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European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry


Neuroanatomical changes associated with conduct disorder in boys:

influence of childhood maltreatment
Yidian Gao1,2,3 · Yali Jiang1,2,3 · Qingsen Ming4 · Jibiao Zhang1,2,3 · Ren Ma1,2,3 · Qiong Wu1,2,3 · Daifeng Dong1,2,3 ·
Xiaoqiang Sun1,2,3 · Jiayue He1,2,3 · Wanyi Cao1,2,3 · Shuwen Yuan5 · Shuqiao Yao1,2,3

Received: 6 September 2019 / Accepted: 22 November 2020

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Childhood maltreatment (CM) poses a serious risk to the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of children, and
can advance the development of maladaptive behaviors, including conduct disorder (CD). CD involves repetitive, persistent
violations of others’ basic rights and societal norms. Little is known about whether and how CM influences the neural mecha-
nisms underlying CD, and CD-characteristic neuroanatomical changes have not yet been defined in a structural magnetic
resonance imaging (sMRI) study. Here, we used voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and surface-based morphometry (SBM)
to investigate the influence of the CD diagnosis and CM on the brain in 96 boys diagnosed with CD (62 with CM) and 86
typically developing (TD) boys (46 with CM). The participants were 12–17 years of age. Compared to the CM− CD group,
the CM+ CD group had structural gray matter (GM) alterations in the fronto-limbic regions, including the left amygdala,
right posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), right putamen, right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and right anterior cingu-
late cortex (ACC). We also found boys with CD exhibited increased GM volume in bilateral dorsomedial prefrontal cortex
(dmPFC), as well as decreased GM volume and decreased gyrification in the left superior temporal gyrus (STG) relative to
TD boys. Regional GM volume correlated with aggression and conduct problem severity in the CD group, suggesting that
the GM changes may contribute to increased aggression and conduct problems in boys with CD who have suffered CM. In
conclusion, these results demonstrate previously unreported CM-associated distinct brain structural changes among CD-
diagnosed boys.

Keywords Adolescents · Antisocial behavior · Conduct disorder · Childhood maltreatment · MRI · Gray matter


Conduct disorder (CD) is a behavioral and emotional dis-

Supplementary Information The online version contains order characterized by a repetitive and persistent pattern
supplementary material available at https​://​ of violating the basic rights of others and major societal
norms or rules during childhood or adolescence [1]. Typi-
* Shuqiao Yao cally, individuals with CD may exhibit aggression towards; people or animals, property destruction, deceitfulness, theft
and serious violations of rules [1]. CD is a relatively com-
Medical Psychological Center of Second Xiangya Hospital, mon developmental psychiatric disorder in children, includ-
Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China
ing adolescents, with a worldwide prevalence of 2–2.5% [2],
Medical Psychological Institute of Central South University, and perhaps one in ten individuals exhibiting signs of CD at
Changsha, Hunan, China
some point before adulthood [3].
National Clinical Research Center on Psychiatry Structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) studies
and Psychology, Changsha, Hunan, China
have provided insights into brain structural changes under-
Department of Psychiatry, The First Affiliated Hospital lying CD, including alterations in gray matter (GM) vol-
of Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
ume, cortical surface area, cortical thickness and gyrifica-
Department of Radiology, Second Xiangya Hospital, Central tion. Such CD-associated alterations have been observed in
South University, Changsha, Hunan, China

