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PTV Visum 2022

Quickstart Tutorial

© 2022 PTV Planung Transport Verkehr GmbH

All rights reserved.


PTV Planung Transport Verkehr GmbH

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76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Management Board:
Christian U. Haas (CEO), Johannes Klutz
Phone: +49 (0) 721-9651-0
Fax: +49 (0) 721-9651-699
Entry in the Commercial Register:
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DE 812 666 053

2 PTV Visum – Tutorial

About this Tutorial

This tutorial helps users get quickly familiar with the software tools by
explaining step by step typical workflows and important features. In our
Quickstart tutorial, this is done in great detail so that users can quickly
understand all essential workflows for achieving the individual processing
The tutorial also includes an example, which illustrates the various steps. At
the end of the main chapters, you will find a list of all data with reference to
the text.
During the installation, this tutorial is automatically copied to the directory
PUBLIC DOCUMENTS > PTV VISION > PTV VISUM 2022. The folder can also be
opened in Visum via the menu HELP > EXAMPLES > TUTORIAL QUICKSTART. First,
set the project directories to the contained folders VISUM_NETWORKS for
version files and ADDITIONAL_DATA for all other file types. Go to the menu entry
ADDITIONAL_DATA folder, open the PATHSETTINGS.PFD file. The version files
can be opened with Visum 2021 and higher, even if the network size exceeds
your license limit. If the network size exceeds the license limit of your
installation, you can open the version files to follow the steps described in the
example. However, changes cannot be saved in this case. To be able to
continue working on the tutorial after a break, simply use the intermediate
versions of the version files. References to these versions can be found at the
beginning of each chapter.
We hope you enjoy reading our PTV Visum tutorial.

The example included in our Quickstart tutorial exceeds the maximum

number of objects for the Student trial version. We recommend that users
of this version download the 30-day free trial version and use it in oversize

PTV Visum – Tutorial 3


1 Structure of the PTV Visum Quickstart tutorial 5

2 Project PrT: Impact of a new bypass 6

2.1 Creating network objects and setting attributes 7
2.2 Adding travel demand 21
2.3 Assigning demand to the network 29
2.4 Analyzing the project network 35

3 Public Transport (PuT) project: Optimizing a bus network 51

3.1 Analyzing the existing line network 52
3.2 Adding OD demand for public transport 56
3.3 Assignment and skim calculation 63
3.4 Analyzing public transport supply quality 72
3.5 Measures to improve public transport supply 88
3.6 Comparison of the planning and the current state 99

Directory of the sample data 106

4 PTV Visum – Tutorial

1 Structure of the PTV Visum Quickstart tutorial

The purpose of our Visum Quickstart tutorial is to help you get started quickly
and to provide some initial insights into the basic functionalities and workflows.
All intermediate steps required for creating the models and analyses are
described in detail so that you can quickly understand the modeling processes
and analyses. Simply follow our step-by-step instructions. If you are interested
in specific parts of the tutorial, you can start with any subchapter. The files
required for each step are stated at the beginning of each subchapter. They
are included in the “Visum_Networks“ folder.
The model area used in this tutorial is the fictitious town of Oppidum. You will
learn how to extend an existing network model and perform traffic-related
analyses. The tutorial consists of two project parts:
1. Private Transport (PrT): This project part focuses on the analysis of the
construction of a bypass and its impact on traffic.
2. Public Transport (PuT): This project part focuses on the analysis of
Oppidum’s bus network. With the help of Visum’s analysis capabilities,
you will examine the current network and take appropriate measures.
The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce all basic workflows to new Visum
users. For more detailed information on modeling principles and analysis
capabilities, we recommend that you study the examples that are part of the

PTV Visum – Tutorial 5

2 Project PrT: Impact of a new bypass

The following section helps you get familiar with Visum’s PrT functionalities
based on a typical project scenario. You will study the impact of a bypass on
the small town of Oppidum and get a step-by-step introduction to the modeling
and analysis capabilities of Visum.
Chapter 2.1 describes how to expand the network by modeling a bypass and
how to create and parameterize network objects, including the modification of
graphic parameter settings.
In chapter 2.2, you will incorporate travel demand between zones into the
model and automatically generate connectors to establish a connection
between demand and supply.
In chapter 2.3, you will assign the demand to the transport network while
calculating skim matrices. In the Network editor, you will then graphically
visualize the assignment result in the form of link volumes using link bars.
Chapter 2.4 focuses on the analysis of the impact of the bypass. You compare
the link volumes in the actual state and the planning. The calculated skim
matrices allow you to examine the changes in travel times between zones.
You will then calculate a flow bundle to identify which origin-destination-
relations are affected by the new bypass. The analysis is finalized by
displaying the actual turn volumes at a node.

6 PTV Visum – Tutorial

2.1 Creating network objects and setting attributes

Inserting nodes and links

In this first step, you will insert the planned bypass into the network model. To
make this operation easier for you, the road course already appears as a red
dashed line in the background. To insert the required nodes and links into the
network model, please proceed as follows:
1. From the FILE MENU, choose OPEN and then the file
400_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER. The transportation network of the town Oppidum
is displayed. The dashed red line shows the planned bypass. The blue
dots are nodes (intersections) and the black lines are existing network
links (roads).

2. Insert the nodes of the bypass into the network:

 Make sure that the Network window is displayed. If not, go to the
menu VIEW > TOOL WINDOWS > NETWORK to display it.
 Left-click the object type NODES to select it. It is then displayed with a
white background:

 On the toolbar of the Network editor window, click the INSERT

MODE symbol.
 Left-click any intersection between the red dashed lines and insert a
new node for the bypass. In case the scale of your network is too
large, you can zoom in to get deeper into the network by scrolling the
mouse wheel or by clicking the SET VIEW symbol, hold down the

PTV Visum – Tutorial 7

left mouse button and move the rectangle to the area that needs to
be enlarged.
 Iterate these steps for the remaining three nodes required for the
bypass. Please note that nodes already exist for connecting the
bypass to the existing network, so it is not necessary to create new
nodes for this purpose.
3. Create links to connect the new nodes:
 Click the object type LINKS in the Network window.

 On the toolbar of the Network editor window, click the INSERT

MODE symbol.
 Connect two nodes of the bypass by successively clicking the two
nodes to be connected. The Create link window is displayed.

8 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Choose the link type from the Type list box as shown in the illustration
below. Link type 35, for example, is allocated to the southernmost

 Keep the remaining settings and confirm with OK.

 Repeat these steps for the remaining eight links that form the bypass.
4. By allocating a link type, various link attributes are automatically set based
on the default value for that link type. The attributes are: permitted
transport systems (TSysSet), Capacity PrT, free flow speed (v0 PrT),
and the Number of lanes. Take a look at the default values:
 Go to menu LISTS > NETWORK > LINK TYPES or to the Network window,
right-click LINKS and choose Lists > Link types from the shortcut

 Take a look at the attribute settings for the different link types.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 9

 Return to the network editor view by selecting Network editor on the
tab bar:

5. The links do not yet follow their actual spatial course. Therefore, you need
to edit the link course:
 In the Network window, left-click the object type LINKS:

 In the Network editor window, click the EDIT MODE symbol.

 Select one of the newly created links by clicking the link.
 Open the shortcut menu for links by right-clicking in the network
editor. Select the entry Redefine link geometry.

 Insert several points along the given link course. To do so, move the
mouse pointer successively to the desired positions in the direction of
the arrow and confirm each of these points by clicking them.
 Having inserted all points, finish the editing process by clicking ENTER.
 If you are not satisfied with the result, you can change the shape by
right-clicking and choosing the entry Permit interactive editing of
geometry from the shortcut menu. Alternatively, you can activate the
symbol in the Network editor. Now you can freely move the blue
squared intermediate points:
 Repeat these steps for all newly inserted links that form the bypass.

10 PTV Visum – Tutorial

6. You have now created the actual course for the bypass. Therefore, you
can deactivate the dashed red line, which should only be used as an aid:
 Go to the Network window and right-click POIS, then select the entry
Edit graphic parameters.
 Deactivate the check box for POI category no 15: Link.
 Click the OK button to confirm.
This editing status of the network can be found here:

Adjusting the graphic parameters for links

Default values of the allocated link type were already allocated to the attributes
of the new links when they were created. For improving the links’ graphical
display, further changes are needed:
1. First, adapt the link categories by using multiple markings. In the present
network, the link category or link class is stored in a user-defined attribute
called Link category:
 Scroll the scroll wheel of your mouse until you can see the entire
course of the bypass in the Network editor window. Alternatively, you
can also use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys.
 In the Network editor window, click the EDIT MODE symbol , then
go to the Network window and select the network object LINKS by
clicking the Links label:

 Hold down the CTRL key and click the links of the bypass to select
them as shown in the illustration below. Make sure that you select
both directions of each link by clicking the left side and the right side
of the link. These links are now highlighted in red. If you then perform
a Multi-edit operation, the desired attribute will be changed for all
marked links, as you will see in a moment:

PTV Visum – Tutorial 11

 Press the ENTER key to open the Multi-edit links window. The title bar
shows that twelve links are selected so that the following changes will
be applied to these twelve links.
 Choose the attribute link category from the list and click the
CONSTANT button. By doing so, you can allocate a constant value to
all links you selected.

 Enter federal road into the input field and click OK.
Please note: Links have two directions. Depending on the direction,
you can allocate different values to attributes such as the Number of

12 PTV Visum – Tutorial

lanes or the Capacity. That is why you had to select both directions
of each link.
 Click the CLOSE button to close the Multi-edit links window.
 Reset the selection of the 12 links by left-clicking the Network editor
window. Click the REFRESH symbol to display your changes in the
Network editor.
2. You will notice that the graphic display of the bypass has changed due to
the allocation of a different link category. With Visum, you can thus
visualize network objects based on user-defined attributes. To see how
the display of links relates to the link categories, take a look at the graphic
parameter settings:
 In the Network window, right-click LINKS to open the shortcut menu
and select Graphic parameters > Display. The Edit graphic
parameters window opens.
 Make sure that the tab ACTIVE is activated. You will notice that
activated links are drawn as classified. The display refers to the link
category attribute.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 13

 Double-click next to the Draw box to select the row showing Class
federal road, the Edit graphic parameters of class 2 window opens.

 On the right side, you can see the graphic settings for links belonging
to the federal road class.
 Click CANCEL to close the windows.

