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Case Study AMUL

Here is a suggested marketing campaign to help Amul with its difficulty of remaining
relevant to the millennial demographic and guaranteeing maximum brand awareness:

 Influencer Collaborations: To generate talk about Amul goods, team up with well-
known influencers in a variety of fields, including cuisine, lifestyle, and
entertainment. Influencers should be invited to discuss their use of Amul goods in
contemporary lifestyles and their experiences with them.
 User-Generated Content: Invite people to submit images, videos, or testimonies of
their Amul moments. On Amul's social media pages, highlight the best user-generated
content to highlight real customer stories and foster community involvement.
 Product Innovation Showcases: Present new product releases or enhancements to
demonstrate Amul's dedication to innovation. In order to get customers excited before
the launch, run teaser campaigns.
 Collaborative Initiatives: Hold workshops on healthy eating or dairy farming
methods in conjunction with educational institutions or youth organizations. This
cultivates a favorable brand perception and establishes connections with potential
 Localized Campaigns: Adapt marketing initiatives to various locales and cultural
quirks to connect with a range of millennial demographic subgroups. Make deeper
connections with local populations by utilizing allusions, visuals, and languages
specific to the area.
 Virtual Events: Plan online events like interactive Q&A sessions with chefs or
dietitians, live cooking demonstrations using Amul goods, or behind-the-scenes tours
of Amul facilities. Employ social media tools such as Facebook Live or Zoom to
interact with viewers in real-time.
 Create augmented reality (AR) experiences or filters pertaining to Amul products so
that users can interact with them on social media sites such as Instagram or Snapchat.
Consider a "virtual tasting" experience that allows customers to virtually taste various
Amul flavors.
 Digital storytelling: Use social media sites like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram
to share interesting tales that appeal to millennials. Make quick films or animated
snippets that illustrate Amul's history from its founding to its most recent innovations.
The story of Amul won't be less than any motivational story, which will attract an
 Nostalgia campaigns: Relive the golden era of Amul advertisements and slogans by
going back and viewing them. To appeal to both younger and older audiences, create
updated or redesigned advertisements that combine nostalgia with new themes.

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