Education Aligned With Technology

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Technology is an integral part of modern
education, but how do you make sure that your
curriculum is aligned with the latest tools and
trends? Aligning your curriculum with technology
means that you use digital resources and plat form
to enhance your learning objectives, engage your
students and assess their progress. In this article,
you will learn some practical tips and strategies to
align your curriculum with technology in a meaning
full and effective way.

Technology can also improve communication and

collaboration at school. That could be collaboration
amongst students or communication between
students and teacher through an accessible or even
anonymous platform student can work together,
create shared projects and engage with their peers
through technology.
Technology- enhanced lessons can be revisited at
their own pace, allowing for self-directed learning.
This fosters a sense of ownership over their
education, instilling a lifelong love for learning.
Ultimately, the seamless alignment of EdTech with
the curriculum represents a pivotal milestone in

Educational technology can foster collaboration.

Not only can teachers engage with students during
lessons and learning games, students get to work
together to solve problem.

Technology in education has helped in imparting

the quality and standard of education by a variety
of ways and enriches the quality of pupil's
classroom experiences. Teacher's prime
responsibility is to involve students in high order of
thinking so as to help them in the transformation
of information and ideas.

The word technology can also mean the products

resulting from such efforts, including both tangible
tools such as utensils or machines, and intangible
ones such as software.
Technology is embedded into every part of
our lives because it provides a wealth of benefits—
efficiency, access, connectivity, and
personalization, to name a few. The same can be
said for the benefits of technology in education
when used as a tool for learning and teaching. In
today’s blended learning environment, rightsized
technology and technology infrastructure can help
maximize student learning both in and outside of
the classroom and support educators and academic
leaders in achieving educational priorities and

Benefits of Technology for Educators:

Primary and secondary school educators are
steadfastly dedicated to enabling students—each
with individual needs and development paths—
with the skill sets and mindsets they need to thrive
in life and in today’s technology-driven world.
Technology can be used as a powerful tool in
education to support educators in achieving their
teaching goals.
For example, technology-infused active learning
experiences can help teachers of any subject for
any age develop student social, emotional, and
practical skills through the act of completing
activities and assignments.
Technology can also be used to personalize
learning for students. Content and the delivery of
that content can be adapted to the needs and
learning styles of individual students. Access to
real-time student data can help teachers assess
student progress, adjust their approach at a class-
wide or individual level, or inform
recommendations for specific asynchronous
learning opportunities.
[Technology] has really transformed the way I
teach, which means my students get to learn things
that they normally wouldn’t be able to while
developing real-world skills and discovering new
ways to communicate and collaborate.” —
Samantha Seery, teacher,
Chandler High School, Chandler, Arizona
Digital and AI-based tools can help teachers
maximize their available time and alleviate some of
their workload. For example, tools for formative
and summative assessments can be used as a first
pass at grading, saving educators time that they
can direct toward students who need additional
support in mastering learning objectives.
Videoconferencing capabilities can extend the
teaching and learning environment, enabling
virtual one-on-one sessions between a student and
teacher, or improve individual parent- and
guardian-to-teacher communication through digital
meetings and messages while helping teachers be
more efficient.
The use of technology in education also gives
students ownership over how they learn, making
education relevant to their digital lives. With access
to devices and digital resources both in and outside
the classroom, students are inspired to become
problem-solvers, critical thinkers, collaborators,
and creators—and develop a lifelong love of
Access to new digital learning tools, such as AI-
based applications that adjust question sets and
feedback based on student answers or PC-based
VR learning opportunities, can help increase
student engagement while simultaneously
supporting academic development.
Technology also enables students to develop the
technical skills and analytical mindsets they need to
be successful in today’s educational landscape and
in tomorrow’s workforce. Regular technology
usage and relevant STEM education experiences
can hone students’ problem-solving and critical
thinking skills as they learn by doing. Whether they
pursue a career in STEM or other industries,
developing technology proficiency prepares
students for future career opportunities in any
Supporting Teacher and Student Outcomes:
IT professionals know that edtech is critical to
student and educator success in today’s evolving
education environments. The right technology
investments can help IT teams keep devices and
data secure; maintain a stable, scalable
infrastructure that safeguards productivity; and
enable immersive, innovative learning experiences
for students.
Effectively enabling this level of infrastructure
starts with digital strategy at the school system
level and requires strategic alignment of
technology investments with system-level priorities
and educational objectives. Digital strategies,
including those to advance innovation, inclusivity,
educator retention, learning gap closures, and
sustainability can all benefit from technology that’s
purposefully adopted in service of these initiatives.
It is also critical to understand the day-to-day
teaching and learning needs and how and where
technology is being used so technology purchases
support the flexible and dynamic needs of today’s
blended learning environment.
The Importance of Device Selection
Teachers and students need technology that is
matched to their learning environments and
activities. Well-matched devices provide the
performance and capabilities needed for today’s
activities with room to grow alongside the students
as they progress. Well-performing technology also
helps to maximize learning time and increase
student engagement because both teachers and
students can be actively engaged in teaching and
learning rather than delayed by lagging or
unresponsive devices or services. IT teams also
benefit from performant, capable, and stable
devices that require less support time and cost.
When evaluating educational devices consider:
Forward-looking skills development needs and
learning goals.
Device usage inside and outside the classroom.
Compatibility with digital curriculum and content.
Assessment and reporting requirements.
Manageability and deployment options.
Privacy and security features.
Device functionality.
Total cost of ownership.
Intel Supports Educational Needs:
Intel empowers school systems with education
technology, solutions, and teaching and learning
resources that enable personalized learning,
immersive educational experiences, inclusive
classrooms, and a secure, scalable IT infrastructure.
10 ways technology will
impact the Indian
education system