This editing status of the network can be found here:


14 PTV Visum – Tutorial

Attribute settings for nodes
The allocation of values to node attributes is not mandatory. Nevertheless, we
recommend that you use node types, which are used when defining turn
standards, for example. With turn standards, you can easily allocate default
values for the attributes' capacity and turn time. Like the link types, the node
types are not standardized and can be customized according to your project
requirements. In our example, the following node types are used:
TypeNo Description
Grade-separated link course without TSys vehicles and bicycle -
merging of at-grade areas
Intersection / junction without signal controller at-grade without
22 TSys vehicles and bicycles - right-of-way control through traffic
Intersection / junction with signal controller at-grade without
TSys vehicles and bicycles - intersection / junction coordinated

1. First, select all the nodes to which you want to allocate the type 22. This
can be done via multiple selection:
 On the toolbar of the Network editor window, click the EDIT MODE
button and select the object type NODES by clicking the label:

PTV Visum – Tutorial 15

 Hold the CTRL key down and select all nodes showing the node type
22 as illustrated above. In the Network editor, the map should then
look like this:

 Make sure that the Quick View window appears on your screen. If it
is not visible, go to the menu VIEW > TOOL WINDOWS > QUICK VIEW to
activate the display.
 The handling of the Quick view is similar to lists. Click the ATTRIBUTE
SELECTION symbol in the Quick view (Nodes) window. The Nodes:
select attributes window is displayed.
 In the left list, select the attribute Type number, then click the ADD
symbol to add it to the attributes displayed.
 Click OK to confirm your selection.
 In the Quick view window, click the TypeNo input field and enter 22.
This value is set for all nodes you marked:

16 PTV Visum – Tutorial

2. The node attribute TypeNo in the Quick view window remains selected.
Use multiple selection to select all other nodes to which the same node
type (33 or 12) needs to be allocated and select the corresponding entry
in the TypeNo field.
3. If the type is to be allocated to one node only, you can alternatively edit
the node attributes in the Junction editor:
 Click the EDIT MODE symbol and open the Junction editor by
double-clicking the desired node.
 In the TypeNo dropdown menu, you can then select the desired node

 Return to the network view.

Attribute settings for turns

When inserting a link, Visum automatically creates turns at the nodes that limit
the link (From-node number and To-node number). The admissibility of a
turn is based on the respective transport system. By default, all transport
systems that are permitted on both the incoming and outgoing link are
admitted. For the new turns, it is necessary to check which transport systems

PTV Visum – Tutorial 17

are allowed to use them: Carry out the following steps for turns at all newly
inserted nodes:
1. Open the Junction editor for editing the turns at a node:
 Open the Junction editor by double-clicking the selected node:

 In the Views window, click the object type TURNS to select it:

 Select a turn by clicking the column header of the table view. In the
schematic view of the Junction editor, the turn you selected is
highlighted in red. Select the turn shown in the following screenshot:

2. Close this turn for all transport systems:

 Click the TSysSet button.
 Click the SELECT NONE button.

18 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 To close the dialog, click the OK button:

 Close the Junction editor by clicking the symbol.

3. Close selected turns of nodes of the bypass by repeating steps 1 and 2:
 Close all U-turns (TypeNo 4). Please note that closed turns are not
displayed in the Junction editor by default, i.e. you only need to
change the TSysSet if turns of type 4 are displayed. The turns’ display
can be adjusted via the shortcut menu.
 Close additional turns as shown in the illustrations below. Here you
can see the junctions located in the north and south, where the
bypass is connected to the existing road network.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 19

The values of the turn attributes Capacity PrT and t0 PrT (turn-specific PrT
delays in the unloaded network) are set based on the default values of the
turn standards.
1. Make sure that you still use the EDIT MODE and that the network object
TURNS is activated:

2. Make sure that all turns are activated:

 In the Network window, check whether there is a red dot displayed
behind the TURNS label:

 If no red dot is displayed, all turns are active. Then go to step 3. If a

red dot is displayed, not all turns are active. Please follow these steps:
 To activate all turns, switch to the SPATIAL SELECTION mode .
 In the Network window, make sure that the TURNS check box is
activated. Then all activities performed in the Spatial selection mode
are applied to the turns:

 On the Spatial selection toolbar, click the INCLUDE ALL OBJECTS IN THE
SPATIAL SELECTION symbol. All turns are now active.

3. Allocate the default values from the turn standards to the turns:
 Right-click the Network editor and select Default values from the
shortcut menu.
The Set default values for turns window opens.

 Select the options Capacity PrT and t0 PrT.

 Confirm with OK.
This completes the modeling of the network and thus the transport supply.
The bypass links and their turns now have correctly set attributes. The next
modeling step is to add travel demand to the model.

This status of the network can be found here: 403_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

20 PTV Visum – Tutorial

2.2 Adding travel demand

Open the version file 403_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER to start working on the

example in this chapter.

Importing zones as shape files

You have to create zones to be able to add travel demand to the model. They
are the origin and destination of location changes within the network. For the
present example, zone data is available in the form of shape files. Import these
files into your Visum network:
1. From the FILE menu, choose IMPORT > SHAPEFILE.
2. Select the file 403_OPPIDUM_ZONE_CENTROID.SHP and confirm with OPEN.
3. The dialog Read shapefile is displayed. Activate the Read additively
option, then go to the Read as list box and select the Zones entry.

The Read additively option used for reading network files, databases, shape
files, etc. is a very powerful feature. It allows you to modify existing network
objects or add further objects.

4. Keep the remaining settings and click OK to close the window.

5. The Zones: Read attributes dialog is displayed. Confirm with OK.
6. Take a look at the imported zones in the list:
 You will notice that 67 zones were imported into the network.
 To close the list view, click the button.
7. Display the zone names in the Network editor:
 Open the Graphic parameters window by right-clicking the graphic
layer button for zones:

 Select Zones from the tree structure and activate the Draw layer
Zones check box.
 Confirm with OK.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 21

 Zoom in by using the mouse wheel or by pressing the keys PAGE UP
and PAGE DOWN. The zone names are displayed:

This status of the network can be found here: 404_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

Generating connectors
The zones now have to be connected with the network. Please proceed as
1. On the Network editor toolbar, click the EDIT MODE button and select
the network object CONNECTORS by clicking the Connectors label:

2. Make sure that all nodes and zones are active:

 In the Network window, check whether a red dot is displayed behind
 If no red dot is displayed, all nodes and zones are active. Then go to
step 3. If a red dot is displayed, not all the nodes and/or zones are
active. Then follow these steps:
 Switch to the SPATIAL SELECTION mode.
 Make sure that the check box for the desired network objects (NODES
and ZONES) is ticked in the Network window.
 On the Spatial selection toolbar, click the button INCLUDE ALL OBJECTS
IN THE SPATIAL SELECTION. All nodes and zones are now active:

3. Generate the connectors:

22 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Open the shortcut menu by right clicking the Network editor and
select Create.
 Activate the option Generate PrT connectors.
 Enter a maximum length of 0.5km.
 Keep the remaining settings and confirm with OK.

4. Take a look at one of the new connectors:

 Click the GRAPHIC LAYER symbol for CONNECTORS to display it:

 Move the mouse pointer over the Network editor window and press
F3 to search for a zone or right-click and choose Find from the
shortcut menu.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 23

 Enter the zone number 24 in the text box (the zone named

 The arrow between a node and a zone symbolizes the connector you

This editing status of the network can be found here:


5. Hide the zones and connectors in the Network editor:

 To close the Find Connectors dialog, click the button .
 Click the GRAPHIC LAYER symbols of CONNECTORS and ZONES to hide

24 PTV Visum – Tutorial

Creating a demand matrix
Before you can add travel demand in the form of a demand matrix, you must
first insert a new demand segment. The demand matrix will later be allocated
to this demand segment:

A demand segment is a distribution of demand that represents a group of

users with similar travel behavior.

1. Create the demand segment:

 Select the DEMAND SEGMENTS tab and click the CREATE button.
 The dialog Create demand segment is displayed.
 Enter C as the code and Car_24h as the name for the new demand
 Choose the C Car mode from the list box.

 Click OK.
 This will take you back to the Transport Systems/Modes/Demand
Segments window. Confirm again by clicking OK.
2. Open the demand matrix:
 Select the Matrices window. It displays a list of all demand and skim
matrices defined in the network. Since no matrices are defined yet,
the view is initially empty.

 Click the CREATE MATRICES symbol or click the entry CREATE

MATRICES in the shortcut menu (right-click).

PTV Visum – Tutorial 25

 The dialog Create matrices opens.
 Go to the Code field and enter Car_24h and in the Name field, enter
Car-traffic 24h.
 Select the matrix type Demand matrices and the network object
reference type Matrices with zone dimension. The data source type
is Data matrix.

 Confirm with OK.

 The new matrix appears in the matrix list under Demand matrices >
Zone matrices > Data matrices.
 The matrix editor opens if the option Edit new matrices after creating
is activated, i.e. the matrix to be edited is displayed in a separate
window. You can control the window size and arrangement with other
windows using the toolbar buttons and the WINDOWS menu.

 Mark matrix 1 Car_24h in the Matrices window to select it for the

following action. Further information about the matrix (e.g. matrix
sums) can be obtained by moving the mouse over the entry in the
tree view of matrices.

26 PTV Visum – Tutorial

3. Fill the matrix with values from a matrix file:
 Initially, all cells of the matrix are filled with 0.
 In the Matrix editor window, click the Open external matrix symbol
to open the file 405_CAR_24H.MTX.

4. To assign the demand matrix to the network, it must be linked to a demand

segment. Link the demand segment Car to the new demand matrix:
 From the DEMAND menu, choose > DEMAND DATA. The dialog OD
demand data is displayed.
 Switch to the DEMAND SEGMENTS tab.
 Select the row with the newly inserted demand segment C.
 In the Matrix column, allocate the matrix you opened to the demand
segment by selecting 1 Car_24h. Click the table cell to do this. The
Select matrix window opens, select Select matrix directly. Now
choose the matrix 1 Car_24h from the tree structure under Data
matrices and confirm with OK.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 27

 Click OK to close the window OD demand data.
 You have now set up the model so that the demand for the demand
segment Car corresponds to the values in matrix 1 Car-traffic 24h.

This editing status of the network can be found here:


28 PTV Visum – Tutorial

2.3 Assigning demand to the network

Open the version file 406_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER to start working on the

example in this chapter.

Choosing the assignment method and parameters

Once you have created a demand matrix for your model, you can start
assigning the travel demand to the transport network.
1. From the CALCULATE menu, choose PROCEDURE SEQUENCE. The Procedure
sequence window opens. It initially covers the entire size of the Network
2. Click the CREATE button. The Procedure dialog is displayed.
3. Choose Assignments – PrT assignment and confirm with OK.

4. A new row for the PrT assignment appears in the Procedure sequence
5. Click the Reference object (s) column.
6. Choose the demand segment C Car_24h and confirm with OK.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 29

You can find more information about PrT assignment methods in the Visum
manual in the Fundamentals part, chapter User model PrT.

Skim matrices settings

Together with the assignment, you can calculate skims such as travel times
between the individual zones. You can use the Procedure sequence dialog to
define which skims are to be calculated.
1. In the Procedure sequence dialog, click the CREATE button. The
Procedure dialog is displayed.
2. Choose Matrices > Calculate PrT skim matrix and click OK. A new entry
for the calculation of the skim matrix appears in the Procedure sequence
window. Use the button to move this procedure below the PrT
3. In the Reference object(s) column, select the demand segment C
4.In the Operations section, click the EDIT button . The Parameters: PrT
skim matrices dialog opens.
5. In the table Skims (in the middle of the dialog), in the Calculate and Save
to file columns, select the tCur skim (travel time in loaded network).
6. Enter the File name PRT_SKIM.

