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Portfolio Perspectives:
A Study of Investment Variety and Individual Portfolios




Bachelor of Business Administration
School of Business
MIT World Peace University
PUNE: 411038


This is to certify that Miss Ishita Neeraj More has successfully completed the project work

titled Portfolio Perspectives: A Study of Investment Variety and Individual Portfolios in

partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of Bachelor of Business Administration

prescribed by the MIT World Peace University

This project is the record of authentic work carried out during the academic year 2023-243.

Dr. Deependra Sharma

Project Guide Dean School of Business

Internal Examiner External Examiner



I, Ms. Ishita Neeraj More hereby declare that this project is the record of authentic work

carried out by me during the academic year 2020-21 and has not been submitted to any other

University or Institute towards the award of any degree.

Signature of the student

Ishita Neeraj More

I am sincerely grateful to Dhanashree Investments for granting me the privilege of

undertaking an internship with their esteemed organization. This opportunity has been a
transformative experience, shaping my understanding of the financial industry and paving the
way for my professional growth.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Dhanajay Kale for bestowing upon me this invaluable
internship opportunity. His vision and dedication to fostering young talent in the financial
sector are truly commendable. I am honored to have been a part of his team and to have
learned under his guidance. This internship has provided me with insights that will
undoubtedly influence my career trajectory positively.

I am deeply appreciative of Mr. Anil Sutar's guidance, which has been instrumental in
enhancing my comprehension of finance. His mentorship has illuminated complex financial
concepts, enabling me to apply them effectively in practical scenarios. His patient guidance
has empowered me to delve deeper into the world of finance with confidence.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Ms. Garima for her invaluable guidance
throughout the internship. Her expertise and insights have been pivotal in broadening my
perspective on various aspects of the financial industry. Her support and feedback have
helped in my learning journey.

I extend my sincere thanks to my internal guide, Ms. Saileja Mohanty, whose consistent
support, and mentorship have been instrumental in navigating through the intricacies of this
internship. Her insights and feedback have enriched my understanding and have been key to
my professional development.

This internship has been an incredible opportunity, and I am eager to apply the lessons
learned here to my future endeavors.


Table of Contents

No. Particulars Page No.

Cover page and title page 2

Certificate from the institute 3
Company certificate (on company letterhead) 4
Declaration by student 5
Acknowledgment 6
Table of Contents 7
1 Executive Summary. 8

2 Chapter One: Introduction 9

1. Introduction to Industry and Company profile
2. Introduction to Project topic
3. Significance of the study
4. Objectives of the study
3 Chapter Two: Review of the Literature 13

4 Chapter Three: Research Methodology

1. Objectives
2. Research Design
3. Source/s of Data
4. Date Collection Instrument
5. Scope and Limitations of the Study
5 Chapter Four: Data analysis and interpretation 19

6 Chapter Five: Summary and Conclusions 24

Bibliography 33
DHANASHREE INVESTMENTS is a leading Financial Advisory in Pune, offering a
comprehensive range of personalized financial solutions to both retail High Net Worth and
Retail Investors. Their services encompass expert investment advice, with a focus on Mutual
Fund Schemes, while keeping clients informed about the latest market developments to
optimize their portfolios. From planning and advisory to execution and investment
monitoring, their end-to-end Personalized Investment Management Services (PIMS) are
designed to preserve and enhance wealth, empowering clients to achieve their financial goals
with confidence.
During my enriching and dynamic 2-month internship at DHANASHREE INVESTMENTS,
I undertook a diverse range of tasks and projects, culminating in a comprehensive
understanding of the financial industry. I prepared insightful one-pagers on crucial topics
such as child's plan, retirement planning, vacation planning, and budgeting versus financial
planning, tax planning, insurance, and its distinct types and NRI (Non-Resident Indians)
investment. This helped me understand how finance and financial planning has a particularly
vital role in every part of our life. Additionally, I delved into the fundamentals of mutual
funds, interpreting, and analysing fact sheets, and gaining proficiency in comprehending
SEBI categories of mutual funds.
Furthermore, I sharpened my skills in various financial and non-financial transactions,
gaining an understanding of their implications on investments. I studied debt funds and
successfully presented a detailed analysis of the subject matter. Overall, my internship
experience at DHANASHREE INVESTMENTS has not only equipped me with practical
knowledge and skills but also reinforced my passion for personalized investment
management. I am confident that the expertise gained during this internship will pave the way
for a promising career in the financial advisory industry.