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

several forebrain structures, including (but not limited to) regional brain structural alterations, such as alterations in
the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), superior frontal gyrus, ante- lateral and ventromedial fronto-limbic regions that mediate
rior insula, precuneus, middle temporal gyrus and superior behavioral and affect control, have been consistently associ-
temporal gyrus (STG), as well as subcortical regions (e.g., ated with CM [21, 23]. Generally, however, investigations
amygdala and putamen) [4–8]. Some CD-associated brain of CM effects on neural abnormalities have not included
structural alterations have been shown to correlate with CD youths diagnosed with CD. Little is known about whether
symptom severity [9, 10], indicating that the changes are the CM-related differences exist in youths with CD. The
more pronounced in severe CD [4, 5, 7]. current lack of sMRI data regarding brain anatomical dif-
Although constructive results have been obtained, there ferences between CD groups with versus and without CM
have been some marked inconsistencies among neuroim- has hindered elucidation of the neurobiological bases of the
aging studies of CD, particularly with respect to findings heterogeneous phenotypes within CD and, thus, limited our
in frontotemporal and limbic regions [5, 11, 12]. Examina- ability to personalize interventions. Disentangling whether
tion of these inconsistencies in the literature has led to the and how individuals with CD with versus without CM
supposition that CD may have differing etiologies, courses, should lead to a better understanding of the etiology of CD
and comorbidity risks [12–15]. CD is comprised of several and thus improve treatment practices.
heterogeneous phenotypes that differ with respect to the In this context, the main aim of the current study was to
age-of-onset (childhood-onset versus adolescent-onset CD), examine whether boys with CD would show particular brain
callous-unemotional traits (i.e., lack of empathy, diminished structural alterations associated with CM. Voxel-based mor-
guilt, callous use of others, and shallow emotions), and phometry (VBM) and surface-based morphometry (SBM)
comorbidity with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or methods were used to identify cortical and subcortical struc-
oppositional defiant disorder [16]. tural changes, including GM, cortical thickness, gyrifica-
Apart from the above phenotypic variances, childhood tion, and sulcus depth. First, we hypothesized that boys diag-
maltreatment (CM) may also be an important factor underly- nosed with CD who had a history of CM (CM+ CD group)
ing inconsistencies across CD studies. CM poses a serious would exhibit more severe conduct problems and a higher
risk to the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being level of aggression than those who had not suffered CM
of affected individuals, often being a precipitating factor for (CM− CD group). Second, we hypothesized that relative to
maladaptive behavioral patterns, such as CD and substance our CM− CD group, our CM+ CD group would show altered
abuse disorders [17]. Conversely, a propensity toward dis- GM structures in brain regions implicated in threat detec-
ruptive and aggressive behaviors, as occurs in CD, may lead tion and emotion processing, such as the anterior insula and
youths into high-risk situations where CM is more likely to amygdala, which have been found to be altered in individuals
occur [18, 19]. Prior studies have emphasized the influence with CM [20, 21]. We also hypothesized that the strength
of CM on the developing brain, including potentially leading of core CD features, namely conduct problems and aggres-
to brain anatomy and functional alterations with life-long sion, would correlate with CM-associated brain structural
consequences for mental health [20, 21]. Clarifying the role changes [10, 22].
that CM plays in the occurrence and development of CD will
help us to interpret inconsistent findings in the literature.
In a review of neuroimaging literature examining CM as Methods
a risk factor for prevalent disorders (i.e., major depression,
substance abuse, anxiety disorders, and posttraumatic stress Participants
disorder), Teicher and Samson found that alterations asso-
ciated with these disorders, such as hippocampal volume Since sex differences have been reported in previous neu-
reduction and amygdala hyperactivity, are more consistently roimaging CD research [7, 24], only boys were enrolled in
observed in participants who experienced CM [22]. In gen- this study. A total of 98 adolescent CD boys (age range,
eral, individuals diagnosed with these disorders who have a 12–17 years) were recruited from outpatient clinics affili-
history of CM have shown an earlier age-of-onset, greater ated with the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South
symptom severity, more comorbidity, and poorer treatment University in Changsha, Hunan, China. A typically devel-
responses than their non-maltreated counterparts. Accord- oping (TD) control group was included. A total of 90 TD
ingly, Teicher and Samson concluded that CM exposure may boys were recruited through flyers in local middle schools.
be an important factor in determining differing phenotypic All participants and their parents were made aware of the
expressions of the same diagnosis [22]. purpose of the study and gave written informed consent for
Phenotypes of CD with distinct ages-of-onset, severities, participation.
comorbidity profiles, and treatment responses have also been All participants underwent an independent struc-
described [12–15]. Previous sMRI studies revealed that the tured clinical interview by two well-trained psychiatrists.

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Diagnoses of CD were made based on the Chinese ver- severity, respectively. The Strengths and Difficulties Ques-
sion of the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV- tionnaire (SDQ) which exhibited high levels of reliability
TR Axis I Disorders-Patient Edition (SCID-I/P) [25]; the and validity in Chinese adolescents was used to measure
Chinese SCID-I/P was adapted for use in both CD patients conduct problems [36, 37], and the Aggression Question-
and healthy individuals [26, 27]. Psychiatrists rated each naire was used to measure the aggressive behavior intensity
CD symptom item of the SCID-I/P as (0) absent, (1) sub- [38].
clinical, or (2) clinically present. Medication status was also
determined in the interview. Diagnostic interviews with Neuroimaging
participants and caregivers were carried out separately;
if the results of the two differed, the psychiatrists made a Acquisition of sMRI data
final diagnostic decision. All CD patients recruited met the
DSM-IV-TR criteria for CD. None had a history of psy- A Siemens Skyra 3.0-Tesla scanner (Siemens Medical
chotropic medication treatment prior to or during the study Inc., Erlangen, Germany) with a standard head coil was
(treatment-naïve). TD volunteers were interviewed by the used to collect images at the Medical Imaging Depart-
same psychiatrists and subjected to the SCID-I/P. Informa- ment in Second Xiangya Hospital. Data were acquired
tion provided by TD subjects was verified by their parents with a T1-weighted MPRAGE (magnetization-prepared
on an as-needed basis. None of the TD participants met the rapid gradient-echo) sequence with the following param-
criteria for CD. Exclusion criteria for both groups included: eters: voxel size = 1 × 1 × 1 ­mm3, repetition time = 8.5 ms,
current or prior history of any (other) psychiatric, behavior echo time = 3.743 ms, f lip angle = 8°, acquisition
or emotional disorder (including, among others, posttrau- matrix = 256 × 256 pixels, field of view = 256 × 256, number
matic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder); of slices = 180, and slice thickness = 1 mm.
a pervasive developmental or chronic neurological disorder
(e.g., autism), Tourette’s syndrome; persistent headaches, Quality control
head trauma; alcohol or substance abuse in the past year;
a contraindication for sMRI; or a full-scale IQ score < 80 Images were inspected for scanner artifacts and gross neu-
on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Chinese roanatomical abnormalities (e.g., tumors or cysts) by a
revision (C-WISC) [28]. All the subjects were right-handed radiologist. After image pre-processing, the Computational
according to the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory [29]. Anatomy Toolbox (CAT12, http://www.neuro​
cat/) provided ratings of image data quality, which were
Behavioral measures used to identify problems with individual images. These
ratings assess basic image properties, noise and geometric
The short form of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire distortions (e.g., due to motion) and combine them into a
(CTQ-SF) was used to determine which boys met the cri- weighted image quality rating (IQR), representing good
teria for CM [30]. The CTQ-SF is a 28-item self-report image quality. All the scans rated B and above in IQR, rep-
instrument that examines five types of CM during both resenting good image quality. Finally, an automated quality
pre-adolescent and teenaged childhood periods: physical check using covariance analysis on the sample homogeneity
abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, and of segmented gray matter images was performed in CAT12
emotional neglect. The items are rated on a 5-point scale toolbox [39]. Two CD participants and four TD participants
from 1 (never true) to 5 (very often true). Cutoff scores dis- were excluded due to excessive movements during scanning,
tinguishing four levels (none, low, moderate, or severe) of leaving 86 TD participants and 96 participants with CD in
each CM type were applied. Individuals were considered to the final sample (Table 1).
have a history of CM if one or more subscales met the cutoff
criteria (moderate or severe). Thus, the participants were Image processing
assigned to a CM+ group if they met the moderate or severe
cutoff thresholds for at least one type of CM. Participants Images were cropped and reoriented following the anterior-
were assigned to a CM− group if their responses indicated posterior commissure line with the MRIcro tool (http://
the none or low level for all five types of CM [30, 31]. www.cabia​​o/mricr​o/mricr​o.html). To optimize
The Chinese version of the Subjective Socioeconomic the registration, the Template-O-Matic toolbox was used to
Status Scale (SSS) was used to quantify each participant’s create standardized apriori tissue probability maps (TPMs)
socio-economic status [32]. The Chinese version of the based on the participants’ age range [40]. Then, we con-
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) ducted GM volume measurements with voxel-based mor-
[33] and the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children phometry (VBM) and conducted cortical measurements
(MASC) [34, 35] were used to rate depression and anxiety with surface-based morphometry (SBM) using CAT12 and