You save the matrix to a file for later use when comparing the current and
the planned network. Otherwise, it is not necessary to save the matrix to a

7. Keep the remaining settings in the dialog Parameters: PrT skim matrices
and confirm with OK.

30 PTV Visum – Tutorial

Executing the procedure calculations
To execute the calculation of the assignment and the skim matrix, proceed as
1. Make sure that both operations are activated in the Procedure sequence

2. On the toolbar, click the START PROCEDURE SEQUENCE symbol to run all
active operations.

To execute the procedures in single-step mode one after the other, click the
SINGLE STEP symbol. The shortcut menu (right-click) provides you with
additional options for selecting and executing procedures.

3. Switch to the Network editor window. Having run the calculations, the
assigned volume (attribute Volume PrT [veh] (AP)) is displayed in the
form of green link bars. Their widths relate to the volume.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 31

This status of the network can be found here: 407_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

Setting graphic parameters (link bars)

Use link bars to display directional link information such as assigned volumes.
To adjust the graphical display, proceed as follows:
1. Configure the display settings for link bars:
 In the Network window, open the shortcut menu by right-clicking LINKS
and select the Graphic parameters > Bars entry.
 The Edit graphic parameters dialog opens and shows the display
settings for link bars.
 In the table, activate the option Scale\UseAutoScale.
 In the table, click the entry in the Filling row and select a different color
for the link bar (e.g. red) in the Fill and border dialog. Confirm the
dialog with OK.

32 PTV Visum – Tutorial

If you want to display more than one bar, you can duplicate the bar settings
of one bar to copy the settings to another bar. This also works for bars with
a classified display.

2. Label the link bars with their assigned volume:

 Select the Bars entry in the tree view and switch to the [TEXT FORMAT]
 Enter a font size of 1.5 mm.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 33

 Switch to the Links entry in the tree view and activate the check box
Draw bar labels.
 Confirm your changes by clicking the OK button.
 The link bar color changes and the bars are labeled with their

This status of the network can be found here: 408_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

34 PTV Visum – Tutorial

2.4 Analyzing the project network
Now that you have modeled the transport network and the travel demand and
the assignment result is available in the form of link volumes, you can analyze
the results and use your model as a basis for decisions on effective transport
measures. Visum supports you here as well with a wide range of analysis
functions described below.

Open the version file 408_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER to start working on the

example in this chapter.

Comparing assigned volumes using version comparison

The assigned volumes of Oppidum´s PrT-network will be compared before
and after the construction of the bypass. Visum allows you to compare similar
networks with each other based on attributes. The version file
408_OPPIDUM_ASSIGNMENT_ACT.VER, in which the traffic volume has already
been assigned to the transport network without the bypass, serves as a basis
for comparison.
1. To compare results using the version comparison, proceed as follows:
 Click ADD to generate a new comparison.
 As Type of version comparison, select Use attributes from
comparison network.
 Select the file 408_OPPIDUM_ASSIGNMENT_ACT.VER as version file.
 Enter the code Base for the version comparison. The comparison
attributes of the network objects are later accessible under this code.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 35

 Confirm with OK. The Generate version comparison dialog for
attribute selection appears.
 To limit the version comparison to relevant link attributes, click OPEN
You return to the attribute selection dialog.
 Confirm with OK.
 The version comparison is created. The dialog for managing version
comparisons appears. Expand the Base entry in the list by clicking

 You can see which link attributes (controlled by the layout file used)
were used for the version comparison.
 CLOSE the dialog.
2. Compare the graphic volume changes:
 Select the menu FILE > OPEN FILE > GRAPHIC PARAMETERS the graphic
parameter file 408_VERSIONCOMPARISON.GPA (setting: Read all
graphic parameters). Link bars are displayed, which show the
differences between the two networks.

36 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Adjust the maximum width of the bars to improve the display.
 Make sure that you are in the Network window, then left-click the
object type LINKS:

 Right-click to open the shortcut menu and select GRAPHIC

PARAMETERS > BARS. The dialog Edit graphic parameters opens.
 Double-click the entry in the Scale/MaxDimension row to select this
attribute for editing and enter the value 5.
 Make sure that the Volume PrT [veh] - Base (AP) attribute is
selected for displaying the link bars. This is a calculated attribute
containing the difference of Volume PrT [veh] of the current network
and the same attribute from the comparison network with the code
 In the table, click the entry in the row ScalingAttrID and check
whether the entry Volume PrT [veh] > Base > This network - Base is
selected in the tree structure.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 37

 Click the OK button.
 The colors of link bars are not in line with the desired results because
an increase in traffic should be shown in red whereas a decrease
should be displayed in green. This means the colors of the classified
display must be reversed.
 Click the colors shown next to Filling and switch to the [FILL STYLE] tab.
 Make sure that the fill style Like scaling attribute is selected.
 In the right table, select green for values <=0 and red for values >0.
The color selection opens when you click a color in the Preview

38 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Click OK to confirm.
 This results in the desired display.

 The links that have lower volumes after the construction of the bypass
are shown in green. Links with higher volumes are shown in red. The
link label indicates the difference. The bypass thus leads to
significantly lower volumes on the through route.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 39

The adjusted graphic parameter settings can be found in the file

3. Compare the link volumes in the list view:

 From the LISTS menu, choose NETWORK > LINKS.
 Click the SELECT ATTRIBUTES symbol.
 Remove all entries from the list, except Number, From node
number, and To node number by clicking DELETE .
 Choose the Volume PrT [veh] attribute from the list and click the ADD

 Confirm with OK.

 Now compare the volumes in the list. You will notice that the traffic
volume on the link 563900581 of the through route has decreased
significantly. The respective absolute and relative changes can be
found in the attributes which have been added to the list.
 To search for a link in the list, click FIND NETWORK OBJECT and
search in the list, for example, the link number 563900581.
Alternatively, you can also use the F3 key to call the search. Select
the desired link in the Find links window and click Confirm selection.
The selected row entry is highlighted in the list.

40 PTV Visum – Tutorial

Travel time changes between zones (skim matrix)
It is also interesting to see the impact of the bypass on the travel time between
zones. For this purpose, a skim matrix was calculated along with the
assignment. To obtain the difference in travel times, a difference matrix is
created based on a copy of this skim matrix and a precalculated travel time
matrix of an assignment without bypass:
1. From the FILE menu, choose OPEN and open the file
 Go to the Matrices window.

 Click the CREATE MATRICES symbol or right-click to choose CREATE

MATRICES from the shortcut menu.
 The dialog Create matrices opens.
 Go to the Code field and enter DiffTTC and in the Name field, enter
Comparison Travel time.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 41

 Set the options for the Matrix type to Skim matrices, the Network
object reference type to Matrices with zone dimension and the Data
source type to Data matrix.
 Click OK to confirm.

 The matrix is initially filled with 0 and opened.

2. In the new matrix, create a copy of the current travel time matrix by
overwriting the zero values with its values.
 Click the SET VALUE(S) symbol.
 Choose the matrix 2 TTC (C Car_24h) as source for the matrix values
from the tree structure and click OK. The 3 DiffTTC matrix now
contains the same values as the 2 TTC matrix.

42 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Make sure that the 3 DiffTTC matrix remains open. Click the
SUBTRACT symbol .
 Select the option Load matrix from file and the matrix file
 Confirm with OK.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 43

3. The matrix 3 DiffTTC now contains the changes in travel time compared
to the state without the bypass. Analyze the changes:
 Close matrix 3.
 In the Matrices window, hold down the CTRL key and select the two
matrices 2 TTC and 3 DiffTTC.
 Click EDIT . The values of the two matrices are shown next to each
other in the matrix view.
 Take a look at the entry in row 29 and column 58. You will note that
the bypass reduces the travel time from zone Hessenbrühl to zone
Römerstraße nördlich by more than 0.5 minutes (to 7.5 minutes).

44 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 If the synchronization between the Matrix editor and the Network
editor is activated (e.g. ), the OD pair of the matrix cell you
selected is highlighted in the Network editor.

This status of the network can be found in the matrix file


Analyzing the affected OD relations (flow bundles)

To understand which OD relations are used by road users choosing the
bypass, you can calculate a flow bundle: Link bars are used to graphically
display flow bundles:
1. Deactivate the link bars with the volumes from the assignment:
 Choose Links > Bars from the tree structure and deactivate the
options Draw bars and Draw bar labels.
2. Add a new link bar for the display of flow bundle volumes:
 Select the entry Links > Bars > Display.
 Click the INSERT symbol in the upper left corner above the table.
 A new column for a new link bar appears.
 Select the scaling attribute Flow bundle volume (PrT).
 Deactivate the row Scale/UseAutoScale.
 Select the range 0 to 5000 for the scaling.
 Make sure that the box in the row StandardBar/UseClassifiedMode is
 Click the entry in the Filling row.
 Change the fill color of the link bar.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 45

 Confirm with OK.
3. The map display remains unchanged. You first need to calculate the flow
 Choose GRAPHICS > FLOW BUNDLE from the menu.
 Make sure that the term type PrT and the network object type Link
are selected.
 Now select one after the other the links belonging to the bypass as
displayed in the figure with a mouse click. Make sure that you always
select the same link direction. The arrows from all selected links
should point in the same direction. (You can change the direction by
clicking on the left or the right side of the selected link. The arrow will
then show in the direction of travel of the respective link).

46 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Start the flow bundle calculation by clicking the EXECUTE symbol.
This results in the following display:

 You can now see the paths between the origin and destination zones
on which road users use the bypass from south to north over its entire
course. The bars of selected links for the flow bundle analysis are
shown in purple.
4. For further analysis of the flow bundle, switch to the list view:
 From the LISTS menu, choose PATHS > PRT PATHS ON LINK LEVEL.
 Choose the demand segment (DSeg) C Car_24h and the selection
Flow bundle routes.
 Click the SELECT ATTRIBUTES symbol.
 Select the attribute PrTPath – Volume (AP) and add it to the list by
clicking the ADD symbol.
 You can now see the paths between origin and destination zones on
which road users use the bypass over its entire course. Since you
have selected the link-based path list, all link sections that are
crossed on these paths will also be displayed so that you can see
how many vehicles use the bypass on their way from the southern
zones to the north.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 47

This status of the network can be found here: 409_VISUMTUTORIAL. VER.

5. Close the list view and initialize the flow bundle:

 Close the list by clicking the button.
 In the Flow bundle window, click the INITIALIZE symbol.
 To close the flow bundle window, click the button.

48 PTV Visum – Tutorial

Traffic flows at the access road to the bypass (turn volumes)
To complete the PrT project, you will now analyze the turn volumes at one of
the junctions of the bypass.
1. Configure the graphic parameters for turn volumes:
 Open the Edit graphic parameters dialog by right-clicking the
GRAPHICS LAYER symbol of the turns.

 Activate the check boxes Draw turn volumes, Draw bars, and Draw
bar labels.
 Switch to Turns > Turn volumes > Display in the tree view.
 Make sure that the scaling attribute Volume PrT [veh] (AP) is
selected and that the check box Draw is activated.
 Activate the check box for automatic scaling (Scale\UseAutoScale).
 In the tree view on the left, switch to Turns > Turn volumes and select
 Activate the check boxes Draw arrows and Draw circle.
 Confirm with OK.
 From the GRAPHICS menu, choose TURN VOLUMES.
 Enter a radius of 0.500km.
 Activate node number 106071813 of the bypass shown in the picture
below by left-clicking it:

 Now you can see the turn volume for the individual turning directions.
It is also displayed as a numerical value in a table next to the traffic

This status of the network can be found here: 410_VISUMTUTORIAL. VER.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 49

You have now completed your first PrT project in Visum. This gives you a first
impression of typical workflows and important functionalities in the fields of
private transport.