9 Weeks
12th June 2023 – 12th August 2023

In today's ever-changing financial world, investing isn't just about numbers—it's a personal
journey. Crafting the right investment portfolio involves a mix of science and intuition,
tailored to fit each individual's unique needs and goals. "Portfolio Perspectives" takes a deep
dive into this intricate world, exploring how different people, at different stages of life,
approach investing.

We're going to walk through five distinct investor profiles, each with its own set of
circumstances and objectives. From the young go-getter just starting out, to the seasoned
retiree looking to preserve wealth, we'll cover a wide range of financial situations and
aspirations. By studying these diverse profiles, we hope to uncover valuable insights into how
to build portfolios that are not only aligned with personal goals but also resilient in the face of
market changes.

Our journey begins with the ambitious young professional, hungry for growth and willing to
take risks. Then, we'll meet the mid-career parent, balancing family needs with financial
goals. Next, we'll explore the pre-retiree's quest for income and stability, followed by the
retiree's focus on safeguarding wealth and generating steady income. Finally, we'll dive into
the world of the high net worth individual, navigating complexities like taxes and alternative

Through this exploration, "Portfolio Perspectives" aims to offer practical advice and
actionable strategies for investors at any stage of life. By understanding the unique needs and
preferences of each investor, we hope to empower individuals to make informed decisions
and build portfolios that can weather the ups and downs of the market.

So, join us on this journey as we uncover the secrets of personal investing. Together, let's
navigate the world of finance and pave the way to financial freedom and security.
1.2 Objectives of the Project:
1. Explore Diverse Investor Profiles: The primary objective of the project is to delve into
the intricacies of individual investor profiles across different age groups, characteristics,
constraints, and requirements. By studying these diverse profiles, we aim to gain a
comprehensive understanding of the varying needs, preferences, and strategies employed by
investors at different stages of life.

2. Analyze Investment Variety: Another key objective is to analyze the wide array of
investment options available to investors, ranging from traditional assets like stocks and
bonds to alternative investments such as real estate, cryptocurrencies, and private equity. By
examining the pros and cons of each investment type, we seek to provide insights into how
investors can effectively diversify their portfolios to achieve their financial goals.

3. Construct Customized Portfolios: Building upon the insights gained from exploring
diverse investor profiles and analyzing investment variety, the project aims to construct
customized portfolios tailored to the specific needs, risk tolerance, and objectives of each
investor profile. These portfolios will be designed to optimize returns, minimize risk, and
align with the long-term financial goals of the investors.

4. Promote Financial Literacy: Through comprehensive analysis and accessible

explanations, the project seeks to promote financial literacy and empower individuals to take
control of their financial futures. By demystifying the world of investing and providing
practical guidance, we aim to equip investors with the confidence and skills needed to
navigate the complexities of the financial markets effectively.

5. Encourage Long-Term Thinking: Finally, the project aims to encourage investors to

adopt a long-term perspective when it comes to investing. By emphasizing the importance of
patience, discipline, and strategic planning, we seek to help investors weather short-term
market fluctuations and stay focused on their long-term financial goals..

1.3 Scope and Limitations of the Project:


The project aims to comprehensively explore the intricacies of individual investment

portfolios across various age groups, taking into account the unique characteristics,
constraints, and requirements of each investor profile. It will delve into the wide range of
investment options available, including traditional assets like stocks and bonds, as well as
alternative investments such as real estate, cryptocurrencies, and private equity. The scope
extends to constructing customized portfolios tailored to the specific needs and objectives of
each investor profile, with a focus on providing practical guidance and promoting financial
literacy among investors. By emphasizing long-term thinking and strategic planning, the
project seeks to empower individuals to make informed investment decisions and navigate
the complexities of the financial markets effectively.


While the project aims to provide comprehensive insights into individual investment
portfolios, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations. Firstly, the analysis will be
based on hypothetical investor profiles and may not fully capture the diversity of real-world
investor scenarios. Additionally, the project may not cover every possible investment option
or strategy, and some nuances of specific investment types may be overlooked. Furthermore,
the recommendations provided in the project are general in nature and may not be suitable for
all investors' unique circumstances. It's essential for investors to conduct thorough research
and consider seeking personalized financial advice before making any investment decisions.
Lastly, the project's scope may be constrained by time and resource limitations, leading to
potential gaps in coverage or depth of analysis. Despite these limitations, the project
endeavors to offer valuable insights and guidance to investors navigating the complexities of
portfolio construction and wealth management..

In India's vibrant financial scene, individual investors come from varied backgrounds, each
with their dreams and strategies. From young professionals hustling in bustling cities to
retirees cherishing their leisure, every investor's tale reflects their unique journey and

In this exploration, we delve into the lives and investment approaches of five Indians from
different corners of the country. From the fast-paced tech hubs to the cultural heartlands,
these stories showcase the essence of Indian resilience and ambition.

