized software to create and print documents such as brochures,
magazines, newspapers, and books.
iii. Bitmap: A bitmap (also called "raster") graphic is created from rows of different
colored pixels that together form an image.
iv. Painting packages: A painting package produces images by changing the colour of
pixels on the screen.
v. Pixel Art: Pixel Art is a form of digital art created using software.
2. List the types of computer graphic packages

Ans = The common graphics packages are:

- Ms- Paint.
- CorelDraw.
- Instant Artist.
- Print Artist.
- Harvard Graphic.
- Logic Graphic.
- CorelDream.
- Logo Graphic.

2b. Describe 2D Computer Graphic with examples

Ans = 2D computer graphics is the computer-based generation of digital images—mostly

from two-dimensional models and by techniques specific to them.

2c. List and explain the important parts found on the Page Maker environment.

Ans = The important parts of the Adobe PageMaker environment are:

i. Menu Bar: Contains various commands to access various functions, such as file, edit,
view, etc.

ii. Toolbox: Contains a set of tools to create and manipulate elements on the page, such
as text, graphics, and shapes.

ii. Palettes: Provide access to a wide range of features, such as text formatting, color
swatches, and object properties.

iii. Page: Represents the area where the design and layout of the document takes place.

iv. Rulers: Horizontal and vertical rulers provide a way to measure and align elements on
the page.

v. Status Bar: Displays information about the current page and the status of the

vi. Pages Panel: Displays a thumbnail view of all pages in the document and provides
access to page management features.

vii. Master Pages: Allows you to define common elements on multiple pages, such as
headers and footers.
viii. Layers: Organizes elements in the document into separate, customizable layers,
making it easier to manage complex designs.

ix. Guides: Horizontal and vertical lines that can be used to align elements and ensure
consistent spacing and placement on the page.

2cii. Enumerate five features of page layout.

Ans = Five features of page layout are:

i. Margins: Setting the size of the whitespace surrounding the content on a page.

ii. Columns: Divide the page into multiple vertical sections to organize content and improve

iii. Text Flow: The arrangement of text on a page, including the placement of headings,
subheadings, and body text.

iv. Images and Graphics: The placement and sizing of visual elements, including photos,
illustrations, and charts.

v. Grid System: A series of horizontal and vertical lines used as a guide for placement and
alignment of elements on a page, creating a harmonious and organized design.

3a. Describe the method of drawing an image in coreldraw

Ans =
i. Start a new document in CorelDRAW and set the page size to match your desired image size.
Choose your tool(s) from the toolbar (e.g. shapes, pen, pencil, brush, etc.).
ii. Use the tool to create the basic shapes that make up your image.
iii. Modify the shapes using the shape tools, fill and stroke options to fine-tune the appearance.
iv. Use the node editing tool to adjust the shapes as needed.
v. Repeat steps 3 to 5 until the desired image is achieved.
vii. Use the text tool to add any necessary text to the image.
viii. Finally, save the image in a format suitable for your needs (e.g. .cdr, .pdf, .jpeg, etc.).

3b. Highlight 10 components in AutoCAD

Ans =
i. Draw commands: Line, Circle, Rectangle, Polyline, etc.
ii. Modify commands: Trim, Extend, Offset, etc.
iii. Layers: Used to organize and control the visibility of objects.
iv. Blocks: Reusable objects that can be inserted into drawings.
v. Dimensions: Used to accurately size objects.
vi. Text: Used to add annotations and labels to the drawing.
vii. hatches and fills: Used to fill areas with patterns or colors.
viii. Layout tabs: Used to set up drawing views, scales and print settings.
ix. Dynamic blocks: Blocks that can be manipulated in real-time.
x. Plotting/Printing: Used to output drawings to paper or digital format.

3c. Define AutoCAD

Ans = AutoCAD is a commercial computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software

application used to create 2D and 3D designs.

4a. Define the term database with two examples

Ans = A database is a structured collection of data stored and organized in a computer

system to enable fast retrieval, manipulation, and management of data.


i. Microsoft SQL Server

ii. Oracle Database.