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Table 1  Demographic and clinical characteristics of study participants

CM–TD (N = 40) CM + TD CM–CD CM + CD Diagnosis effect Maltreatment Interaction
(N = 46) (N = 34) (N = 62) effect
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) F (P)a F (P) F (P)

Age, years 15.2 (0.84) 15.2 (1.04) 15.0 (1.28) 14.8 (1.13) 1.96 (0.16) 0.02 (0.88) 0.24 (0.63)
IQ 110.72 (9.10) 107.75 (7.55) 104.48 (11.91) 100.01 (11.58) 4.11 (0.045) 1.40 (0.24) 0.02 (0.89)
SSS 6.38 (1.00) 6.14 (0.95) 7.28 (1.09) 6.34 (1.75) 2.56 (0.11) 1.49 (0.22) 0.27 (0.60)
CES-D scores 13.48 (5.10) 18.69 (7.14) 18.00 (9.24) 29.80 (10.76) 15.01 (< 0.001) 11.19 (0.001) 0.19 (0.66)
MASC scores 32.53 (16.53) 34.71 (18.88) 37.17 (16.14) 47.92 (17.57) 8.72 (0.004) 0.12 (0.74) 0.08 (0.77)
CTQ scores
Emotional 6.70 (1.76) 7.50 (2.82) 7.21 (2.13) 11.53 (3.74) 14.18 (< 0.001) 7.03 (0.009) 1.56 (0.22)
Physical abuse 5.25 (0.81) 6.07 (1.96) 5.62 (0.99) 10.00 (4.03) 10.62 (0.001) 15.21 (< 0.001) 5.40 (0.021)
Sex abuse 5.23 (0.48) 5.30 (0.66) 5.41 (0.74) 8.02 (3.48) 8.69 (0.004) 6.44 (0.012) 5.46 (0.021)
Emotional 9.00 (2.78) 12.33 (3.63) 9.79 (4.66) 14.71 (4.81) 1.60 (0.21) 32.63 (< 0.001) 1.38 (0.24)
Physical 7.25 (1.37) 11.11 (1.73) 8.27 (1.61) 11.53 (2.82) 0.12 (0.73) 123.19 (< 0.001) 0.44 (0.51)
Total scores 33.43 (4.57) 42.30 (6.67) 36.30 (6.25) 55.79 (10.36) 15.07 (< 0.001) 67.82 (< 0.001) 6.38 (0.012)
SDQ scores
Emotion symp- 1.93 (1.67) 2.67 (2.01) 2.44 (1.96) 4.28 (2.44) 3.59 (0.06) 10.87 (0.001) 1.82 (0.18)
Conduct prob- 2.35 (1.29) 2.40 (1.47) 3.53 (1.93) 4.79 (1.74) 32.38 (< 0.001) 2.03 (0.16) 1.58 (0.21)
Hyperactivity 3.03 (1.86) 3.80 (1.74) 4.26 (2.11) 6.18 (2.03) 16.19 (< 0.001) 14.70 (< 0.001) 2.69 (0.10)
Peer problem 2.50 (1.48) 3.04 (1.38) 2.59 (1.33) 3.21 (1.83) 0.22 (0.64) 8.01 (0.005) 0.73 (0.39)
Prosocial 7.85 (1.96) 6.80 (1.44) 6.44 (2.60) 5.51 (2.43) 7.38 (0.007) 9.39 (0.003) 0.10 (0.75)
AQ scores
Anger 9.20 (4.19) 9.96 (4.33) 13.12 (4.24) 15.92 (5.74) 34.37 (< 0.001) 0.70 (0.40) 0.01 (0.98)
Hostility 9.75 (2.99) 11.00 (4.83) 11.12 (2.45) 16.21 (4.15) 17.72 (< 0.001) 6.77 (0.010) 0.84 (0.36)
Attack 14.05 (6.08) 14.94 (6.41) 16.21 (3.44) 20.76 (5.44) 12.50 (0.001) 3.87 (0.05) 1.18 (0.28)
Verbal attack 6.90 (2.59) 6.60 (2.50) 7.01 (1.07) 7.91 (1.44) 3.30 (0.07) 0.13 (0.72) 1.41 (0.24)
Total scores 39.90 (13.69) 42.51 (13.81) 47.45 (7.18) 60.78 (10.62) 31.71 (< 0.001) 4.67 (0.032) 0.97 (0.33)
GM volume 582.25 (70.00) 599.28 (96.37) 590.63 (80.67) 573.81 (73.99) 1.66 (0.20) 0.30 (0.59) 0.19 (0.66)
WM volume 483.51 (38.04) 491.26 (50.37) 479.52 (48.41) 474.82 (48.55) 0.34 (0.56) 0.13 (0.72) 0.43 (0.51)
CSF volume 511.62 (81.77) 520.39 (94.46) 519.04 (109.79) 530.41 (78.66) 2.10 (0.15) 0.02 (0.88) 0.52 (0.47)
TIV (ml) 1580.41 (94.27) 1610.93 1589.19 1579.07 (118.42) < .001 (0.99) 0.17 (0.68) 1.27 (0.26)
(126.28) (118.59)