50 PTV Visum – Tutorial

3 Public Transport (PuT) project: Optimizing a bus

The following section introduces public transport (PuT) modeling in Visum

based on a typical public transport scenario. You will examine the bus network
of the town of Oppidum and develop appropriate measures for improving the
public transport network supply with the help of Visum.
In chapter 3.1, you will first analyze Oppidum´s current line network. To do
this, you will take a look at the existing stops, the line routes, and the timetable
stored in the model.
In chapter 3.2, you will add a public transport demand matrix to the model and
visualize it in the form of desire lines.
In chapter 3.3, you will assign the travel demand to the public transport
network. At the same time, you will calculate public transport skims. In doing
so, you will also learn how to define user-defined attributes for calculating your
own skims. To demonstrate Visum´s analysis capabilities, you will then
analyze the assignment results both graphically in the Network editor and in a
After the calculation of the assignments and skims, you will examine the public
transport network supply and its service quality (chapter 3.4). You will analyze
the accessibility of stops and use public transport isochrones to investigate
the accessibility of network objects. In addition, you will analyze passenger
transfers and transfer wait times by using public transport flow bundles.
Based on the analysis of the current state, you can identify problems and
develop possible solutions for improving the public transport supply in
Oppidum. In chapter 3.5, you will create new stops, change the course of a
bus line, and modify individual trips using the Visum timetable editor.
Finally, you will compare the improved public transport supply with the current
situation (chapter 3.6). In particular, the matrix editor and the possibility to
export data from Visum to Microsoft Excel using the clipboard will support you
in carrying out these operations.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 51

3.1 Analyzing the existing line network
First, let’s take a look at Oppidum´s current line network:
1. From the FILE menu, choose OPEN and open the version file
2. Take a look at the existing stops in the list view:
 From the LISTS menu, choose PUT SUPPLY > STOPS > STOPS.
 There are 33 stops modeled in the network: 15 stops in Oppidum and
18 stops in the surrounding area.
 Click the ARRANGE WINDOWS HORIZONTALLY symbol to arrange the
Network editor and List window below each other.
 On the toolbar of the Network editor window, click the
 In the toolbar of the List (Stops) window, click the
 When you select a network object in the list, the section you see on
the map is moved in a way that the selected network object appears
at the center of the map. This synchronization makes editing of
network objects a lot easier.

Please note: You do not have to select the STOPS network object in the
Network window to synchronize lists and the Network editor. Whenever you
select a network object in the list, Visum will automatically activate it in the
Network window.

52 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 For example, choose the Kaiserstrasse stop from the list of stops.
This stop is then also highlighted in the Network editor window.
 And vice versa: if you select a stop in the Network editor, it will also
be highlighted in the list.
 Close the list of stops.
3. Take a look at the existing line routes in the Network editor:
 Move your mouse pointer over the LINES entry in the Network window.
A tooltip is displayed, which shows you the number of lines, line
routes, etc., and their current state (active or passive).
 Click the LINES button. The dialog Line routes opens.
 There are five bus lines, each of them with two directions. In Visum,
this corresponds to ten line routes.
 Click the existing line routes to select them successively and view
their course in the Network editor. Click the ZOOM button to view the
entire course:

 As you can see, there is one ring line within Oppidum and four lines
to the surrounding areas.
4. You can also display the line routes in the list view:
 From the LISTS menu, choose PUT SUPPLY > LINES > LINE ROUTES.
 Take a look at the lengths of the different line routes.
 Close the list by clicking .
5. Use the functionality in the Marking window to examine which line routes
stop at the bus terminal in the city center of Oppidum:
 Click the EDIT MODE symbol and select the network object STOP
POINTS by clicking its label:

PTV Visum – Tutorial 53

 On the toolbar of the Network editor window, click the FIND NETWORK
OBJECT symbol .
 Find the Bus terminal (Number 106062529) stop, it is highlighted in
the Network editor window.
 Switch to the Marking window. Here you can navigate between
network objects. In addition, you have immediate access to all
network objects that relate to the network object you selected.
 Left-click the line route Bus 5 > B5-LR1-H, which is now highlighted
on the map.

 If you want to edit the attributes of one of the network objects listed
under Marking, simply right-click the line route and choose Edit from
the shortcut menu.
6. Take a look at the timetable stored for the bus lines:
 To open the timetable, click the TIMETABLE symbol or go to the VIEW
menu and select TIMETABLE (TABULAR).

 The dialog Line selection opens. Here you select the lines to be
displayed in the timetable editor.
 Activate the check box Bus 1 and click OK.

54 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 In the upper half of the screen, you find information about the vehicle
journeys in the outward direction of this line.
 In the lower half of the screen, you find information about the
departure times for the individual trips at the stops for the relevant
bus line (Please note: To display every single trip, make sure that the
regular service mode is deactivated and the following settings are
activated: ):

 To close the timetable editor, click the symbol.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 55

3.2 Adding OD demand for public transport
No OD demand for public transport has yet been added to the model. We will
now add it to the model by importing a demand matrix.

Open the version file 411_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER to start working on the

example in this chapter.

Adding the demand matrix

1. Add a demand matrix for public transport and enter the required data:
 Select the Matrices window.

 Click the CREATE MATRICES symbol or choose CREATE MATRICES

from the shortcut menu of the matrix list. The Create matrices dialog
 In the Code field, enter PuT_24h, and in the Name field, enter
 Keep Demand matrices as matrix type setting and Matrices with zone
dimension as network object reference type. The type of data source
is Data matrix.

56 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 To exit the dialog, click OK. The new matrix appears in the matrix list
under Demand matrices > Zone matrices > Data matrices.
 The matrix editor opens. A matrix is displayed for further editing.
Initially, all cells of the matrix are populated with 0. The size and
arrangement of other windows can be controlled using the symbols
on the Window toolbar.
 If you move the mouse pointer over an entry in the Matrices window,
a tooltip appears providing additional information about the matrix
(e.g. matrix sum).

 Click the matrix 1 PuT_24h to select it for the following operation.

 To fill the matrix with content from a file, select the OPEN EXTERNAL
MATRIX symbol on the toolbar and open the file 411_PUT_24H.MTX.
 Close the Matrix editor.
2. Link the demand matrix to the demand segment PuT:
 From the DEMAND menu, choose DEMAND DATA. The dialog OD
demand data opens.
 Switch to the [DEMAND SEGMENTS] tab.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 57

 In the Matrix column, in the row of the demand segment PuT, select
the entry 1 PuT_24h.
 In the column Demand time series, select a time series. Use 1
Default set as default time series in Visum.
 On the [DEMAND SEGMENTS] tab, leave the start time at 00:00:00. This
value allows you to define an offset from the start time specified in the
demand time series. In our example, it is not necessary to define this
offset as the standard time series already includes daily fluctuations
covering a period of 24 hours.

The temporal distribution of travel demand during the analysis period is

defined by a start time and a time series. In Visum, you can either allocate
separate demand matrices to each time interval, or you use a demand matrix
and allocate a percentage share of this matrix to each time interval of the
time series. Time series are included in public transport assignments and
dynamic private transport assignments. However, they have no impact on
static private transport assignments. For further information, please refer to
the Visum user manual.

 Switch to the [STANDARD TIME SERIES] tab to access the time series in this
model. You will notice that the time series is defined as a percentage
share of one demand matrix, i.e. the matrix PuT_Assignment_24h
is cut according to the distribution defined here.
 Select the row and click the EDIT symbol to take a look at the
distribution on a percentage basis.

58 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Click CANCEL to close the dialog window and click OK to close the
Demand data dialog window.

This status of the network can be found here: 412_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

Visualizing public transport demand using desire lines

In the Network editor, illustrate the public transport demand you added by
using the example of zone 70 (A-City).
1. Use desire line bars to configure the display of origin demand in zone 70:
 Choose Desire lines zones from the tree view and activate the option
Draw layer desire lines (zones).
 Activate the check boxes Draw bars and Draw bar labels.
 Go to the [OD PAIR SELECTION] tab and activate the option Draw only
selected OD pairs. Having activated this option, more input options
are shown in the dialog.
 Click the button below the option to select the attribute that is to be
displayed at the desire line bars.
 Select the attribute From zone number and click OK.

 Click the CREATE NEW CLASS symbol twice to create two new
 Enter the class <= 69 in row 1 and the class <= 70 in row 2.
 Please note: The class names are automatically imported from the
class limits. You can edit the legend name column and rename the
classes if desired. This is very helpful, in particular if you want to
create a legend showing these names.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 59

 In the column Draw, activate the check box of class <= 70 and make
sure that the other check boxes are deactivated:

2. Edit the settings for the display of the desire line bars:
 In the tree view, go to Desire line zones > Display.
 Activate the check box Draw.
 Make sure that the row Scale\UseAutoScale is activated.
 Select the subattribute Matrix value > 1 PuT_Assignment_24h as
ScaleAttrID and click OK to close the dialog.
 Keep all remaining settings in this dialog. If this attribute is not shown
in the list, add it via the attribute selection dialog .

60 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Make sure that the check box StandardBar\UseClassifiedMode is
 In the Filling row, select the desire line color.
3. Increase the font size for the bar labels:
 In the tree view, select Desire lines zones and then switch to the [TEXT
FORMAT] tab. Set the font size in the Font and color section to 3 mm.
 Confirm with OK. The desire lines are now displayed for zone 70.
Their width depends on the demand between the zones for which a
bar is displayed:

4. Disable the display of the desire lines:

 Switch to the Network window and click the GRAPHICS LAYERS symbol

PTV Visum – Tutorial 61

The desire lines are disabled.

This status of the network can be found here: 413_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

Displaying public transport demand in the OD pair list

Visum also includes lists for OD pairs in which matrix values for all OD pairs
can be displayed and edited. Take a look at the list for your public transport
1. In the Network window, open the shortcut menu by right-clicking OD PAIRS.
Then select the entry LISTS > OD PAIRS.
2. The list contains a column showing the public transport demand between
different zones.
3. Sort the list by the demand listed in column 3 in descending order: Right-
click the column header and choose Sort descending from the shortcut

4. You will notice that the highest travel demand is between zones 70 and
88. Between these two zones, 48 passengers per direction use public
transport over a period of 24 hours.

62 PTV Visum – Tutorial

3.3 Assignment and skim calculation
By adding the public transport demand to the model, you create the basis for
running an assignment for the transport network. At the same time, you can
calculate the skims for OD pairs between zones. These include, for example,
travel times or transfer wait times when traveling between two zones. We will
also calculate public transport skims such as Service kilometers.

Open the version file 413_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER to start working on the

example in this chapter.