4b. State five advantages of Database Management System (DBMS)

Ans =
i. Data Integrity and Security: DMBS ensures data accuracy and prevents unauthorized access
to sensitive information.
ii. Scalability: DBMS can handle large amounts of data and allow for easy expansion as data
iii. Efficient Data Retrieval: DMBS enables quick and efficient retrieval of data through advanced
search functionality.
iv. Data Consistency: DMBS ensures data consistency across multiple users and applications by
enforcing data integrity constraints.
v. Concurrent Access and Data Sharing: DBMS enables multiple users to access the same data
simultaneously and share data across multiple applications.

4c. List the data model in database management system.

Ans =
i. Relational Model: A table-based model that organizes data into rows and columns and uses
relationships between tables to retrieve data.
ii. Hierarchical Model: A tree-based model that organizes data into parent-child relationships
and represents data as a series of nested nodes.
iii. Network Model: An extension of the hierarchical model that allows for multiple parent-child
relationships between records.
iv. Object-Relational Model: A hybrid model that combines features of both the relational and
object-oriented models.
v. Document Model: A data model that stores data as semi-structured documents, such as
vi. Key-Value Model: A model that stores data as a collection of key-value pairs, where the key
is a unique identifier and the value is the data stored for that key.
vii. Column-Family Model: A data model used in NoSQL databases that organizes data into
columns instead of rows.

5a. Mention four elements of a relational database

Ans =
i. Tables: The basic unit of data storage in a relational database, consisting of rows and
ii. Fields: Represent individual elements of data within a table, and correspond to the columns in
a table.
iii. Records: Represent individual instances of data within a table, and correspond to the rows in
a table.
iv. Relationships: Connections between tables that define the relationships between the data
stored in the tables.

5b. Mention six data types in MS Access

Ans =
i. Text: Stores alphanumeric characters up to a maximum of 255 characters.
ii.Number: Stores numerical values, including integers, decimals, and currency.
iii. Date/Time: Stores date and time values.
iv AutoNumber: Automatically generates a unique numerical value for each record in a table.
v. Yes/No: Stores binary values (Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off).
vi. Memo: Stores large amounts of text or rich text format (RTF) up to 65,536 characters.

5c. List the step of creating a Database

Ans =
i. Determine the Purpose and Requirements: Define the purpose and scope of the database,
and identify the data that needs to be stored.
ii. Choose a DBMS: Decide on a database management system (DBMS) that fits your
requirements and technical skills.
iii. Design the Schema: Create a logical model of the database that defines the relationships
between tables and fields.
iv. Create Tables and Fields: Use the chosen DBMS to create tables and fields to store the data.
v. Define Relationships: Establish relationships between tables to define how data is related and
can be retrieved.
vi. Populate the Database: Enter sample data into the database to test its functionality and
refine the design.
vii. Set Up Security and Backup Procedures: Ensure the security and reliability of the database
by setting up user accounts, backups, and other necessary procedures.
viii. Test and Maintain the Database: Test the database thoroughly to ensure it meets
requirements and performs as expected. Continuously monitor and maintain the database to
keep it up-to-date and efficient.

6a. What does SPSS stands for?

Ans = SPSS stands for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.

6b. Mention five menus in SPSS

Ans =
i. File: Used to open, save, and import/export data and projects.
ii. Edit: Provides tools for editing data and case values within the data file.
iii. Data: Contains tools for data manipulation, recoding, and transformation.
iv. Analyze: Includes a wide range of statistical analysis techniques, such as regression,
analysis of variance, and t-tests.
v. Graphs: Contains a variety of chart and graph options for visualizing data, including
histograms, scatterplots, and bar charts.

6c. Mention six keyboard shortcuts that are in SPSS with their meaning

Ans =
i. Ctrl + N: New Data File.
ii. Ctrl + O: Open Data File.
iii. Ctrl + S: Save Data File.
iv. Ctrl + R: Run Analysis.
v. Ctrl + D: Duplicate Cases.
vi. Ctrl + P: Print Data File.

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