Through these profiles, we uncover the dreams, hurdles, and investment philosophies that
shape their financial paths. From the eager young minds seeking growth to the serene retirees
embracing tranquillity, each narrative paints a vivid picture of Indian financial experiences.

1. Young Professional (Age: 25):
 Profile: Rahul Sharma, residing at 101 Green Avenue, Mumbai.
 Characteristics: Ambitious, high risk tolerance, with a long investment
 Background: Rahul holds an engineering degree from the Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) and currently works as a software developer at a leading IT
firm in Bengaluru.
 Current Status: Rahul is at the beginning of his career, earning a steady
income and eager to grow his wealth.
 Investment Strategy: He aims for aggressive growth, allocating 60% of his
portfolio to diversified equities, 20% to high-growth technology stocks, 10%
to emerging markets, 5% to cryptocurrencies, and 5% to high-yield bonds for
 Future Plans: Rahul aspires to climb the corporate ladder and eventually start
his own tech venture.
 Other Information: Rahul actively participates in tech forums and
networking events, keen on expanding his knowledge and professional
network in the industry.
2. Mid-career Parent (Age: 40):
 Profile: Ananya and Arjun Mehta, residing at 303 Lotus Lane, Delhi.
 Characteristics: Stable income, moderate risk tolerance, family-oriented.
 Background: Ananya is a senior manager at a multinational corporation,
while Arjun runs his own small business. They have two children, ages 8 and
 Current Status: The Mehtas focus on providing a comfortable life for their
family while saving for their children's education.
 Investment Strategy: Their portfolio includes 40% equities, 20% real estate
investment trusts (REITs), 20% bonds, 10% cash for liquidity needs, and 10%
allocated to education savings for their children.
 Future Plans: Ananya and Arjun aim to continue growing their wealth while
ensuring financial security for their children's future.
 Other Information: The Mehtas are active members of their residential
community and engage in social activities with their neighbors.
3. Pre-retiree (Age: 55):
 Profile: Rajesh and Kavita Desai, residing at 505 Rose Street, Kolkata.
 Characteristics: Nearing retirement, moderate risk tolerance, focused on
capital preservation.
 Background: Rajesh is a retired government official, while Kavita is a
homemaker. They are preparing for retirement and want to maintain their
current standard of living.
 Current Status: The Desais have accumulated savings over the years and are
now transitioning to a more conservative investment approach.
 Investment Strategy: Their portfolio includes 50% bonds, 20% dividend-
paying stocks, 20% real estate investments, 5% cash for emergencies, and 5%
allocated to gold for inflation protection.
 Future Plans: Rajesh and Kavita plan to retire comfortably and spend time
traveling and pursuing their hobbies.
 Other Information: The Desais are active members of their local temple
community and participate in religious and social events.
4. Retiree (Age: 70):
 Profile: Ashok and Meena Patel, residing at 707 Jasmine Avenue,
 Characteristics: Low risk tolerance, reliance on investment income for living
 Background: Ashok is a retired bank manager, while Meena was a
schoolteacher. They are now fully retired and depend on their investments for
 Current Status: The Patels prioritize stability and income generation in their
investment strategy to support their retirement lifestyle.
 Investment Strategy: Their portfolio includes 50% bonds, 30% dividend
stocks, 10% fixed deposits, 5% cash for immediate expenses, and 5%
conservative real estate investments.
 Future Plans: Ashok and Meena plan to spend their retirement years enjoying
time with family and engaging in leisure activities.
 Other Information: The Patels are respected members of their local
community and actively participate in social and cultural events.
5. High Net Worth Individual (Age: 45):
 Profile: Vikram and Naina Singhania, residing at 909 Orchid Road, Pune.
 Characteristics: Substantial wealth, high risk tolerance, sophisticated
 Background: Vikram is a successful entrepreneur, while Naina is a finance
professional. They have accumulated significant wealth through their business
ventures and investments.
 Current Status: The Singhania's actively manage their investments and seek
to diversify their portfolio to optimize returns and minimize risk.
 Investment Strategy: Their portfolio includes 40% equities, 20% hedge funds
or private equity, 15% real estate, 15% tax-efficient investments, and 10%
venture capital or angel investments.
 Future Plans: Vikram and Naina plan to expand their investment portfolio
and explore new opportunities for growth and wealth creation.
 Other Information: The Singhania's are well-connected in business circles
and have received recognition for their entrepreneurial achievements. They
also contribute to various charitable causes and philanthropic initiatives.
Project Methodology: Exploring Individual Investor Profiles in India

In conducting our research on individual investor profiles in India, we employed a

comprehensive methodology that incorporated both primary and secondary sources of
data collection. Below, we outline the methodology followed in detail:

1. Sources of Data Collection:

A) Primary Source:
 For primary data collection, structured interviews and surveys were conducted
with individuals representing each investor profile outlined in Chapter 2.
These interviews provided firsthand insights into the investors' backgrounds,
financial goals, investment strategies, and future plans.
 Additionally, where feasible, direct interactions and discussions with investors
were facilitated to gather qualitative data regarding their investment
experiences, challenges, and decision-making processes.