Setting parameters for the assignment and associated standard skims

1. First, make settings for the timetable-based assignment:
 Click the CREATE symbol, select the entry Assignments > PuT
assignment and click OK. In the Procedure sequence window, a new
row for public transport assignment is created.
 In this row, click the button in the Reference object(s) column. In the
Select demand segments dialog, select the PuT PuT mode and the
demand segment PuT PuT.
 Click OK to close the dialog.
 The assignment is based on the timetable stored in the model. In the
column Variant/file, select the entry Timetable-based.
 Click the EDIT button or double-click the entry Timetable-based in the
Variant/file column to open the dialog Parameters: Assignment
procedure: Timetable-based.
 On the [BASIS] tab, activate the options Calculate assignment and
Calculate skim matrices.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 63

2. Configure additional settings for the skim matrix calculation:
 Switch to the [SKIM MATRICES] tab.
 In the middle of the dialog, choose the skims that should be calculated
along with the assignment. In the Calculate column, select the check
boxes Journey time, PuT Aux time, Transfer wait time adapted,
Number of transfers, and Access distance.
 Select the Save to file check box for the skim Transfer wait time

Save the matrix Transfer wait time adapted to file to be able to compare
the current and the planned network at a later point in time.

 Enter PUT_SKIM_ACT as file name.

64 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Confirm with OK. You return to the Procedure sequence window.
You must activate the option Calculate for the above skims. Otherwise, the
skims are not available in the Visum version for additional analysis (such as
desire lines zones).

3. Finally, add the calculation of public transport operating indicators to the

 In the procedures window, click the CREATE symbol , select PuT
analyses > PuT operating indicators and confirm with OK.
 Make sure that the procedure PuT assignment is listed in the first row
and the procedure PuT operating indicators in the second row. Use
the UP or DOWN buttons to do this.

For more information about public transport assignment procedures, please

refer to the Visum manual, Fundamentals, chapter User model PuT.

Creating a user-defined indicator for line evaluation

In Visum, you can create user-defined attributes. The calculation of indicators
can be done either within the procedure calculation or by user-defined formula
attributes. Users can thus choose from a wide range of options to define their
indicators. Since we will be making some changes to the line courses in the
course of this tutorial, we need an indicator that allows us to compare the
efficiency of our current and planned lines. The indicator is named
LineEvaluation_Act and refers to the relation between Passenger
kilometers (Number of passengers boarding a line x In-vehicle distance
between boarding and alighting stop) and Service kilometers (Number of
departures x link length of the trip). For example, if this line evaluation indicator
increases after changing the line course, this means that the line operation
has become more efficient since it covers more passenger kilometers per

PTV Visum – Tutorial 65

service kilometer proportionally. As the passenger and service kilometers
serve as input data when calculating the new indicator, it is required to include
the public transport operating indicators in the procedure calculation. In the
previous section, you have already configured the relevant settings by setting
the assignment parameters.
In the section below, you will learn how to create your user-defined attribute
and take a look at the results for the line evaluation in the existing network.
1. Create the user-defined attribute LineEvaluation_Act:
 From the LISTS menu, choose ATTRIBUTES.
The List (Attributes) window is displayed.
 Click the CREATE toolbar button.
 Choose the network object Line routes from the drop-down list and
confirm with OK.
 The dialog Create user-defined attribute (Line routes) opens.
Configure the following settings:

 Click OK to confirm your entries.

 Close the List (Attributes) window.
 Go to the Procedure sequence window.
2. Insert the calculation of the user-defined attribute as a separate procedure
step and allocate the formula PassengerKm / ServiceKm to the new attribute:
 In the Procedure sequence window, click the CREATE button, select
the procedure Miscellaneous > Edit attribute and click OK.

66 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 In case the new procedure is not the last operation, select the row of
the new procedure and move it to the last position by using the
 Click the Edit symbol to open the Parameters ‘Edit attribute’ dialog.
 From the Network object type list box, select the entry Line routes.
 Click the attribute selection symbol and select LineEvaluation_Act
as target attribute.

 Click the Add operand symbol and configure the calculation

formula of the LineEvaluation_Act attribute as shown in the
illustration below. To access the attributes PersKmTrav (AP) and
ServiceKm(AP), click the button in the Attribute column (the
abbreviation AP stands for Analysis period).

 To close the dialog, click the OK button.

Executing the assignment and indicator calculation

In the previous two chapters, you set the parameters for the timetable-based
assignment and the calculation of the indicators Journey time, PuTAuxTime,
Transfer wait time adapted, Number of transfers, and Access distance.
Furthermore, you activated the calculation of public transport operating
indicators so that you could obtain information on the service kilometers
traveled. This indicator in turn serves as an input variable for the indicator you
defined for Line evaluation. Now execute these three procedure steps in

PTV Visum – Tutorial 67

1. Switch to the Procedure sequence window, if required.
2. Make sure that the checkboxes for the timetable-based assignment, the
calculation of public transport operating indicators, and attribute editing
are activated.

3. Click START PROCEDURE SEQUENCE . The procedures are being

calculated. The arrow in the column Execution indicates which procedure
is currently being calculated. Once the calculation is completed, close the
Procedure sequence window by clicking the button. You will then
return to the Network editor.

This status of the network can be found here: 414_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

Displaying the assignment results in the Network editor

If you want to display the assignment results as link bars in the Network editor,
you have to configure the graphic parameters accordingly.
1. In the Network window, right-click LINKS to open the shortcut menu and
select Graphic parameters > Bars. You are immediately directed to the
graphic parameter settings for the display of link bars.
2. Select the scaling attribute by clicking ScalingAttrID.
3. In the tree view, select the attribute Volume PuT [Pers] (AP) and confirm
with OK.
4. Make sure that the check box Draw is activated.
5. Activate the option Label\UseLabelThreshold and enter 0 in the
Label\LabelThreshold row.

68 PTV Visum – Tutorial

6. In the tree view, select Links and activate the options Draw bars and Draw
bar labels.

7. Click OK. The following result is displayed in the Network editor:

PTV Visum – Tutorial 69

This status of the network can be found here: 415_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

8. Now disable the line bar display again:

 Select Links from the tree view.
 Deactivate the check boxes Draw bar and Draw bar label.
 Click OK to close the dialog.

Examining the assignment results in the list view

The paths between zones identified during the assignment and their
composition from path legs can be displayed in the PuT path legs list.
1. Select the Network window and right-click OD PAIRS to open the shortcut
menu. Select LISTS > PUT PATH LEGS:

2. Take a look at the path legs of origin zone (OrigZoneNo) 3 to destination

zone (DestZoneNo) 5:

70 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Between the two zones, a path was found that consists of five path
legs (see column PathLegIndex (Path leg index)). You will notice that
in the column ODTrips (Passenger trips) only one passenger is
traveling on this relation.
 Zone 3 accesses the public transport network via stop point
106071816. In the column TimeProfileKeyString, you find the entry
OriginConnector, which refers to the origin connector between the
zone and the network. The access time from the origin zone to the
stop point is 4 min 39 s, the access distance is 310 m.
 Below you can see on which path legs the destination zone 5 is
reached: the 11-minute journey by bus 3 is followed by a transfer time
of 6 minutes. The passenger takes bus 4 and travels for another 21
minutes to his/her destination.
 The exit from the public transport network is through the stop point
with the number 106071828. This information is contained in the
DestConnector (destination connector). The duration for this is 6 min
56 s, the egress distance is 462 m.
3. To close the list view, click the button.

Results of the user-defined line evaluation indicator

1. In the list view, take a look at the recalculated indicator for line evaluation:
 From the LISTS menu, choose PUT SUPPLY > LINES > LINE ROUTES.
 The list is displayed as follows:

 Click the SELECT ATTRIBUTES symbol.

 In the Line routes: Select attributes window, you can edit the columns
by adding or deleting relevant attributes. Click CANCEL to close the
 To close the list view, click the button.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 71

3.4 Analyzing public transport supply quality

Open the version file 415_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER to start working on the

example in this chapter.

Stop catchment areas for analyzing accessibility

First, perform an analysis in which you examine the accessibility of the existing
stops in Oppidum. With Visum, you can visualize stop catchment areas
graphically so that you get a first impression of the general accessibility of
1. Configure the graphic parameter settings for stop catchment areas:
 In the Network window, right-click STOPS to open the shortcut menu
and select Graphic parameters > Stop catchment areas.
 Activate the options Draw and Constant.
 Enter a radius of 400m for the catchment areas.
 Select Smooth color transition and choose any Center color.
 In the tree view, go to the main item Stop catchment areas.
 Activate the option Draw layer Stop catchment areas and deactivate
the option Avoid overlapping when drawing.
 Click OK to close the dialog.

2. Look at the stop catchment areas: The territories located at a direct

distance of less than 400 m from the bus stop are highlighted in color. You
will notice that the eastern part of Oppidum is not well connected to the
bus network.

72 PTV Visum – Tutorial

This status of the network can be found here: 416_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

3. Disable the display of the stop catchment areas:

 From the GRAPHIC menu, choose EDIT GRAPHIC PARAMETERS. In the
tree view, select STOP CATCHMENT AREAS.
 Deactivate the check box Draw layer Stop catchment areas and click
OK to close the dialog.

Analyzing stop accessibility using filters for connectors

You can also use filters for connectors to examine stop accessibility. In
addition to accessibility, we want to use another analysis criterion. The origin
demand for public transport should include at least 25 passengers and the
mean access time should be at least 5 minutes. To solve this task, we use the
filter options in Visum. More specifically, we will combine the graphical output
of connectors with a filter for connectors.
1. Enable the graphical output of connectors:
 In the Network window, click the Graphic layer symbol for connectors:

2. Configure the filter settings for the connectors:

 Move the mouse pointer over the Filter symbol and right-click:

 The Filter for Connectors dialog opens. In the column Attribute, click
the button for the new filter criterion and select the attribute Zone >
Mean access time PuT.
 Select ≥ Value as operation.
 In the Operand cell, enter the value 5 min as the new filter criterion.
 Add an additional filter criterion by clicking the CREATE symbol.
 Select the attribute TSysSet (transport systems).
 As the operation, select Contains at least one.
 Click , select the entry PUTW PuT Walk, and confirm
with OK.
 Add another filter criterion by clicking CREATE.
 Click ATTRIBUTE SELECTION and select the attribute
Zone > Origin traffic-DSeg > PuT PuT.
 As the operation, select ≥ Value.
 Enter the value 25 (passengers) as the criterion.
 Make sure that all three filter criteria are linked by AND by clicking the
buttons in the Combination column if required.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 73

 Activate the option Use filter and click OK to close the dialog.
 Now only those connectors that meet the defined filter criteria (that is
the mean access time for public transport is at least 5 minutes, the
transport system is PuT-Walk and the origin traffic for public transport
is at least 25 passengers) are displayed.
3. To display the zones that also meet the filter criteria for connectors, i.e.
that have at least one active origin connector, proceed as follows:
 In the Network window, left-click the GRAPHIC LAYER symbol for zones:

 All zone numbers are displayed.

 Open the filter for zones by right-clicking the filter symbol.

 In the column Attribute, click the symbol for the new filter criterion and
select the attribute Origin connectors >
 Click OK to confirm.
 As the operation, select ≥ Value.
 Enter the value 1 as the criterion.
 Activate the check box Use filter and close the dialog by clicking OK.
 Note that this filter is linked to the filter for connectors because the
latter determines the number of active and passive connectors.
 To deactivate the display of passive zones, right-click the GRAPHIC
LAYER symbol to open the Graphic parameters dialog for zones.
 Go to the [PASSIVE] tab and deactivate the option Draw object.
 In the tree view, go to the Zones entry and deactivate the Avoid
overlapping when drawing option.
 Repeat the steps for deactivating passive objects after you have
selected the Display of Connectors in the tree view. On the [PASSIVE]
tab, deactivate the check box Draw object.