1. Personalized Learning
Technology will enable personalized
learning experiences tailored to each
student’s pace, style, and strengths. Adaptive
learning platforms and AI-driven
assessments will help identify individual
needs, allowing educators to provide
targeted support, and fostering better
understanding and mastery of subjects.

2. Virtual Classrooms
Virtual classrooms will bridge
geographical gaps, bringing quality
education to remote areas. Students can
interact with teachers and peers, access
resources, and participate in discussions, all
from the comfort of their homes. This will
democratize education and open doors for
countless students who previously lacked

3. Interactive Content
Static textbooks will make way for
dynamic digital content. Interactive videos,
simulations, and virtual labs will make
learning engaging and immersive, enabling
students to grasp complex concepts more
easily. Visual aids will cater to different
learning styles, making education inclusive.

4. Gamified Learning
Gamification will make learning fun
and captivating. Educational games will turn
lessons into challenges, motivating students
to actively participate and learn. Gamified
elements will boost retention and critical
thinking skills.

5. Skill Development
Technology will align education with
the demands of the job market. Online
courses, webinars, and workshops will
provide opportunities for skill development
beyond traditional subjects, empowering
students with practical skills needed for the
modern workforce.

6. Teacher Empowerment
Teachers will harness technology for
efficient classroom management and
effective teaching. Digital tools will automate
administrative tasks, freeing educators to
focus on fostering meaningful student-

7. AI and Data Analytics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will
analyze data to offer insights into student
performance, learning patterns, and areas of
improvement. Educators can use this
information to tailor teaching strategies,
provide timely interventions, and ensure no
student is left behind.

8. Collaboration and Connectivity

Technology wiAssessment methods will
eacher interactions and innovative teaching
methods. ivity. E-portfolios and project-
based assessments will provide a holistic
view of a student’s capabilities.

9. Assessment Redefine

Assessment will evolve beyond

traditional exams. Technology will enable
continuous assessment, measuring not just
knowledge but also skills like critical thinking
and creativity. E-portfolios and project-based
assessments will provide a holistic view of a
student’s capabilities

10. Inclusive Education ;

Technology will ensure education is

accessible to students with diverse needs.
Assistive technologies, such as text-to-
speech and speech-to-text tools, will enable
students with disabilities to engage with
content effectively, fostering inclusivity as
envisioned by the NEP.

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