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KRISHNA PUBL Annual Examination - 2023 Class - XI Dt. : 15.02.2023 Time : 3 hrs. Subject - Economics MM.- 80 Genral Instructions : 1. This question paper contains two sections. Section-A Statistics, Section-B Micro Economics. 2. This paper contains 34 questions. 3. Both the section contains 20 multiple choice questions of 1 mark each. 4. This paper contains 4 short questions of 3 marks each to be answered in 60 to 80 words. 5. This paper contains 6 short question of 4 marks each to be answered in 80 to 100 words. 6. This paper contains 4 long questions of 6 marks each to be answered in 100 to 150 words. TEE REESISnrrerrrseraeseereeree Section - A (Statistics) 1. The data given as 5, 7, 12, 17, 79, 84, 91 will be called as(1) a. Acontinuous series b. A discrete series c. An individual series d. Time series Define frequency. 3. Choose the average mean of 1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 10 from the following : (1) a 10 b. 6 c 68s d. 12 4. Define mean. (1) 9. Find the mode from the observation 5, 3, 6, 5,5, 10,7, 2(1) a. 2 3 ce 4 6 wy In case of continuous frequency distributioy inclicates class interval in which the mej 26 median att Mion ies) 13 Stem oe : 2 2 tem < item oe What is meant by correlation? a 8. _ Karl Pearson's coetficient is defined from. a a. Ungrouped data b,--Grouped data Bothaandb d. None of these 9. We use price index numbers a) a. Tomeasure and compare price. b. To compare prices c. To measures prices 4. None of these 10. Define index numbers. a 11. What are the limitations of statistics. % bl a Discuss the essential of a good table. 12. Construct the index number of simple aggregate method.) ‘Commodity | Price 2011 [ Price 2021 A 20 3 B 30 40. Cc 60 80 D 30 40 wl raw histogram with frequency poly aon 7 1 Marks 0-10) 10-20 20-90) 300) 40-30 30-60. 60-70. 70-80, Or Draw a pie diogram from the following observation. “) rr ‘Medium of Transport Percentage values Private vehicles Taxi E Buses 18% ‘Auto rickshaw 20% | Find the median for the following data ® Ageinvs_|_No.of Person 10-20. 3 20-30. 2 30-40, 2 4050 4 50-60 8 60-70, 1 15, 16. Vv, Al Or Find out the mode of the following, se Ghssinterval_[ Frequency 05 2 4 15 6 Z Calculate spearman’s rank correlation, ® ve] 2fs fs [7 vps De | 2 | 6 | a8 Or Find the missing ite Find th 1g item of mean of the following series is Maris [a0 [35 [ao [2 Saini 2 babe ee Calculate arthmatic mean with the help of following data. Mid ale 5 15, 25 35 ry requeney | 4] 8 | 10 | 6 [2] Calc ot ‘aleulate coefficient of Karl Pearson correlation. (6) x[R[spelaya 5 Ww Pe ne 8 [10 [12 [14 [18 | 18 stinguish between ce cane th nsus and sample method of © Explain the methods of collecting primary data, >> 18. 20. a. 2 a. wt Section - B (Micro Economics) iniferencecurves are comses toe or because of (1) ferreting MRS. _ Diminishing MRS 2 ene of diminishing marginal utility Taw of equi marginal utility following statements a Rea tian (A) and Reason (). Choose one of the correct drematives given below. ateertion (A): Marginal utility can never be negative, eso (R) Total wlity fs maximum when Mu is zero. ‘Alternatives = Both A and R are true an cexplanationof A. Both A and R are true an Read the id R is the correct \d R is not the correct b explanation of A. cg. Ais true but R is false d. Ais false but Ris true, Incase of decrease in demand there is a____—— shift in the demand curve. o) Cost price effect occurs in the case of substitute goods: only. ® mand la for measuring price elasticity of der Give the formul ethod. according to percentage m o price elasticity of Which of the following influences demand? @ Match the following, o A 4, ShortRun —_a._ Average physical product 2 TP b. Such factors cannot be changed in the short run. IAP * units of variable factor. Period in which output can be changed by changing only variable factors. 3, Fixed factors ¢ 4, Averagereturn 23, 26. M6 alternatives from the fol follow Statement 1 : The sum of explict cost and inp total cost of the production of a commodity. Pt 88 Choose the correc ‘ pro ity, Statement 2: Explicit cost is in the nature Of contraghy 38. payment while no contractual obligation for pam > required in case of implicit cost. Payment Alternatives: 29. a. Both the statements are true. b. Both the statements are f © 4. Statement 1is true and statement 2is false, Statemen 2is true and statement 1is false. Or What is meant by explict cost, Give example. When 5 units of a good is sold, total revenue is Rs. 10 When 6 units are sold marginal revenue is Rs. 8. Atha Price are 6 units sold ? a) a Rs.2perunit bs, 20 per unit « Rs.18perunit d,s. 12 per unit Excess of receipts from sale of goods over expenditut incurred on producing them is termed 937) a. Averagerevenueb. Revenue © Profit a marginal revenue Or “ The fllowing igure depicts the cas of 3, 2. Highly elastic supply. a wt Pofectly inelastic supply Perfectly elastic supply SL Unitary clastic suppl: emand with the help of demand Fraplin the Taw of lemnanel with P b, e ae factor with proper schedule and typi etme to a fac 3 graph 7 Explain the relationship betwscen TR and MR with graph ee eo economy a os the central problems of an ee aol 7 eaters equiblibrium with MR aN approach with proper graph. " Or Find out the missing figure Output] To JAC 3 0 5 supply for a good is 50 units at the price of Rs. 10. Calculate price elasticity of supply @ Or . Explain the effect of rise in the input prices on the supply of a good by a firm with proper diagram. Explain consumer's equilibrium, in case of a single commodity, with the help of a wtility’schedule and graph. Or Explain the properties of indifference curve. o) ey : 8H 34. Explain the features of perfect competitive market. (6) Or Fxplain the process of price determination under perfec completition with the help of a diagram. 0-0-0-0-0

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