74 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Click OK to close the dialog.
4. This screenshot illustrates that some of the zones, in particular those in
the east of the bypass (no. 22,26,27,63 and 66) are not well connected to
the public transport system, despite the high traffic volume in this area.

This status of the network can be found here: 417_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

5. After checking the connector bars, you can revert the graphic parameter
and filter settings:
 In the Network window, click the symbols for the graphic layer
connector and the connector filter:

 In the Network window, click the buttons for the zones graphic layer
and the zones filter:

Public transport demand in Oppidum East

In the previous analysis, you noticed that access to public transport is not
sufficient in the eastern parts of Oppidum. Take a look at the destinations for
which there is a great demand for public transport in these zones. This
information will help you derive suitable measures for improving public
transport supply, such as redirecting one of the bus lines through the eastern
parts of Oppidum.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 75

1. Open the graphic parameter file 417_DESIRELINES_PUT.GPA to display the
desire line bars. This file contains the display settings to visualize the
public transport demand of the zones in the east of the city (zones 21 to
23, 26 to 28, and 63 to 66):
 From the FILE menu, choose OPEN FILE > GRAPHIC PARAMETERS.
 Open the file 417_DESIRELINES_PUT.GPA. This prompts the dialog
Read graphic parameters: Select.
 Activate the Read selected parameters option.
 In the column Read, activate the check boxes Layer and Desire lines
zones, deactivate all other entries and confirm with OK.
 The desire line bars are displayed for the zones defined for the
network. You will notice that a large part of the transport demand in
these zones is directed towards A-City (zone number 70), which is
located north-east of Oppidum.

This status of the network can be found here: 418_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

2. After checking the output, disable the desire line bars:

 In the Network window, click the graphic layer for OD pairs.

76 PTV Visum – Tutorial

Further accessibility analysis with public transport isochrones
You can use isochrones to examine the accessibility of network objects. In the
following, we will examine which places can be reached from the bus terminal
within 5 minutes using public transport.
1. Configure the graphic parameter settings for isochrones:
 In the tree view, select 2D display.
 Activate the Draw layer 2D display option.
 As a network object, select Stop areas from the list box.
 Click the field under the list box and select the Isochrones time PuT
 The default setting for the upper limit of value classification is 5
minutes. Keep the default setting and the remaining classification
 To close the dialog, click OK. The Network editor background is now
highlighted in red.
2. Select the network object for which you want to draw isochrones:
 From the GRAPHICS menu, choose ISOCHRONES.
 In the Isochrones window, make the following settings:

 Right-click into the Network editor. A dialog opens that allows you to
select a stop area. Select the stop area of the bus station (Name:
Bus terminal, Number 106062575).
 In the Isochrones window, click the EXECUTE symbol. The following
isochrones are displayed:

PTV Visum – Tutorial 77

 You will notice that in the time interval between 07:00 and 08:00 a.m.,
the stop Karl-von-Draiss-Straße (Number 106062607) can be
reached within 5 minutes using public transport. The concentric
circles around the stop show the places that can then be reached on
foot within the given time frame of five minutes. (The calculation is
based on direct distance and access speed V-access set for the 2D
display in the graphic parameters dialog.)

This status of the network can be found here: 419_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

3. After viewing the isochrones, deactivate the display.

 In the Isochrones window, click the INITIALIZE symbol.
 Close the Isochrones window.
 In the tree view, select 2D display.
 Deactivate the option Draw layer 2D display. Then click OK to close
the dialog.

Analyzing passenger transfers

Get a list of the stops where a particularly large number of passengers
transfer. Make use of the various graphic parameter settings available. Show
the number of passenger transfers in a circle around the stops. To do so, you
can use stop catchment areas.
1. Select the graphic parameter settings for stop catchment areas:
 In the Network window, right-click STOPS and, from the shortcut menu,
choose Graphic parameters > Stop catchment areas.
 Activate the Uniform display option.

78 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Activate the Draw option.
 Activate the Determine from attribute option.
 Click the attribute selection and select the attribute Passengers
transferring total (AP).
 As a weighting factor for the attribute, enter 0.3 so that the circles
displayed are not too large.
 Select the Simple fill option.
 In the tree view, click Stop catchment areas and select the option
Draw layer stop catchment areas.
 Click the PREVIEW button. Circles are drawn around the stops. Their
radius depends on the number of passenger transfers at the stop.
2. In addition, we want to label the circles with the number of transferring
passengers and the stop name:
 In the tree view, click Stops. Then activate the Draw layer stops
 Switch to the subitem Display and select the Draw table option.
 Switch to the subitem Table and select the Draw table option.
 In each case, select the Name attribute in the first row by clicking the
attribute selection button. Then click the
symbol. From the shortcut menu, choose Attribute value and select
the Passengers transferring total (AP) attribute.
 Make the following settings:

 Click the PREVIEW button.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 79

3. The Stop catchment areas layer is still drawn on top of the Stops layer that
contains the stop labels. In the Graphic parameters dialog, change the
order of the layers.
 In the tree view, click Layer.
 In the section on the right, select Stop catchment areas.
 Use the arrow symbols and to move the layer Stop catchment
areas below the Stops layer.
 Click the OK button to close the Graphic parameters dialog.
You will notice that there are large numbers of transfers at the Bus terminal
(1183 persons), at Karl-von-Draiss-Straße (182 persons), and at the stop
Kurze Straße (260 persons).

This status of the network can be found here: 420_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

4. Turn the display off again:

 In the tree view, select Stops, and under the subitem Table,
deactivate Draw table.
 In the tree view, select Stop catchment areas and deactivate Draw
stop catchment areas.
 Click OK to close the dialog.

80 PTV Visum – Tutorial

Analyzing transfer wait times
We want to examine the transfer wait times for trips between individual zones.
To do so, we will use the skim matrices that were calculated with the
1. Take a look at the calculated skim matrix for transfer wait times:
 Select the Matrices window.
 Select matrix number 4 TWTA (PuT PuT) containing the Transfer
wait time adapted PuT and click the EDIT symbol.

 This opens the matrix in the matrix editor. The matrix shows the mean
transfer wait times of trips between the individual zones.
 To close the skim matrix, click the button.
2. We want to identify the OD pairs with high travel demand and high transfer
wait times. To do so, we first need to set a filter for OD pairs.
 In the Network window, right-click the filter symbol to open the filter
for OD pairs dialog:

 Click the button in the Attribute column and select the attribute Matrix
value > 4 Transfer wait time adapted PuT.
 Select the operation ≥ Value.
 As the criterion, enter 10 (minutes) in the Operand column.
 Select the attribute Matrix value > 1 PuT_Assignment_24h.
 Select the operation ≥ Value.
 As the criterion, enter 10 (persons) in the Operand column.
 Select Use filter and click OK to close the dialog.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 81

3. We want to include the filtered OD pairs in the network as desire line bars.
Use the graphic parameters selection to load an existing graphic
parameter file. It contains all the settings needed:
 Make sure the project directory for GPA files is \ADDITIONAL_DATA\.

 On the Graphic parameters toolbar of the network editor, click the list
box with the graphic parameters selection. All GPA files saved to the
project directory of graphic parameters are listed here.

82 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 If required, click the symbol (ZOOM OUT) to change the selected
network section.
 Desire line bars are displayed for all relations with a mean transfer
wait time of more than 10 minutes and demand of more than 10
passengers per day. The bar width is determined by the public
transport demand between the zones. You should be able to see that
the relations between A-Village, B-Village, and D-Village to B-Town
show long transfer wait times and high travel demand.

This status of the network can be found here: 421_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

4. After checking the output, disable the desire line bars:

 In the Network window, click the GRAPHICS LAYER symbol and the
FILTER for OD pairs symbol:

Analyzing stop utilization (public transport flow bundle)

In a network for which an assignment has been calculated, a flow bundle is
used to filter the high-volume paths between origin and destination by various
criteria. These paths are then displayed in the network as well as in a
corresponding list. A flow bundle consists of all the paths that traverse the
network objects you select (such as stops, links, or zones). In the following,
you will use a flow bundle to determine the passengers who make the most

PTV Visum – Tutorial 83

use of the bus terminal in Oppidum: those who board, transfer, or alight at this
1. Open a graphic parameters file that contains the settings for the public
transport flow bundle:
 From the FILE menu, choose OPEN FILE > GRAPHIC PARAMETERS.
 Open the 421_FLOWBUNDLE.GPA file.
 Select Read all graphic parameters and click OK.
2. Take a look at the flow bundle:
 Choose GRAPHICS > FLOW BUNDLE from the menu.
 One criterion for public transport with the stop Bus terminal (No.
106062529) has been defined.
 In the Condition column, click the button next to stop 106062529.
 The Edit flow bundle term dialog opens. On the [PASSENGER TYPES] tab,
you can make additional settings for Passenger types. Make sure that
Transfers is selected. Click OK to close the Edit flow bundle dialog.

84 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 The blue flow bundle (calculated during the assignment) shows the
paths used by passengers transferring at the bus station.

 Close the Flow bundle window.

3. Do the same analysis for passengers boarding at the bus terminal:
 From the GRAPHICS menu, choose FLOW BUNDLE.
 In the Flow bundle window, click the INITIALIZE symbol. This will
delete the previous results.
 In the list boxes at the top left of the window, click PuT and Stop.
 In the network, click the stop Bus terminal.
 Click the button to open the Edit flow bundle term dialog. On the
[PASSENGER TYPES] tab, select Origin boardings only and deselect the
other options. Click OK to close the dialog.
 In the Flow bundle window, click the EXECUTE symbol.
 As you can see, more passengers use the bus terminal for
transferring between bus lines than for boarding.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 85

4. Carry out the same analysis for the alighting passengers:
 Click the INITIALIZE symbol.
 Repeat step 3, but in the Edit flow bundle term dialog, select
Destination alightings.
 Again, you can see that more passengers use the bus terminal for
transferring than for alighting.

86 PTV Visum – Tutorial

This status of the network can be found here: 422_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

5. You can save the flow bundle settings to a GPA file for later use:
 Type FLOWBUNDLEALIGHT in the Graphic parameters selection box
and press ENTER.
 The GPA file is saved to the GPA project directory.
 In the Graphic parameters selection list box, click another file to
change the view. Then select FLOWBUNDLEALIGHT again to return to
the flow bundle view.
6. You can also view the analysis results in a list:
 From the LISTS menu, choose PATHS > PUT PATH LEGS.
 In the Selection list box, click Flow bundle routes.
 Only the routes that meet the flow bundle filter criteria are shown in
the list.
 Click the button to close the list view.
7. Initialize the flow bundle view again:
 From the GRAPHICS menu, choose FLOW BUNDLE. In the window
Graphics tools (Flow bundle), click INITIALIZE.
 Click the button to close the window.

The analysis of the public transport supply revealed insufficient accessibility
of the stops in the east of Oppidum and long transfer wait times on some of
the OD relations with high demand. In the following section, you will plan
potential improvements to the public transport supply.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 87

3.5 Measures to improve public transport supply

Open the version file 423_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER to start working on the

example in this chapter.

