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Introduction to React JS

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Proprietary content. ©Great Learning. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use or distribution prohibited
What is React?

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Why React?

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Single Page Application

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Local Setup

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Create React App

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What if we didn’t use this tool?

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Getting Started
Create React App

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Step #1

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Step #2

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Step #3

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Step #4

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Step #5

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Next Gen. JavaScript

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Let Keyword

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Block scope of Let

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Let Declaration

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Constant Keyword

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Const Keyword

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Function-Declaration & Expression

Loads at Compile Time Loads at Runtime

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Arrow Function

Problem associated with This keyword are

resolved by Arrow function i.e no binding is req.
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Class c_name{
CLASS(Methods & }

Const x = new
Object(Instance of Class)

Methods & Properties)

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● …

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Basics of React

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Package.json Folder

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Public Folder

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Source Folder

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Files After Removal

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Functional Component

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Class Component

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Thank You

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