TD, typically developing; CD, conduct disorder; CM−, childhood maltreatment absence; CM+, childhood maltreatment presence; IQ, intelligence
quotient; SSS, the Subjective Socioeconomic Status Scale; CES-D, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; MASC, the Multi-
dimensional Anxiety Scale for Children; CTQ, the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire; SDQ, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; AQ, the
Aggression Questionnaire; GM, gray matter; WM, white matter; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; TIV, total intracranial volume
Bold font indicates statistical significance at P < 0.05
Higher prosocial behavior subscale scores refer to more prosocial behaviors

Statistical Parametric Mapping software (SPM12; Wellcome white matter images in CAT12 [39]. The Diffeomorphic
Department of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK; http:// Anatomical Registration Through Exponentiated Lie Alge- based on Matlab 2017a (Math- bra (DARTEL) toolbox was used to import the segmented
works, Natick, MA). High-resolution T1-weighted scans GM and white matter images into a native space, create a
were segmented with reference to the TPMs into GM and template from the subjects’ merged images, and to warp,

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

modulate, normalize, and smooth the individual results with SDQ-hyperactivity scores in the SBM analysis. In regions
an 8-mm full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) isotropic showing any main effect or interaction, brain morphometric
Gaussian kernel [41]. The Masking Toolbox (http://www0. data were extracted for post hoc analysis (Bonferroni cor-​/g.ridgw​ay/maski​ng/) was used to create rection). The correlation analyses between morphometric
an explicit mask. The Masking Toolbox uses an automatic measures showing the main effect of CM or diagnosis-by-
mask-creation strategy to find an optimal threshold to bina- CM interaction with clinical data (i.e., AQ total scores and
rize an average image [42]. The total intracranial volume SDQ conduct problem subscores) were conducted with TD
(TIV) for each participant was calculated and used as a and CD groups in SPSS 21.0 software.
covariate of no interest for further statistical analyses. The
SBM measures, namely cortical thickness, gyrification, and
sulcus depth, were performed in CAT12 with default param- Results
eters during segmentation. The automated method in CAT12
allowed us to achieve central surface reconstructions and Behavioral and clinical variables
cortical thickness measurements in one step; subsequently,
topological defects of cortical surface mesh were repaired The demographic and clinical characteristics of the study
with a spherical harmonic method [41]. A 15-mm FWHM sample are summarized in Table 1. The TD and CD groups
isotropic Gaussian kernel was used for thickness data and a (including CM+ and CM− individuals) were similar with
20-mm FWHM isotropic Gaussian kernel for folding data respect to age and SSS. CDs scored higher than TDs on the
(gyrification and sulcus depth). CES-D, MASC, SDQ (conduct problem and hyperactivity
subscales), and AQ (anger, hostility, attack subscales and
Statistical analysis total scale scores). Relative to TD boys, CD boys reported
lower IQ and a lower level of prosocial behavior (Table 1).
Behavioral and clinical data Apart from the main effect of diagnosis, CM− boys
scored lower for CES-D, SDQ (emotion symptom, hyper-
Two-way analyses of variance were used to detect the main activity, and peer problem subscales), AQ (hostility subscale
effects of diagnosis (CD vs. TD), CM (CM+ vs. CM−), and and total scores) and scored higher for SDQ prosocial behav-
CD diagnosis-by-CM interactions. Age and IQ score were ior subscales than CM+ boys. No interaction was detected
included as covariates of no interest for analyses of CES-D, for demographic and clinical variables. After controlling
MASC, SDQ, and AQ results. Statistical analyses were car- for age and IQ, no significant differences were detected in
ried out in SPSS 21.0 software (SPSS, Chicago, IL). global GM/white matter/cerebrospinal fluid volumes or TIV
between CM+ and CM− boys (Table 1).
Imaging data
Following pre-processing, smoothed images were analyzed
in a 2 × 2 factorial design, with CD diagnosis as one factor ROI analysis revealed a significant CD diagnosis-by-CM
and the presence of CM as the second factor. For VBM only, interaction in the left amygdala (peak voxel = [− 26, − 6,
the amygdala and anterior insula were defined as regions of − 12], KE = 85, Z = 3.77, PSVC = 0.002; Fig. 1a), indicating
interest (ROIs) by Automatic Anatomical Labeling (AAL) that the CM+ CD group showed increased GMV in the left
[43] in the Wake Forest University (WFU) Pickatlas Toolbox amygdala compared with the CM− CD group (P = 0.036),
[44] because they have been both consistently associated whereas no significant difference was detected between
with CM [20, 21] and CD [4, 5, 8] in prior neuroimaging CM+ and CM− TD groups (Fig. 1b). No other main effect