Creating new stops

To improve public transport accessibility in the east part of Oppidum, new
stops are planned. Create the stops as follows:
1. On the toolbar of the Network editor window, click the INSERT MODE
symbol. Then in the Network window, click STOP POINTS:

2. From the EDIT menu, choose USER PREFERENCES. In the tree view, select
Network > Stop points. The stop points shall be inserted on links (so-called
Link stop points). Select Permit creation of link stop points and click OK to
confirm your choice.
3. Create a stop point with a mouse click at the two positions shown in the
figure. The stop point Achalmstraße lies between nodes 106062148 and
106062280. The stop point Scheffelweg is located between nodes
106062455 and 106062426.

4. Answer YES to the question about deleting the assignment result. This is
necessary, as the assignment paths are determined by the stop points in
the model.
5. In the Network editor window, switch to the EDIT MODE. Name the
added stops as shown in the figure. To do so, click them. You can then
edit the Code and Name in the Quick view (Stop points) window.

88 PTV Visum – Tutorial

This status of the network can be found here: 424_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

Changing the spatial course of lines

The new stop points have to be included in the spatial course of the bus line.
For this purpose, we will redirect the course of an existing bus line. Demand
for a bus service exists in the zones that have been poorly served by public
transport so far, especially in the direction of A-City (see chapter 3.4). It thus
makes sense to redirect bus number 1, which operates in this direction, to
service these stops.
1. Redirect the course of the line route (edit shape). You can do this for both
directions at the same time:
 In the Network window, click the LINES button.

 The Line routes dialog opens. Select both directions, up and down,
for bus number 1 (B1-LR1-H and B1-LR1-R).
 Right-click the Network editor window. From the shortcut menu,
choose Edit course. Alternatively, press the F5 key.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 89

 In the Edit course mode, you can move and fix the position of the
profile points of the route. To fix the position of a node on the route,
click it. If a node is clicked and dragged between two fixed profile
points, the line route is calculated based on the shortest paths
between the fixed profile points and the moved profile point. Some
short examples can be found in the online Help: HELP > PTV VISUM
to open the context-sensitive Help.
 Edit the shape of the line route as follows:
Click the highlighted profile
points (No. 106062114 and
106062377) to fix them.

Click another profile point that

lies on the line route (red)
between the two previously fixed
profile points and keep the
mouse button held down. Drag
the tip of the dashed triangle to
the highlighted profile point (No.

90 PTV Visum – Tutorial

Click this profile point (No.
106062455) to fix it.

Click the highlighted profile point

(No. 106062276) and drag the tip
of the dashed triangle to the
highlighted profile point (No.

Click this profile point (No.

106062148) to fix it.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 91

Click the highlighted profile point
(No. 106062332) and drag the tip
of the dashed triangle to the
highlighted profile point (No.

The line route should have this


When you have finished editing the course, in the Edit course dialog,
click the OK button.
 As the course of the line route has changed, the assignment
previously calculated for it and the line costing result are no longer
valid. This is why a dialog is displayed in which you are asked to
confirm the deletion of the results. Confirm with YES.

Visum automatically adjusts the run times between the stops when the line
course is changed. When lines are changed, the user is thus not required to
make any further adjustments.

2. Next, create public transport connectors to allow passengers in the model

to use the new stops. First, set a connector filter that filters connectors for
public transport pedestrians:

92 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 In the Network window, right-click the FILTER symbol to open the Filter
for connectors dialog.

 You only need one filter criterion. Therefore, delete two of the
remaining filter criteria by selecting the rows and clicking DELETE.
 Next to the remaining criterion, press the attribute selection button
and select the TSys-Set (transport systems) attribute.
 As the operation, choose Contains at least one.
 Click , select the entry PUTW PuT Walk and confirm with
 Make sure that the Use filter option is selected and click OK to close
the filter dialog.

3. Delete the existing public transport connectors and create new ones:
 In the Network window, click the network object type CONNECTORS.

 Right-click CONNECTORS and from the shortcut menu, choose Multi-

 Answer the question about deleting the connectors with OK.
 Make sure that all zones are active, i.e. in the Network window, click
the FILTER symbol for zones if the filter is activated.

 In the Network window, right-click CONNECTORS and from the shortcut

menu, choose Create.
 Select PuT, keep the remaining settings, and click OK.
4. View the newly created connectors in the network editor:
 In the Network window, click the GRAPHIC LAYER symbol for

PTV Visum – Tutorial 93

 You will notice that there are now new connectors between the zones
and nodes that are closest to the new stops.

5. Reset the graphic parameter settings:

 In the Network window, click the GRAPHIC LAYER symbol for

6. Reset the filter settings:

 In the Network window, click the FILTER symbol for connectors:

This status of the network can be found here: 425_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

Analyzing and changing trips

To optimize passenger transfer times at the bus terminal, we will examine its
arriving and departing bus services. As a result of the analysis, we will
implement measures for better coordination of the services at this stop. We
will first use the transfers display of regular services to closely analyze the
connecting journeys at this stop. The transfers display of regular services is
helpful when it comes to evaluating services, as it includes the services’
passenger volumes, passenger transfers, and transfer times. We will then use
the timetable editor to shift vehicle journeys for better coordination of
passenger transfers.
1. Open the transfers display of regular services to take a look a the service
times at the bus terminal stop:
 To open the transfers display of regular services, from the VIEW menu,

94 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 In the Stop list box, click the stop bus terminal. Limit the time
window display to From 06:00:00 To 08:00:00. Leave all other
settings unchanged.

 To visualize passenger volumes of vehicle journeys and transfers in

this view, you must save this information in the assignment result.
the tree view on the left, below PuT settings, click Assignment. Then
change the setting for Save transfers to Between vehicle journeys.
Keep the other settings.
 Close the General procedure settings with OK.
 To perform a public transport assignment, open the Procedure
sequence window. From the CALCULATE menu, choose PROCEDURE
SEQUENCE. Select the row for the procedure PuT assignment.
 Click the EDIT symbol to change the settings and parameters for the
 On the BASIS page, disable Calculate skim matrices. Then click OK to
close the dialog.
 Select procedure 1 again and right-click it. From the shortcut menu,
choose Execute marked procedures. The public transport
assignment is calculated.
 Switch to the transfers display of regular services.
 Open the graphic parameters file for this view. From the menu
bars for vehicle journeys are displayed along the outer edge of the
clock. The transfer flows for the Bus terminal stop are displayed
within the circle.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 95

 To display transfer times, click an arrow for one or several arriving
journeys (arrow pointing towards circle) and then an arrow for a
departing journey (arrow pointing away from circle). When you click
an arrow, hold down the CTRL key.

 Also hold down the CTRL key to deselect the arrow again.
 The transfer flow bars show that there is only little room for
improvement of some major connecting journeys, i.e. transfer times
are within 10min. In contrast, there are long transfer times of 24 and
15 minutes for passengers arriving at minutes 41 and 44.
2. Use the timetable editor to shift some of the vehicle journeys to reduce
passenger transfer times:
 To open the timetable, from the VIEW menu, choose TIMETABLE
 In the Edit line selection dialog, select Keep.
 In the Timetable lines window, click the button EDIT BASIC LINE
SELECTION . Then select bus line Bus 4 and close the dialog
 In the Timetable lines window, click the EXPAND ALL symbol to expand
the tree. Then select all checkboxes for the direction down.

96 PTV Visum – Tutorial

 Select the first two vehicle journeys (No. 149 and 150) that arrive at
the Bus terminal at 6:41 and 7:41. To do so, hold the CTRL key
down when you click the column headers.
 Right-click the header. From the shortcut menu, choose MOVE
VEHICLE JOURNEY TO DIFFERENT TIME.... In the dialog, enter 10min Later.
 A message is displayed indicating that the assignment result is
deleted. When prompted to respond to the Continue? Confirm., click
 Repeat the steps to shift vehicle journeys of the bus line 5: To change
the selection of lines, click the EDIT BASIC LINE SELECTION symbol. Then
select Bus 5. Expand the tree below Lines. To select the checkboxes
for all levels, click the SELECT ALL symbol.
 Bus 5 is a circle line which starts and ends at the Bus terminal. The
vehicle journeys for up and down run in opposite directions. Select
the columns of the two journeys that arrive at the Bus terminal at
7:44:35 (No. 169 and 181), and move their times by 10 minutes. To
do so, in the Shift vehicle journey(s) dialog, enter 10min Later.
 The two vehicle journeys now start 7:40:00 and end at 7:54:35.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 97

 Click the CLOSE button to close the tabular timetable.
 Switch to the procedure sequence. Select the row for procedure 1.
Right-click it to open the shortcut menu of the procedure sequence.
Then select Execute marked procedures. The assignment is
 Switch to the Transfers display of regular services. You can see the
expected result, i.e. the transfer times for passengers arriving with
bus 4 or 5 are shortened without any other changes.
 Click the button to close the Transfers display of regular
services and the Procedure sequence.

The example in its current state has been saved to 426_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

98 PTV Visum – Tutorial

3.6 Comparison of the planning and the current state
In the last chapter, you planned measures to improve public transport supply.
Now compare the planned and the current version of the bus network in

Open the version file 426_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER to start working on the

example in this chapter.

Procedure calculation based on the planning state

To compare the planned and current version of the bus network, first,
recalculate the assignment, skims, and your user-defined skim for line
evaluation. Save the line evaluation to another user-defined attribute
LineEvaluation_Plan, as the skim values have changed due to the measures
introduced in the planned version. This way, the LineEvaluation_Act data is
not lost and you can compare the current and planned versions more easily.
1. First, create the user-defined attribute LineEvaluation_Plan:
The Lists (attributes) window opens.
 Click the CREATE toolbar button.
 In the list box, click the network object Line routes. Then click OK.
 The dialog Create user-defined attribute (line routes) opens.
Configure the following settings:

PTV Visum – Tutorial 99

 Click OK to confirm your entries.
 Close the List (attributes) window.
2. Adjust the procedure settings and do a recalculation:
 To open the procedure sequence, from the CALCULATE menu, choose
 Select the row with the procedure PuT assignment. Then click the
EDIT button to open the Parameters: Assignment procedure:
Timetable-based dialog.
 On the BASIS page, select Calculate skim matrices.
 Switch to the SKIM MATRICES page.
 Enter the filename PUT_SKIM_PLAN and click OK.
 Then, in the Procedure sequence dialog, select the row with the
procedure Edit attribute and click the EDIT button.
 In the Parameters ‘Edit attribute’ dialog, select the target attribute
LineEvaluation_Plan and keep the formula for attribute calculation.
 Confirm by clicking OK.
 Make sure that all three procedures have been selected.
 Click the START PROCEDURE SEQUENCE symbol to recalculate the
 Click the Close button, to close the procedure sequence.

100 PTV Visum – Tutorial

The example in its current state has been saved to 427_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER..

Accessibility of stops in the planned network

Take a look at how you can improve stop accessibility by creating new bus
1. Open the graphic parameter file 427_CATCHMENTAREAS.GPA to view the
stop catchment areas:
 From the FILE menu, choose OPEN > GRAPHIC PARAMETERS.
 Open the file 427_CATCHMENTAREAS.GPA.
 In the dialog Read graphic parameters: Select, select Read selected
 Click the UNCHECK ALL button to deselect all options.
 In the Read column, select the checkboxes Stop catchment areas
and Layer.
 Click OK to confirm.
2. View the bus stop catchment areas shown in the network editor: The areas
from which a bus stop is less than 400m linear distance away are shown
in blue. The eastern part of Oppidum is now much better connected to the
bus network:

Stop catchment areas current state Stop catchment areas planned state

The example in its current state has been saved to 428_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER.

