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C.K. Ranganathan
President TIE Chennai,

Chairman & MD, CavinKare

Lateral Thinking, if you are unable to survive Fight against. Who is adapting, agile and quick decision
maker survives. This attitude win. Tropical product or tropical service which work now to be taken.
Innovation also work, cash handling at this point of time limiting to go for loan. Earn and spend
model work, if we get money within a week from the time of investment. Spend and Earn model is
investing for 1 or 2 years and then start earning, model if you are cash rich.

Never give up, strong mind is need of the hour. Believe in yourself.

Question & Answer

1. Jawahar, Coimbatore. Planning for a new project – Coir Factory. Banker is ready? Shall I go
ahead now?
• I will ask question to yourself.

Construction of Factory will take 6 months, shall I start now?

• Wait for 6 months and plan later.

2. I am in Travel industry, how to face after lockdown?
• ‘Lie Low’ now. Wait for entire globe to revive back, if you cannot survive until then, look
for alternative business. Things will not remain constant for few months from now.
More than Government it’s our responsibility as a citizen. If social distancing strictly
followed in 30 days we will not have VIRUS.
3. Balamurali, salem. Dhall Manufacturer. My competitor is High quantity Low cost. My pricing
• You should NOT do what your competitor does. Give more margin to retailer and if your
product has a reach then it’s OK. Differentiate from competitors
4. Is it better to pre-close the loan the company has cash reserve in hand?
• See if you still have money to handle if you pre-close
5. Customer spending power will be low, what strategy we should adopt?
• Down trade will happen. People expect lower priced products.
6. Somu Chokalingam – Cash is King you told. If everyone does this how liquidity in the system
will happen in the market?
• Are you sure you will make what you did in January? Answer is No we will do lesser. So,
economy will suffer. America announced it is natural disaster. India has big consumption
fortunately. Singapore depends tourism economy. India will bounce back sooner. Many
countries are against China now, for example, Japan already told 2 trillion businesses to
be withdrawn from china. India will stand to get benefitted at this time.
7. Surrounding COVID-19 change will impact human behaviour?
• Hygiene and cleanliness product will get big boost now. This is similar to SARS epidemic.
After SARS sanitizer, soap, cleaning products rose enormously. Immunity boosting food
product’s sale increased. It will be a permanent change in many areas. Work from Home
will become more. Real estate rental will reduce. 40-50% job can be done from Work
from Home. Part timers (Freelancers) will gain prominence and a significant change will
8. Salary for April ? 50% or 30% how much we shall give.
• If you are capable to give please give it. Employee is your strength. 7 stake holders are
there in every organisation.
1. Customer
2. Employees
3. Vendor
4. Bankers and financial institutions
5. Government
6. Society
7. Owner

My father used to give salary 7th 8th or 10th when I was young. One good executive
resigned when asked he told the company which I am going to give salary on 30th so
that I can plan my needs accordingly. I learned from this instance. What business is
able to plan accordingly. One man cannot win alone.

9. Many do hard work in this lockdown increment is expected, how to encourage if not
possible to give increment?
• Its good to recognise.
10. CavinKare’s Hiring policy is continuing now?
• Complete freeze, we do not take new recruitment now.
11. Is this a time to build marketing?
• If you have good cash do marketing, if do not have do mildly to make your presence felt.
12. Service industry how to promote ourself? – Audit firm
• As long as the business is there audit firm is ever green. You try to give free advice and
support now. Later you will be getting good customers after. Approach proactively. Give
value you will get customers automatically.
13. China business will possibly be shifted to India. In what way India should be equipped,
compared to China?
• You should show the route to the customer later after regular business you should tell
you will reduce your price in future.
14. Muralikrishna. Readymade showroom 100 employees we have. We do not know the
employee’s behaviour, how I need to handle customer. Government is expected to give loan
for low interest may be 4-5% interest. You see what works for you, plan accordingly.
Compiled by

K. Jothishankar


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