studies. For each ROI, a small-volume correction (SVC) was or interaction was found in the ROI analysis.
applied to control family-wise error (FWE) rate at P < 0.025 As shown in Table 2, whole-brain analysis detected main
(Bonferroni correction) [45, 46]. For both VBM and SBM effects of diagnosis, with CD boys exhibiting decreased GM
analyses, whole-brain analyses were performed to further volume in the left STG (Fig. 2a) and increased GM vol-
investigate potential changes in GM and cortical measures. ume in bilateral dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC;
A significance threshold of P < 0.05 was used with cluster- Fig. 2b) relative to TD boys. Apart from the main effect of
level FWE rate correction for multiple comparisons [45, 46]. diagnosis, the whole-brain analysis also revealed significant
Before the cluster-wise correction, the voxel-wise threshold positive CD diagnosis-by-CM interactions in the right pos-
applied to the statistical maps was P < 0.001 uncorrected. terior cingulate cortex (PCC, extending to the precuneus,
Covariates of no interest included age as well as IQ, TIV, lingual gyrus and cerebellum; Fig. 2c) and in the right puta-
CES-D, MASC and SDQ-hyperactivity scores in the VBM men (extending to the right caudate; Fig. 2d), indicating that
analysis, and included age as well as IQ, CES-D, MASC and CM+ TD boys showed reduced GM volumes in these regions

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Fig. 1  Region of interest analysis revealing a significant conduct dis- CD boys, whereas no volumetric difference was found in the same
order (CD) diagnosis-by-childhood maltreatment (CM) interaction region between CM− and CM+ TD boys. The image is thresholded
in the left amygdala. a Significant CD diagnosis-by-CM interaction at PFWE < 0.05, small-volume correction. The color bar represents T
in the left amygdala (peak voxel = [− 26, − 6, − 12]). b Gray mat- statistics. The error bar illustrates standard errors. CD, conduct dis-
ter (GM) volume comparison in the left amygdala between typically order; CM, childhood maltreatment; GM, gray matter; TD, typically
developing (TD) and CD boys with (+) or without (−) CM. CM+ CD developing; FWE, family-wise error
boys showed increased left amygdala GM volume relative to CM−

than the CM− TD boys, whereas the CM+ CD boys showed interactions between these variables were detected for corti-
increased regional GM volumes than the CM− CD boys. cal thickness.
The whole-brain analysis also found significant negative
diagnosis-by-CM interactions in the right dorsal lateral pre- Correlations between clinical and morphometric
frontal cortex (dlPFC, extending to the supplementary motor data
area; Fig. 2e) and right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG; Fig. 2f).
Further analysis revealed that the CM+ CD boys exhibited Correlation analyses were conducted within TD and CD
reduced GM volume in the right dlPFC than the CM− CD groups separately to investigate the relationships between
boys, whereas no such difference was detected among TD clinical variables (i.e., AQ total scores and SDQ conduct
boys. Moreover, CM+ TD boys showed increased GM vol- problem subscores) and morphometric measures showing
ume in the right IFG than the CM− TD boys, whereas no main effect of CM and diagnosis-by-CM interactions after
such difference was detected among CD boys. No main controlling for age and IQ (see Figure S1 in the Supple-
effect of CM was detected in the whole-brain analysis. mentary Materials for scatter plots). The correlation analysis
within the CD group revealed the left-amygdala GM volume
SBM (peak voxel = [− 26, − 6, − 12]) correlated positively with
AQ total scores (r = 0.53, P = 0.002) and SDQ conduct prob-
Whole-brain SBM analysis revealed a main effect of diag- lem subscores (r = 0.49, P = 0.005). The results remained
nosis on gyrification, suggesting decreased left STG gyri- significant after controlling for age, IQ and CM (i.e., CTQ
fication (extending to the temporal pole) in boys diagnosed total scores; P < 0.05). In addition, right-PCC GM volume
with CD than in TD boys (peak voxel = [− 37, 6, − 27], (peak voxel = [14, − 62, 2]) correlated positively with AQ
KE = 266, Z = 4.48, PFWE = 0.001; Fig. 3a). There was a sig- total scores (r = 0.36, P = 0.049) and SDQ conduct problem
nificant CD diagnosis-by-CM interaction for sulcal depth in subscores (r = 0.37, P = 0.038). These results were no longer
the right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC; extending to the significant after controlling for age, IQ and CM.
right dmPFC; peak voxel = [13, 15, 38], KE = 180, Z = 3.76, Within the TD group, the SDQ conduct problem sub-
PFWE = 0.019; Fig. 3b), with the CM+ TD group showing scores negatively correlated with the left-amygdala
a deeper ACC sulcus than the CM− TD group, whereas (r = − 0.22, P = 0.043) and right-PCC GM volume
the CM+ CD group had a shallower ACC sulcus than the (r = − 0.27, P = 0.013). The SDQ conduct problem sub-
CM− CD group. No main effects of diagnosis or CM or scores also positively correlated with the right dlPFC (peak

