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Unit 3 - Lesson 5.2

Name :………………………..
Date :…………………….....
Exercise 1: Open Learner’s Book page 52, 53, 54, read about story
and answer these question.
1. Where was Rattlesnake at the beginning of the story?
_____________________________________________________________ .
2. Where was Rattlesnake at the end of the story?
_____________________________________________________________ .
3. How did the Mouse help the Rattlesnake?
_____________________________________________________________ .
4. What did Rattlesnake promise Mouse?
_____________________________________________________________ .
5. What did Rattlesnake want to do to Mouse after Mouse helped it?
_____________________________________________________________ .
6. Was Rattlesnake kind?
_____________________________________________________________ .
7. Was Mouse helpful?
_____________________________________________________________ .
8. Did Rattlesnake eat Mouse?
_____________________________________________________________ .
9. Did Coyote save Mouse's life?
_____________________________________________________________ .

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