3. Deactivate the display of stop catchment areas:

 In the tree view, click Stop catchment areas.
 Deselect the option Draw layer Stop catchment areas and click OK to
close the dialog.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 101

Comparison of planned and current state of stop accessibility with lists
Visum also allows you to further process acquired data in external applications
such as spreadsheet programs. Next, you will display the accessibility of stops
in the planned network as a list and compare it to the existing network in the
spreadsheet program Microsoft Excel.
1. Open the zones list and set the list layout options:
 Right-click ZONES and, from the shortcut menu, choose List.
 Click the Show only active zones symbol .
 Click the SELECT ATTRIBUTES symbol.
 Hold down the CTRL key and, in the list on the right, select all
attributes except for Number and Name. Then click the DELETE
symbol .
 In the list on the left, select the Mean access time PuT attribute. Then
click the ADD symbol .
 Change the format settings for this attribute to Seconds and click OK
to close the dialog.
2. Load a filter file to filter for zones that lie in Oppidum east:
 From the FILTERS menu, choose OPEN FILTER FILE.
 Open the file 428_FILTER_ZONES.FIL and in the dialog that opens, click
3. Copy the filtered list to the clipboard and insert it in a spreadsheet program
such as Microsoft Excel:
 Click the COPY LIST TO CLIPBOARD... symbol .
 In the Separator list box, click Tab and deselect Save extended
attribute information.
 To confirm your choice, in the Save attributes (zones) dialog, click
 Open your spreadsheet program (in our case: Microsoft Excel) and
open the file 428_MATPUT_TEMPLATE.XLS.
 Right-click row A1 and from the shortcut menu, choose Paste to insert
the list. As the spreadsheet calculation formulas have are already
been saved to the table, you do not have to make any further settings.
Column “I” contains the differences in access times.
 You will notice that the accessibility to stops in the east of Oppidum
has considerably improved. Note: The zones which had an access
time of 0s in the current state were not connected to public transport
at all, since they were more than 1km away from the next stop:

102 PTV Visum – Tutorial

This status of the network has been saved to 429_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER and

4. Click the button to close the list view.

5. In the Network window, click the ZONE FILTER symbol to deactivate it.

Comparing transfer wait times

To analyze changes in transfer wait times of journeys between the zones, use
the matrix editor to subtract the matrix of the current network from the matrix
in the planned network.
1. Open the Matrices window and collapse the tree view.
2. Select the entry for skim matrix 4 TWTA (PuT PuT). Then click the EDIT
3. The matrix editor opens. The matrix shows the mean transfer wait times
of trips between the zones.

4. On the matrix editor toolbar, click the SUBTRACT symbol .

5. Select Load matrix from file and choose the matrix file
429_TRANSFERWAITTIME_ACT.MTX. This matrix contains the transfer wait
times in the current network.
6. Click the OK button. Subtraction of the two matrices is carried out.
7. To load the graphic parameters of the matrix editor, from the MATRIX
Select the file 429_TRANSFERWAITTIME_DIFF.GPM. The matrix cell
background is highlighted in color based on the matrix value classification
8. The matrix shows for which OD relations the transfer wait times could be
reduced in the planned network (negative values – green background) and
for which OD pairs they increased (positive values – orange background).
OD pairs not affected by the changes are displayed with a white
background. Matrix cells of OD pairs for which no transfer time was shown
in the current state because the origin or destination zone has no access
to public transport are grayed out.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 103

You can find the difference in transfer wait times in the matrix file

9. Undo the subtraction with the UNDO button in order not to overwrite
the transfer times.
10. Exit the matrix editor by clicking the CLOSE button .

Comparing line evaluations

Finally, we want to analyze the planned changes in the public transport
network from an efficiency point of view. In the previous chapters, we had
created the user-defined attributes LineEvaluation_Act and
LineEvaluation_Plan for this purpose. Compare these indicators for bus line
1, whose course you changed during planning.
1. Open the list view for line routes and customize the layout:
 From the LISTS menu, choose PUT SUPPLY > LINES > LINE ROUTES.
 Click the SELECT ATTRIBUTES symbol .
 Hold the CTRL key down and select all attributes under Link run time
except for the user-defined attributes LineEvaluation_Act and

 Click the DELETE symbol to remove the attributes from the

 Click OK to return to the list view.
2. Compare the line evaluation changes between the current and the
planned network for line 1. You will notice that the user-defined attribute
values for line evaluation do not only increase for both directions of line 1
but also for all the other lines as well. This means that the ratio of
passenger kilometers (number of passengers boarding a line x distance
traveled from boarding to alighting stop) to service kilometers (number
of departures x distance traveled) has increased. Hence more passenger
kilometers per service kilometer are traveled. Thus, the efficiency of the
bus network would benefit from the measures in the planned network.

104 PTV Visum – Tutorial

The example in its current state has been saved to 430_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER..

You have now completed your first small public transport project and gained
an overview of typical workflows and important features in Visum.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 105

Directory of the sample data

Visum version files of the example project:

File name Description Reference
400_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Current PrT network as the basis for 2.1
the new PrT project. The network
does not include the planned bypass
or zones.
401_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER PrT network with digitized bypass. 2.1
402_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER PrT network in which the display of 2.1
the bypass has been adjusted using
the user-defined attribute link
403_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER PrT network in which the nodes 2.1
have been classified, including
allocation of default values from the
turn standards to the turns.
404_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER PrT network with zones. 2.2
405_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER PrT network with PrT connectors. 2.2
406_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER PrT network with integrated demand 2.2
matrix and thus finalized demand
407_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER PrT network with calculated 2.3
assignment (Equilibrium_Lohse) and
408_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER PrT network where volumes 2.3
calculated in the assignment are
displayed as link bars.
409_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER PrT network with flow bundle 2.4
410_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER PrT network with turn volume 2.4
411_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Current public transport project 3.1
network as the basis for the new
public transport project.
412_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network with 3.2
integrated demand matrix.
413_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network in which 3.2
desire line bars are used to illustrate
414_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network including 3.3
calculated timetable-based
assignment and skims.

106 PTV Visum – Tutorial

415_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network including 3.3
the display of volumes (calculated
during assignment) illustrated by link
416_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network including 3.4
the display of current stop
catchment areas.
417_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network including 3.4
the display of filtered connectors (as
418_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network including 3.4
the display of desire line bars for
public transport demand in
Oppidium East (as is).
419_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network including 3.4
the display of public transport
isochrones (as is).
420_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network including 3.4
desire line bar analysis of passenger
transfers (as is).
421_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network with desire 3.4
line bar analysis of transfer wait time
(as is).
422_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network including 3.4
flow bundle analysis relating to
passengers transferring at the bus
423_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Current public transport network. 3.4
424_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Planned public transport network 3.5
with new stops.
425_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Planned public transport network 3.5
with new course of bus lines.
426_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Planned public transport network 3.5
with shifted vehicle journeys.
427_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Planned public transport network 3.6
with calculated assignment and
428_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network including 3.6
the display of planned stop
catchment areas.
429_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport including filtered 3.6
zones (as planned).
430_VISUMTUTORIAL.VER Public transport network with final 3.6
comparison of line evaluations.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 107

Additional data:
File name Type Description Reference
403_OPPIDUM_ZONE_ Shapefile Shapefile with zones. 2.2
403_OPPIDUM_ZONE_ Shapefile Associated binary file. 2.2
403_OPPIDUM_ZONE_ Shapefile Associated attribute name 2.2
403_OPPIDUM_ZONE_ Shapefile Associated attribute value 2.2
405_CAR_24H.MTX Visum Demand matrix for motor 2.2
matrix file vehicles (private transport).
408_LAYOUT_VERSION Visum Layout file for version 2.4
COMPARISON.NET network comparison.
408_VERSIONCOMPAR Visum Graphic parameters for the 2.4
ISON.GPA graphic display of the version
parameters comparison.
408_VERSIONCOMPAR Visum Graphic parameters for the 2.4
ISON_FINAL.GPA graphic display of the version
parameters comparison.
408_LISTLAYOUT_VER Visum list Layout file for the list 2.4
SIONCOMPARISON.LLA layout display for version
408_PRT_RUNTIME_DI Visum Calculated difference in run 2.4
FF.MTX matrix file times between planned and
current state.
PRT_SKIM.TTC Visum Skim calculation for the 2.4
matrix file travel time between zones
(current state).
408_OPPIDUM_ASSIGN Visum Current network state 2.4
MENT_ACT.VER version file (without bypass) with
calculated assignment.
411_PUT_24H.MTX Visum Demand matrix for public 3.2
matrix file transport.
417_DESIRELINES_PU Visum Graphic parameters for 3.4
T.GPA graphic displaying the matrix line
parameters bars for public transport
file demand in Oppidum East.
420_DESIRELINES_TR Visum Graphic parameters for the 3.4
ANSFERS.GPA graphic display of matrix line bars
parameters for passenger transfers.

108 PTV Visum – Tutorial

421_FLOWBUNDLE.GP Visum Graphic parameters for the 3.4
A graphic display of public transport
parameters flow bundles.
424_BUSNET_PLAN.NE Visum Network file with newly 3.5
T network file created stops and routes.
426_TRANSFERDISPLA Visum Setting the graphic 3.5
Y-BUSTERMINAL.GPTA graphic parameters for the
parameters Transfers display of regular
file services.
427_CATCHMENTAREA Visum Graphic parameters for the 3.6
S.GPA graphic display of the stop
parameters catchment areas.
428_FILTER_ZONES.FI Visum filter Filter settings to activate 3.6
L file the zones in Oppidum
428_MATPUT_PLAN- Excel file Final comparison of stop 3.6
ACT.XLS accessibility between
current state and planning
428_MATPUT_TEMPLA Excel file Template for the 3.6
TE.XLS comparison of stop
accessibility (current state
and planning state).
429_TRANSFERWAITTI Visum Matrix showing the 3.6
ME_DIFF.MTX matrix file difference in transfer wait
times between planning
state and current state of
the transport network.
429_TRANSFERWAITTI Visum Matrix with transfer waiting 3.6
ME_ACT.MTX matrix file times (current state of the
transport network).
429_TRANSFERWAITTI Visum Graphic parameters for 3.6
ME_DIFF.GPM graphic display in the matrix editor.
PUT_SKIM_ACT.TWTA Visum Matrix with mean transfer 3.3
matrix file wait time (current state of
the transport network).
PUT_SKIM_PLAN.TWTA Visum Matrix with mean transfer 3.6
matrix file wait time (planning state of
the transport network).
PATHSETTINGS.PFD Visum Settings for the Visum 3.6
project project directories.

PTV Visum – Tutorial 109

110 PTV Visum – Tutorial

PTV Planung Transport Verkehr GmbH

Haid-und-Neu-Straße 15
D - 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 721 9651-300
Fax +49 (0) 721 9651-562

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