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Table 2  Whole-brain results revealing main effects and interactions in gray matter volumes controlling for age, IQ, TIV, anxiety, depression and
Hemisphere MNI coordinates Z value PFWE KE
x y z

(a) Main positive effect of diagnosis (CD < TD)

STG, ext. middle temporal gyrus and fusiform gyrus L − 50 − 20 0 4.34 0.008 1385
− 50 − 14 − 23 4.17
− 51 − 12 −6 3.73
(b) Main negative effect of diagnosis (CD > TD)
dmPFC L/R −2 59 29 4.45 0.025 1040
−2 50 42 4.20
2 32 45 4.11
(c) Positive diagnosis-by-CM interaction (CM+ TD < CM− TD, CM+ CD > CM− CD)
PCC, ext. precuneus, lingual gyrus and cerebellum R 14 − 62 2 4.49 < 0.001 2840
− 11 − 56 20 3.98
−9 − 69 15 3.73
(d) Positive diagnosis-by-CM interaction (CM+ TD < CM− TD, CM+ CD > CM− CD)
Putamen, ext. caudate R 24 15 14 3.92 0.040 906
21 −5 26 3.54
(e) Negative diagnosis-by-CM interaction (CM+ CD < CM− CD, no difference between CM+/CM− TD)
dlPFC, ext. supplementary motor area R 14 14 68 4.28 0.008 1384
17 30 59 4.26
17 −2 63 3.66
(f) Negative diagnosis-by-CM interaction (CM+ TD > CM− TD, no difference between CM+/CM− CD)
IFG R 39 45 −6 4.27 0.008 1370
30 48 5 3.97
41 39 21 3.87

CD, conduct disorder; TD, typically developing; CM, childhood maltreatment; CM+, childhood maltreatment presence; CM−, childhood mal-
treatment absence; IQ, intelligence quotient; TIV, total intracranial volume; STG, superior temporal gyrus; dmPFC, dorsal medial prefrontal cor-
tex; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; dlPFC, dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; EXT., extending to; FWE, family-wise

voxel = [14, 14], r = 0.24, P = 0.027) and right-IFG GM vol- hypotheses, we found combined effects of CD diagnosis and
ume (peak voxel = [39, 45, − 6], r = 0.31, P = 0.004). After CM on GM structural characteristics. Compared with the
controlling for age, IQ and CM, the positive correlation CM− CD group, the CM+ CD group displayed altered GM
between right-IFG GM volume and SDQ conduct problem in brain regions involved in threat detection, emotional regu-
subscores remained significant (r = 0.24, P = 0.028). No sig- lation, reward anticipation, and emotional empathy [46–49],
nificant correlations were detected for regions showing main including the limbic system (i.e., amygdala), prefrontal (i.e.,
effects or interactions in the SBM analysis. However, the right dlPFC and right ACC) and parietal cortex (i.e., right
significance of these results did not survive at Bonferroni PCC/precuneus) as well as the striatum (i.e., right putamen
correction (P > 0.05/20). and caudate) after regressing out for potential confound-
ers. Moreover, we also detected decreased GM volume and
decreased gyrification in the left STG as well as increased
Discussion GM volume in bilateral dmPFC in CD boys relative to TD
boys, suggesting that CD may be generally associated with
The current study sought to expand upon previous research delayed brain development in these regions. Regional GM
using sMRI to examine neuroanatomical changes, for the volumes correlated with AQ total scores and SDQ conduct
first time to the best of our knowledge, among boys diag- problems subscores within CD boys, suggesting that GM
nosed with CD, comparing those with CM versus those changes may be more pronounced in boys with severe CD.
without a history of CM. We observed a higher level Taken together, these results support our hypothesis that
of aggression and a lower level of prosocial behaviors there were certain brain structural differences between the
in CM+ youths relative to CM− youths. In line with our CM– CD and CM+ CD groups of boys, indicating that these