B) Secondary Source:
 Secondary data was collected from a variety of sources, including financial
publications, industry reports, government publications, academic journals,
and online databases.
 Data regarding market trends, investment options, economic indicators, and
regulatory frameworks were sourced from reputable secondary sources to
provide context and support analysis.

2. Sample Description:

 The sample for this research comprised individuals from diverse age groups,
geographic locations, and socio-economic backgrounds across India.
 Each investor profile was carefully selected to represent a specific
demographic segment, including young professionals, mid-career parents, pre-
retirees, retirees, and high net worth individuals.
 The sample size for primary data collection was determined based on the
feasibility of conducting interviews and surveys with individuals representing
each investor profile, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the diverse
perspectives within the sample.
3. Other Relevant Aspects of Research:

 To ensure the validity and reliability of the data collected, rigorous research
methodologies were employed, including the use of standardized interview
protocols and survey questionnaires.
 Ethical considerations were paramount throughout the research process, with
informed consent obtained from participants, and data anonymization
practices followed to protect confidentiality.
 Data analysis involved a combination of qualitative and quantitative
techniques, including thematic analysis of interview transcripts, statistical
analysis of survey responses, and comparative analysis of secondary data
 The research findings were triangulated to validate the conclusions drawn
from both primary and secondary data sources, enhancing the robustness and
credibility of the research outcomes.

Through this comprehensive methodology, we aimed to provide a nuanced

understanding of individual investor profiles in India, drawing insights from both
primary and secondary data sources to offer valuable perspectives on investment
behaviour, preferences, and trends in the Indian context.

Exploring Investment Concepts and Sectoral Analysis:

In this chapter, we embark on a journey into the foundational concepts underpinning
investment strategies, as well as delve into sectoral analysis pertinent to individual
investor profiles. By delving deeper into these aspects, we aim to provide a robust
framework for understanding the intricacies of investment decision-making in the
Indian context.

1. Risk Tolerance and Investment Horizon:

 Understanding Risk Tolerance: This fundamental concept revolves around an
investor's comfort level with taking risks in their investment ventures. It's a highly
individualized aspect influenced by various factors such as age, financial objectives,
and personal preferences. For instance, a young professional, with years of earning
potential ahead, may exhibit a higher risk tolerance as they aim for potentially higher
returns, while a retiree, relying on their investments for sustenance, may opt for a
more conservative approach to preserve capital.
 Evaluating Investment Horizon: The investment horizon refers to the duration an
investor intends to hold their investments before needing access to the funds. It's a
critical consideration in portfolio construction, with longer horizons offering more
flexibility to navigate market volatility and pursue higher-risk investment
opportunities. Recognizing the interplay between risk tolerance and investment
horizon is essential in tailoring investment strategies to align with individual goals
and circumstances.

2. Asset Allocation and Diversification:

 Crafting Asset Allocation Strategies: Asset allocation entails spreading investments
across various asset classes such as equities, bonds, and real estate to optimize risk-
adjusted returns. Each investor profile requires a tailored approach to asset allocation,
balancing risk exposure and return potential in line with their unique financial
objectives and risk appetite.
 Embracing Diversification: Diversification within asset classes further enhances risk
management by spreading investments across different securities or properties. For
example, a mid-career parent might diversify their portfolio by investing in both
residential and commercial real estate properties to mitigate risks associated with a
single property type or location.

3. Investment Products and Strategies:

 Navigating Investment Products: From stocks and bonds to mutual funds and real
estate, the investment landscape offers a plethora of options to suit varying investment
goals and risk profiles. Understanding the nuances of each investment product is
crucial in constructing well-rounded portfolios that align with investor objectives.
 Embracing Investment Strategies: Different investment strategies, such as value
investing or growth investing, offer distinct approaches to wealth accumulation. By
understanding the underlying principles of these strategies, investors can make
informed decisions that resonate with their financial goals and risk tolerance levels.

