Educational Teachnology Timeline

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Paul Raizen P.

Yukifune Bse English 1B

3300 B.C.
Use of sticks and stones.
Cuneiform was developed.
Hieroglyphics and Papyrus in

600 A.D.

Use of quill pen.

Diamond sutra was printed.
Slate board were used in India.
Printing press by Johannes Gutenberg.
Pencil was invented.

Blackboards in Academic military schools.
Use of real object by Pestalozzi.
Development of Photographic process
started and was attributed to Nicephore
Niepce and later on pursued by his
associate Louis Daguerre.

Use of camera obscura.
First successful photographic process
was made.
Froebel: An actual Objects could
Manipulate by Class.
Thomas Edison invented the first
mechanical phonograph cylinder 1920
sound recording machine.
First Proper Fountain Pen was
invented. British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) began broadcasting
Maria Montesori: Use of Multi- educational radio programs for schools.
sensory Materials in Teaching Sidney Pressey’s Teaching Machine Use of Educational
BBC made the first adult education radio broadcast.
Instructional T. V.
Ballpoint and Hypertxt
– Development of photographic process led to the
emergence of 35 mm slides and filmstrips which were
commonly used.
– Overhead projector was widely used for lecture
presentations until it was eventually replaced by electronic
Instructional Design
Use of television for education was first recorded and
quickly spread around the world
Fiber-optic cable was first used to distribute cable TV


The introduction of computer-based electronic

digital cameras revolutionized photography
English Professor Charles Babbage designed the
analytical engine which served as the basic
framework of today’s computer technology.
Learning Management System (LMS)


Internet Technologies
Start of Interaction among People
within the Internet
global emergence of new
developments in the world wide
web and the internet sufficing the
needs of the users.

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