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Fig. 2  Significant main effects of conduct disorder (CD) diagnosis volume than CM− CD boys. e A negative diagnosis-by-CM interac-
and diagnosis-by-childhood maltreatment (CM) interactions for gray tion in the right dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC, extending to
matter (GM) volumes detected by VBM whole-brain analysis. a Boys the supplementary motor area). CM+ CD boys showed significant
with CD exhibited decreased GM volume in the left superior fron- lower GM volume in the right dlPFC than CM− CD boys, whereas
tal gyrus (STG, extending to middle temporal gyrus and fusiform no difference found between CM+ and CM− TD boys. f A negative
gyrus) than typically developing (TD) boys. b Boys with CD exhib- diagnosis-by-CM interaction in the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG).
ited increased GM volume in bilateral dorsal medial prefrontal cortex CM + TD boys showed increased GM volume in the right IFG than
(dmPFC) than TD boys. c A positive diagnosis-by-CM interaction in the CM− TD boys, whereas no such difference was detected among
the right posterior cingulate cortex (PCC, extending to precuneus, lin- CD boys. The image is thresholded at P < 0.001, uncorrected for dis-
gual gyrus and cerebellum). CM+ TD boys showed significant lower play purpose. The color bar represents T statistics. VBM, voxel-based
GM volume in the right PCC than CM− TD boys, whereas CM+ CD morphometry; GM, gray matter; CD, conduct disorder; TD, typically
boys showed significant higher right PCC GM volume than CM− CD developing; CM, childhood maltreatment; CM+, childhood maltreat-
boys. d A positive diagnosis-by-CM interaction in the right puta- ment presence; CM−, childhood maltreatment absence; STG, supe-
men (extending to caudate), indicating that CM+ TD boys showed rior temporal gyrus; dmPFC, dorsal medial prefrontal cortex; PCC,
significant lower right putamen GM volume than CM− TD boys, posterior cingulate cortex; dlPFC, dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex;
whereas CM+ CD boys showed significant higher right putamen GM IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; FWE, family-wise error

two groups, while sharing the same CD diagnosis, may be functional MRI studies have found that individuals with
presenting different patterns of brain structural alterations maltreatment histories had an elevated amygdalar response
influenced by exposure to CM. when processing emotional faces, particularly those seen as
It is noteworthy that we detected a significant CD diagno- threatening [21]. This finding has been consistently observed
sis-by-CM interaction for GM volume of the left amygdala, in maltreated individuals across childhood [57, 58] and
which has been identified as a major mediator of threatening adulthood [59–61]. However, both hyperactivity [62, 63] and
cue detection [50, 51] and of emotion processing and regu- hypoactivity [50, 64] of the amygdala in empathy processing
lation [52, 53]. Both a non-human primate study [54] and tasks have been reported in functional MRI studies involving
clinical observations [55, 56] have connected maltreatment participants diagnosed with CD. In the present study, we
from parents with increased amygdala volume. Moreover, found volumetric difference in the left amygdala between

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Fig. 3  Significant main effect of conduct disorder (CD) diagnosis on CM+ CD boys had a shallower ACC sulcus than CM− CD boys.
gyrification and diagnosis-by-childhood maltreatment (CM) interac- Images are thresholded at PFWE < 0.05. The color bar represents T sta-
tion for sulcus depth detected by SBM whole-brain analysis. a Com- tistics. SBM, surface-based morphometry; TD, typically developing;
pared to typically developing (TD) boys, boys diagnosed with CD CD, conduct disorder; CM, childhood maltreatment; CM+, childhood
exhibited decreased gyrification of the left superior temporal gyrus maltreatment presence; CM−, childhood maltreatment absence; STG,
(STG, extending to the temporal pole). b CM+ TD boys had a deeper superior temporal gyrus; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) sulcus than CM− TD boys, whereas

our CM− and CM+ CD groups, but no main effect of CD behaviors (e.g., linking actions with outcomes and action
diagnosis nor a difference between the CM− and CM+ TD selection) [66], and contributes to reward processing and
groups was observed, suggesting that a left amygdala volu- decision making [67]. Prior fMRI studies reported func-
metric increase might be specific to CD boys with a his- tional abnormalities in the putamen related to abnormal
tory of CM. The increased left amygdala volume found in neural responses to negative emotional stimuli and rewards
our CM+ CD group may indicate an enhanced capacity to of individuals with CM [68, 69]. The PCC/precuneus has
detect affective information in the social environment [65] also been suggested to play a key role in the classical ‘core
resulting from the influence of CM. Thus, boys with CD brain network’ for theory-of-mind [70, 71]. Our findings
and CM might be more sensitive to environmental cues, and are largely consistent with previous sMRI studies of CM
thus more hypervigilant to anger signals, than boys with CD effects reporting abnormal GM volumes in the dorsal
without CM [64]. The present study also observed correla- striatum [72, 73] and the PCC/precuneus [73, 74], which
tions between left amygdala volume with aggression and may underlie the deficits in reward processing, decision
conduct problems in boys with CD, which may help explain making and mentalizing in individuals with CM. Notably,
the particularly severe aggression and conduct problems dis- our result indicated that CM+ TD boys showed significant
played by CD boys with CM. higher GM volume in the right putamen and right PCC
The whole-brain analysis of VBM revealed significant than the CM− TD boys, whereas the CM+ and CM− CD
positive CD diagnosis-by-CM interactions in the right boys showed opposite patterns. These findings might sug-
putamen (extending to caudate) and right PCC (extending gest that the effect of exposure to threatening experiences
to right precuneus, lingual gyrus and cerebellum). The on the dorsal striatum and PCC volume might be interfered
putamen and caudate (i.e., dorsal striatum) are typically or modulated by other potential factors (e.g., genetic effect
involved in cognitive and motor aspects of incentive-based and callous-unemotional traits).