Sectoral Analysis:

1. Technology Sector:
 Unraveling Technological Trends: The technology sector, characterized by rapid
innovation and disruption, offers compelling investment opportunities alongside
inherent risks. Understanding emerging technologies, regulatory dynamics, and
competitive landscapes is imperative for investors seeking exposure to this dynamic

2. Real Estate Sector:

 Exploring Real Estate Dynamics: The real estate sector presents investors with
opportunities for capital appreciation, income generation, and portfolio
diversification. Analyzing market trends, property valuations, and regulatory
frameworks provides valuable insights into potential investment avenues and risk
mitigation strategies.

3. Financial Markets:
 Navigating Financial Market Dynamics: Financial markets are influenced by a myriad
of factors, including economic indicators, monetary policies, and geopolitical events.
Staying abreast of market trends, interest rate movements, and regulatory changes is
essential for investors to make informed decisions and navigate market uncertainties

By delving deeper into these investment concepts and conducting sectoral analyses,
we aim to equip investors with the knowledge and insights necessary to navigate the
complexities of the investment landscape and make informed decisions aligned with
their financial aspirations and risk tolerance levels

To analyze the data provided and present it effectively, we'll create tables and diagrams to
illustrate key insights.

1. Age Distribution:

The data shows a diverse age range among respondents, with a significant portion falling
between 36 and 55 years old. This suggests that the survey captured perspectives from
individuals in different life stages, including mid-career professionals and those approaching

Age Group Number of Respondents

18-25 12
26-35 5
36-45 10
46-55 12
56 and above 8

2. Stage of Life Distribution:

The majority of respondents identify as mid-career parents, indicating a focus on balancing

career responsibilities with family commitments. This group likely prioritizes long-term
financial planning, including saving for retirement and funding their children's education.

Stage of Life Number of Respondents

Young Professional 14
Student 2
Mid-career Parent 24
Pre-retiree 7
Mindful Investor 3
Housewife 1

3. Primary Investment Goals and Objectives:

The most common investment goals and objectives reported by respondents include wealth
accumulation for retirement, education funding for children, preservation of capital, income
generation for living expenses, and diversification and tax efficiency.
4. Risk Tolerance Distribution:

The majority of respondents exhibit a moderate risk tolerance, suggesting a willingness to

accept some level of risk in pursuit of investment returns. This balanced approach aligns with
the goal of achieving growth while mitigating potential losses.

Risk Tolerance Number of Respondents

High 10
Moderate 32
Low 5

5. Investment Focus:

 Long-term Growth: 28 respondents

 Balanced Growth and Income: 23 respondents
 Income-focused with some Growth Potential: 14 respondents
 Stable Income with Minimal Volatility: 12 respondents
 Diversified Portfolio with Exposure to Alternative Assets: 22 respondents

The data indicates a diverse range of investment focuses, including long-term growth,
balanced growth and income, and stable income with minimal volatility. This suggests
that respondents have varied preferences in terms of their desired investment outcomes,
reflecting differing financial objectives and risk profiles.

6. Involvement in Managing Investment Portfolio:

 Active Involvement: 20 respondents

 Moderate Involvement, with Assistance from a Financial Advisor: 22 respondents
 Moderate Involvement, with Guidance from Financial Advisor: 12 respondents
 Limited Involvement, Relying on Financial Advisor: 10 respondents

There is a mix of respondent preferences regarding involvement in managing investment

portfolios. While some prefer active involvement, others opt for guidance or assistance
from financial advisors. This highlights the importance of personalized investment
strategies tailored to individual preferences and comfort levels.

7. Asset Classes Invested In:

 Equity: 41 respondents
 Debt: 21 respondents
 Hybrid: 15 respondents
 Real Estate: 17 respondents
 Precious Metals: 16 respondents
 Cash Equivalents: 10 respondents
 Alternative Investments: 15 respondents
 Commodities: 5 respondents
 Cryptocurrency: 3 respondents
Respondents have diversified their investments across various asset classes, including
equity, debt, real estate, and precious metals. This diversification strategy reflects an
effort to spread risk and capitalize on opportunities in different market sectors.

These tables and diagrams offer a comprehensive overview of the data collected, allowing for
a clearer understanding of the investment preferences and behaviours of the respondents.

Overall, the data suggests that respondents are focused on long-term financial planning and
diversification to achieve their investment goals. While there is a preference for moderate risk
tolerance, investment strategies vary based on individual circumstances and objectives.
Additionally, the level of involvement in managing investment portfolios varies, indicating
the importance of personalized advice and support from financial professionals. The diversity
of asset classes invested in reflects a holistic approach to portfolio construction aimed at
achieving a balance of growth and stability.

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