Garden Workshop 1

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Garden Workshop 1

GAP and the Market

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• Use teams!
What is GAP and GHP?
• GAP = Good Agricultural Practices
• GHP = Good Handling Practices
• Being GAP/GHP certified
o Produce was grown, handled, packed, and
stored in ways to minimize microbial
hazards and foodborne illnesses from
• GAP is not the same as FSMA
o Fundamental principles are similar and is
based around the FSMA
o GAP Harmonized is more strictly adhered
Why GAP?
• Shows commitment to food safety
practices and standards
o Training employees and volunteers to
maintain guidelines
o Documenting harvests
o Cleaning and sanitation standard procedures
• Increases consumer trust
o Verifies that we are following food safety
• Opens new market opportunities
o Some buyers require it (Ex. Aramark)
General Expectations with GAP
Hygiene, health, safety, and traceability
Maintaining Hygiene
• Handwashing
o Needs to be done before working
and when returning to work
o Hand sanitizer is not a replacement!
o Weird note: Dry hands with paper
• Maintain personal hygiene
• Keep the garden clean
o Keep bodily fluids away
o Discard anything in contact with
bodily fluids
o No pets in harvesting areas
First Aid and Health
• If you are sick
o Stay home and let Donita know
o Don't work with fresh produce or food contact
surfaces if you experience
▪ Diarrhea
▪ Fever
▪ Vomiting
▪ Jaundice
▪ Sore throat with Fever
▪ Lesions
• Attend to injuries immediately
o Let Donita know if an accident occurs (we
need to fill out an accident report)
• Major emergency call 911
o 1216 Wheat Street
Drinking water

• Staying hydrated is important

• Water is available in building C
• Avoid using glass, especially in
food/production areas
• Keep everything on the patio
Safety and Security in the Garden

If you see anything unusual

(suspicious persons,
vehicles, and packages),
especially with food safety
and security in production
areas report to Donita or a
Cleaning and Pest Control
• All cleaning supplies and cleaning
products are under the sink
• Clean surfaces with diluted simply green
o Ex. Produce areas, harvesting buckets,
harvesting tools
o Use paper towels
o These can be thrown in the compost
• We do not use harsh pesticides
o If there are aphids, use diluted neem oil
• If there is a field contamination
o Shovel contaminated soil in plastic bags and
dispose of it
o Let Donita know
GAP Harvesting Expectations
When on shift/harvesting areas
• Wear clean clothes
• Do not wear jewelry
o Engagement/wedding rings and watches are okay
• Keep your hair tied back
• Avoid using phones and touching face, especially when harvesting
• Chewing gum, drinking, eating, etc. has to be outside of harvesting
o Everything not work related happens on the patio
When harvesting...
• Make sure hands and supplies are clean
• Do not let harvesting bucket touch the
ground (double buckets!)
• Do not use the bucket for anything other
than harvesting
• Only harvest one species at a time
• Do not harvest decaying produce and
inspect/remove foreign objects
• Wear gloves if you have lesions on your
• Keep the buckets in the shade
• Keep less aesthetics or dropped produce in
a separate bucket
After harvesting...
• Make sure hands are clean (don't touch phones)
• Processing harvest
o Weigh everything
o Tie loose leaves together
o Make individual packets for smaller produces
o Label produce if possible (Fair Packing and Labeling Act)
o Keep harvested produce in a container in fridge
o Do not wash the produce
• Report the harvest, even the ones not being sold/donated!
• Clean harvesting supplies (buckets and shears)
If you are using the dehydrator
• Instructions are in the kitchen
• Clean herbs first and pat down with a
paper towel before processing
• Cool herbs for at least 4 hours before
placing in a container
• Herbs with large stems should have
leaves removed before drying
• Herbs with small stems should have
leaves removed after drying
• Clean tray mats between uses
If you are cleaning the
• Fill out the cleaning log
o If it was not reported then it was
not completed!
Healthy Carolina Farmer's Market

• One place our produce goes to

is the Market!
• Expectations if volunteering at
o Keep track of produce sold
o Be attentive towards interested
• Track it forward!
o Should have at least 10 hours by now
• Green Tech Demo – Tomorrow @ 5PM in GQ LC
• PD Workshop 1 – February 20th @ 7 PM in GQ LC
• Service Saturday – February 24th @ 9 – 12 in Garden
• Coaching 2 will start from March 1st – 25th
GAP Assessment (Required for TM and PL)
Making Seed Packets and
Practice Setting up Dehydrator
Feedback Form!

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