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

A significant negative CD diagnosis-by-CM interaction that are specific to only CM− or only CM+ CD groups or are
was also detected for the right dlPFC volume. The CM+ CD oppositely expressed between CM− and CM+ CD groups.
group had lower GM volumes in the right dlPFC than the The strengths of the current study include its relatively
CM− CD group, whereas no such difference was detected large, age- and socioeconomic status- matched sample,
among TD boys. The dlPFC is a core region of the dorsal the combined use of VBM and SBM methods to examine
attention networks and is most typically associated with multi-dimensional morphometric measures of brain struc-
higher cognitive processing, such as working memory, ture, and the controlling for confounders such as age, depres-
planning and cognitive selection of sensory information and sion, anxiety, IQ and TIV. However, the current study also
response [23, 75, 76]. Several studies have found reduced had several potential limitations that should be considered
GM volume in the dlPFC in individuals with exposure to when interpreting the results. First, because data describ-
CM [77–79]. Although not project directly to emotion gen- ing this population are rare (especially for CM− adolescents
erators, the dlPFC may be recruited during emotion regu- with CD), we were unable to match the IQ, depression,
lation [80] and influence emotional reactivity by altering and anxiety levels between the groups. Notwithstanding,
higher order perceptual attention systems [81]. As prior because IQ, depression, and anxiety assessment variables
literature demonstrated, the prefrontal cortex is thought to were included as covariates of no interest in our main anal-
be one of the last brain regions to mature and may be espe- yses, the observed CD diagnosis-by-CM interactions can-
cially vulnerable to disruptions in development [82]. Deficits not be explained by differences in these variables. Still, we
in dlPFC may cause difficulties in considering alternatives, acknowledge that additional replicative research in which
even when it is known that current behaviors are not work- samples are matched for these variables is needed. Second,
ing [83, 84]. We did not find a difference between CM− and although combining VBM and SBM provides advantages
CM+ TD boys in these regions, which suggests that these in terms of a comprehensive examination of morphometric
CM-associated structural abnormalities occur in the context changes, it might increase the risk for type I errors even with
of CD development only. The mechanisms underlying the our use of a stringent method to correct for multiple com-
emergence of the alterations in children with CD need to be parisons (whole-brain PFWE < 0.05) to mitigate against this
clarified by future neuroimaging studies. issue. Third, as an exploratory analysis, the multiple correla-
The SBM analysis revealed a CD diagnosis-by-CM inter- tion results were not corrected to provide more detailed and
action for sulcus depth in the right ACC (extending to the complex information, which means these results should be
right dmPFC). The CM+ CD group had shallower ACC sulci interpreted with caution. Moreover, the present study did not
than the CM− CD group, whereas the opposite pattern was assess the callous-unemotional traits and investigate how the
seen in TD boys. It could be that ACC sulcus variability callous-unemotional traits interact with CM. Including the
affects ACC morphometry and function [85]. The ACC lies callous-unemotional traits as covariates of interest in further
at the interface between the limbic system and the neocortex studies may provide a better understanding of the present
and is the cortical region most frequently identified as abnor- findings. Another limitation is that some translational stud-
mal in both maltreated individuals [72, 86] and CD youths ies have reported that CM effects on brain structure might
[11]. Our data suggest that CM may influence the right ACC be period sensitive, persisting into early adulthood [21, 92].
sulcus in opposite ways in boys with CD versus in TD boys. Hence, a cross-sectional design is not sufficient to address
We observed main effects of CD diagnosis on GM vol- this question. Future longitudinal studies are needed to
ume in bilateral dmPFC (increased with CD) and on GM vol- investigate how CM interacts with the neural mechanisms
ume and gyrification in left STG (both decreased with CD). underlying CD. Finally, only boys were recruited due to rel-
The dmPFC and STG are involved in reward and punish- evant reported sex differences. Consequently, the present
ment processing [87], empathy [88, 89], and social interac- results may not generalize to girls. It is worth noting that
tions [90]. Structural alterations in these regions have been the distribution of severe cases was different across groups
reported previously in subjects with CD [5, 10, 24, 91]. Con- (Table S3), which may affect the results. Future studies
sistent with previous research, we found structural deficits could collect severity-matched participants to explore the
in bilateral dmPFC and left STG in association with CD in effect of CM severity on gray matter abnormalities in CD
general (Fig. 2). Besides, our findings suggest that CM− and youths.
CM+ groups of boys with CD have overlapping as well as
distinct neural substrates, which might be due to different
etiologies. Consequently, these two patient subpopulations Conclusion
might have differentially altered pathways and treatment
responses. On the basis of the present findings, we recommend The results from the study suggest that there are specific
that researchers consider CM as an important factor, because brain structural differences between CM− and CM+ boys
ignoring CM in a neuroimaging study may mask alterations with CD—including morphometric alterations in the left

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

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